Couch to 10K in 15 weeks?



  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    Day 2 done! Do you guys usually do it every 2nd day or every couple days to make up the full week?...I waited 2 days this time but think im gonna change to every 2nd day...Not so much time inbetween might be better for me

    run on Mon, Wed, and Fri.... I make sure that there is a day between runs. Do what your body tells you... if you need two days off rest two days then run again :wink:
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    I posted a blog that is 6 yoga poses to improve running!!!!! Check it out and hopfully it will help everyone. I don't think the poses are too hard and that anyone could do them. As will anything it may take tim to get them right but that is what exercise is all about! :bigsmile:

    I found it from the facebook profile of C25K... if you have facebook I recomend you "like" their page!
  • lailenm
    lailenm Posts: 203 Member
    Did W2D1 yesterday and I struggled, just like I did with W1. But, I'm okay with that. I struggled more because of going uphill than anything. I kept moving though, and so I'm still proud of finishing. D2 tomorrow, and I'll be back to my non-hilly environment. =D
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    Did W2D1 yesterday and I struggled, just like I did with W1. But, I'm okay with that. I struggled more because of going uphill than anything. I kept moving though, and so I'm still proud of finishing. D2 tomorrow, and I'll be back to my non-hilly environment. =D

    YOU GO GIRL!!! hills are killer!?
  • kaylah_x
    kaylah_x Posts: 194 Member
    Day3 done...Think i might add an extra day in there for the first couple of weeks just to get used to it more. But today i was on 6 for walking and 8 for running with no problems so pretty happy with that!
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    Day3 done...Think i might add an extra day in there for the first couple of weeks just to get used to it more. But today i was on 6 for walking and 8 for running with no problems so pretty happy with that!

    Excelent progress... I woould add another day of cardio that isn't running. The program works really well with the amount of runs. But you may if you like, I added a "fat burn" workout on the treadmill for my extra carido!?
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    HOW IS EVERYONE DOING THIS WEEK? weither you are on week 2 or 3, I hope that you are making progress and starting to enjoy the workout :D
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    Hey guys, I'm late to this thread, but I just wanted to let you know there is a Couch to 10k program you can follow (I use the Iphone app). The running is shorter, the walks/recovery is longer, but the workout is twice as long (so you're burning more calories!) Just thought I'd throw that out there for you - that way, too, you only have to get one app (not 2).
  • kaylah_x
    kaylah_x Posts: 194 Member
    Day3 done...Think i might add an extra day in there for the first couple of weeks just to get used to it more. But today i was on 6 for walking and 8 for running with no problems so pretty happy with that!

    Excelent progress... I woould add another day of cardio that isn't running. The program works really well with the amount of runs. But you may if you like, I added a "fat burn" workout on the treadmill for my extra carido!?

    Yeah not too sure what i'll do yet. I do my JM dvds and that on my off days to this so thats a bit of everything. Whats your Fat burn workout?

    So i was wondering...Have you guys know if u actually lose on your calf's while running? Or does it strengthen your muscles and make them bigger?....I sooo want little dainty calf muscles!! lol

    @TS65 - So the 10K & 5k are completly different?...I thought the 10 would have just followed on after this one...Well thats what i was thinkin anyway....I kinda like my 30 min workouts, any longer for me and it starts to put me off lol
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    Hey guys, I'm late to this thread, but I just wanted to let you know there is a Couch to 10k program you can follow (I use the Iphone app). The running is shorter, the walks/recovery is longer, but the workout is twice as long (so you're burning more calories!) Just thought I'd throw that out there for you - that way, too, you only have to get one app (not 2).

    Thanks for the heads up... I am sure that there are plenty of different ways to do the training!? :wink:
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    Yeah not too sure what i'll do yet. I do my JM dvds and that on my off days to this so thats a bit of everything. Whats your Fat burn workout?

    So i was wondering...Have you guys know if u actually lose on your calf's while running? Or does it strengthen your muscles and make them bigger?....I sooo want little dainty calf muscles!! lol

    @TS65 - So the 10K & 5k are completly different?...I thought the 10 would have just followed on after this one...Well thats what i was thinkin anyway....I kinda like my 30 min workouts, any longer for me and it starts to put me off lol

    The fat burn is on the treadmill and one of the options like "hills" or "manual". It is a program that uses your heart rate at the fat burn level and adjust the incline to keep it there.

    I haven't seen my calf's bulk up with all the running I do. Muscle is "thinner" than fat so if you are losing the fat and building the muscle your calf's should be thinner :wink:

    I am doing the bridge to 10K which follows the 9 week C25K. There are different programs that do it several different ways. I use the two apps from Bluefin Software. I will post the workouts for each week just like I have for the C25k. I like the 30 minutes...I don't have a lot of spare time :laugh:
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    I know that we all ROCKED the weeks workout!!! :bigsmile:

    Week 4
    5 minute brisk walk to warm up
    3 minute jog
    90 second walk
    5 minute jog
    2.5 minute walk
    3 minute jog
    90 second walk
    5 minute jog
    5 minute brisk walk to cool down.

    Do this three times this week.
    Walk at your speed and jog at your speed which means if your jog is at 3.0 on the treadmill that is great!! Do what you can and don't think you have to start at a run if you aren't ready Just doing the workout is sucess

    :drinker: Drink plenty of water during the day of your run and drink while you "recover" walking during the workout. Additionally drink water after your workout will help.

    Stretching your legs after the run is key to staying loose, you don't want to be too sore
    Use the wall and point your toes up then lean into the wall to stretch the calf. You can also use a stair and keep your toes on the step and lean your heel off the step. Do butterflies, static (nonmoving) lunges, and reach for your toes eighter standing or sitting (or both) to stretch your hamstrings and quads.

    Try to add weights this week and focus on arms... you do use your arms when running to get speed :wink:
  • lailenm
    lailenm Posts: 203 Member
    Hey, guys! I just did W2D2 yesterday, so W2D3 will have to wait until tomorrow - I took my rest day on Tuesday/Wednesday, so I gotta work extra hard tomorrow to make sure that Sunday morning's weigh in isn't a complete bust, y'know? I still struggled when doing W2D2, but it wasn't quite so bad. There were a couple of times when my dog had to stop to potty while we were out (I take her with me 'cause its fun to have a little company, and she's the most adorable thing in the world), but it was good. I was proud to say that it started to rain as I was on the 4th jogging interval and I didn't even think about stopping - In fact, the thought that ran across my mind was "How refreshing!", so that's all good news.

    Gonna go see POTC 4 on Sunday - normally when my grandma and I go out we have like Red Lobster or Olive Garden or something for lunch. We decided that for Sunday we'd go to Subway, 'cause that's the only place I've been allowing myself to eat out at all. =D So proud of my healthier choices!
  • kaylah_x
    kaylah_x Posts: 194 Member
    Yeah not too sure what i'll do yet. I do my JM dvds and that on my off days to this so thats a bit of everything. Whats your Fat burn workout?

    So i was wondering...Have you guys know if u actually lose on your calf's while running? Or does it strengthen your muscles and make them bigger?....I sooo want little dainty calf muscles!! lol

    @TS65 - So the 10K & 5k are completly different?...I thought the 10 would have just followed on after this one...Well thats what i was thinkin anyway....I kinda like my 30 min workouts, any longer for me and it starts to put me off lol

    The fat burn is on the treadmill and one of the options like "hills" or "manual". It is a program that uses your heart rate at the fat burn level and adjust the incline to keep it there.

    I haven't seen my calf's bulk up with all the running I do. Muscle is "thinner" than fat so if you are losing the fat and building the muscle your calf's should be thinner :wink:

    I am doing the bridge to 10K which follows the 9 week C25K. There are different programs that do it several different ways. I use the two apps from Bluefin Software. I will post the workouts for each week just like I have for the C25k. I like the 30 minutes...I don't have a lot of spare time :laugh:

    Ohh yep, think i have that on mine but not sure how to use it lol!

    Yeah i thought it was something like that...that'd be good! Yeah 30 mins does it for me too
  • kunibob
    kunibob Posts: 608 Member
    Hey, everyone -- nice to find this thread here! I started the C210K program last week, and will be finishing up week 2 tomorrow. The week 2 - day 3 workout is:

    5 min warmup
    run 1, walk 4 min x 8
    5 min cooldown

    So far, the program is a bit light because I have some running experience, but I'm expecting it to start getting REALLY tough very soon, so I'll enjoy this section while it lasts! :laugh:

    Good luck, everyone -- happy to find some kindred spirits here, and excited to see people a few weeks ahead of will be very motivating!!
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member

    @TS65 - So the 10K & 5k are completly different?...I thought the 10 would have just followed on after this one...Well thats what i was thinkin anyway....I kinda like my 30 min workouts, any longer for me and it starts to put me off lol

    They are completely different. Bridge to 10k is the accompaniment to c25k. C210k is the SAME as c25k (starting from zero), but is an hour long workout shooting for a 10k in 13 weeks (vs. 9 for c25k). It tends to be easier than c25k in that it's working on distance from the start instead of time.

    For example

    Week 5/Day 3 (c210k) = run 2:30, walk 2:30 - 10x
    Week 5/Day3 (c25k) = run 20 minutes)

    I started to get frustrated with c25k for a couple of reasons... 1. it went too fast for me (increasing times, I mean). 2. Just about the time I'd start sweating, it was over. 3. My ultimate goal was always going to be to run for an hour (so completing this would mean I'm only half way there). All of these were solved with the C210k program.

    It's all about what your goals are and personal preference. I really don't think one is better than the other. However, c210k was better for ME.
  • kaylah_x
    kaylah_x Posts: 194 Member
    W2D1 done! Wasnt too bad at all...I really needed that 2min walk tho so im glad it wasnt shorter lol....By then last run i was getting tired untill 'We will rock you' came on...Made me push extra hard :)

    @Carrie - I found the pre set thing on treadmill other day started at 6 (k's), 8, 10, 12 & 16...I ran the full 1:30 on ten 3 times which i was so happy with!! 12 came on and i think i lasted around 10 seconds before nearly falling offf the edge lol...Will have to try and pick bit slower ones next time lol
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    Hey, guys! I just did W2D2 yesterday, so W2D3 will have to wait until tomorrow - I took my rest day on Tuesday/Wednesday, so I gotta work extra hard tomorrow to make sure that Sunday morning's weigh in isn't a complete bust, y'know? I still struggled when doing W2D2, but it wasn't quite so bad. There were a couple of times when my dog had to stop to potty while we were out (I take her with me 'cause its fun to have a little company, and she's the most adorable thing in the world), but it was good. I was proud to say that it started to rain as I was on the 4th jogging interval and I didn't even think about stopping - In fact, the thought that ran across my mind was "How refreshing!", so that's all good news.

    Gonna go see POTC 4 on Sunday - normally when my grandma and I go out we have like Red Lobster or Olive Garden or something for lunch. We decided that for Sunday we'd go to Subway, 'cause that's the only place I've been allowing myself to eat out at all. =D So proud of my healthier choices!

    SUBWAY is the best!!! I get that after my workouts with my son :wink:

    Keep up the great work on the program... soon you will be able to do a jog for 30 minutes without thinking about it :bigsmile:
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    Hey, everyone -- nice to find this thread here! I started the C210K program last week, and will be finishing up week 2 tomorrow. The week 2 - day 3 workout is:

    5 min warmup
    run 1, walk 4 min x 8
    5 min cooldown

    So far, the program is a bit light because I have some running experience, but I'm expecting it to start getting REALLY tough very soon, so I'll enjoy this section while it lasts! :laugh:

    Good luck, everyone -- happy to find some kindred spirits here, and excited to see people a few weeks ahead of will be very motivating!!

    I am glad that we can motivate you! I hope that you suceed in your goal to return to running and feel free to post your updates with us too!:drinker:
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    W2D1 done! Wasnt too bad at all...I really needed that 2min walk tho so im glad it wasnt shorter lol....By then last run i was getting tired untill 'We will rock you' came on...Made me push extra hard :)

    @Carrie - I found the pre set thing on treadmill other day started at 6 (k's), 8, 10, 12 & 16...I ran the full 1:30 on ten 3 times which i was so happy with!! 12 came on and i think i lasted around 10 seconds before nearly falling offf the edge lol...Will have to try and pick bit slower ones next time lol

    Glad you you finished W2D1!! It gets easier each time then you move up a week!? lol

    I am glad that you found the programs on the treadmill, they can be used to mix up your workout from time to time :bigsmile: