Couch to 10K in 15 weeks?



  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    Today I did week 5 day 1 and ran for 5 minutes then walked for 3, repeat once with another 5 minute run to end... I was really impressed how well I did! I didn't want to die and I didn't really struggle!?

    I hope that you all are doing your personal best and working hard!!! tell us your C25K victory so we can all share in your join! :bigsmile:
  • JustBreathe418
    JustBreathe418 Posts: 355 Member
    Hey everyone! Glad I found this thread. I just started the c210k program but started in week 6 because I have done the c25k before. I did my first workout today:

    5 min warm up, walk 2 mins, run 3 mins repeat 13 times. 5 min cool down

    I definitely feel it in my legs! I know I am going to be so sore tomorrow...haha.

    Keep up the good work everyone! Reading this thread makes me really motivated...hopefully I can stay motivated and keep at it, even with the pain haha.
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    Hey everyone! Glad I found this thread. I just started the c210k program but started in week 6 because I have done the c25k before. I did my first workout today:

    5 min warm up, walk 2 mins, run 3 mins repeat 13 times. 5 min cool down

    I definitely feel it in my legs! I know I am going to be so sore tomorrow...haha.

    Keep up the good work everyone! Reading this thread makes me really motivated...hopefully I can stay motivated and keep at it, even with the pain haha.

    Excellent work on graduating C25K!!! We are almost there and then moving to the bridge to 10k (B210K) for the next 6 weeks. Feel free to use this thread for motivation and support. We welcome your updates as well :wink:
  • JustBreathe418
    JustBreathe418 Posts: 355 Member
    Thanks carrriebear for the welcome! Going to to week 6 day 2 of c210k later after I get off work...I'll let y'all know how it goes.

    How's everyone else been doing??
  • kaylah_x
    kaylah_x Posts: 194 Member
    Heyy! Welcome! Great work on completing c25k!...How many weeks does your 10k one go?

    Im a couple wks behind the others on here, so im at wk3 day 2 today :)
  • JustBreathe418
    JustBreathe418 Posts: 355 Member
    Heyy! Welcome! Great work on completing c25k!...How many weeks does your 10k one go?

    Im a couple wks behind the others on here, so im at wk3 day 2 today :)

    Thanks Kaylah! The c210k goes to 13 weeks. I just did the wk 6 day went okay. I was a bit tired today (not enough sleep last night!) And my legs started to hurt a little bit halfway through but it wasn't anything too serious. I'm considering taking two days off from these workouts instead of just one before the next many days do you guys usually have between these workouts??
  • kaylah_x
    kaylah_x Posts: 194 Member
    Oh yep thats not too bad then!

    Done day 2 today and man i was feeling it! Calf muscles especially! ouch!

    I do Mon, Wed, Fri...Tho i had my day off yesterday (wed) cos we were away so done it today....Not sure if that made me feel it extra or not.
    On th eoff days i do JM dvds...
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    Thanks carrriebear for the welcome! Going to to week 6 day 2 of c210k later after I get off work...I'll let y'all know how it goes.

    How's everyone else been doing??

    :flowerforyou: That is what this site is about! I just did day 2 at week 5 and I did alright for the 8 minute runs.... next is suppose to be 20 minutes straight!? I'm a little worried about that but I will probably put a towel over the tread mill, look up at the tv, and listen to my ipod. I will let it tell me when I am done running and not even think about it!? :laugh:
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    Heyy! Welcome! Great work on completing c25k!...How many weeks does your 10k one go?

    Im a couple wks behind the others on here, so im at wk3 day 2 today :)

    Thanks Kaylah! The c210k goes to 13 weeks. I just did the wk 6 day went okay. I was a bit tired today (not enough sleep last night!) And my legs started to hurt a little bit halfway through but it wasn't anything too serious. I'm considering taking two days off from these workouts instead of just one before the next many days do you guys usually have between these workouts??

    Tow days off seems like a good idea. Do you stretch really good before and after? That is important too.

    I have a day between my work outs. I run Mon, Wed, and Fri. This way after the "hard" workout at the end of the week I get two days off :blushing:
  • MsP90X
    MsP90X Posts: 1,053 Member
    Thanks carrriebear for the welcome! Going to to week 6 day 2 of c210k later after I get off work...I'll let y'all know how it goes.

    How's everyone else been doing??

    :flowerforyou: That is what this site is about! I just did day 2 at week 5 and I did alright for the 8 minute runs.... next is suppose to be 20 minutes straight!? I'm a little worried about that but I will probably put a towel over the tread mill, look up at the tv, and listen to my ipod. I will let it tell me when I am done running and not even think about it!? :laugh:

    I was worried about that too... but you will do it! I promise...

    Good luck!
  • JustBreathe418
    JustBreathe418 Posts: 355 Member
    Thanks Kaylah and carrriebear for your input on resting days in between! I think I will take an extra day off so that I can go harder on Saturday, since I will be well rested :) Kaylah I also just recently started JMs 30DS so I am on the same boat as you!

    Carrriebear good luck on your next run! Putting the towel over the treadmill is a fantastic idea...I would also make sure you have a ROCKIN' playlist for the week :)
  • kaylah_x
    kaylah_x Posts: 194 Member
    Yeah im thinkin i'll get the prtable dvd player out soon see if that takes my mine off of the timer aswell! I've only got a brick wall in front of me lol!

