One Hour Runner Thread



  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    W4D3 - 4.8 miles / 52 minutes outside. FINALLY got my MP3 armband...NOW I feel like a true runner! :wink:
  • funfitfoodie
    funfitfoodie Posts: 630 Member
    W5D2 - FINALLY

    I've been making a few excuses. Some valid some not. I'm glad I had a decent run today because I think I would have stopped running if it had of gone badly. I don't know if any of you get this but if I haven't run for a while (in this case 8 days) I get it into my head that I HATE running.

    I reversed the first part of my route today which made it feel so much better! Although I got a bit distracted when some guys moved out the way for me on a bridge... I said "Thanks" but I'm a bit hoarse at the moment and I was out of breath and needed some water... so I sounded like a troll, anyway as I ran on over my music I could here them laughing and I was convinced it was about my troll voice, needless to say it distracted me and I ended up in a pedestrian subway which runs under a main road instead of alongside the river. Not wanting to embarrass myself further by having to run back out the subway I carried on... it's not like I was lost of anything but it was just annoying because they I had to jog on the spot at a million traffic lights to get back to where I needed to be.

    Then I carried on as normal and decided to go through the park again because I really enjoyed it the first time but as I got to the end... IT WAS BLOCKED OFF!!!! So I had to run back (back past the couple stradling each other... seriously... get a room) and on my way out saw the notice on the gate saying the south exit wouldn't be open until 31ST JULY... I will be long gone by then! :grumble: Anyway so I had to run up the horrible hill to finish.

    Sorry bit of a rant. Here's what you really want to know:

    33 minutes (meant to be 32 but I was making up for the stopping to open/close gates)
    3.16 miles (ish... I haven't added on the jogging on the spot)
    10 minute mile.
  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    W5D1 - 3 miles / 30 1/2 minutes on TM

    @ acidaloha - Nice job getting back into your run!!
  • fit4life_73
    fit4life_73 Posts: 435 Member
    I'm glad to see some of us are still running. I've been doing intervals and working on speed. Its weird because I still cover the same distance, but I feel like I'm getting a better workout. I don't know..:ohwell: Today wasa high cardio day. I did 20 mins on the treadmill, 15 minutes on the eliptical, and a 40 minute step class. I couldn't believe I set the treadmill at 5.5 and ran for a mile (10:53 min/mile). I was so proud of myself. My goal is to run 2 miles at 10 min/mile someday. So I feel like I'm on my.

    I'm calling it an early night.

    Happy running!
  • jilld76
    jilld76 Posts: 324
    I'm still here too! Sorry to be such a slacker the last few days. I ran on Saturday, I think I may have posted about it, in the rain! Took sunday off and did step class on monday and I think I did something to my back and/or something to do with my sciatic. Anyway, it started out as my hip being really sore yesterday to those feelings like you can't move because you get this gut wrenching pain in your back. I used to get it a lot, but I haven't had it in a long time, I think I must have twisted something wrong at step class on monday.

    So anyway, I think I'll be good by tomorrow and I am hoping to get a run in. I would rather just run most days than do anything else, especially when I found out that I burned more calories running than I do in an hour long step class (according to my HRM).

    Great job everyone on keeping up with your runs, I'm not really following one hour runner anymore, but just trying to keep running and gradually increase distance and speed and of course I love chatting with all of you about our running experiences!
  • TS65
    TS65 Posts: 1,024 Member
    Hi guys, sorry, I've been lazy about posting on this thread. I just started week 9 of c210k (71 minutes). I'm still at intervals (7 minutes/2 minutes right now). The next 2-3 weeks is really going to be kicking it up so I'm hoping my distance/pace will improve. I'm sooo slow, I'm finding that part frustrating (3.5 mph). If not, I guess I could always re-do the program to work on speed. I guess I'll worry about that when the time comes. Whatever - I'm still "running" for an hour which has always been my goal - and it doesn't hurt that my HRM is saying I"m burning 600+ calories each time! :drinker:
  • funfitfoodie
    funfitfoodie Posts: 630 Member
    So who is actually sticking to OHR plan?
  • fit4life_73
    fit4life_73 Posts: 435 Member
    I think everyone knows by now that I'm not doing OHR anymore. But I really like chatting with all of you. :flowerforyou:
  • funfitfoodie
    funfitfoodie Posts: 630 Member
    I think everyone knows by now that I'm not doing OHR anymore. But I really like chatting with all of you. :flowerforyou:

    Oh don't get me wrong I love hearing about all you guys runs regardless. I'm just curious...
  • BifDiehl
    BifDiehl Posts: 474
    I'm here! I'm very proud of myself that I ran three times this week while on vacation! Rolled out of bed at 6:30am to run. Wouldn't have caught me doing that 6 months (and 40 pounds) ago!

    The first vacation run was yuck. The entire time I just kept thinking "am I done yet?". So the runs on Tuesday and today, I ran slower and enjoyed my runs very much! I realized that I've been trying to keep to an 11 minute mile b/c I have my 5k coming up in a week and of course I want to do it fast. Well, I don't like running that fast yet. I'm a very happy camper to run 12/minute miles. So that's what I'm continuing to do. Speed will come eventually.

    And... I ran 4 miles today! That's the furthest I've ever run!

    Glad to see everybody checking in and still running.
  • sarah_ep
    sarah_ep Posts: 580 Member
    *Bump* for when I finish C25K ;)
  • shannonaufman
    I got sick this week, so I'm a bit behind on OHR. I'm going to be back on the wagon either this weekend or Monday! I find myself missing my runs! (Still so weird for me to say that).

    Great job running during vacation, Bif. I definitely wouldn't have done that, haha! I'm looking forward to hearing how your 5K goes!! (I mean, obviously you're going to kick butt!!)
  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    And... I ran 4 miles today! That's the furthest I've ever run!

    @ BifDiehl - Nice job running during your vacation AND going for 4 miles! You go, girl!!


    I want to follow OHR but I run 3x/week at the "Y" during my lunch and have only 30 minutes available. So I'm going for longer runs / distances when I run at home to offset the the short "Y" runs.

    W5D2 - I ran 5.44 miles / 60 minutes this morning.

    Happy running everyone!!
  • fit4life_73
    fit4life_73 Posts: 435 Member
    Bif~ running on vacation is the ultimate NSV. Thats really awesome. You will do great on your 5k.

    Aileen~ Great job with keeping with OHR! Keep up the good work.

    Shannon~I'm sorry to hear that you were sick this week. I know you will bounce back this week.

    As for me~ Still keeping with the walk/run routine. It has not structure but I'm enjoying it. My runs this week have been on the treadmill so I'm able to keep a steady pace. I had an Ah Ha moment yesterday after my workout, I can run at 6.0 :noway: . I jogged .75 miles @6.0 (7.5 mins). The only reason I stopped was because I didn't want to further injure my leg/hip. My lungs felt good and I was totally in my stride after a few minutes. I continued with the walk/run and finished 2.5 miles in 32 minutes. So without the w/u and c/d I completed 1.75 miles at avg pace 11:25 m/hr. Not bad. I'm really enjoying running at the faster pace. Most of my runs have been 4.6-4.8. And it gets boring really fast. By no means can I keep this pace for a 30 min run, but thats my ultimate goal. I thought about following c25k starting with week 4 or 5 and keeping my speed at 6.0 or focus on distance. I like running without a plan (so to speak). My only plan is to run 3 times a week.

    Well enough rambling.:laugh:

    Have a great weekend and happy running :flowerforyou:
  • jilld76
    jilld76 Posts: 324
    Bif~ running on vacation is the ultimate NSV. Thats really awesome. You will do great on your 5k.

    Aileen~ Great job with keeping with OHR! Keep up the good work.

    Shannon~I'm sorry to hear that you were sick this week. I know you will bounce back this week.

    As for me~ Still keeping with the walk/run routine. It has not structure but I'm enjoying it. My runs this week have been on the treadmill so I'm able to keep a steady pace. I had an Ah Ha moment yesterday after my workout, I can run at 6.0 :noway: . I jogged .75 miles @6.0 (7.5 mins). The only reason I stopped was because I didn't want to further injure my leg/hip. My lungs felt good and I was totally in my stride after a few minutes. I continued with the walk/run and finished 2.5 miles in 32 minutes. So without the w/u and c/d I completed 1.75 miles at avg pace 11:25 m/hr. Not bad. I'm really enjoying running at the faster pace. Most of my runs have been 4.6-4.8. And it gets boring really fast. By no means can I keep this pace for a 30 min run, but thats my ultimate goal. I thought about following c25k starting with week 4 or 5 and keeping my speed at 6.0 or focus on distance. I like running without a plan (so to speak). My only plan is to run 3 times a week.

    Well enough rambling.:laugh:

    Have a great weekend and happy running :flowerforyou:

    This is kind of what I'm doing too, except that I'm running for as long as I can, which is usually close to 30 minutes and then the rest of my 3 mile loop I alternate.

    I was trying to follow OHR, but as you all know the hills in my neighborhood kill me. So I would find myself getting really frustrated when I would have to walk around 25-27 minutes. I didn't want to frustrate myself so much that I quite running all together.

    So, I'm undecided about what to do. I could continue what I've been doing, but then I'm not adding anything additional to my workout, just running for about the same amount of time and distance, or my other thought was to try the C210K interval plan. Because it would push me to begin running longer now and give me a chance to work on speed. Plus I think intervals are better for weight loss and I could really use a push right now. And maybe I could just do one long run, once a week to try to keep my endurance for the 30 minute run up.

    I haven't decided for certain yet, still contemplating. There are so many different routes I could take around my house to run, but every single one of them has a mountain of a hill, no matter which direction I go, so there seems to be nothing I can do to eliminate those, unless I go to the track, which is definitely and option.

    I feel like I've just become complacent with running what I can and not pushing myself to do more :( It's been a rough week, all around!

    Bif - so great that you ran on vacation! I go to the outerbanks in North Carolina every year in August and I'm really hoping to run every morning (or most mornings) while I'm there to burn some of the calories I'll be eating and drinking! Did you run on the beach? I've heard that's really hard, in the sand. I was planning to do it on the road, but the beach is so much prettier and cooler with the breeze.
  • MayMaydoesntrun
    MayMaydoesntrun Posts: 805 Member
    bump! Love this!
  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    @ fit4life_73 - Nice efforts being able to run at 6mph!! Keep up the great efforts!!

    I ran today 2.4 miles / 20 minutes. It looked like it was going to rain any minute so I kept it short. Good decision - 15 minutes after I got home the skies opened up!!

    Have a great Sunday and enjoy your Father's Day with your loved ones!!
  • funfitfoodie
    funfitfoodie Posts: 630 Member
    W5D3 - 38 minutes.

    Ran a new route (same start but backwards then a different last few miles) and loved it :smile: .

    3.72 miles in 38 minutes. 10 minute mile.
  • fit4life_73
    fit4life_73 Posts: 435 Member
    Jill ~ I'm sorry you're having a rough week. I invented those. You are doing an awesome job keeping up with running. I was sorta in limbo myself for a while. So until I figured it out I just decided that working out was more important than forcing myself to follow a plan a fail miserably. My maintenance plan is to run 2 miles @ 10 min/mile daily. But until then, I am running to boost my weight loss. So intervals and increasing my speed seem to be working for me. I have no desire to run marathons so distance is really not my goal. When I ran track in high school I was a sprinter. On top of that, my ADD won't allow me to run that long. :laugh: Just figure out your purpose/goal for running. Set new goals each week. And stay motivated.

    Today I ran 3.2 miles in 40 minutes. I ran a whole mile at 6.0! I pushed the last 1/4 quarter mile really hard, but I was so excited to finish it. I finished up with run/walk intervals at 6.5/3.5. I felt really good.

    Here's to a new week :drinker:
  • shannonaufman
    So I hadn't run in a week due to a mystery upper respiratory funk that I got. I went out and ran today and oh man. I really just wanted to curl up on the side of the trail and never get up. I was super miserable the whole time... ugh. But I ran for 35 minutes... I walked for 5 minutes to warm up and walked 10 minutes at the end. I am counting this as week 5 day 1. I am at the point where I'm sort of embarrassed by how slowly I'm running. It's so dumb of me to be embarrassed, and I know that. But I just can't get it out of my head that I'm slow. And I think that's just making me slower. I also know that it was 90 degrees out with 95% humidity and that it would have been unwise to push myself any harder... I just don't know.

    I guess I just need to remember that, 3 months ago, I could barely run for a minute... and running for 35 minutes is an accomplishment in itself. But ugh. I just feel so d*mn slow. Anyway, enough ranting.

    fit -- That's SO great. I like that you're doing intervals to keep it interesting for you. I need to figure something like that out. Great job running a 10 minute mile!! That's so exciting.

    acid -- way to go with your running. You're really getting good at it! I love days where I take a new route... Except one time I took a new route and I got big time lost. I had to knock on a random door to get directions home... :blushing: So just make sure you know where you're going!!

    jill -- I think I'm having the same kind of week you are. I didn't run for a week, and the heat/humidity kills me. I don't have problems with hills in my neighborhood, but the weather definitely makes me hate running. Maybe switch it up every few days? Go to the track one day, run intervals the next... Repetition makes it hard to push yourself, but maybe if you mix it up, you'll find yourself pushing yourself harder. Keeps it interesting and motivates you for the next run, because it will be different.

    Ailene - I got stuck in the rain once... it turned out to be my best run yet! Great job with your running.