Fat Fighters - Round 2 Fit n' Trim (Closed Group)



  • mcdebbie
    mcdebbie Posts: 940 Member
    I think Kim is going to be the one to save us next week. :wink: I really slacked off today and already feel it. Why does my husband buy me 3 musketeers bars??? I know he is proud of what I have done so far but sometimes I think he wants things to be the same old way. He forgets when I met him he was really buff.... trying to get him to come up and exercise when I do but so far no luck. :bigsmile:

    As Scarlett says, tomorrow is another day!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Debbie, I don't know about that. I just a donut and some brownie. I didn't exercise today. I think I'm having a one day pity party!!!

    My hubs startes a "Ways to Wellness" program and has just lost 25 lbs. I am dying over it. He is looking really good; but, it just burns me up that he just starts doing it and drops 25. I have been suffering in the 70s for months. *kitten*'s me!!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    OK, it feels really weird to post here.

    I think I am going to do the Jillian Michaels 30 day slimdown along with the C25K. I had great results from that before. :love: I just got so sick of Jillian that I wanted to throw up every time I saw her. :sick: I need to do something so I think that this is it!!! I found a thread that just started.

    I think :huh: the pity party is over.
  • irishgal44
    irishgal44 Posts: 1,181 Member
    Is the 30 day slimdown the same or different than the 30 day shred?

    Finally went running today - went on a long run - 30 minutes. Felt fantabulous. Wore my new shoes too - asics (sp?). Feet feel great! :D Kim, are you still enjoying running without music? I could never do that. I'm all about my angry pissed off music. Makes me run faster!! HAHA

    Debbie - what a naughty hubby!!! Mine does stuff like that too - they are thinking they are being sweet. Mine finally has been surprising me with sobe water. Love that stuff!

    Trenton - totally communicate on here with me so I don't seem so "stalker-like". :)
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,910 Member
    Hi, Muscle Busters...just checking in

    I got the day off work today so I have 8 extra hours to get stuff done, right???

    Anyway, hope you make you guys PROUD this week. I don't think it can get any worse.
    Uhmm we are FAT FIGHTERS silly girl :tongue: Welcome to our team Kim, your gonna do fine I'm sure.. just think positive :drinker:
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,910 Member
    I think Kim is going to be the one to save us next week. :wink: I really slacked off today and already feel it. Why does my husband buy me 3 musketeers bars??? I know he is proud of what I have done so far but sometimes I think he wants things to be the same old way. He forgets when I met him he was really buff.... trying to get him to come up and exercise when I do but so far no luck. :bigsmile:

    As Scarlett says, tomorrow is another day!

    Oh not nice! I'd be seriously upset if my husband got me a candy bar. Lately when he goes into to a quikmart he buys himself a soda and suprises me with various different flavored waters... he even checks the label!
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,910 Member
    Is the 30 day slimdown the same or different than the 30 day shred?

    Finally went running today - went on a long run - 30 minutes. Felt fantabulous. Wore my new shoes too - asics (sp?). Feet feel great! :D Kim, are you still enjoying running without music? I could never do that. I'm all about my angry pissed off music. Makes me run faster!! HAHA

    Debbie - what a naughty hubby!!! Mine does stuff like that too - they are thinking they are being sweet. Mine finally has been surprising me with sobe water. Love that stuff!

    Trenton - totally communicate on here with me so I don't seem so "stalker-like". :)
    That's funny, I just posted before I read this about my husband and flavored waters too!

    I've never tried running with music, I should try that cause i seam to run at the same fairly slow pace all the time and my husband and daughter tell me I need to pick up the pace!
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,910 Member
    I think I did okay with my calories today. We went to Denny's for lunch and I had a cranberry apple salad... It was really good and I absolutely love it when they mark the menu with low calorie foods. The salad was under 550 calories and enought for two portions!

    On another note... We bought a new car today! I was driving around a little station wagon with myself, my husband, 4 kids, and a boxer.... I figured it was time for an upgrade. I went out looking for something midsized like a durango or a blazer and came home with a frickin' suburban! I love it though... everyone has so much room and it has a tow thing so I can attach a trailer when we go camping and not have to worry about a second vehicle! I am so excited. My only worry is gas milage but I guess that's something I'll have to deal with cause my whole fam loves it!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Is the 30 day slimdown the same or different than the 30 day shred?

    Finally went running today - went on a long run - 30 minutes. Felt fantabulous. Wore my new shoes too - asics (sp?). Feet feel great! :D Kim, are you still enjoying running without music? I could never do that. I'm all about my angry pissed off music. Makes me run faster!! HAHA

    The 30 day slimdown is different than the 30 day shred. The 30 day slimdown incorporates 3 videos (30 day shred, Burn Fat Boost Metabolism, No More Trouble Zones). I did it last year before we went to Mexico, the results were amazing. It's just that Jillian's voice started to grate on my nerves. There is a new thread starting on Aug. 1st, if your interested?

    I do run without music. I grew up in Chicago so I like to always be aware of my surroundings. I guess kind of paranoid that way especially since I run on a path. Woman got attacked not too long ago around here jogging on a path. It's really unusally around these parts, but it happens. So, I always bring a dog (which mine are useless in the defense dept) and no earbuds.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Hi, Muscle Busters...just checking in

    I got the day off work today so I have 8 extra hours to get stuff done, right???

    Anyway, hope you make you guys PROUD this week. I don't think it can get any worse.
    Uhmm we are FAT FIGHTERS silly girl :tongue: Welcome to our team Kim, your gonna do fine I'm sure.. just think positive :drinker:

    :blushing: oops!!!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    On another note... We bought a new car today! I was driving around a little station wagon with myself, my husband, 4 kids, and a boxer.... I figured it was time for an upgrade. I went out looking for something midsized like a durango or a blazer and came home with a frickin' suburban! I love it though... everyone has so much room and it has a tow thing so I can attach a trailer when we go camping and not have to worry about a second vehicle! I am so excited. My only worry is gas milage but I guess that's something I'll have to deal with cause my whole fam loves it!

    Awesome on the new vehicle. Suburbans are beasts!!

    We just bought a new car on Saturday...2008 Toyota Highlander Hybrid...we got rid of our Ford Expedition because I was burning thru 500 to 600 a month in gas. My daughter thinks gas is free and runs around all over the state. :grumble: We went from 11/12 mpg to 28 mpg...so happy about that
  • mcdebbie
    mcdebbie Posts: 940 Member
    Congrats on all the new cars! Mine is 10 years old and I have been looking for a new one but since DH just went back to work guess I better wait. It;s a Hyundai Sante Fe and has been great, had a 100,000 mile warranty that just expired a few months ago. But for now everything is fine so guess I will drive it into the ground. The newer ones have all kinds of cool stuff though like places to plug in the Iphone, built in GPS, etc. I want cool stuff. :bigsmile:

    I just joined a stop smoking thread. Really afraid it will add some weight but healthy lungs are more important. Not sure when I will set for my quit date.
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,910 Member
    I SO wanted a Highlander! That was the vehicle I had originally picked out but it was WAY outta my price range. I am super scared about the gas milage. I figured since my husband isn't driving right now I can use his smaller truck for driving to and from work and any thing else that I don't need to pack around kids... that should help.

    Debbie, that is so awesome that you are giving up smoking! I think it might have been Connie that i was talking with before but whoever it was said that there doctor told them giving up smoking is the single most important thing a woman should do to improve their health. That's a huge commitment, I'm proud of you:flowerforyou:
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,910 Member
    I SO wanted a Highlander! That was the vehicle I had originally picked out but it was WAY outta my price range. I am super scared about the gas milage. I figured since my husband isn't driving right now I can use his smaller truck for driving to and from work and any thing else that I don't need to pack around kids... that should help.

    Debbie, that is so awesome that you are giving up smoking! I think it might have been Connie that i was talking with before but whoever it was said that there doctor told them giving up smoking is the single most important thing a woman should do to improve their health. That's a huge commitment, I'm proud of you:flowerforyou:
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    That's why we got an '08, that's the max that we could afford to spend on a vehicle. I figure that I am saving $250 to $300 a month easily in feul costs. Otherwise, the payment will be $550.00 a month for what seems a hundred years. It's KILLER when your not used to a car payment.

    Yes, I agree, quiting smoking is a HUGE. Well, I've got to go to work at 3. I got paid today and it was 1/2 of what I normally take home. No more low census days for me!!! I have a car payment and children. :grumble:
  • EvaiTryst
    EvaiTryst Posts: 695 Member
    Wow... two pages of reading. :)

    Thanks again everyone!

    Welcome Kim!!!! *GRIN*

    Congrats on the new cars people... Personaly I love my little 01 VW GTI, but eventually I'm going to need to upgrade to a four door and I'm going to cry when I have to do that. I think what I love the most about my car though beside the awesome black leather interior is the turbo.... *runs around making turbo noises* Sorry I'm a petrol head.... lol... love cars way too much. *sigh*
    At least this one will be paid by the end of the year. AWESOME!!!

    Debbie, giving up smoking is tough but you can do it. It's been about four months since I've smoked and I feel so much better.

    Will write more later.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Peeps :flowerforyou:

    I was attacked by a bottle of skinny margaritas last night - or - was it the other way around?

    No worries, tho, I will be back on track today. Don't you just have days like that? Where you can't get enough to eat, you just have a nagging hunger. THAT, was my day yesterday! I decided it was slurge day and rolled with with it.

    Today is Day 2 of the Slimdown. I really feel Day 1 today and I like the soreness 'cause it means the old body is still has potential. I was impressed with my girly pushups. I think I was able to get about 20 done with some sort of style and composure.

    One week until Warrior Dash!! :noway:
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,910 Member
    Yep, we all have those days! I wanna do warrior dash, it sounds like fun but I don't think they have it around here:cry:

    Last night I did great with my calories until the boys and I made cookies! I only had two baked but I probably ate two more in dough form:embarassed:

    I have a mini-family reunion to go to today so I got up and decided to go for a run. My daughter (15) wanted to go so she got ready and headed out with me. The little turd ran for about 10 minutes and gave up. She told me to run ahead but I decided used the time as "alone" time for the two of us... we don't get that often with all the boys in the house. I got her to run a couple little sprints before we headed back. Wasn't what I set out to do but definately wasn't a waste:bigsmile:
  • mcdebbie
    mcdebbie Posts: 940 Member
    Ughhh, we went to a funeral today, MIL's former boss. Normally funerals around here are about half an hour and then all convene for a lunch or something. Guess that is because most of the people we have gone to funerals for are elderly without children. This lady had 4 kids, 7 grand kids and 6 great grand kids and a very large church family. 2 hours and 15 minutes later we finally get out of the service. :noway: The rest proceeded to the grave site and then were going to "lunch" in the church hall. Luckily MIL decided she could skip that part and we went to linner I guess you would call it. :) I was so hungry by then I didn't care what I ate so calorie count was a shocker. Whoops, forgot to count my full bodied coke cola. Oh well, hopefully will do better tomorrow.

    We did get to the pool early this morning and swam (ha, treaded water) for about an hour. Hope everybody else had a better day.

    Kasi, cool on the mother daughter bonding time!

    Kim, I had the nagging hunger day on Thursday, hate when that happens. Luckily I did not have any cash that day or I would have been hitting the vending machines.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    I had the nagging hunger thing again yesterday. So, I'm thinking I must need more protein in the diet. IDK :grumble: I burned over 700 calories yesterday so that I could go out and have drinks with hubs. I did Shred #1, C25K (2 - 8 minute runs) and 30 minutes swimming at the pool with the kids.

    I am exhausted today. I'm supposed to work at 3 and have requested the day off. I have to do No More Trouble Zones today and have to say that every trouble zone hurts today. :sad: Jillian is definitely an *kitten* kicker!!

    Scale is still at 174...so, not bad considering lushiness and sore muscles. I think I will be ready for this contest to be over. At least, for me, anyway!!

    Hope everyone has a great day!!