Couch to 10K in 15 weeks?



  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    who runs outside?

    I need to start running outside to get use to the hills and natural dips. Does anyone have any suggestions about the transition?
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    Once you achieve the C25K (well for me) it's a real breakthrough, and you realise you CAN run! I completed the C25K in February, today I did 18k... C25K gave me the confidence to go further, when, at the age of 49, I thought my running days were over...

    Thanks for the insight david081! I am hoping that is how it will work for all of us :bigsmile: :flowerforyou: :drinker: :wink:
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    who runs outside?

    I need to start running outside to get use to the hills and natural dips. Does anyone have any suggestions about the transition?

    I just started running outside a few weeks ago. At first, I thought... OMG... it's so much harder. So, I slowed my pace and just listened to my body. I looked around and enjoyed the scenery - making sure I could breathe well (and converse if I had to). amazingly, while it's harder than being propelled on a treadmill, it's so much more enjoyable. I'm no longer PRAYING for the intervals to end, I'm surprised when they DO end because it seems to go so much faster.
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    I just started running outside a few weeks ago. At first, I thought... OMG... it's so much harder. So, I slowed my pace and just listened to my body. I looked around and enjoyed the scenery - making sure I could breathe well (and converse if I had to). amazingly, while it's harder than being propelled on a treadmill, it's so much more enjoyable. I'm no longer PRAYING for the intervals to end, I'm surprised when they DO end because it seems to go so much faster.

    I want to run outside to get some hill practice in :wink: .... but I like that I can set the treadmill at the speed I run at and not worry that I slow down or speed up :love: . I would like to stay consistant to "get the most" out of the program. I was thinking that I could start running a mile or two outside on the weekends when I am not doing a c25k run. I know that it is not recommended to do any additional runs with the program. :blushing:

    I could aways wait till I am done with teh 15 weeks to complete the b210k and then start running outside :indifferent: .... it is week 6 now so only 9 more weeks (2 months) to go
  • kaylah_x
    kaylah_x Posts: 194 Member
    W4D2 done...Done it tonight, and altho there was still a little bit of pain and i jumped off for 5 seconds or so a few times it wasnt too bad
  • kunibob
    kunibob Posts: 608 Member
    C210K, W5D2 today. I walked the last two run intervals of W5D1 due to illness (stomach flu + running = baaaad news), but otherwise, everything has gone without a hitch. I was shocked to see that I covered nearly 8 km in my last session -- didn't think I'd be covering that much distance so soon!

    As a reward of making it through W4, I just bought a Nike+ iPod sensor, which I absolutely adore. Also got a water bottle waist pouch, but I really should have splurged for the expensive ones with all the little bottles around it -- this one smacks into my spine when I run. That's what I get for being cheap, I suppose. I just pretend that someone is whipping me to run faster. :laugh:
    Once you achieve the C25K (well for me) it's a real breakthrough, and you realise you CAN run! I completed the C25K in February, today I did 18k... C25K gave me the confidence to go further, when, at the age of 49, I thought my running days were over...
    This is exactly what I needed to hear! :)
    who runs outside?

    I need to start running outside to get use to the hills and natural dips. Does anyone have any suggestions about the transition?

    I run outside, and I will say: don't get frustrated if the hills really slow you down! My pace can drop to nearly walking pace when I'm going up steep hills, at this point, and it feels a bit like treading water. For the downhills, make sure you have good shoes! I used to have massive problems with shin splints back in the day, but now that I have nice shoes, my shins/knees barely feel the downhills.
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    W4D2 done...Done it tonight, and altho there was still a little bit of pain and i jumped off for 5 seconds or so a few times it wasnt too bad

    I have to admit that I wanted to stop running with todays workout. I have never wanted to stop the with 6 weeks we have been doing it!? But today the second half of the first 10 min run was difficult. Then the second run altogether was tiring. I said to myself... you can run 5 minutes, then it was you only have 4 minutes left, and you can do 2 minutes.... you know you can. I am not sure what it was but it wasn't cool!?

    I am planning on not having any problems for fridays run.... a full 25 minutes!!!!! IT'S ALL MENTAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    C210K, W5D2 today. I walked the last two run intervals of W5D1 due to illness (stomach flu + running = baaaad news), but otherwise, everything has gone without a hitch. I was shocked to see that I covered nearly 8 km in my last session -- didn't think I'd be covering that much distance so soon!

    As a reward of making it through W4, I just bought a Nike+ iPod sensor, which I absolutely adore. Also got a water bottle waist pouch, but I really should have splurged for the expensive ones with all the little bottles around it -- this one smacks into my spine when I run. That's what I get for being cheap, I suppose. I just pretend that someone is whipping me to run faster. :laugh:
    Once you achieve the C25K (well for me) it's a real breakthrough, and you realise you CAN run! I completed the C25K in February, today I did 18k... C25K gave me the confidence to go further, when, at the age of 49, I thought my running days were over...
    This is exactly what I needed to hear! :)
    who runs outside?

    I need to start running outside to get use to the hills and natural dips. Does anyone have any suggestions about the transition?

    I run outside, and I will say: don't get frustrated if the hills really slow you down! My pace can drop to nearly walking pace when I'm going up steep hills, at this point, and it feels a bit like treading water. For the downhills, make sure you have good shoes! I used to have massive problems with shin splints back in the day, but now that I have nice shoes, my shins/knees barely feel the downhills.

    You deserve tha "rewards" you got :bigsmile: no matter HOW cheap they are!?

    I don't really run well in the heat... think that is what did me in today. So I will think about adding outdoor runs on the weekends so I can run SUPER early in the morning to try to beat the heat. :wink:
  • kaylah_x
    kaylah_x Posts: 194 Member
    W4D2 done...Done it tonight, and altho there was still a little bit of pain and i jumped off for 5 seconds or so a few times it wasnt too bad

    I have to admit that I wanted to stop running with todays workout. I have never wanted to stop the with 6 weeks we have been doing it!? But today the second half of the first 10 min run was difficult. Then the second run altogether was tiring. I said to myself... you can run 5 minutes, then it was you only have 4 minutes left, and you can do 2 minutes.... you know you can. I am not sure what it was but it wasn't cool!?

    I am planning on not having any problems for fridays run.... a full 25 minutes!!!!! IT'S ALL MENTAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I really do think that most of it is in my head too...Im thinking about it too much, and thinking i hope my calves dont hurt...i hope my calves dont urt this run...that it actually MAKES them hurt...I need to put my mind on something else....
  • JustBreathe418
    JustBreathe418 Posts: 355 Member
    kunibob - congrats are making it past week 4!! that's awesome that you rewarded yourself...I should try that too, maybe it'll give me more motivation!

    kaylah - YES ITS JUST MENTAL! I had the same problem near the beginning of my workout today too. I felt some pain in my shins (that 30DS is really killing me!) and I was so tired that I thought maybe I'll just stop or not do the workout today or maybe ill just go for half the workout. But then I told myself that I was already here at the gym, I had made the effort to get there, so I would just forget about the pain, forget about the tiredness, and just run. And when I'm done, I can go home and cook a nice, healthy dinner, and relax for the rest of the night :) And it worked! Sometimes you just have to refocus your energy.

    carrriebear - I'm not an outside runner at all...I have done it a couple of times but it is very different. I, like you, don't do very well with the heat either LOL so that's one of the things that deters me. The wind also is a huge problem sometimes. I end up huffing and puffing and feel like I am pushing my hardest but am going only 2.0 mph (okay I'm exaggerating a little bit). I am going to try to run outside a bit more though. I actually told myself that this week, I would run outside ONCE just to ease into it a bit. I've heard (not sure if this is right) that you can bump up the incline a bit more on the treadmill to help a little bit with the transition. Maybe instead of doing a full c25k workout running outside, you can just start with a few quick easy jogs. I think that's what I'll do haha

    As for me, just completed Week 7, workout 2!! As I mentioned above, I started out a bit rough but got through it! I didn't have as much energy or power during my runs as I did in the last workout...but that just seems to be the trend every week. I slowed my speed down just a tiny bit and it went okay although I felt like I blew out a lung during the last interval haha. It's definitely getting tougher...but I won't give up! I should reward myself after I get through week 9. Any suggestions?

