Fat Fighters - Round 2 Fit n' Trim (Closed Group)



  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,910 Member
    Got a little quiet on this thread lately! I'm getting ready to take my cat to the vet, he managed to rip off the excess skin/fur that was hanging after his absess ruptured and now he's just got exposed (stinky) meat on the side of his face! Poor cat!

    Hey Kim, no more throwing yourself under the bus! Obviously it wasn't your time to go yet:wink:

    Erin, quit beating yourself up! For someone to lose consistantly with awesome numbers like you do, there is no reason for disappointment. You have been truely inspirational with your journey!

    Debbie, Just keep moving forward... your doing great! :flowerforyou:
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Got a little quiet on this thread lately! I'm getting ready to take my cat to the vet, he managed to rip off the excess skin/fur that was hanging after his absess ruptured and now he's just got exposed (stinky) meat on the side of his face! Poor cat!

    Hey Kim, no more throwing yourself under the bus! Obviously it wasn't your time to go yet:wink:

    Erin, quit beating yourself up! For someone to lose consistantly with awesome numbers like you do, there is no reason for disappointment. You have been truely inspirational with your journey!

    Debbie, Just keep moving forward... your doing great! :flowerforyou:

    Poor kitty! :frown: Hope he's better soon - that sounds absolutely awful.

    Sounds like it was a tough week for quite a few people - hang in there - you can do this!! :drinker:

    Erin - congrats on such a great week! Keep it up - don't let the scale dictate how you feel about yourself. We all have our "fat days (weeks)" but you just have to shake it off and keep on going.
  • mcdebbie
    mcdebbie Posts: 940 Member
    I feel really good this week! People are totally noticing my weight loss and I've been getting lots of complements lately:blushing: I should have a good number to post...Go Fat Fighters!

  • EvaiTryst
    EvaiTryst Posts: 695 Member
    Thanks guys. It's just been one of those weeks, but Inventory is almost complete at work!!!!!!! *jumps for joy*

    My day started out kinda funny. Put my pants on backwards. LOL. realized it right away though.

    Hope kitty gets better quick and friggin awesome job Kasi.
  • mcdebbie
    mcdebbie Posts: 940 Member
    We had an ice cream social at work today, I couldn't NOT go, that would have been just rude. :laugh: I only ate half of what I got but when I went to log it I about died when I found out Blue Bell ice cream has 360 calories per cup. I didn't bother logging the chocolate syrup, strawberries in syrup, whipped cream and nuts. Hey, at least I left off the cherry. :wink: Next time I will check the calorie content and be rude.

    That's my down fall, free food. So hard to pass up. If I had had to pay say $5.00 or even $2 or $3 I probably would have just said no. I need to learn to put a calorie $$ sign on all the free foods.
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,910 Member
    Debbie, maybe even a # sign on free food might work:wink: I have the same problem with leftover food... I don't want it to go to waste!

    Monster kitty is staying the night at the hospital but they are taking good care of him.. they kept calling him Scrapper cause i guess typical absesses are on the back half of the cats cause they are running away and Monster apparently took on his attacker without fear...crazy cat!

    Back to Debbies comment... the new phase here in Salem is Frozen Yogurt shops. They have tons of different flavors to choose from and an awesome selection of toppings including fresh fruit. The fruit looks so yummy it isn't even that hard to skip the candy toppings
  • mcdebbie
    mcdebbie Posts: 940 Member
    Hello peeps, how's everybody doing? Hope you all had a good weekend. I ate and drank too much but at least I am back where I was last week. I seem to be stalled. The 70's curse.

    Kasi, how's the kitty? Our administrator's dog died over the weekend, it ate a frog. Must have been some wicked frog.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Hey all....computer crashed and I lost all my data :explode: it's only 6 months old :ohwell: It's a trip to Best Buy tonight and see what we can do?

    Warrior Dash was awesome!!! A bunch of co-workers, along with me, hubs and my 13 year old, Kyle. Kyle went thru the course twice. Show-off!! It was brutal. :sad:

    I am back on my healthy living this week. I just lost it for about a week. I've been doing the 30 day slimdown very consistently. Not so good on the C25K because of the heat. Today is Shred #1 and maybe I'll go for the C25K later tonight.

    Erin, hope that the stress levels are betting at work. :flowerforyou:

    Kasi, you have a crazy cat...what a brawler!! :devil:

    Debbie, ick on the frog...hope that you conquer the 70's curse :grumble: ...have you tried the Shred, it might just jump start you...at least, that's why I am doing it.

    That's is for now...must put groceries away, go get cat and dog food and a trip to get a calendar because I lost mine and have no clue what is going on without it...combine that, with losing all the data on the computer...SUCKS!!!
  • irishgal44
    irishgal44 Posts: 1,181 Member
    Sorry I haven't been on here...it's been crazy and I didn't have internet for about a week...my fault!! :ohwell: :embarassed:

    Kim - great job on the Warrior Dash!!!! So I have a question...was reading about it and didn't realize you take a bus to it - how fun is that!! Is the Wisconsin one the same way? I cannot wait to do the dash in WI!!
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    Hello peeps, how's everybody doing? Hope you all had a good weekend. I ate and drank too much but at least I am back where I was last week. I seem to be stalled. The 70's curse.

    Kasi, how's the kitty? Our administrator's dog died over the weekend, it ate a frog. Must have been some wicked frog.

    Apparently frogs (toads) release some sort of toxin when they are caught. My mom's dog hunts the toads that get into their garden. Everytime she catches one, it releases the toxin and she pukes. She has yet to eat one, but I imagine it would be deadly to a dog. Sorry bout the dog. :sad:
  • irishgal44
    irishgal44 Posts: 1,181 Member
    I didn't realize that - how scarey about frogs. We have them all over in our area. :(
  • mcdebbie
    mcdebbie Posts: 940 Member
    I did not know that either. DH said he knew of a Bufo toad that would squirt poison but I did not know of that or any other frog/toad big bad killer. I know we used to have a lot of them around here and now I wonder about one of our cats, fine one night and dead as a doornail outside the next morning.

    Kim, I hear your pain on losing everything on the computer, that happened to me back in January. Luckily my most important info, the Quicken data, was always backed up but lost tons of pictures. I have a computer dude trying to get the pictures off of it now but he is slow as molasses. He used to come here and spend HOURS but this time I made DH take the old hard drive to him. Anyway, note to self, buy backup hard drive NOW.
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,910 Member
    My kitty is doing better... He HATES the cone on his head and REALLY HATES being stuck inside but he is healing pretty well.

    I'm working on rehydrating myself today after this weekend. It got warm here and I was outside in the heat from 9am to 8pm on Saturday and 8am to about 6pm yesterday. My 11 year old, 3 nephews, and few friends all played in an annual 3 on 3 Basketball tournament. My husband usually plays but he injured his knee recently so had to bow out this time. It's always alot of fun but this year was exhausting since there were so many people playing in different divisions. I probably did about 2 hours worth of walking on saturday alone and the heat was rediculous!

    I noticed a sign at the vet that listed all the typical things an animal with injest that causes complications... didn't see frogs on that list. That's so sad that they lost their doggie:cry:
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Kasi, glad that kitty is doing better. I wouldn't want to wear a cone either. I'm kind of fashion conscious. :wink:

    Debbie, I lost all the Quicken data as well :cry: So, I have all this remodeling we're doing and we are getting down nitty-gritty with $$$ and I am hoping not to go in the red. You know how you budget and then there are bunches of things that get added to the mix. It doesn't help that we bought a new car either. :ohwell: We haven't had a car payment for a long, long time. Even tho, hubs hit 31 mpg on the new vehicle which blows away the 11 mpg with the Expedition. So, we are saving in gas!!! :drinker:

    Detox went pretty well yesterday. Hubs wanted to go out to dinner and I said "NO!!" WTF, it's not good when lushes unite!!
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,910 Member
    How's everyone feeling about the weigh-in this week? I'm a little nervous... apparently between the heat and the drinks I've managed to screw myself up a little. :cry:

    Oh Erin, I was gonna tell ya... the other day I was cleaning monsters litter box and found a pair of my kids underwear in it! Thought it was pretty ironic that you had just mentioned finding treasures in the poop box! We had to put shredded newspaper in the box cause he was nuetered and apparently clay litter will stick to the incision so maybe he was confused:ohwell:
  • mcdebbie
    mcdebbie Posts: 940 Member
    Wow, this brings a whole new meaning to the phrase "look what the cat dragged in" :laugh: :laugh:

    I am not sure about my weigh in tomorrow, I think I will be the same or a little bit under. I have not been eating very much lately and I think it is a problem. Guess my stomach has shrunk but my body says let's hold on to the fat. Yeah, yeah I've read all that about your body won't go into starvation mode unless you are really restricting calories but not sure what else it could be. Okay, my legs are more muscled so maybe that weighs more. Yeah, right. Anyway, I am hoping for some loss this week. Hope Faith doesn't kick our butts.
  • EvaiTryst
    EvaiTryst Posts: 695 Member
    That's too funny Kasi!!!!

    Debbie, well muscle does weigh more! :)

    I have no idea what I'm going to be at... I had gained a little back and then started losing again... so who knows!

    I had taken it easy this past weekend. Didn't work out on Sunday and only did Yoga on Sat. but I was so sore from Kenpo X and JM Abs from Thursday and Friday.
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,910 Member
    I'm so excited! I just looked up warrior dash and they do have one in Oregon! I've never heard of the city that it is taking place in but the accomodation link shows places in Hillsboro... that's not too far away at all! Ours is in September... I hope I can get my hubby to go with me! I think he will really like it... oh I can't wait to talk to him about it!!!
  • EvaiTryst
    EvaiTryst Posts: 695 Member
    I'm so excited! I just looked up warrior dash and they do have one in Oregon! I've never heard of the city that it is taking place in but the accomodation link shows places in Hillsboro... that's not too far away at all! Ours is in September... I hope I can get my hubby to go with me! I think he will really like it... oh I can't wait to talk to him about it!!!

    Sweeeet! It looks like so much fun!
  • mcdebbie
    mcdebbie Posts: 940 Member
    Glad none of us were eliminated this week and am VERY happy that Kim has decided to keep teams for one more week as I think I am going to need you two to pull my $ss out of the fire next week. We stop smoking on Monday - which means we also must quit drinking. The drinking will free up lots of calories BUT it does help keep down the water weight right? :laugh: :laugh:

    Kasi, you said you stopped smoking a few months before the challenge started right? How do you get through the whiskey without a smoke?

    Anyway, I figure even if I am booted off of this challenge in a week or two I will still be a lot healther a month from now.

    Erin, you rock again! But more choices to make, at least this time you don't have to worry about changing peoples teams.