    I done 30 DS before this and seen great results in inches but not so much weight...Not sure if i can feel the difference so much now doing it only every second day but ohwell...every now and again on run days i might have to do it of a night or something for a bit extra
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    Thanks Kaylah and carrriebear for your input on resting days in between! I think I will take an extra day off so that I can go harder on Saturday, since I will be well rested :) Kaylah I also just recently started JMs 30DS so I am on the same boat as you!

    Carrriebear good luck on your next run! Putting the towel over the treadmill is a fantastic idea...I would also make sure you have a ROCKIN' playlist for the week :)

    I am working on the ROCKIN' play list for the long runs coming! :tongue: Please use the towel on the treadmill trick... it really does work :wink:
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    Yeah im thinkin i'll get the prtable dvd player out soon see if that takes my mine off of the timer aswell! I've only got a brick wall in front of me lol!

    I done 30 DS before this and seen great results in inches but not so much weight...Not sure if i can feel the difference so much now doing it only every second day but ohwell...every now and again on run days i might have to do it of a night or something for a bit extra
    Next week I am starting the 30DS also. I did it for the first level about two months ago, but then slacked off due to training for a race. I am going to count that as my strength training for my June Challenge (my blog if you are interested). I am just determined to get it done, all levels, even if I really do it over 60 days!? :ohwell:
  • rickydeuce
    rickydeuce Posts: 80
    Thanks Kaylah! The c210k goes to 13 weeks. I just did the wk 6 day went okay. I was a bit tired today (not enough sleep last night!) And my legs started to hurt a little bit halfway through but it wasn't anything too serious. I'm considering taking two days off from these workouts instead of just one before the next many days do you guys usually have between these workouts??

    When I trained for my first half marathon, I found that deeper into the training I ran better every third day. Don't forget to crosstrain in between, but running is rough on your body and you may need more rest. I know I did.
  • kaylah_x
    kaylah_x Posts: 194 Member
    I only have one day in between but once it gets more into running for longer i might have to re think that....

    Done W3D3 today and was no better :( I made sure i stretched for ten mins beforehand aswell....So dunno why my calfs are playing up...Today was the first time since starting that quitting came to mind :(
    How many glasses of water do u guys drink like the day before?...I heard that that could help if you have more than usual the day before running?

    5 min runs next week for me
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    Thanks carrriebear for the welcome! Going to to week 6 day 2 of c210k later after I get off work...I'll let y'all know how it goes.

    How's everyone else been doing??

    :flowerforyou: That is what this site is about! I just did day 2 at week 5 and I did alright for the 8 minute runs.... next is suppose to be 20 minutes straight!? I'm a little worried about that but I will probably put a towel over the tread mill, look up at the tv, and listen to my ipod. I will let it tell me when I am done running and not even think about it!? :laugh:

    I was worried about that too... but you will do it! I promise...

    Good luck!

    I did it just fine... didn't even think about the time till 5 minutes left. I think that I knew I was fine for the first 10 minutes then the chime came in for halfway done and I started thinkinng about it!? Lol
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    Thanks Kaylah! The c210k goes to 13 weeks. I just did the wk 6 day went okay. I was a bit tired today (not enough sleep last night!) And my legs started to hurt a little bit halfway through but it wasn't anything too serious. I'm considering taking two days off from these workouts instead of just one before the next many days do you guys usually have between these workouts??

    When I trained for my first half marathon, I found that deeper into the training I ran better every third day. Don't forget to crosstrain in between, but running is rough on your body and you may need more rest. I know I did.

    Thanks rickyduece! Cross training is VERY important! :wink:
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    I only have one day in between but once it gets more into running for longer i might have to re think that....

    Done W3D3 today and was no better :( I made sure i stretched for ten mins beforehand aswell....So dunno why my calfs are playing up...Today was the first time since starting that quitting came to mind :(
    How many glasses of water do u guys drink like the day before?...I heard that that could help if you have more than usual the day before running?

    5 min runs next week for me

    I drink two liters while at work and through the workout (during walks) I normally drink a third. Then after I start drinking a 4th but that doesn't get finished.

    Maybe you should try a lower speed for your runs, just a little bit. Also shoes are VERY important! Make sure you go to a specialty store so they can properly fit you for shoes. That can make a huge difference in how you feel :wink:
  • kaylah_x
    kaylah_x Posts: 194 Member
    I only have one day in between but once it gets more into running for longer i might have to re think that....

    Done W3D3 today and was no better :( I made sure i stretched for ten mins beforehand aswell....So dunno why my calfs are playing up...Today was the first time since starting that quitting came to mind :(
    How many glasses of water do u guys drink like the day before?...I heard that that could help if you have more than usual the day before running?

    5 min runs next week for me

    I drink two liters while at work and through the workout (during walks) I normally drink a third. Then after I start drinking a 4th but that doesn't get finished.

    Maybe you should try a lower speed for your runs, just a little bit. Also shoes are VERY important! Make sure you go to a specialty store so they can properly fit you for shoes. That can make a huge difference in how you feel :wink:

    Wow maybe i am going under in my water then...And u drink nearly a litre during your workout?...I only take little sips lol...I'd be forever stopping to go to the toilet haha

    Yeah i did try a couple lower towards the end but i think i was already stuffed!

    Hmm i dont even think our shops here even help u out with your shoes like that lol

    Do u know if there is a podcast to download to tell you when to start/stop or watever...Didnt think that if i put a towel over the screen that i wouldnt know what to do....I suppose tho when i get to the longer runs i wont have to do that anyway