    Keep it up everyone!
  • kaylah_x
    kaylah_x Posts: 194 Member
    Yep it sure is!...todays W4D3 was an awesome run for me! I think it was because i wasnt thinking about the time on the machine or what i was feeling or anything...( i was going thru all the stuff i need to do for my party tonight) The 5 min runs were pretty easy, i jumped off to the side only to have a quick sip of water wasnt to have a rest this time so yay!

    How r u going with 30DS? What day u on?...You def feel it toning up everything dont ya!
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    I really do think that most of it is in my head too...Im thinking about it too much, and thinking i hope my calves dont hurt...i hope my calves dont urt this run...that it actually MAKES them hurt...I need to put my mind on something else....

    I did W6D3 but the second half was a struggle for me. I need to make sure I get my mental thinking right :wink:
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    carrriebear - I'm not an outside runner at all...I have done it a couple of times but it is very different. I, like you, don't do very well with the heat either LOL so that's one of the things that deters me. The wind also is a huge problem sometimes. I end up huffing and puffing and feel like I am pushing my hardest but am going only 2.0 mph (okay I'm exaggerating a little bit). I am going to try to run outside a bit more though. I actually told myself that this week, I would run outside ONCE just to ease into it a bit. I've heard (not sure if this is right) that you can bump up the incline a bit more on the treadmill to help a little bit with the transition. Maybe instead of doing a full c25k workout running outside, you can just start with a few quick easy jogs. I think that's what I'll do haha

    As for me, just completed Week 7, workout 2!! As I mentioned above, I started out a bit rough but got through it! I didn't have as much energy or power during my runs as I did in the last workout...but that just seems to be the trend every week. I slowed my speed down just a tiny bit and it went okay although I felt like I blew out a lung during the last interval haha. It's definitely getting tougher...but I won't give up! I should reward myself after I get through week 9. Any suggestions?

    Keep it up everyone!

    I would suggest a new running top or bottom as a reward. By then you will see a difference (if not by now) in the shape of your body :bu.igsmile:
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    Sorry that this week's workout is late :blushing:

    Week 7
    5 minute brisk walk to warm up
    25 minutes jogging
    5 minute brisk walk to cool down.

    Drink plenty of water during the day of your run and drink while you "recover" walking during the workout. Additionally drink water after your workout will help. With the heat you don't want to get dehydrated.

    Do this three times this week.
    Walk at your speed and jog at your speed which means if your jog is at 3.0 on the treadmill that is great!! Do what you can and don't think you have to start at a run if you aren't ready Just doing the workout is sucess

    Stretching your legs after the run is key to staying loose, you don't want to be too sore. Leave atleast a day between runs to give your legs time to recover and rest.

    Also it may be beneficail to add in a day of strength crosstraining. This should be about 30 mins
  • percussionbeat
    percussionbeat Posts: 85 Member
    I wish I'd come across this thread sooner! I just started on my c25k programme so I'm wayyy behind everyone else, it seems...Just finished Week 2 Day 1 of it. I've been wanting to work up to 10K gradually so I can finally get out of participating in those 5K 'Fun Runs' (which aren't any fun at all to me, they hurt!) and start taking part in 10K Serious Runs.

    Really hope I can find support here, although everyone seems to be on the bridge program already! I'll get there soon, I promise!

    Oh, and is there a bridge app for android phones? Or a website I can go to which has it printable, or something? Been searching around for a website that'll guide me along the bridge programme, something like the c25K one but can't seem to find any...

    EDIT: Found apps for android and a brief description of the programme! Will get on it once I graduate from the C25K! :D
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    I wish I'd come across this thread sooner! I just started on my c25k programme so I'm wayyy behind everyone else, it seems...Just finished Week 2 Day 1 of it. I've been wanting to work up to 10K gradually so I can finally get out of participating in those 5K 'Fun Runs' (which aren't any fun at all to me, they hurt!) and start taking part in 10K Serious Runs.

    Really hope I can find support here, although everyone seems to be on the bridge program already! I'll get there soon, I promise!

    Oh, and is there a bridge app for android phones? Or a website I can go to which has it printable, or something? Been searching around for a website that'll guide me along the bridge programme, something like the c25K one but can't seem to find any...

    EDIT: Found apps for android and a brief description of the programme! Will get on it once I graduate from the C25K! :D

    You aren't too far behind, plus you can use the thread to brag about your accomplishments any time. I am still on c25k week 7 but Kayla is on a lower week (I can't remember without looking back). Go at your speed and keep us updated on how you do.

    Glad you found the apps!!! :bigsmile:
  • kunibob
    kunibob Posts: 608 Member
    Week 6, day 1 of C210K -- the dreaded 73 minute session, with 3 min run & 2 min walk. I was a bit nervous about it, especially because I did 7 km yesterday for a belated w5d3 and so was already quite tired, but...

    :heart: :heart: :heart: I COMPLETED 10 KM! :heart: :heart: :heart:

    It took me 75 minutes (did an extra 2 minutes of walking to finish off the distance), but I'm stunned. My goal for the END of the 13 week program was to do a 10k race in 1:15...AND I DID IT ON WEEK 6 IN 1:15.04! Without even running the whole way! My mind is blown! Cannot wait to see what I'll be doing when the program wraps up in 7 more weeks. I'll have to re-evaluate my goals now because I really didn't think this was possible so soon. :laugh:

    THANK YOU, COUCH TO 10K PROGRAM! I know I curse you sometimes, but I really do love you!

    Hope everyone else is seeing similarly surprising successes!
  • JustBreathe418
    JustBreathe418 Posts: 355 Member
    Hey everyone! Sorry I have been MIA, I got SICK towards the end of last week so haven't been able to do any workouts. I'm finally feeling better today so I'm slowly getting back into it. I didn't do a c210k workout today but just did a light treadmill workout since I didn't want to push it too hard my first day back at the gym. Being sick sucks...but it's just a minor setback and I'm ready to get back into a C210k workout tomorrow! I'll let you all know how its going...

    Glad to see everyone is doing so great!!!
  • percussionbeat
    percussionbeat Posts: 85 Member
    Week 6, day 1 of C210K -- the dreaded 73 minute session, with 3 min run & 2 min walk. I was a bit nervous about it, especially because I did 7 km yesterday for a belated w5d3 and so was already quite tired, but...

    :heart: :heart: :heart: I COMPLETED 10 KM! :heart: :heart: :heart:

    It took me 75 minutes (did an extra 2 minutes of walking to finish off the distance), but I'm stunned. My goal for the END of the 13 week program was to do a 10k race in 1:15...AND I DID IT ON WEEK 6 IN 1:15.04! Without even running the whole way! My mind is blown! Cannot wait to see what I'll be doing when the program wraps up in 7 more weeks. I'll have to re-evaluate my goals now because I really didn't think this was possible so soon. :laugh:

    THANK YOU, COUCH TO 10K PROGRAM! I know I curse you sometimes, but I really do love you!

    Hope everyone else is seeing similarly surprising successes!

    That's an amazing job!! Well done!! :D Wow, okay I'm taking that as major inspiration :D I'm really hoping to do as well someday, but I still have a long way to go...Can't wait to do a 10K!! :D
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart: I COMPLETED 10 KM! :heart: :heart: :heart:

    THANK YOU, COUCH TO 10K PROGRAM! I know I curse you sometimes, but I really do love you!

    FREAK'N AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :bigsmile: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :happy: :wink: :love: