Fat Fighters - Round 2 Fit n' Trim (Closed Group)



  • irishgal44
    irishgal44 Posts: 1,181 Member
    Goonies is the best movie EVER. :)

    Anyone planning on doing Round 3 if Kim starts one? I will totally be all about that!!!
  • mcdebbie
    mcdebbie Posts: 940 Member
    I would do another round, still have quite a ways to go. And I can't seem to do it on my own.

    I am about back to where I was before vacation but it wasn't pretty for a few days. I am NOT going back into the 180's!! Not sure what my weight actually was on Wednesday, I swear it said 176 but the picture shows 177. The floor was not level so I wonder if the scale could have changed when I was bending over to take the picture?

    Hope you all are doing well. Maria, fingers crossed for your daughters surgery today.
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,910 Member
    I'd totally be down for another round! I love having this competition to keep me motivated! I was thinking about it this weekend and we can't lose anymore... I'm sure I'd be the one going home now cause Debbie and Erin you both usually pull bigger numbers than me:sad: Guess I'm gonna have to seriously step it up cause I don't wanna get eliminated:glasses:

    Oh and I was also thinking... I got married 2 years ago on July 25th and I weighed 150lbs. That gives me exactly two weeks to be back at my wedding day weight! This is something I really really really want! I worked so hard to get to that point 2 years ago and never wanted to be that girl that let herself go after the wedding. I'm gonna try really hard but that means I need to loose like 3.5lbs for the next two weeks. Hmmm... maybe, it's not impossible:bigsmile:
  • EvaiTryst
    EvaiTryst Posts: 695 Member
    I'm totally in again! I hope she does a third round... this gives me that extra oompf that I needed.

    Think my numbers will be good on Wednesday but I am sweating my butt off. It's 80 degrees in our house right now cause the blower wasn't working. Maintenance came and fixed it today so hopefully it'll cool down. I hate sweating when I'm just sitting and doing nothing! Might help with water weight though. lol Not in a good way though.

    OI... I have energy today. Drank a red bull and a 5hr energy. Gonna do some hardcore cleaning!
  • mcdebbie
    mcdebbie Posts: 940 Member
    My numbers are up and down all over the place. Not sure I will have such a great weigh in this week but for a change I am going to weigh in again after the evening workout to see if it changes so I will be later than usual posting this week. I have never noticed a lower number at night than in the morning but I might just give it a try. When we walked outside and really sweated there was over a 1 pound difference. Can you tell I am addicted to the scale? :bigsmile:

    Kasi, keeping my fingers crossed to get to your wedding day goal! I have a similar long term goal, I want to be at least at or under the weight I was when we met (10 years ago) which was 150 when we go on our anniversary cruise in October. Ideally I would be almost to goal but slow steps will keep it off.

    Erin, do you have any number goals you are aiming for in a certain time? We could start emailing each other everyday with words like THINK ANNIVERSARY or whatever. :happy:
  • mcdebbie
    mcdebbie Posts: 940 Member
    Also, are you guys in any other challenges? I am in a Leslie Sansone walking challenge. I see Kim has another challenge going with 360 minutes a week of exercise but that is out of my leauge right now. And there is a Diamonds challenge for those under 5'4" but it appeared to be too much trouble to sign up. I am thinking any and all challenges I can join will keep me motivated. Although I don't want to post a weigh in every day..... :laugh: If you do find some good challenges let me know.
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,910 Member
    Really, there is a 5'4 challenge? I tried with another group for us shorties but the girl never e-mailed me back.
  • irishgal44
    irishgal44 Posts: 1,181 Member
    Also, are you guys in any other challenges? I am in a Leslie Sansone walking challenge. I see Kim has another challenge going with 360 minutes a week of exercise but that is out of my leauge right now. And there is a Diamonds challenge for those under 5'4" but it appeared to be too much trouble to sign up. I am thinking any and all challenges I can join will keep me motivated. Although I don't want to post a weigh in every day..... :laugh: If you do find some good challenges let me know.
    I'm 5'4" too...fun fun!

    My daughter is in recovery from her surgery. She has good spirits, bless her little heart. :) I do not ever want gallbladder surgery! Wow! They say there are 4 f's...Forty, Female, Fat and Fertile. She's 10...totally missed all those stereotypical signs! Lol

    My fortune cookie tonight said "work on improving your exercise routine". Lol!

    Weighed myself today just to help keep myself on track for the next couple days here at the hospital and I'm at my lowest weight ever again. Guess the stress and missed meals outbeat the big fattening cafeteria meals. Whooot
  • mcdebbie
    mcdebbie Posts: 940 Member
    Glad the stress is keeping the weight down! :laugh: When does she get to come home or has she already? Have they given any indication of why she got the gall stones at such a young age and if she will be predisposed to get them again?

    Yeah, the shorties challenge was something called Diamondetes ...? but it appeared to be a hassle to sign up. Or maybe I just didn't have the patience to read the directions.
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    I hope everyone has survived the weekend. It actually help to be at work for it I think. lol

    OH yeah.... Trent.... Once a Fat Fighter.... always a Fat Fighter!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    That just made me think of Goonies for some weird reason... totally unrelated!


    Thanks! Sorry I disappeared for a few days. Been spending some time on other stuff and sometimes I'm not good at keeping up with everything.

    Maria - so glad to see your daughter's surgery went well. My stepmom just recently had her gallbladder removed. Hopefully this will put an end to the troubles your daughter has been having.

    Debbie - my picture is from my trip to Ft. Lauderdale the other weekend. We stayed in the Grand Pelican (I think that's what it was called... Something Pelican). I really liked the town - we did a bit of driving here and there, walked around some too. I'll be back again in October for a longer trip. Can't say I'm envious of your humidity, but I did like the ocean. If only Colorado had an ocean, it would be perfect. :laugh:

    I'm excited about the 29-day Giving Challenge I've joined. I feel really inspired, and I think that this may help restore some of the balance I've felt I've been missing. I'm already feeling really relieved (unexpectedly so) to have something I'm focusing on that's different from the standard weight-loss/self-improvement stuff I've been doing for what feels like forever now. Hopefully this will help put me in the right frame of mind to get back on track fully.
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,910 Member
    Hi Friends:flowerforyou: So, I'm feeling a little stressed about this week... The scale doesn't seam to be cooperating with me to well. I think it all comes down to the stupid unexpected pay cut I took on my last paycheck. I think I may have put my body into starvation mode cause I can't afford all the healthy stuff I like AND the stuff the family will eat so I feed them first. I also used the paycut as an excuse to drink (only one night of extreme lushiness but paid for it the next day with hangover munchies):sad: . My body is totally not use to the hours I'm working either. Now stupid Aunt Flow is here to visit... this week has NOT been good.

    AND if my calculations are right... If we lose this week only one of us will stay on this team cause one will go to second chance and the other gets swiched with a MB player.

    Man o Man... what a week:grumble: :sad:
  • mcdebbie
    mcdebbie Posts: 940 Member
    Trent, love the new profile picture! Would have loved to have met up with you when you were here but I guess we were gone also. I have a sneaking suspision your visit in October will be right when our cruise is scheduled. (10/14-10/23) glad you enjoyed the beach, we are not overly fond of the humidity either but it does great things for your skin.

    Kasi, I hear you! Been working out like crazy but still up. I was lower when we first got back from vacation!! Sorry to hear about all the stress. I think though that even if we lose if somebody else on the other team is the lowest loser then they switch to our team. I THINK, I was confused about that. Anyway, let's all drink lots and lots of water (instead of rum or vodka he-he) But even if we lose and I go to second chance (or last chance as I don't see beating Faith) I am still so happy I finally got off my butt and started doing something. My tight pants were LOOSE today!!
  • EvaiTryst
    EvaiTryst Posts: 695 Member
    Sorry I haven't posted here in a couple of days. I've been not sleeping and I think it's starting to affect me. Blech. Strange thing is I'm pushing myself harder with the work outs though.

    Debbie, I would be delighted to come up with something!

    5'4 challenge is funny... cause I am as well. lol

    My long term goal is to be at least 130 by my 30th birthday on 3/20/12.
    I want my birthday gift to be a full back tattoo that I designed. Just look at my ticker and you'll see the sketch. That is my goal for now.
  • mcdebbie
    mcdebbie Posts: 940 Member
    Holy cow, you are kicking it girl! I just read my DH your starting number and today's, we are in awe. I know you will reach your goal long before your birthday. I need to find out what kind of work out and diet plan you are doing. We bow down!!

    My daughter has a very similar tatoo but I think it is on her leg, I will try to find a picture. Nope, come to think of it, it is on her back because Hello Kitty is on her leg.
  • EvaiTryst
    EvaiTryst Posts: 695 Member
    Uhmm... I work out every day...
    I normally have a granola bar or bagel in the morning.
    A sandwich at lunch... sometimes paired with something.
    And at dinner it's normally a tv dinner or lately it has been Special K w/ vanilla soy milk and fruit.
    I eat a lot of Kashi stuff, soy products and I haven't completely cut anything out of my diet.
    I still have the occasional soda, I had chips today at lunch and tonight... I'M HAVING PIZZA!!!!!!!!!!! *drools*

    I have the soy milk because my son is lactose intolerant and so am I and my husband. Cheese doesn't bother me but regular milk does and yogurt gives me stomach cramps.

    Work out wise... I started out with my Kinect, using the Your Shape Fitness. I also do some Billy Blanks work outs because I love kickboxing and well lately it's Jillian Michaels 30 day Shred, but the last two days I've pushed myself and done Lv 1 and 2 as one work out.

    Almost forgot lots of Natural Lipton green tea... and Acai Supplement, Daily multivitamin and fish oil.
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,910 Member
    Yeah, I think by your 30th your just gonna be working on maintaining that 130 figure... maybe building some sexy muscles to help inhance your beautiful new tat!

    Acai, I need to take my Acai supplements again! Sounds like you are pretty organic in your diet. Those TV dinners are really helpful. Some of them are really bland but it helps to know your portion sizes without question. I probably need to start eating breakfast too. I drink my coffee and call it good:ohwell: I think lately I have been really under calories and its causing issues. I'll work on it, i promise girls... I'm not a week link!
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,910 Member
    Yeah, I think by your 30th your just gonna be working on maintaining that 130 figure... maybe building some sexy muscles to help inhance your beautiful new tat!

    Acai, I need to take my Acai supplements again! Sounds like you are pretty organic in your diet. Those TV dinners are really helpful. Some of them are really bland but it helps to know your portion sizes without question. I probably need to start eating breakfast too. I drink my coffee and call it good:ohwell: I think lately I have been really under calories and its causing issues. I'll work on it, i promise girls... I'm not a week link!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Hi, Muscle Busters...just checking in

    I got the day off work today so I have 8 extra hours to get stuff done, right???

    Anyway, hope you make you guys PROUD this week. I don't think it can get any worse.
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Woohoo! Go team! Congrats on your win this week. Erin - GREAT job... you must be super excited. :happy:
  • irishgal44
    irishgal44 Posts: 1,181 Member
    Hi, Muscle Busters...just checking in

    I got the day off work today so I have 8 extra hours to get stuff done, right???

    Anyway, hope you make you guys PROUD this week. I don't think it can get any worse.

    Welcome!!! You're determined enough that I can see you doing very well next week. Keep your chin up!! My friend Anne always says to me "keep your chins up" (notice the "s"). Makes me laugh.