Harry Potter Weight Loss Challenge - Hufflepuff



  • sundance2032
    sundance2032 Posts: 376 Member
    Hello everyone, I am 143.2 this week, not much help this week, but at least it is down.

    I am really hoping that I can be at 140 by the end of the month.

    Hope you all have a great week and happy loss :)
  • MEMoggridge
    MEMoggridge Posts: 151 Member
    I'm at 191.4 this week!!!down but only by 0.4lbs!!!:angry::mad: :grumble:
    Went out Sat night for a lovely curry!!! Why can't I just eat until I'm full??? I was stuffed!!!:((
    Never mind - will make up for it this week!!! ( ESP as I was 1.6 lbs lower on Sat am!!!!)
    Have a good one this week!!!
  • turbogirl4christ
    I am at 155.4 :( Gonna step it up alot this week!!!
  • VanesMarie88
    I've been sooo busy I forgot to weigh in yesterday. Unfortunately no change from last week :(
  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    5/01: 213
    5/08: 209
    5/15: 207
    5/22: 209
    5/29: 205
    6/05: 204
    6/12: 200
    6/19: 202
    Final weight 7/14:

    7/14 GW: 191

    7th week gain = 2lbs

    GRRRRRRRR.......:mad: ..:angry: ..:explode: ..:grumble:

    I think I'm mentally sabotaging myself to not break into ONEderland.
  • vitacat
    vitacat Posts: 81 Member
    No change for me this week :(
  • JD92
    JD92 Posts: 253 Member
    we are still waiting on:

    Tamelaine (2nd week missing)
    Nita_Bita (2nd week missing)
    wheelieblade (2nd week)
    AnoukDoutyBatya (2nd week)

    our net loss has now broken into the 200s - 204 pounds. good job everyone :flowerforyou:

    right, i think ive realised why my weight seems to be going up lately. i am over in calories more days than not, but by no means enough to warrant a huge gain. i am drinking plenty of water. the only thing i could think of is my sleeping habits. ever since i came back from uni my sleeping has been all over the place. atleast 3 times in the past week alone i have ended up staying awake all night long, till maybe 8/9/10am, then getting a few crappy hours of sleep till maybe 2 or 3. its terrible, i know!

    so last night, when i realised this, it was just after 1am so i turned off my computer and got into bed. it took me a wee while to drift, but i finally did. woke up a bunch of times but i made all the way to late morning. im gonna try to keep this up and see what happens!
  • AccioPancakes
    JD, you could always try melatonin if you're having trouble sleeping. It's a chemical that's released naturally in us that makes us drowsy and if you need a little kick-start, it might help. I was the exact opposite when I moved home after graduating: I slept for hours and hours every night (probably close to 12hrs). But I was lucky to get 12hrs in a week while at school.

    Congrats on the amazing work, everyone! It's a new week and there's still plenty of time to kick butt!
  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Hope everyone is having a good week!
  • Tamelaine
    Tamelaine Posts: 37
    I'm so sorry! I went out of town for a family reunion and didn't have a single chance to log on! I did weigh last Sunday and I was up a pound (dangit!) to 164.2. Hopefully I go down this week. Sorry again!
  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    5/01: 213
    5/08: 209
    5/15: 207
    5/22: 209
    5/29: 205
    6/05: 204
    6/12: 200
    6/19: 202
    6/26: 197
    Final weight 7/14:

    7/14 GW: 191

    8th week loss = 5lb

    Best weigh in since being on MFP!! And a great NSV this week - my BMI has moved into 'overweight'. Now to get it into 'healthy'
  • JD92
    JD92 Posts: 253 Member
    aab - congrats on getting into onederland!! 5lbs is so awesome.

    tamelaine - dont worry, i still had you in the chart. i changed your last weight to the one you just gave me and if you want to wait and weigh in for this week tomorrow, thats ok! =)

    hope to see many faces today!

    this week has been good, in that i went clothes shopping for vacation (2 weeks!!) and got some really cute stuff. plus, my older sister had some really nice black tankinis that she is giving me. yay for graduating from one-piece! i finally discovered that is was my sleep that made my weight spike. a few nights of enough rest and my weight was going steadily down to my true current weight. im sitting on about 219-220 right now, which is good, because last week i spiked to 225. i even saw 230 one night... granted i was fully clothed and had eaten and drank loads... :tongue: but it was still a shock to see that number again. ahh!
  • diverchic73
    diverchic73 Posts: 314 Member

    CW 173.4 so another 1lbish down... at least it's going steady (and in the right direction!) :-)

    Hope everyone's having a good weekend.
  • lipe44
    lipe44 Posts: 23 Member
    i guess my last weight change was faulty because I am back at 145. Im hoping its water weight, but don't worry, i'm already in crack down mode
  • AccioPancakes
    I'm at 266.6 this week :)
  • VanesMarie88
    Weighing in at 157.6 this week. Sooo glad to see the number going down again.
  • darthwein
    darthwein Posts: 37 Member
    So I have been kind of off track as far as tracking what I eat for the past week and a half. Lots going on in my life, and I just haven't been taking the time to log my foods. But there is good news. Apparently I have learned enough on MFP that I am still doing ok. I am weighing in this week at 225lbs. That is 3 pounds down from last weigh in, and that also means that I have lost 40lbs since I started MFP just over 3 months ago.
  • vitacat
    vitacat Posts: 81 Member
    Hi all, 0.5 lb down makes me 177.2. Going away for a few days so who knows what next week will bring!
  • MEMoggridge
    MEMoggridge Posts: 151 Member
    Weigh in for today is 191.8 . So seemed to have gained 0.4!! :grumble: :angry: :explode:
    Feeling rubbish at the moment so may be water as I've been still logging well and under every day!!??

    DarthWein - congratulations!!! That's an impressive target you've hit in 3 months!!!! Well done!!
  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    So I have been kind of off track as far as tracking what I eat for the past week and a half. Lots going on in my life, and I just haven't been taking the time to log my foods. But there is good news. Apparently I have learned enough on MFP that I am still doing ok. I am weighing in this week at 225lbs. That is 3 pounds down from last weigh in, and that also means that I have lost 40lbs since I started MFP just over 3 months ago.

    @ Darthwein - you're making AMAZING progress!! Congratulations on hitting 40lbs lost!!! :flowerforyou: