Couch to 10K in 15 weeks?



  • JustBreathe418
    JustBreathe418 Posts: 355 Member
    rickydeuce - yes THANK YOU so much for your input on cross training. I sometimes get so caught up with the running that I forget to do other things haha

    kaylah - I use an application for my Iphone (well, my Itouch, not Iphone haha) from Felt tip that I LOVE because it tells me when to run and walk so I don't have to think about it or keep track of the time. It also works with my playlists so all I need to do is pop in my earphones and I'm ready to run! Check it out, this is the one I use for c210k but I am pretty sure they have one for c25k as well.
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    Thanks Kaylah! The c210k goes to 13 weeks. I just did the wk 6 day went okay. I was a bit tired today (not enough sleep last night!) And my legs started to hurt a little bit halfway through but it wasn't anything too serious. I'm considering taking two days off from these workouts instead of just one before the next many days do you guys usually have between these workouts??

    i run c210k every other day... BUT take a 2 day break between weeks (if that makes sense). For example, if you run MWF - there's a built in 2 day break at the end of the week (Sat, Sun). I always try to take 2 days once a week - otherwise I notice that my runs suffer.
  • JustBreathe418
    JustBreathe418 Posts: 355 Member
    Thanks Kaylah! The c210k goes to 13 weeks. I just did the wk 6 day went okay. I was a bit tired today (not enough sleep last night!) And my legs started to hurt a little bit halfway through but it wasn't anything too serious. I'm considering taking two days off from these workouts instead of just one before the next many days do you guys usually have between these workouts??

    i run c210k every other day... BUT take a 2 day break between weeks (if that makes sense). For example, if you run MWF - there's a built in 2 day break at the end of the week (Sat, Sun). I always try to take 2 days once a week - otherwise I notice that my runs suffer.

    Hmmm...that's a really good idea. I might start leaving the two days between weeks as well. This makes a lot of sense since the first workout of the week usually is the longest/hardest. Thanks TS65!

    I just finished my wk 6 day 3 run! I did more stretching afterwards this time because I am super sore...doing c210k and JM's 30 day shred at the same time is really starting to get painful!

    4 min runs next week, hope I don't die!
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    Thanks Kaylah! The c210k goes to 13 weeks. I just did the wk 6 day went okay. I was a bit tired today (not enough sleep last night!) And my legs started to hurt a little bit halfway through but it wasn't anything too serious. I'm considering taking two days off from these workouts instead of just one before the next many days do you guys usually have between these workouts??

    i run c210k every other day... BUT take a 2 day break between weeks (if that makes sense). For example, if you run MWF - there's a built in 2 day break at the end of the week (Sat, Sun). I always try to take 2 days once a week - otherwise I notice that my runs suffer.

    Hmmm...that's a really good idea. I might start leaving the two days between weeks as well. This makes a lot of sense since the first workout of the week usually is the longest/hardest. Thanks TS65!

    I just finished my wk 6 day 3 run! I did more stretching afterwards this time because I am super sore...doing c210k and JM's 30 day shred at the same time is really starting to get painful!

    4 min runs next week, hope I don't die!

    I tried 30DS (for about 2 days) and gave up. I'd rather focus on c210k right now. I'll do that once I'm "just running" - not when I'm on some program.
  • JustBreathe418
    JustBreathe418 Posts: 355 Member
    TS65 - Yea it's definitely tough doing the Shred and working on a running program at the same time! It's like constant soreness that never goes away haha. So yea, its probably a good idea if you'd rather just focus on c210k and just get back on the 30 day shred after you're done with that.
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    Thanks Kaylah! The c210k goes to 13 weeks. I just did the wk 6 day went okay. I was a bit tired today (not enough sleep last night!) And my legs started to hurt a little bit halfway through but it wasn't anything too serious. I'm considering taking two days off from these workouts instead of just one before the next many days do you guys usually have between these workouts??

    i run c210k every other day... BUT take a 2 day break between weeks (if that makes sense). For example, if you run MWF - there's a built in 2 day break at the end of the week (Sat, Sun). I always try to take 2 days once a week - otherwise I notice that my runs suffer.

    Hmmm...that's a really good idea. I might start leaving the two days between weeks as well. This makes a lot of sense since the first workout of the week usually is the longest/hardest. Thanks TS65!

    I just finished my wk 6 day 3 run! I did more stretching afterwards this time because I am super sore...doing c210k and JM's 30 day shred at the same time is really starting to get painful!

    4 min runs next week, hope I don't die!

    You can do it!!!! You won't even know that you have gone a minute when it will be time to start walking :laugh:
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    I only have one day in between but once it gets more into running for longer i might have to re think that....

    Done W3D3 today and was no better :( I made sure i stretched for ten mins beforehand aswell....So dunno why my calfs are playing up...Today was the first time since starting that quitting came to mind :(
    How many glasses of water do u guys drink like the day before?...I heard that that could help if you have more than usual the day before running?

    5 min runs next week for me

    I drink two liters while at work and through the workout (during walks) I normally drink a third. Then after I start drinking a 4th but that doesn't get finished.

    Maybe you should try a lower speed for your runs, just a little bit. Also shoes are VERY important! Make sure you go to a specialty store so they can properly fit you for shoes. That can make a huge difference in how you feel :wink:

    Wow maybe i am going under in my water then...And u drink nearly a litre during your workout?...I only take little sips lol...I'd be forever stopping to go to the toilet haha

    Yeah i did try a couple lower towards the end but i think i was already stuffed!

    Hmm i dont even think our shops here even help u out with your shoes like that lol

    Do u know if there is a podcast to download to tell you when to start/stop or watever...Didnt think that if i put a towel over the screen that i wouldnt know what to do....I suppose tho when i get to the longer runs i wont have to do that anyway

    Yes shoes can be/are THAT important!!!!! You can use and do there "shoe finder" (if that is what it is called)

    For water I have a bottle that I can just squirt in my month by squeezing.... no cap or anything tricky like that. I will make sure that I drink during my walks since that is easier.

    I have heard of a pod cast or two but I don't remember the names. I will look in to those for you. I use an app on my ipod touch. If you use google and search couch to 5k podcast that should find you some options.
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    C25K is only 9 weeks long and we are on week SIX!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    There are THREE DIFFERENT workouts in week six.

    Week 6
    Workout 1
    5 minute brisk walk to warm up
    5 minute jog
    3 minute walk
    8 minute jog
    3 minute walk
    5 minute jog
    5 minute brisk walk to cool down.

    Workout 2
    5 minute brisk walk to warm up
    10 minute jog
    3 minute walk
    10 minute jog
    5 minute brisk walk to cool down.

    Workout 3
    5 minute brisk walk to warm up
    25 minute jog
    5 minute brisk walk to cool down.


    This week has three different workouts. :noway:
    Make sure you are not going too fast. Walk at your speed and jog at your speed which means if your jog is at 3.0 on the treadmill that is great!! Do what you can and don't think you have to start at a run if you aren't ready. Just doing the workout is success

    :drinker: Drink plenty of water during the day of your run and drink while you "recover" walking during the workout. Additionally drink water after your workout will help.

    Stretching your legs after the run is key to staying loose, you don't want to be too sore :grumble:
    Yoga is a nice way to relax and get a good stretch! I will actually stay on the treadmill an extra 5 minutes to continue cooling down. I decrease the speed by 0.5 every minute. Minute 30 (after the workout) I go to 3.0, at minute 31 I go to 2.5, at minute 32 I go to 2.0 and so on.

    Core strength is a big deal for running. if you can work in some core strengthening moves such as planks, crunches, reverse crunches, or bicycle crunches :bigsmile:
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    I thought some motivation would be helpful :flowerforyou:

    Yet you can

    You cannot succeed in fighting against the wind. Yet you can harness its power and do great things with it.

    You cannot now be anywhere other than in this moment. Yet you can transform this very moment into whatever kind of experience you wish to live.

    You cannot stop the sun from setting. Yet you can prepare yourself to make the very most of the new day that comes when the sun surely rises again.

    You cannot stop the years from passing. Yet you can fill each one of those years with a life that’s rich in meaning.

    There are many things beyond your control. Yet you can live true to your most authentic purpose no matter what may come.

    You cannot be sure of what the future will bring. Yet you can choose right now, and always, to continue bringing your own unique beauty to life.

    — Ralph Marston

    Read more:
  • JustBreathe418
    JustBreathe418 Posts: 355 Member
    Thanks for the motivation carrriebear! LOVE your profile pic by the way :)
  • kaylah_x
    kaylah_x Posts: 194 Member
    W4D1...Argh! still major calf pain...Tried heaps of water yesterday, incline at 1% for a little while, and longer before stretch.....Is so damn annoying because that seems to be the only problem, im not tired or anything!...Looking up heaps more calf stretches online and stuff

    Im wondering if i should change my time of the morning without any water in my system probably isnt helping it or something? Last week when i done it at the end of the day i felt alright so maybe...

