Senior Golden Sneakers -May 2011



  • oldtyke
    oldtyke Posts: 149 Member
    Morning girls! I haven't been around much lately. Busy planting up my troughs and pots with bedding plants, planting out more lettuce and pak choi. Sowing more veg. I've actually got to grips with successional sowing! Still desperate for rain, having to water everything. But it's all exercise!
    I shall pray for Katy, so young.
    Hopefully Debz had a good time at the wedding, the weather was beautiful, if a tad windy, but perfect for getting curtains washed and dried.
    Marie, I've never had much luck growing peppers, mind you the last 2 years we've had lousey summers, but the chillies grow ok, strange!
    On the way home the other night we saw a barn owl, I do love them, and then in the morning I heard a cuckoo, first for a few years. All the flowers are coming out, the poppies are beautiful. Summer is on the way!
    So take care my lovelies and I'll pop in when I can, luv and hugs Judi xx
  • marlouise
    marlouise Posts: 286
    Good morning ladies, rain today, maybe a bit cooler to work in. Steps from yesterday 5,617.

    Have a great day...

  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    Hi all, a bit busy this week, so I will be brief. Great posts and information. Still having problems with our truck, and it worries us. Rather be at home when it goes crazy!
    Sandy, good for you, let all that steam out, and have a wonderful time with your grandson.
    Marilyn, I see you are counting your steps, good for you!
    i love hearing about all of your spring plantings.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Jackie good morning and to the rest of you fine ladies We have a back porch with a big window and have put tomaoes out there and we had tomato for winter a while.
    my husband is putting our hibiscuit out there the last few year. But think I will talk him into putting them in the shed this year.

    If i wanted to save some seeds how do I go about it. for next year.
    We have a spring and a fall planting here most of the time.So I try to plant a few tomatoe plants in july for fall.I do all of my garden in containers. . i fill a big thrash can up wih water and add to 2 spoonsful of mirecle growth and feed then a light feedin gevery mornin. hat way they don;t get shocked. A Nusery place told me that what they do to keep all of Their plant healthy. And work will well. Will tske a picture as soon as I learn to used my new camera
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Gotta run, but 2 things stick out and I meant to say to SANDY,...very observant about the obnoxious behaviour being learned, and just protect yourself from it! You don't deserve it!

    And CONNIE, while peanut butter IS a healthy fat, dairy fat or whipping cream is anything but! I would worry about any diet recommending whipping cream as being healthy! Before going on that or any other diet, ask your doctor, as your diabetes and other conditions are not something to mees around with! Your good fats are nuts, Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Canola, seeds, olives and other fruit or some vegetable oils (not coconut, though). Skim milk and low fat cheeses are the kind of dairy for you, love! Beware these fad diets that promise the world. One or two pounds a week are the healthiest way to go, and at 20 years old, our bodies adapt to fads differently than they do at 80. Love you, dear, and don't want to hear about problems from eating wrong fats! And Jerry needs you, too :wink:

    BARBIE, we also always take home 1/2 our restaurant meals for the "Doggie". They are usually too huge to eat at one time!
    How are the realtors doing at showing your house? My sister has had 2 people come since Palm Sunday! Very upsetting for them, as she can no longer deal with their 3 stories!

    Gotta run...
  • Grandee47
    Grandee47 Posts: 261 Member
    Oh my! We went to a Chicago's concert last night:bigsmile: It was AWESOME!!!!! They played for two hours straight. 90% of the audience was our generation and we all acted like kids. What fun it was!:happy: What was most special is that the tickets were a surprise from our son and DIL just because...... WOW! That was the best part of the whole evening. :love:

    Barbie :laugh: Yesterday when I was strolling around I saw many "doodle" know, the poodle/? combos. The one I fell in love with was the color of your poodle...the brownish red one. It was a Golden Doodle but the poodle part was miniature, so it was only 12" or so tall. What a dear, dear personality. Whoever thought of doing that was very bright! Poodles are such great dogs, and of course the Labs and Goldens are too.

    Speaking of animals, Bandit is doing great and now I'm hopeful, not guardedly hopeful that the pheno is doing it's job. :happy: He had been plaintively meowing for about two weeks and the dr said that might have been the beginning of his issue. He may have been having an "aura" and it confused him. The pheno has probably solved that too because he hasn't been doing that either. Hindsite is so clear. :ohwell: Now that he's back to normal, I see the signs he had that something wasn't quite right.

    Katy continues to hang in there, altho remains very critical. She has the best drs in the country and has been under their care and in a special program for quite a while. We are so fortunate to have access to the best hospitals in Philly, Hershey, Baltimore and DC just a hop, skip and jump away. Thank you for all your prayers and concern.:flowerforyou:

    Had a busy day, got my walk in before the rain (yes, rain again) and now I can relax. You all have a nice evening.

  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    If i wanted to save some seeds how do I go about it. for next year.
    We have a spring and a fall planting here most of the time.So I try to plant a few tomatoe plants in july for fall.I do all of my garden in containers. . i fill a big thrash can up wih water and add to 2 spoonsful of mirecle growth and feed then a light feedin gevery mornin. hat way they don;t get shocked. A Nusery place told me that what they do to keep all of Their plant healthy. And work will well. Will tske a picture as soon as I learn to used my new camera

    MARIE ~ I keep seeds in paper bags or envelopes so they keep dry and in the dark. Maybe try both options and see what works best.

    My bee buddy came round today to inspect my beehives and we saw a virgin queen in the hive that had swarmed so he has every confidence they will grow in numbers once she has mated and starts laying eggs. That was such a relief. The 2nd hive is amazing (his words) and I should be proud. I said it's the bees that should be proud since they are doing all the work. If we have a good summer I should get a reasonable crop of honey but I'm not counting my chickens until they hatch, or bees come to that!!:laugh:

    Can't tell you all how much better I feel tonight after a healthier day. My salad this evening contained home grown rocket and radish in it so I felt all my digging is coming to fruition. I put in some cauliflower and brussel sprout plants this afternoon and potted on tomato plants and a couple of cucumbers so am beginning to feel summer is on the way. Rain forecast tomorrow so that really IS an English summer!!!:bigsmile:

    Bedtime so goodnight everyone. Hopefully catch up tomorrow.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :flowerforyou: Buzz, you are so right about good fats and that dairy fat is not the good kind…….our house is being shown but so far no one has fallen in love with it. The last people liked the house but not the neighborhood.

    :flowerforyou: Dee, I am so glad to hear that Bandit is doing better.:bigsmile: Thanks for keeping us updated.

    :flowerforyou: Jackie, that is such good news about your bees. Before long you’ll have a whole new gang of “happy girls” working for you.

    :bigsmile: This is our Isagenix cleanse day so we take it easy. I walked the dogs early and took them to the dog park in the afternoon and did laundry but otherwise just watched a movie and some TV and took a nap.

    :sad: We aren’t doing any planting this year because we’re hoping the house will sell soon and it’s still too cold. If we move soon enough, we might plant something in the new place. Our yard work has been keeping the grass cut (that’s Jake’s job) and pulling weeds (we both do that).
  • tlp8rb
    tlp8rb Posts: 556 Member
    Thanks to the friends who've contacted me. WE ARE FINE!! The worst tornado in Missouri history destroyed 30% of the city of Joplin, Missouri last night. We are 157 miles (about 3 hours) directly east of Joplin and while we were in a tornado warning, we were not affected by the storm.

    There are some 500 MFP users who DO live within 25 miles of Joplin, many right in the city who need your prayers and support. If you can, please contact the American Red Cross with a donation, however small. Their resources are stretched thin after the tornados in Mississippi and Alabama earlier this month, the tornado that destroyed an entire neighborhood in St. Louis, and the recent flooding along the Mississippi.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,131 Member
    Happy Monday Morning!! :bigsmile: We had heavy rain last night but the sun is trying to come out this morning. :flowerforyou:

    Busy weekend with Zack, including a fund raiser for abused children yesterday. It was a great brunch and although I over indulged my weight is still the same. Today I have to get back on track and record my calories and keep up with my walks with Daisy ( I did walk over the weekend which helped). I don't want to gain any weight and if I don't keep myself honest the pounds will start sneaking back.:angry:

    Connie, it is horrific what happened in Missouri, I am glad that you are safe and will keep the others in my prayers.

    Barbie, continuing prayers for your house to sell, I know you love the new one. Are you buying with a contingency?

    Jackie, happy about your bees, but will admit glad they are there and not here.:laugh:

    Dee, I know what you mean about acting like a kid at a concert, I was like that at a Rod Stewart concert!! Heavens only knows what I would do if I ran into George Clooney or Johnny Depp, both young enough to be my sons. :laugh: So happy Bandit is doing better and hope he stays healthy. I took Daisy to the vet for one of her shots Saturday and she weighs 88 pounds now.
    I will be bringing her back for some allergy tests, since she seems to be chewing at her feet a lot.

    Buzz, sorry to hear whipped cream even low in calories is not good for me. I love a couple of tablespoons with no sugar jello, it is a guilty treat of mine. Also love those mini caramel rice cakes but hard to stop at 7. I am going to try harder this week.

    Marie, love that you are posting on the home page, it sometimes is easier to read then the long posts, especially with how busy summer is for most of us.

    Phoebe, every time I see your picture I want to touch those dimples. You are so cute and so young, I am jealous.

    Marilyn, you are doing great with your steps, you should join the walking challenge somewhere on this site.

    Judi, great to hear from you, keep checking in and let us know how you are doing.

    Jackie, how nice of you to sit with your friends mother to give her some time out. I do know what you mean about sitting for too long, that is the worst thing for my knees.

    Maddie, hope you are doing ok, check in and let us know.

    It is Monday, laundry day, also some home schooling for Zack, just some reading and math. Hope you have a wonderful day!!
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    :laugh: Happy Monday to all!:flowerforyou:

    Barbie sounds like Friday was a fun & busy day!:happy: I love the expression “Strategy is Stronger than Willpower". I am always far more upset with myself when I fail to plan then when I eat too much!

    Buzz, 3 – 4 pounds a month is terrific, and sometimes if it comes off too fast, it comes back just as fast.:frown:
    As far as finding the foods to track, when I am very busy and I know what the calories amount is (because I have the information on the bag or box) I just put it up as quick calories.:ohwell: Granted it won’t break it down for you, but at least you have an idea of how many calories you’re eating. On the other hand, if I have time, I WILL add the item with the nutritional information.

    Dee, I’m so that glad Bandit is doing great! :happy: I’m still praying for Katy.:heart:
    Aren’t you sick of the rain??? When I get depressed about it, I think of the poor people experiencing tornados in MO. Such a pity!:brokenheart:
    Glad you enjoyed the concert!:flowerforyou:

    Marie, I’m so jealous that you can plant a garden. It’s been so cold in the north east that we haven’t planted anything yet!:angry:
    I find peanuts are helpful with hunger but not everyone can handle them. I buy the snack size Planters, so they’re measured out. This way I can’t get tempted to eat more than I should….unless I’m tempted to open another package! :laugh: Peanut. Butter is just too easy to scoop out much more than I should!:frown:

    Sandy, regarding your remark “I hope am being active enough to keep things from pasting to my hips”, boy do I relate!!! I also had a hectic weekend and my food was certainly over what it should have been, but I DID exercise every day to counter act the damage! :laugh:
    Also, hope you can get to a meeting. They certainly are helpful.:flowerforyou:

    Jackie, as I said to Sandy, I also had a tough 3 days with food.:embarassed: Fried food keeps me up all night, too,:sick: so for the most part, that’s not what I get in trouble with!
    Laughed at the bee story! I’m so scared of bees. :noway: Would not do well with those hives. I agree with Sandy!!! :laugh:

    Judi, I would SOOOO like to send you some of the rain we’ve been experiencing in New England! :angry:
    The garden sounds lovely…..and nutritious!!!:flowerforyou:

    Connie, so appreciative of the update. Glad you are fine!:wink: What a horrible tornado! :frown: The country’s eyes have been on MO and praying for all those living there!!!:love:

    Phoebe, hope your truck troubles are resolved!:happy:

    I had a dinner on Friday night and went over. I didn’t have a plan and that was the problem!:embarassed: The same for the wedding on Saturday. Got quite sloppy!!! I did, however exercise each day for 65 minutes and I drank tons of water in between!

    My daughter, who lives with me, went on a vacation for a week and broke the golden rule regarding bringing sweets in the house. She bought a container of Eddy’s Ice Cream and left it in the freezer.:noway: WELL….I went to throw it in the garbage but had a cup of it before I did!!! :tongue: Yikes! I really need to be squeaky clean today!:wink:

    The wedding was unique. In the middle of the ceremony, and before the kids took their vows, the minister was talking about keeping humor in the relationship etc. and just as he said that….the smoke alarm went off, sending a high pitched shrilling sound throughout the church!!!:noway: The firemen showed up etc. and we ended up taking the wedding outside. Thank God it was beautiful out… least at that moment…..and the ceremony finished outside. The minister said ….”Now before God, your family and friends…AND THE FIRE DEPT….I now pronounce you man and wife” :laugh: :laugh: We all cheered and as they walked through the crowd I started the wedding song dah dah da da! Everyone joined in. Certainly a day to remember!!!

    Have a great day everyone!!!!

  • debzwill
    debzwill Posts: 169 Member
    Hello everyone,

    Maddie: Are you ok? Let us know, I do hope you are not ill again. You were a bit breathless the last time on here!

    Dee: I am glad to hear that Bandit is doing good. Prayers are going out for Katy. How is she doing ? She certainly sounds like a fighter.
    A good job on your test results :)

    Phoebe: How's your truck doing? Are you still on the road?

    Buzz: So pleased for you that your nutritionist is happy with what you are doing. How is your son doing with his diet? So nice to see you posting, have missed you. Your posts always sound uplifting. I miss seeing your lovely smiley face though, although your flower is pretty:)

    Gigi: I hope you had a great time at the wedding. Are you back yet? Can't wait to hear all about it.

    Barbie: I love your thin commandment #2 Think historically, not calorically. That is my problem. I cannot just have the small portion, I have to eat the lot! I am trying not buy the things that I find hard to resist, like chocolate, nuts, raisins & lots more. lol

    Jackie: You have been a very busy lady! Good news about your bees. Keep us posted.

    Judi: We certainly did get the weather that you ordered for us. It was a bit windy and the bride had to remove her veil, and all the ladies were trying to keep our dresses from blowing above our heads, lol, but it was a beautiful day. The bride looked beautiful and radiant and the whole bridal party looked lovely. Wish we had more time though to explore Barnsley and Shefffield, not been to either before. I have never seen an owl in the wild before, lucky you!!

    Connie: So glad to hear that you are ok after the tornado. How sad for the city of Joplin though. Prayers are being said for them. How kind you are too.

    Sandy: Sounds like you are still in one piece with looking after Zack lol. You are a very busy lady. It's so sad that your SIL feels like he can be like that. Thank you for the weigh in advice. I am going to do what you suggested and weigh on both days. I do so well up until the weekend and mostly I try to make good choices but sometimes just give in, depending on the occasion!

    Birdie: Your wedding sounds like great fun. Certainly a day they will remember with a chuckle!

    Marie: Don't take any notice of the negative comments. You are doing great and you must do whatever works for you. I would definately follow Sandy and Barbies advice.

    Marilyn: Great job on the steps! How are you?

    Judy: Sounds strange to hear you say that winter is almost upon you, when we are saying that about summer!

    Well, we had a lovely day at the wedding. It was beautiful weather and so nice to see family that we have'nt seen for ages. Took lots of photos and will post them on here as soon as my daughter shows me how!!! The bride was beautiful as were the bridesmaids. One of them tried to read a poem but struggled as she kept crying. That set me off too and half of the wedding guests as well!! Tears of joy though. After her first dance with her new hubby, she requested a dance with her dad. He has been taking dancing lessons with his wife for the last couple of years. It was so lovely to see him quick step with his lovely daughter, again brought tears to my eyes! I do love a wedding. Such love, hopes and dreams. We have another 2 to attend yet! I always cry (what a wus!) must remember to take lots of tissues to the next

    Glad to hear that everyone is doing well. Sorry it's been a long one!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Awesome Mother glad to hear CONNIE is OK, and thank you for the suggestion about donations, dear friend! Our climate changes are showing a very fearsome side!

    DEE, so pleased your concert was such fun! To me, your generation IS kids! And I share your feeling for poodles, though I always like mine straight! They are so darn intelligent, but they think they are humans! :laugh: Great news about Bandit, and we hope Katy confounds the entire medical field and has a miracle! :flowerforyou:

    JACKIE, the survival of the queen bee is wonderful news indeed, and I expect the honey plus all the fertilizing will continue as ever! Hoorah!:wink:

    BARBIE, and SANDY, my reeference to whipped cream was not referring to the fat free kind! I, too, enjoy that on my nightly gelatin. I was speaking of real whipped cream, and read on because I will never mention it again!

    MARIE, I hereny apologize profusely for commenting about your diet! Of course it was none of my business, and we all care about you and I'm afraid I goofed, though I meant it as concern and not to hurt you, of all people! Remember, I'm your Big Sister? And sometimes older sisters forget their manners! Sorry dear, and it will not happen again!

    BIRDY M, thanks for the hint about posting just calories when in a rush! Loved your description of the wedding! My kids (probably your age!) grew up in Providence near Roger Williams Park, where we loved sledding after a snowstorm! ANd my darling granddaughter graduated URI yesterday! Do I ever miss the RI seafood, lobsters and clam fritters we used to get at Scarborough Beach!

    DEB, looking forward to YoUR wedding pictures, too. Sounded like a lovely day. Your advice to MARIE is right on, and I feel terrible if I caused pain! My bad! I'll consider changing back to a photo if I can remember how to do it!

    And MADDIE, is everything OK?

    PHOEBE, do you ever take time off, just for you?

    Oops, dinner time again?????

  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    How do I change my picture?
  • Grandee47
    Grandee47 Posts: 261 Member
    :smile: I like that picture, Buzz! Why do you want to change it?

    Commercial break on DWTS so I thought I'd write a quick note. Bandit still doing well. :bigsmile: He's also not showing any of the other signs I'm to look for that might mean a brain tumor. The drs put Katy on a different machine and late this afternoon her Mom actually felt some optimism. Her fever also broke which means she is able to start a new med. So, on it goes, but at least today we're feeling hope.

    i had the worst carb cravings today. That doesn't happen to me very often, but when he does....... It did give in some, but not crazily. Tomorrow it's back to business. I'm determined to get rid of these last two pounds.

    Commercial over! :flowerforyou:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: this is a quick bedtime hello and good night :yawn: beautiful day so I was outside and active a lot
    even danced in the living room while watching Dancing with the Stars:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: if you didn't see 60 year old Kirstie dance tonight you missed something amazing.
  • Shirley61
    Shirley61 Posts: 7,758 Member
    Happy Tuesday Ladies:

    Just got over Victoria Day weekend here in Ontario. Gained a couple of
    pounds but will work that off this week. I am trying to get to my next level
    and will have to be more dedicated.

    Weather here is raining again today but tomorrow brings sunshine and
    warmer temps.

    Friday - Did all my flower planting and vegetable garden between rain
    showers. Its all in and looks great. We have a steel roof over our patio
    so I did some of the pots under the roof. It cleared up in the afternoon and
    the sun came out so I finished in the ground planting.

    Saturday - My oldest daughter came from Toronto and we went shopping all
    day at the Mall across the border. There was an hour wait on the Bridge to
    customs but we just chatted and got through it best we could.
    There were a lot of mark downs on the clothes and she managed to spend
    close to $500 and had to pay duty. I got a beautiful dress at JC Penny for
    $20 after mark down. I have a wedding in August to go to. We got home
    at 7:45 pm and I was beat.

    Sunday- Went down to the sailing club to clean the new/old boat. Washed
    down all the teak wood and oiled all the wood. What a job! It looks great now
    and we can put the cushions back in and get my stuff from the other boat into
    the new one. We have a person going to look at our old boat on Wednesday.
    Keep your fingers crossed we sell it. My hubby was exhausted yesterday
    between the new boat and selling the old one getting it to look fantastic.

    Needed at least 3 coffees on Monday to get through the day after the weekend.
    I ended up working on Monday and taking next weekend as a long weekend.
    Well that's all to report today.

    Buzz - I love the new picture. Don't change it.

    Sandy - Love your new pic too. Everyone looks so healthy.

    Have a great day everyone and stay safe.

    Food for thought: Let go of old ways of thinking,
    JOYFULLY embrace the new.
    Good things flow easily.
  • marlouise
    marlouise Posts: 286
    Hello ladies, just a quick note, 4000 steps for Sunday, pedometer slipped off somewhere so steps missed, oh well. New job is a challenge but it will be okay once I am organized. Hope all is well here, I am feeling a bit like a stranger, stalking and leaving with little notice, however time simply will not allow me to sit for the span it takes to read and respond to all the posts. I sure know each and everyone of you are wonderful and miss the opportunity to get to know you. Do e-mail me I will happily take the time to respond.

    Take care all and keep on track.

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    I stole this off of Shirley 's Post thought it fit in with my new plan.

    Food for thought: Let go of old ways of thinking,
    JOYFULLY embrace the new.
    Good things flow easily.

    I is so true thanks Shirley.

    Here is my report on the paleo diet. My first week"

    SW 203
    CW198.7......... lost 4.3 lbs........ broke the 200........ So happy

    going for another week.
  • pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA
    pjsatticPhoebeWaleskaGA Posts: 1,701 Member
    I am taking an extended leave from the Sneakers thread. I am fine, still following my plan. Thank you for your support.