Senior Golden Sneakers -May 2011



  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Indeed, MARIE, a very apt suggestion...let us all remember those in the services who are willing to make ultimate sacrifices for this beautiful country! We watched "Grace Is Gone" last night, and neither of us could keep our eyes dry! And we didn't even know Grace! Thought it was an excellent movie. Clint Estwood was one of the producers, I think, as was John Cusack, who was the principle character, but everyone was marvelous. An Independent (Indie) which is not everyone's cup of tea, but we thought it was magnificently performed.
    Speaking of tea, DEB and SANDY, and anyone else having trouble getting the water down, tea counts, as long as it isn't with sugar or milk. I drink almost nothing after dinner or I'd be P- ing all night! I told DEB, I got myself a 16 oz glass (just for me) and I have a full glass before AND after each meal, (lunch and breakfast=8 glasses or 64 ozs) which leaves just one or 2 more at dinner. So I sleep just fine!
    We picked up , along with the sweet corn and tomatoes, a fantastic raisin walnut WHOLE WHEAT SOUR DOUGH bread; crusty and dark, and I could not resist it as it was in our farmstand, HOMEMADE! I will pay, but I adore really good European style bread and this filled the bill! :noway: ...:ohwell: It IS a special weekend!

    :flowerforyou: Buzz
  • Jake45
    Jake45 Posts: 146 Member
    A little humor for the American holiday. Be safe everyone and remember water is your friend.

    Two Irish nuns have just arrived in USA by boat, and one says to the other, "I hear that the people in this country actually eat dogs. "Odd," her companion replies, "but if we shall live in America, we might as well do as the Americans do." As they sit, they hear a push cart vendor yelling, "Hot Dogs, get your dogs here," and they both walk towards the hot dog cart. "Two dogs, please!," says one. The vendor is very pleased to oblige, wraps both hot dogs in foil and hands them over.

    Excited, the nuns hurry to a bench and begin to unwrap their 'dogs. The mother superior is first to open hers. She begins to blush, and then after staring at it for a moment, leans to the other Nun and in a soft brogue whispers......"What part did you get?"
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :flowerforyou: Here is what I know about the nifty birthday images that I post on this thread. Here is the link to hundreds of birthday greetings:

    This website has graphics for all sorts of holidays and other topics

    When you find the image you like, click on it and it will get bigger so you can be sure you really like it Under the picture you will find two codes. The bottom on that is for a variety of uses including forums, is the one you want. Click on the code to highlight it then copy and paste it onto your post. I open the glitter graphics in a separate window so I can go back and forth easily.

    If you are going to do this, I suggest you allow yourself plenty of time in case you need to experiment or want to look at a lot of images or goof up or something. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Marie, my mother loved beets and I don’t like them. One summer I grew beets and gave her the beets and kept the beet greens which I love. The only beets I ever liked were the yellow mango beets that Jake grew when we were farming. I liked them because they didn’t really taste like beets

    :flowerforyou: Sandy, I loved math when I was in high school and I am good at arithmetic (like balancing my checkbook) but I don’t think I’d be equipped to tutor a 12 year old with math now.

    :flowerforyou: Jeri, thank you for posting the beautiful colorful flower picture…..we’ve had gray weather here, too and being far north (not as far as you) spring comes late

    :flowerforyou: Buzz, thanks for the good suggestions about drinking water. I drink herb tea at least once a day with nothing added keep a tally of how much water I drink so I don’t lose track. That bread sounds great, but I’d want to eat the whole loaf.

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Jake, that’s a great joke……I laughed out loud when I read it. Where do you get all those funny things ?:laugh:

    :bigsmile: We had beautiful weather today. Someone came to look at our house this morning. While they were here I took the dogs to the dog park and Jake went and did all the shopping.

    I hope we all enjoy this holiday weekend and don’t lose sight of the reason for it.
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    That was a good one Jake. Thanks for the laught.
  • nudqt
    nudqt Posts: 98
    That was a funny one...thank you...
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi everyone! I am back and it feels good to be home. I started back to Weight Watchers today and I think I am ready. I won't change my numbers as thankfully, I am only a little more than a pound more than I was a few months ago. If feels good not to be starting completely over.

    I have looked over the last several days of posts and see that there are some people I don't know (friends I haven't met yet) and look forward to getting to know you all. For those who don't know me I have been around for a long time, 61 years actually, a few less at MFP. Marie, Phoebe and I were online friends at another weight loss site several years ago and then migrated here when that site was closing. I had fallen off the wagon for the umpteenth time and decided to take a little hiatus. I hope I am back on track and ready to cheer us on as we make this journey together.

    My name is Gayla and I live in Saskatchewan, Canada where it has been rainy today. My husband and I have 3 grown sons. You will get to know my son, Neil, as he will be frequently mentioned as he was in the past. He is physcially and mentally challenged and often is challenging to me as well. :wink: Sadly, I still have no grandchildren!! :cry: I retired from my nursing career a little over a year ago and am loving retirement. What can be wrong with not having an alarm wake you up in the morning and then enjoying the paper with a cup of coffee in my favorite chair? We have been doing some renovating over the past few months and now we are mostly done!!! I am still trying to find places for some of my stuff that I am not quite ready to part with but I have given and thrown away a lot. Now I have started working on my garden beds. I envy Marie and her already ripe tomatoes!!

    Have a wonderful Sunday everyone. :heart:
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    Welcome back home Dear Gayla, you were missed
    I am so happy to see you. All is fine here. Jerry voice is fully recovorded. Hi neck is all clear up. I think a curtain has been lifted from me. This has been a terrible stressul time for me A long 8 months of not knowing. His doctor has not given us the word yet but I am pretty sure the cancer is all gone now. Its so nice to be able to understand him now, i am concerned about Neil not knowing where he was at and I know how you must feel. And how he must feels I am praying for good things to come his way.

    He has been such a brave guy thuout all of this.What a guy.!

    Now on to good thing for us Lets get serious about getting this weight off. I am praying that I do not have another outburst like I did last week. How childress I was. I am so sorry My friends What a way to treat your friends When they just have you concern. Please forgive me everybody.I am so sorry! What a load off my mind.

    Will Saturday be your WI.?I am still please with my plan. Its working for me We all got to fine what works for us.

    WW is a good family way to go. Look at Kay she cooks lovely meals along with desert and has kept her. weight off now for 7 r 8 years One bite of her cakes would set me of to no end. This no grain diet keeps my eating in check. Can't ask for anymore than that..... I have ramble on lomg enough . Time to get beakfast and a cup of coffee........ Love ,Marie

    Alice is comiingout today. i am cooking at home will be baked Tilapia with jalpena peppers. Stir fried Squash and onions Slice tomatoes and blackberries for desert I have the veggies all aliced and ready to pop in the skillet.It is just too hard to fine a decent meal out We will still go shopping. I am looking for a page manifier I think the craft store have them.

    glitter-4-1.gif ,,,,,,
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    Gayla wrote
    Now I have started working on my garden beds.

    I am so glad you are back. Living herein Calgary I am envious of those in warmer climates as well. We are just starting to work in our yard too. Today looks like a beautiful day but we are having company so we won't be able to get too much done. On the other hand it will be so nice to see my sweet dd and their 19 mo grandson. We are getting together to get the low down on what to feed him, etc.. Next Friday we'll be babysitting for a week. I am scared of that as he has such severe allergies but we'll make out okay. It will take my mind off waiting for the results of my breast biopsy.

    MARIE supper sounds great and you are really sweet.

    Got to run.
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,131 Member
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,131 Member
    Happy Sunday!! :bigsmile: The sun is still not shining but it is supposed to be warmer today. Tomorrow they are forecasting 90, sunny and humid.:glasses: From one extreme to the other.:grumble:

    Thanks Barbie, for the link to the graphics, I love them. It took me three tries to get it right but i am happy with the results.

    Gayla, so happy to have you back on our journey. I missed hearing about my guy Neil and hope he has recovered from his experience last week. Hope you will be able to share some pictures of your finished remodeling.

    Jeri, I am glad you will have your grandson to keep you busy, there is nothing worse than waiting for tests results.
    You are in my prayers and keep thinking good thoughts, it is in God's hands.

    Marie, glad you are back to your "old" (not pun intended) self. Stress can play havoc with our minds, I know the last six weeks of mine has not been easy and we weren't dealing with cancer. Your dinner sounds great and I am glad Alice is coming to spend some time with you. I love your picture, it is beautiful.

    Nudqt, did I miss you welcoming you? Welcome if you are new with us.

    Jake, funny joke, you really know how to post them. :laugh:

    Buzz, love your graphic and give thanks as well. I am one of those people when I see a person in the service I go up to them and thank them, especially when I am at the airport. I think I would rather drink water than tea, that would mean I would have to make the tea and water is easier. :laugh:

    Daisy just left for the groomer and later we will be going to my stepsons for dinner.

    I am still losing weight and I am happy about that. My son told me to be smart about my food, when I am busy and doing a lot, he said to eat more, when it is a lazy day eat less. Makes sense to me, it is like tricking the body so it doesn't know what to do.
    This works for me but I am at my goal so I don't suggest it for anyone else, we all know what works best for our own bodies.

    Have a super day!!
  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    JAKE, don't hear from you often enough, but when we do, it's a doozy!

    BARBIE, thanks for the clipart URL; I'm starting to experiment again! Hope you receive an offer from those hunters!

    NUDQT, welcome to SNEAKERS; sounds like you are really doing well.

    GAYLA:drinker: so great to see you back here! We missed you, and now we are slowly getting together again. I think most of us are probably at pretty much the same place we were when you took that hiatus, so we'll continue to share our adventures, haps and mishaps again! I found your story about you, PHOEBE and MARIE a revelation. I, too, had been on another site which MSN closed down, and I guess it was more important to my self control than I realized! And delighted your house is finished! So WELCOME HOME :love:

    MARIE: tut-tut :noway: we love you and understood you were under stress and not one of us, including you, meant harm to anyone!
    We are like family: a misunderstanding here and there, but a stronger bond holds us together! I hope you will al overlook my transgressions as well as everyone else on the board, as we are here for support and sometimes constructive help as well:drinker:
    And have a lovely shopping day with Alice!

    JERI, we will all think positive about your biopsy, and please keep us informed. Enjoy the baby!

    SANDY, I think your son is correct, and I have a way to go, but I will remember that as it makes perfect sense!

    By the way, I think I ate almost 1/2 that walnut raisin crusty bread yesterday! I will not go near it today, and it must end up in my new freezer! After being so careful, too!


  • delraybuzz
    delraybuzz Posts: 2,779 Member
    Thank you, Barbie, worked the 1st try!

    :heart: Buzz
    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member
    100_0016 by rieriecat, on Flickr

    CALIECAT Posts: 12,530 Member

    160 by rieriecat, on Flickr
  • Grandee47
    Grandee47 Posts: 261 Member
    Marie, or should I say Mrs. Beautiful Blue Eyes, your picture made me :smile:

    Jake, your joke made me :laugh:

    Beautiful day here. Went to church, grilled some sweet italian chicken sausage (very tasty), potted some plants and soon will go for a walk. A good day of rest.

    According to the scale today I was down 1.5 which would put me at my personal goal. :noway: Wednesdays are my official weighin day so if I can keep it off, I'll count in on Wednesday and send up the fireworks! Keep your fingers crossed.

    Dee :flowerforyou:

    PS When I do reach goal, I will post my before and after photos. I have never done that!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :flowerforyou: Marie, your pictures turned out great. It looks like they are from Flickr. I haven't tried positing photos from that site.:bigsmile: You are not the only person who has had bad responses to stress. We are like family and families have their ups and downs and we hug and forgive and keep on going. :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: nudqt, welcome to the family. I hope you'll post more so we can get to know you

    :bigsmile: Gayla, I'm glad to see you back with the family. Thank you for telling the story about how you and Phoebe and Marie met. I could never figure out how the three of you who were from such diverse geographical locations had become such fast friends. I'll be interested in hearing future stories of your renovations. going through things and getting rid of stuff is very energizing and therapeutic.:bigsmile: the only things we're doing with our garden beds is keeping the weeds out. We hope to move long before anything would be growing this summer.:bigsmile: WW is a great plan. They have such a good reputation so it must work well.

    :bigsmile: Jeri, I admire your courage taking care of your 19 month old grandson. I don't think I could do that.....the others are right, it will keep your mind off yourself and the upcoming test results.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Sandy, it is great to hear that you are losing weight and heading toward that new goal. That's great advice to eat more on the days you are active. I love the days when I have line dance class and go on long walks because I burn more calories so I can eat. And I don't like the days that I have a long drive and long meeting and have to sit too much because then I can't eat as much. I hope things go well for you at your stepson's I know that is always a stressful visit.:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: you did an amazing job with the new graphics.:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :laugh: Buzz, you are like me with that bread :laugh: I could never have it in the house.:bigsmile: Glad you liked the link to the glitter graphics. They have a ton of cute stuff. I have wasted a lot of time looking through all the great pictures :laugh:

    :flowerforyou: Dee, congratulations on reaching your goal. i will love seeing before and after pictures.:bigsmile:

    :bigsmile: today is Isagenix cleanse day. I walked the dogs early then took them to the dog park and now I am relaxing with the computer and TV. We have beautiful weather so the dog park was very busy. I think one of my plans for the afternoon will be taking a nap.
  • debzwill
    debzwill Posts: 169 Member
    Hello everyone,

    What a lot of posts in one day. Phew!!

    Well a good nights sleep and I am feeling great again. The weather has been sunny and warm but very windy. The family were all round today, so we were in the garden for most of the day. I do love having them round, they fill the house with laughter (most of the time) and noise!!!:happy: I am so lucky that they live local and I get to see them lots.:bigsmile: We keep trying to get an up to date photo of us all, but there always seems to be another member due, so never quite up to date. The next one is due in July!
    My daughter says she will help me to post a couple of photos tomorrow. We seem to be having a problem with our Adobe flashplayer!!! So it won't let me go on those photo sites, clicart or let me watch videos, you tube etc. So frustrating. My bro in law is away at the moment, and he normally see's to our computer, so I will have to wait another week for him to see whats wrong. I love those glitter pics and can't wait to have a look.

    Gayla, as I joined, you took your hiatus. I am glad you are back, so I can get to know you. I do know that eveyone on here has missed you, so a big' Welcome Back':flowerforyou: I loved hearing your story. Getting up without an alarm and sitting with a cuppa, not rushing about sounds heavenly:bigsmile: I look forward to hearing more about Neil, he seems pretty popular!

    Marie, I am so pleased for you both that Jerry' voice has recovered. My sister was ill with cancer and the waiting for results was always extremely stressful. Far more than the treatments. She is in the clear now, thank god. Positive thoughts are sent to Jerry for his results too:bigsmile: Have a great time with Alice. Your photo is lovely. You both look so happy.

    Jeri, You will be fine taking care of your grandson. You would'nt have been asked if you were'nt up to it. You will have a great time with him. Hope you had a good time today with your family.:bigsmile:

    Sandy, congratulations on losing more weight. You are so strong! Your son talks a lot of sense.:happy: I hope your evening goes well at your stepsons. I know this can be difficult for you:flowerforyou:

    Buzz, I am still trying with the water. I sometimes go for ages and forget to drink, then I put the kettle on. Bad habits but I am trying hard to break them. I take milk in my tea, so cannot count them. I am having 8oz glasses at the moment, as the 16oz look a bit daunting just now!!:drinker: How about if you slice the bread before freezing, then you can take out just a slice when you want it, rather than the whole loaf? BTW hows it going with your new freezer. You all sorted now?

    Dee, congratulations on your weight loss and reaching your goal. I am sure you will fine on Wednesday but I know what you mean.:flowerforyou: I am looking forward to seeing those photos.:wink:

    Barbie, what is isagenix cleanse day? I have seen you mention that before but have no idea what it is!

    Jake, Love that:laugh: Keep em coming!!

    Welcome Nudqt:happy:

    I was thinking about you all earlier this evening, and I am truly amazed and grateful at how quickly you all welcomed me and made me feel at home. I feel I have made such great friends in all of you and in such a short period of time. Something I never thought possible could happen just by typing into a computer! I feel I am getting to know each one of you really well, and at times want to give you a hug for whatever you are going through or just because I feel like it. Thanks for letting me be slushy:laugh: And I do feel like giving you all a hug, sooo ((((:heart: hugs)))) for you all.
    (Sorry. It's a very long post)
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    DEB. What a nice post. I joined shortly before you and I echo your comments. This fine group of ladies and a gent or two make me feel very welcome. As some if you know I just had a breast biopsy after a very suspicious mammogram and ultrasound. I am getting so much love and support from this group as I wait for the results. I am so glad I found you all..
  • Sandydur
    Sandydur Posts: 9,131 Member
    It is getting late and I am tired but I had to post to say what great pictures are posted today. Jeri, is that you will all of those tulips?
    What a great picture!!! Marie, the picture of you and Jerry is great, what a great looking couple you are.