    I so dont want this to make me quit :(
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    W4D1...Argh! still major calf pain...Tried heaps of water yesterday, incline at 1% for a little while, and longer before stretch.....Is so damn annoying because that seems to be the only problem, im not tired or anything!...Looking up heaps more calf stretches online and stuff

    Im wondering if i should change my time of the morning without any water in my system probably isnt helping it or something? Last week when i done it at the end of the day i felt alright so maybe...

    I so dont want this to make me quit :(

    I think trying different times is a good idea... bananas help with cramping. Try eating one a day (if you like them). Calf stretches is a great though, I am sure there are plenty out there. I do all my running at a 1% incline since the ground is not perfectly flat.

    Kepp trying things throough this week and see if you can figure out a way to stick with it :wink:
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    Thanks for the motivation carrriebear! LOVE your profile pic by the way :)

    You are very welcome for the motivation! I needed it too :tongue: My pic is after the Warrior dash... I will have more in a blog later this week!!!
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    Hmmm...that's a really good idea. I might start leaving the two days between weeks as well. This makes a lot of sense since the first workout of the week usually is the longest/hardest. Thanks TS65!

    It's funny you said this - I actually find the 1st day of the week to be the easiest (odd, since it's the longest) - so there must be something to the 2 day rest. I had never really thought about it - I'm just a stickler for schedule normally.
  • JustBreathe418
    JustBreathe418 Posts: 355 Member
    Just did Week 7, Day 1 of the c210k workout and it went great! I was really nervous before starting this workout because I knew it was going to be a long one and the runs were 4 mins each instead of 3 mins like last week. But I actually felt really good the whole time! It may be because I took a full rest day yesterday and didn't do any cardio (other than the cardio from 30 DS). I felt like I had a lot of power during all the runs from the beginning to the end! No pains in my legs or anything...if only EVERY c210k workout could be like that haha. I hope the next ones will be just as good...but I doubt it. I always feel like the first workout of the week is always my best one and then it goes downhill from there...

    Keep at it everyone! :)
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    Just did Week 7, Day 1 of the c210k workout and it went great! I was really nervous before starting this workout because I knew it was going to be a long one and the runs were 4 mins each instead of 3 mins like last week. But I actually felt really good the whole time! It may be because I took a full rest day yesterday and didn't do any cardio (other than the cardio from 30 DS). I felt like I had a lot of power during all the runs from the beginning to the end! No pains in my legs or anything...if only EVERY c210k workout could be like that haha. I hope the next ones will be just as good...but I doubt it. I always feel like the first workout of the week is always my best one and then it goes downhill from there...

    Keep at it everyone! :)

    You are doing awesome!!! You are sticking with it even when it is tough... most people give up :cry: I find that the second run is the hardest for me when the runs are all the same. But this week each run is different for the c25k.
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    I did my w6d1 run yesterday and I am really impressed with myself :happy: (I know that sounds concedad) but I did the Warrior Dash on Sunday, swam laps, and then ran. I normally do the running first so that I have all my energy to do it. But I found that I was alright after the first run. I seem to always be a bit tight for the first run but then I am lose for the rest of the runs. :indifferent:

    I hope that everyone is having a great week and that whichever week/program you are using that you are suceeding in completing the workout!!! :bigsmile:
  • JustBreathe418
    JustBreathe418 Posts: 355 Member
    carrriebear that's awesome! way to kick some booty :)

    I have a question for everyone. During your "rest" days for the c25k/c210k programs, what kind of cardio do you do (if any) to still get your burn in?? I know we are supposed to let our bodies recover from these workouts but there are days in between where I do still want to get my cardio in. What do you all do?
  • david081
    david081 Posts: 489 Member
    Once you achieve the C25K (well for me) it's a real breakthrough, and you realise you CAN run! I completed the C25K in February, today I did 18k... C25K gave me the confidence to go further, when, at the age of 49, I thought my running days were over...
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    carrriebear that's awesome! way to kick some booty :)

    I have a question for everyone. During your "rest" days for the c25k/c210k programs, what kind of cardio do you do (if any) to still get your burn in?? I know we are supposed to let our bodies recover from these workouts but there are days in between where I do still want to get my cardio in. What do you all do?

    Every day I walk at work... I take my two breaks and go walk to stretch more than exercise. Today (a rest day) I did walk on the treadmill for 30 mins and will mow the yard and Thurs I will find something to do but probably only walk on the treadmill and weights. On the weekends my cousin and I go to the local YMCA and we use the treadmill or rowing machine for half any hour before weights. But I don't do any other running. I also just started swimming and hope that helps on my off days.