30 Day Shred - Start: May 9th



  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Kate are you using a DVD with the kettlebells. My local store has kettlebells on sale today, so thought I would buy myself some, but then what do I do with them.
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    I'm starting Ripped again today (got to week 2 last time), and I've got 9 days to go with the Shred. :happy:
    My local store has kettlebells on sale today, so thought I would buy myself some, but then what do I do with them.
    :laugh: I'm sure you'll find something!
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    Jen, the workout DVD that I am doing is the Shred It With Weights by Jillian Michaels. Everytime that I say that people ask, "Don't we always Shred with weights?" This DVD is NOT the 30 DS DVD. It is called Shred-It with Weights.

    Steph, I am afraid to try the Ripped workout!:blushing:

    This week has been kind of crazy and I haven't accomplished what I wanted, not enough exercise and horrible food. However, I did visit with my Mom one day, I took the kids to the zoo, I got my sons cast taken off (sort of). So, I'm trying to look at the good and not the bad.

    Have a great day, Ladies!
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    I did L1 SWW again today. I am going to start today and try (try try try try try) to get 10 consecutive days.:blushing:
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Work it Kate! You can totally do 10 in a row! PS - Ripped week 1 isn't so bad. I really enjoy the moves. :happy:

    I did Ri30 D1W1 today. Didn't add the Shred, cause I was really mad. Like this: :mad: + :angry: (<-- NOT my determined face) I wanted to stomp my feet across the floor until the guy downstairs pounded on the ceiling. :laugh: I kinda still feel like that. I'm gonna go find something to do... Maybe it's cause it's almost 4pm and I haven't had lunch yet.
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    I went to get my kettlebells and they had sold out i was at the store at 11am. Hope they get more in then I will try and track down a DVD. I have become really unstuck lately with my food and calories. Using illness as an excuse. Have a weeks work in the city next week. I'm hoping to use the time to get myself mentally recharged and back on track. Cant access these community pages while in there. :sad: Will miss you girls. Will come back more positive and not such a drag.
    Keep up the great work. :flowerforyou:
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Aw, too bad they sold out, Jen. That's OK. See you when you get back. :flowerforyou: Take it easy!
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    Jen, have a great week! We'll miss you, too.

    Steph, Happy 4th of July! Any big plans?
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    Day 2 consecutively of Shred It With Weights
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Steph, Happy 4th of July! Any big plans?
    I've got good old Canada Day here, and nope! I did nothing. :laugh: My brother and sister went out, and I watched the rest of Fringe season 2 with my mom. We are totally obsessed with it, ever since my brother started talking about how he watched some of it in his class. It is amazing!! We can't wait for season 3 to re-run on TV, cause it's not on DVD yet. :cry: What are your plans, Kate? Hope you get your SWW in again!

    D2W1 yesterday for me. I almost didn't do it, but got some inspiration by visiting MFP last night at 8pm. I was done it at 9. :happy:
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    D3 Consecutive

    Steph, I didn't realize you were in Canada. I've always wanted to visit there since I read Anne of Green Gables (I've also wanted red hair, but I'm not courageous enough to dye mine)
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    D3 Consecutive
    WOO! I missed/skipped/didn't care D3 of Ripped... :indifferent:
    Steph, I didn't realize you were in Canada. I've always wanted to visit there since I read Anne of Green Gables (I've also wanted red hair, but I'm not courageous enough to dye mine)
    Haha, yeah! There's a TV show, but I never watch it. I saw it on the other day.
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    D4 Consecutive
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    Lost my consecutive days today. My family all needed me too much.
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    quick check in from work computer, I am so tired. Working all day is so exhausting, thank goodness its only for a week. Absolutely no energy to exercise and as for counting calories, the week started well 3 out of 7 days wont be so bad.
    Keep up the good work girls
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Aw, Kate. :flowerforyou: That's awesome you were there for your family! :happy:

    Good counting on almost most days, Jen.

    I haven't workout out in 2 days, and have eaten badly for most of both. Gonna make me a nice dinner, and call it a day.
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    Hey, Ladies!

    I didn't disappear. I have been trying to give my kids more time. Unfortunately, I have a terrible time finding balance in life. It seems like if I'm exercising, then that's all I'm able to accomplish. Right now I'm trying to shift my focus.

    I hope that you're both doing well.
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Kate, I know what you mean about balance. Same here its either everything or nothing with me. this has to be made to fit into life to be successful.
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Yeah, I'm sort of in the same boat, except I'm putting everything to the side, even things I should really get going on. :blushing: Oh well, I've still had a workout here and there to keep my upward yo-yo-like movement on the scale in a reasonable zone.
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    Good to see that we're all still hanging around.

    Keep doing your best, Ladies!