    Jeri, of course we are here for you, we pray and hope for nothing but good news with your tests.

    Deb, your post was so nice, thank you and since you are part of our family, we feel the same towards you.
    We are always here for each other through good times, bad times and for what ever else we might need.

    As it turned out we didn't go to my step sons after all, our weather was so bad we didn't want to leave the house. It just would have been to hard to get Babe in the car while it was raining. It rained so hard we lost power for a short time but it came right back. Zack was upset we didn't go to see his cousin but so was Marisa so Cheryl came here with Marisa and we put together a quick dinner of hamburgers and hot dogs. The kids got to play and Chery, Brad and I got to play a game of dominoes. Cheryl said Phil was in a foul mood and Babe is still cranky so it all worked out for the best.

    In the morning we have a parade which we follow to the middle of town where they have a service for our armed forces followed by snacks and music. After that we hope to go to the pool and will end up at Phil and Cheryl's for dinner. I hope everyone has a safe and happy Memorial Day.
  • Lafla
    Lafla Posts: 685 Member
    Hi to you all from cloudy Saskatchewan. I bought my bedding plants today so am hoping to have a warm and rain free day tomorrow to get them in the ground. I am really sorry that I didn’t buy new planters for the deck as they are looking a little sad. I will watch for sales in the fall. The first day of WW has gone well. I am a little under my points and that won’t happen again!!! That may have something to do with my headache. When I suggested to Dave that may be the case I got the eye roll and ‘right’.

    Neil decided mid-afternoon today that he was ready to go to his home. He thought one of the other guys would be missing him. I was planning on having him here for dinner but didn’t say anything about that. We were so happy to take him home at his suggestion and no whining. Life can be so strange sometimes.

    Thanks to everyone for your warm welcome back. You are without doubt the most wonderful girlfriends a girl could have.

    Marie – Glad you are feeling more like yourself. I am not sure what happened but there is no need to explain. I think it is a good idea to just go on from here. Sometimes new diets can mess with our moods a bit as well just as mine has given me a headache today. I can’t even imagine the stress you have been under. I am so glad that Jerry is getting better every day. I completely understand how wonderful it is for him to have a voice and for you to hear that voice. It all sounds very positive to me.
    Saturday will be my WI day for now. Is Alice still doing WW? Hi to her! Wonderful picture of you two lovebirds!

    Jeri – How nice to have family coming. That baby will lift your spirits for sure! I am sending lots of positive thoughts your way.

    Sandy – You girls are getting very crafty with the graphics!! I have taken a few pictures and now I have to figure out how to share them. I go in spurts with posting pictures and each time I have to relearn the process. I said we were pretty much done the renovations. I should have added the disclaimer – for now – as I think we are going to take out the carpet in the living room and dining room and put in hardwood. Again, I am using the we very loosely. Right now Dave is trying to get our boat ready for the lake this summer. He just has some inside work to do and then it should be ready. Nothing nicer than being on the lake on a hot and breezy day! I hope the evening at your stepsons went well. It is odd that with all he went through and survived he doesn’t look at life with a brighter lens!

    Buzz – Missed you too. I am looking forward to an on track summer. Bread is a killer for me as well and yours sounded so good.

    Dee – You are doing amazing! It looks like you are getting very close to your goal. Great work!!

    Barbie – Hope the cleanse day went well. So proud of you for staying with your plan. This really is like an extended family and I am surely glad to be back!

    Deb -- Sorry, nearly missed your post and what a nice one it was. There is nothing better than having family around. The young folks brings so much laughter and joy. I look forward to getting to know you.

    And that is my saga for today. Have a wonderful Monday, the start to a successful week.
    Off to bed. :yawn: :heart: