Senior Golden Sneakers -May 2011



  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    MADDIE, I love the joke. It's so true too. My dh's 99 yr old aunt used to do most of her grocery shopping at the dollar store with all their preservatives.

    MARIE. Thanks for fixing my photo. I'll try again with another one
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member

    Hurray, it worked.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Jeri, What brillant colors. Love them and thanks for sharing
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,131 Member
    hmmmmm, Sandy wants a joke?????

    "Old people shouldn't eat health foods. They need all the preservatives they can get."

    annnnnnnd, Sandy wants a dance???? Here's one I shared with Deb:


    Maddie :drinker:

    Thanks Maddie, just what we needed today. Love the dancers, I wish I could dance. :sad:
  • debzwill
    debzwill Posts: 169 Member
    Maddie, I think I might try copying the dancers dance today for some exercise! Love the joke:laugh: Better than medicine:bigsmile:

    Sandy, I can't dance either, but I keep trying just for fun lol. Nagging my OH to go ballroom dancing, but he is'nt interested so far. Note so far...I have'nt given up yet:laugh:

    Jeri, those tulips are just beautiful. The colours are amazing:flowerforyou:

    Jumped on here quick while gd is taking a nap. Will pop back later:heart:
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    HAd no internet or phone yesterday, so I missed the good news;
    MARIE, whew. I can breathe again! What would we do without my "kid sister" anyway? And you keep track of it all, for us! So glad you remained at the helm, love!
    Haven't time to comment on all the wonderful news and brilliant comments from everyone, but gotta run!
    PHOEBE, GAYLA, BARB, come on back so we can grow together again!
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    TGIF! My boss is back, so getting back to being busier.:ohwell: Not able to post like the past week but will try to keep up with reading the posts! :wink: Have a lovely day everyone!!!:flowerforyou:

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Had a good night sleep now off to the store to pick up some fresh veggie for the weekend.,
    I want to try something I don' usally fix I think I may try some beets sounds good to me. will have to look it up and see how to roast them
    So glad to see this thread getting to gether again. Love the fact that Maddie up to posting us some funny stuff and love the dancing girls. I bet we can all do that If barbie teach us how!
    Good to see Buzz back after being without internet yesterday.

    See you later Jerry is ready to go,

    Love you all Marie
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member

    Hurray, it worked.

    So beautiful!!!!!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    We are so fortunate, ladies and the few great men on this board. I'll try Marie's hint about Photobucket and forgive me if it doesn't work!
    I feel we ALL hold our future, together and apart, in our own hands, and together, we are strong!
    :heart: Buzz
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    What have we here buzz now send me a flower Wonderful. Say what happen you had it a moment ago. You do get those things and it gets irritable Just go find another one. and try again.
    now you got it nice
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    MARIE, we hold the world in our hands. Let us all make it the best and strongest world ever, all of us together!
    You inspired me to try and try again! And it took 3 tries, but finally I hope I learned!
  • debzwill
    debzwill Posts: 169 Member
    Buzz, I have made it to 6 glasses of water today. Not quite the 8 but I'm getting there. I still have to have my cups of tea, although I have cut them right down today. Thank you for the tip.:drinker: I love the photo and how true it is:heart:

    Maddie, how about some more jokes? I have been trying to get the hang of those dancers routine lol. I am determined:laugh:

    Marie, did you get your beets? I am supposing they are what we call beetroot. I love them, but have never had them roasted. Would love you to let me know if they are good or not:drinker:

    Sandy, How did the tutoring go with Zack today? You must be exhausted, I know I would be lol.:drinker:

    Donna, how are you feeling today? Hope you are feeling a bit better and can join us again soon.:flowerforyou:

    Jeri, Thoughts, prayers are lots of hugs are being sent to you every day. Try to stay positive. Easier said than done I know, but I do believe in positive thoughts, so sending them to you as well.:heart:

    I have had a quiet Friday evening. Usually full of noisy family, but they are all busy. Did'nt know what to do with myself and so I have been popping on and off here all evening:love:

    For those who don't know, I have lost 3lb:bigsmile: Had a fish n chip dinner tonight and hope I have not done any damage. Weighing again on Monday as suggested by Sandy & Barbie to keep me on the straight and narrow. Wish me luck:drinker:

    Good luck to all those who will be weighing in over the weekend:drinker:
  • pinkperil
    pinkperil Posts: 5,072 Member
    Good evening everyone. I've had a productive day first off hunting for a birthday present for a friend and then cutting the grass before the forecasted weekend of rain!! My garden is terraced so I have to lift the lawnmower up over retaining walls to get to each level. Now I'm ooh-ing and aah-ing every time I move!! A good nights sleep will have my muscles all relaxed by morning though I'm sure.

    Buzz ~ What a beautiful picture. I assume it is graffiti on someone's wall? Have you heard of Banksy? He creates the most amazing graffiti that now sells for many thousands of pounds in the UK. I think he is now operating in the States too so if you find he's been shaking a spray paint can towards one of your walls take great care of it!!

    Barbie ~ Great to hear the sun is finally shining on you. It was beginning to sound very serious with the amounts that were falling. I'm sure your frisky poodles will still have a great time even without the birds to chase!

    Jeri ~ Those tulips are gorgeous. I've only got a few in my garden and they faded quickly this year because of the unusually warm spring weather. Seeing your photo makes me think I must dig in more bulbs in the Autumn.

    Deb ~ My chipped tooth is fine in that it isn't painful. Typical NHS I have to wait for an appointment and my dentist is away for the whole of June so I will have to see a new one. I'm sure the receptionist said her name was Alicia Keys so I may get sung to as she drills!! Not until June 8th though so I will just have to avoid chewy bread!! I soaked the rye with cranberries loaf that caused the chipped tooth in warm water and fed it to the hens. Thought it the safest option since they don't possess teeth!!

    Maddie ~ Love to see your jokes and the dancers. You always give me a smile.:bigsmile:

    Marie ~ Did you buy those beets and roast them? One of my pre-diet favourites was roasted potatoes, beetroot and garlic with sea salt and olive oil drizzled over them. Oh well, I can dream!!

    The site seems to be reacting slowly tonight, or maybe it's my computer, so I'll say goodnight and head for my bed before something crashes!

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member

    will dancing make you too thin ???????:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member

    Another photo taken at Dow's Lake in Ottawa on our recent trip. It has been so dull and rainy, I need some nice bright flowers to make me smile.

    Cheers all.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Just lovely Jeri and ia adore your avtar. . i never seen so many tulips in one place before. So pretty. Thanks you for sharing with us.
    Love Marie
  • debzwill
    debzwill Posts: 169 Member
    Barbie, Love it!! and I hope so cos thats what i'm doing :laugh:

    Jeri, the colours of those tulips just make me smile.You're right they do cheer us up on a dull rainy day:bigsmile:

    Marie, happy Saturday!

    A happy saturday to all of you. Will be back tonight, not long been in from work. Going for a nap I think. I feel very snoozy:yawn:
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,131 Member
    Happy Saturday!! :bigsmile: Rained again last night (so what else is new) . The sun seems to be trying to peek out, but the forcast is for a cloudy day. Too bad, I was hoping for a hot day so I could take Zack to the pool today. :grumble:
    Things are going well with him, except for the home schooling. I had forgotten how to do fractions but with a little computer searching I finally remembered and was able to go ahead with his lesson. (thanks Connie for your help). My truck driver son is in and was staying with a friend who needs some privacy with his girlfriend, so Brad came here and we kicked Zack out of my guest room for Brad and I put Zack on a blow up mattress in my office. :tongue: Another week to go and hopefully my life will be back to normal. Babe goes Tuesday for an ultra sound on his foot and then to his doctor on Thursday where we hope she will put him in a boot so he can walk again. He is stir crazy and getting cranky, but who can blame him???:grumble:

    Jeri, I agree with Marie, your new profile picture is great as is the tulip picture. Thanks for sharing.

    Barbie, love your dancer, with how fast Betty Boop feet are moving, she should shed pounds fast.

    Jackie, you must be a strong lady to lift that mower over retaining walls, hope those muscles recovered.

    Deb, I have the same problem with water, I just don't drink enough of it. I am good after dinner with drinking water, but during the day I seem to forget. Maybe because I am too busy and never sit still.

    Buzz, love your picture and what a great graphic.

    Birdie, it was wonderful to see you have some time to post, that job just keeps interfering with your social life.

    Maddie, more cheering up for us please............I know we can count on your for these gloomy days.

    Have a great Saturday!!!
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member


    Lets all remmeber our Boys and our own love ones this weekend. . Everyday too.!the flowers are way too big