Move it To Lose for May: CHALLENGE



  • FabOma08
    FabOma08 Posts: 500
    ...........and our next mini-challenge. Remember back when I challenged you to give YOURSELF a total of 12 compliments???

    Now I challenge you to DISH OUT twelve compliments!! They can be to one individual, or to 12 different folks..... but can you do it??!! You've got 24 hours!!! That's only ONE compliment every 2 hours!!!!!

    This is a wonderful challenge, however I haven't been here long enough to know anybody well enough actually do this. Unless I simply made the same compliment to 12 different people! I don't think cookie cutter compliments are acceptable so on this I'm going to tell everybody I'm proud of you and your commitments and I'm looking forward to being able to fairly do this in the future!

    It doesn't have to be here, online - It can be in your personal life, too!

    Ahh, in that case it's easy! Fortunately my life is surrounded by people I truly admire! Without even thinking about it today, I can count 7 people I complimented
  • FabOma08
    FabOma08 Posts: 500
    I am so behind! Ugh! Work has been picking up again which equals taking less time for myself. I've got 3 miles so far. I'll get some in tomorrow and over the weekend. And for the compliments... here goes!

    To my wonderful husband:
    1.) Your motivation and support has made the last 3 months wonderful. To have you on my side of this life style change has made this super easy and has made it not feel like just another diet. I think together we'll accomplish all our goals and dreams and then some.
    2.) Thank you, thank you, thank you for our beautiful children. We are truly blessed!
    3.) You are a great teacher!
    4.) You make me smile every single day!

    To my mom:
    5.) I can't even begin to understand what it is like living with MS, but your strength inspires me.
    6.) I never appreciated your guidance as a teenager, but I value everything you taught me growing up. I was listening! You are wise and, now that I have my own kids, were mostly right. :-)

    To my dad:
    7.) You have the patience of a saint!
    8.) You taught us what family really means, through thick and thin. Your example has made this family what it is and has shown me what it truly means to be selfless.

    To my kids:
    9.) Inquisitve and eager learners, it is such a joy to see the world again through a child's eyes.
    10.) My kids have reminded me what it means to never give up.

    To my new MFP family:
    11.) You are all so amazingly strong and have shown me that small slip-ups are not failures, but are merely road bumps in this great journey of life.
    12.) You are all so supportive and have helped me celebrate each victory, no matter how small!

    Not all exactly compliments, but I think it works. :smile:

    Definite compliments and yeah, it works! Now, where's my dang tissue!! Seriously though, what beautiful thoughts you have!
  • Mrz_Rich
    Mrz_Rich Posts: 90
    I'm finishing up this week with 11 miles in...just couldn't get the last 3. I've had a pretty decent week though...stayed under my calories all week. Tonight is another husband and I are going out for our anniversary and there will be movie theater popcorn, mexican food and drinks in my near future! =) Instead of guessing on calories and stressing over it I have decided not to log them...knowing I'm going to be over. I'll get right back on it tomorrow though!! Hope you are having a great weekend everyone!!
  • redxmasqueen
    Hello MFP friends! I have 18.5 miles in but that includes 11 minutes on the stationary bike so I need 2.5 more to complete the challenge. If I can muster the energy I'll bang that out tonight. I am total slacker on the mini-challenges but it is taking everything I have to get the basics done. You are all doing an amazing job!!! One more week to go!!!!
  • redxmasqueen
    Okay, I have been doing so well on the big challenges that I couldn't let this weeks slip through my fingers. I popped down down to the fitness room and clocked 15 mins on the bike. Between the walk there and back and that 15 I logged 22.5 miles for this week!!!!!
  • Brookelee30
    Brookelee30 Posts: 102
    Okay, I have been doing so well on the big challenges that I couldn't let this weeks slip through my fingers. I popped down down to the fitness room and clocked 15 mins on the bike. Between the walk there and back and that 15 I logged 22.5 miles for this week!!!!!

    I was looking @ your tickers (that sounds weird) and you have a lot of fun stuff coming up! Please let us know how they are..
  • redxmasqueen
    Will do Brooke!!
  • Sexymama34
    Sexymama34 Posts: 43 Member
    Hi everyone:) Well for this weeks challenge it was great!..I did an avg 4.9 miles a day and one day 6.2..and that was 6 day out of 7...did do anything yesterday. In total 31.2 miles for the week:)) for the mini challenge..I kept forgetting to do the Jabs..but got some in.
    Oh by the way...I am so tempted to check out the scals..hehe...but didn't!

    Hope everyone is doing great!!...Keep up all the great work!:happy:
  • MochaMixAZ
    MochaMixAZ Posts: 844 Member
    Okay, Guys - the FINAL WEEK!!!

    Our challenge: To crank up our last week, burn a minimum of 2400 calories through activity and exercise throughout the week. Get creative, but most importantly: MOVE IT!

    How did last week go for everyone??

    And here's a mini-challenge for you...

    1) Think about how much water you consume in an average day.
    2) Got that number? In ounces? (8 oz = 1 cup)
    3) Are you sure you have that number????
    4) Now - take that number and divide it in half.
    5) Got THAT number??
    6) THAT's how much extra water you should drink in the next 24 hour period.

    So - you're basically going to drink 1.5 times your normal water intake.

    Here's an example:
    If I normally drink 64 oz of water, then I'm going to add on 32 additional ounces.... for a total of 96 oz.

    (And no, you can't count your extra trips to the bathroom as calories burned!)
  • MochaMixAZ
    MochaMixAZ Posts: 844 Member
    Hi everyone:) Well for this weeks challenge it was great!..I did an avg 4.9 miles a day and one day 6.2..and that was 6 day out of 7...did do anything yesterday. In total 31.2 miles for the week:)) for the mini challenge..I kept forgetting to do the Jabs..but got some in.
    Oh by the way...I am so tempted to check out the scals..hehe...but didn't!

    Hope everyone is doing great!!...Keep up all the great work!:happy:

  • MochaMixAZ
    MochaMixAZ Posts: 844 Member
    Okay, I have been doing so well on the big challenges that I couldn't let this weeks slip through my fingers. I popped down down to the fitness room and clocked 15 mins on the bike. Between the walk there and back and that 15 I logged 22.5 miles for this week!!!!!

  • FabOma08
    FabOma08 Posts: 500
    Okay, Guys - the FINAL WEEK!!!

    Our challenge: To crank up our last week, burn a minimum of 2400 calories through activity and exercise throughout the week. Get creative, but most importantly: MOVE IT!

    How did last week go for everyone??

    And here's a mini-challenge for you...

    1) Think about how much water you consume in an average day.
    2) Got that number? In ounces? (8 oz = 1 cup)
    3) Are you sure you have that number????
    4) Now - take that number and divide it in half.
    5) Got THAT number??
    6) THAT's how much extra water you should drink in the next 24 hour period.

    So - you're basically going to drink 1.5 times your normal water intake.

    Here's an example:
    If I normally drink 64 oz of water, then I'm going to add on 32 additional ounces.... for a total of 96 oz.

    (And no, you can't count your extra trips to the bathroom as calories burned!)

    Wow! I've been drinking between 2 and 3 litre bottle a day. Oh my goodness!! Ok, I will start counting this first thing in the morning!
  • FabOma08
    FabOma08 Posts: 500
    2400 divided by 7= appx 373 calories a day! Now that I'm back in the gym regularly.....No Problem!!!!
  • wintermama13
    wintermama13 Posts: 172 Member
    I've had a pretty slow start to this week. I haven't had much of an appetite lately so I haven't been working out much either. I did start the 30 day shred tonight though! It was very fun!
  • redxmasqueen

    So far this week I am at 1343 calories burned! 2400 should be a piece of cake! Water.......I drink on average 120 ounces per day. 180??!! Oy!! Maybe I should move into the bathroom.

  • Brookelee30
    Brookelee30 Posts: 102
    I was doing horrible about not drinking enough water (not even the recommended 8 glasses). I decided on Monday to make myself drink @ least 10 glasses. So far, so good. Great minds think alike :0)
  • FabOma08
    FabOma08 Posts: 500
    I said I'd start the water challenge today, but I've just felt too bad to make the effort. Tomorrow, I'll psych myself out and make believe I feel better! So, Gym in the morning and water, water..water...water....water....
  • wintermama13
    wintermama13 Posts: 172 Member
    At first the goals helped so much...i've been psyching myself out these past coupla weeks on them. Slow start to the week but I've been moving again yesterday and today. I feel great! Not enough water today though-speaking of.....
  • MochaMixAZ
    MochaMixAZ Posts: 844 Member
    Alrighty Challengers.... here's TWO more mini-challenges to keep you going:

    - Can you log ALL your foods in advance of your day – then STICK TO IT! Just do this for one day. (Some of you already do this, so it'll be a slam dunk for you!)


    - DANCE! Yes, DANCE! For 5 whole minutes. Alone, with others, to any kind of music... or to your own drummer.... but DANCE!

    For the water challenge - I met it yesterday, consuming over 120 ounces! I'm floating away!
  • redxmasqueen
    I fill in my food diary for the day every morning!! This is a done deal. I dance will I hike, does that count?