One Hour Runner Thread



  • funfitfoodie
    funfitfoodie Posts: 630 Member
    But I ran for 35 minutes... I walked for 5 minutes to warm up and walked 10 minutes at the end. I am counting this as week 5 day 1. I am at the point where I'm sort of embarrassed by how slowly I'm running. It's so dumb of me to be embarrassed, and I know that. But I just can't get it out of my head that I'm slow. And I think that's just making me slower.

    On my last run, because it was the long one, I decided that I wasn't going to go for an amazing distance and I ran the first part at a pretty slow and gentle jog; and it was so much better. After a while I think I must have picked up the pace without noticing... but it was so nice just not to care about speed :smile:
  • sooh2011
    sooh2011 Posts: 134 Member
    I'm on the last week of C25K and am thinking of doing this (having read this thread)...and I'm bumping it for a friend too :smile:
  • shannonaufman
    Sooh and MaryBrown -- welcome!! You can totally start posting here even if you're not done with C25K. I don't think any of us are 'strictly' following One Hour Runner to the letter, but this is a great place to discuss our runs... even if we deviate from One Hour Runner sometimes. I think this thread has become an awesome place for us new runners to discuss the trials, tribulations and successes we experience on our running journey. Welcome!!
  • BifDiehl
    BifDiehl Posts: 474
    Sunday I went and ran the 5k route for the race I'm running on Saturday. I realized how spoiled I've been where I've been running. I've been running routes that are flat and at least 50% shaded. The race route is slightly hilly and mostly sunny. I was HOT and I walked up two hills (I justified this by drinking during my walks :tongue: ). Other than that it went ok. I'm going to run it one more time before the race - tonight after work.

    Shannon & Acid - I've also been making myself run slower. I had been trying to speed up since I have this race coming up. But I found I don't like running when I'm running fast. I enjoy myself when I run slower. So I'm slowing down and enjoying myself - the speed will come.
  • sooh2011
    sooh2011 Posts: 134 Member
    Sooh and MaryBrown -- welcome!! You can totally start posting here even if you're not done with C25K. I don't think any of us are 'strictly' following One Hour Runner to the letter, but this is a great place to discuss our runs... even if we deviate from One Hour Runner sometimes. I think this thread has become an awesome place for us new runners to discuss the trials, tribulations and successes we experience on our running journey. Welcome!!

    :smile: Thank you! I think I want to follow the OHR plan because I have liked having the C25K plan to follow - I like to see my progress. Having said that though, I have entered a 5K which is in around 3 or 4 weeks and I don't think I can actually run 5K yet....I am guessing I'll be doing it in around 40 not sure if I should be trying for that.....or just trying to get my 30 min runs a bit faster.
  • funfitfoodie
    funfitfoodie Posts: 630 Member
    W6D1 - 30 minutes - 2.92 miles @ 10 minute mile.
  • funfitfoodie
    funfitfoodie Posts: 630 Member
    Sooh and MaryBrown -- welcome!! You can totally start posting here even if you're not done with C25K. I don't think any of us are 'strictly' following One Hour Runner to the letter, but this is a great place to discuss our runs... even if we deviate from One Hour Runner sometimes. I think this thread has become an awesome place for us new runners to discuss the trials, tribulations and successes we experience on our running journey. Welcome!!

    :smile: Thank you! I think I want to follow the OHR plan because I have liked having the C25K plan to follow - I like to see my progress. Having said that though, I have entered a 5K which is in around 3 or 4 weeks and I don't think I can actually run 5K yet....I am guessing I'll be doing it in around 40 not sure if I should be trying for that.....or just trying to get my 30 min runs a bit faster.

    I pretty much am following the OHR plan to the word although had a tough time at the beginning as you will see if you read through the old posts :laugh: WELCOME :glasses:
  • fit4life_73
    fit4life_73 Posts: 435 Member
    Sooh and MaryBrown -- welcome!! You can totally start posting here even if you're not done with C25K. I don't think any of us are 'strictly' following One Hour Runner to the letter, but this is a great place to discuss our runs... even if we deviate from One Hour Runner sometimes. I think this thread has become an awesome place for us new runners to discuss the trials, tribulations and successes we experience on our running journey. Welcome!!

    I agree with Shannon. Most of us did c25k together and started this thread as part 2 of our running journey. We all started out doing OHR but some of us have slowly drifted (like me), but we still post here to support each other. Welcome aboard!
  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    3.2 miles / 36 minutes

    It was an odd run...I was feeling fatigued within the first 3/4 miles. I pushed thru the entire run but there was no consideration for anything more than what I did. I didn't have enough protein in my meals today and I think that's the reason.

    @ Bifdiehl - In case the week gets away from me....Good Luck with Saturday's 5K! You'll do AWESOME!!

    @ Sooh & MaryBrown - Welcome!
  • BifDiehl
    BifDiehl Posts: 474
    Ugh - yesterday's run was just plain yuck. I had to walk after the first half mile. Not sure if it was b/c it was so hot, if I ate too soon before I ran, or some combination of stuff, but I was ready to be DONE after the first half mile. I finished the entire 3.1 mile route, but had to walk several times. Still came in at a decent time for me (37:54) b/c I was running faster than normal b/c of taking the walking breaks. Hills stink. I really need to add them to my regular runs, though, b/c I'm not used to running them and they're kicking my butt. I have it in my head that I CAN'T run up them, so I walk up every single one of them. Luckily Saturday it's supposed to be cooler and the race starts at 8am, so it should be cooler.

    How's everybody else handling the heat? :grumble:

    Ailene - thanks for your well wishes!
  • jilld76
    jilld76 Posts: 324
    fit - thanks for the encouragement!

    shannon - I feel really slow when I run too, especially when I see other people's times, but then I remember how far I've come and as long as I keep at it, that's all that matters.

    Bif - you know my feeling about hills! I used to really slow down when I got to the hills thinking it would help me last longer, but it didn't seem to work, so I started to try to really push myself up the hills and I just go for as long as I can. I usually make it about half way and will walk the rest of the way up. You can do it! Good luck in your race!
  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Ran 5.14 miles / 54 minutes; 10:30/mile

    @ BifDiehl - Unfortunately, Wisconsin hasn't had warm weather in almost 3 weeks. Lots of rain, cool, breezy. Nasty summer weather but it's allowed me to run outdoors without having to deal with heat. Stay hydrated and I would think give yourself at least an hour to digest your meal before running.
  • Jenyfur1
    Jenyfur1 Posts: 361
    Hey Guys!
    I have missed seeing you on a thread so I am going to start the program finally. I booked marked it. I think that I will start on Saturday. I am going to mostly be running on the tread mill. It is too hot and humid here to run out side. My allergies will not allow it.
    I think I may start at week 4.
    Bif, Good luck on your 5K this weekend!
  • funfitfoodie
    funfitfoodie Posts: 630 Member

    33 minutes - 3.3miles @ 10 minute mile

    It was all going fine until 11 minutes in (8 minutes into my run) when I could feel my hair starting to come out of its bun so I stopped to quickly sort it out but because I'd put 3 hair bands in (to make sure it was secure - doh!) I ended up spending 2 minutes stood around sorting it out! I hate stopping because I find it hard to hit my stride again.

    (I ran 33 minutes - 35 including time stood around. 45 including warm up walk, hair tying, cool down walk and stretch). When people log their miles do they count the miles that they walked for the warm up and cool down as well? I only log the miles where I'm actually running...
  • BifDiehl
    BifDiehl Posts: 474
    When people log their miles do they count the miles that they walked for the warm up and cool down as well? I only log the miles where I'm actually running...

    I only count what I actually run, too.

    @ Jeny - Hi! Glad you found us. It's fun hearing other people's running journeys.

    I ran yesterday morning before work and stuck close to home where it's flat! I ran 3.29 miles in 39:13. I enjoyed that run - it wasn't hilly and it wasn't hot! I think I'm a running wimp :laugh:

    Tomorrow's my big day! I'm looking forward to running those hills tomorrow early morning and I'm hoping it's not as bad b/c it won't be hot. I'll post about how it went when I get to work tomorrow. We're having an open house at work tomorrow, so I'll work until 9pm tonight, get up, run the 5k at 8am tomorrow, hurry home to shower, hurry back to work and then work until around 11pm. And then I get to work Sunday followed by 10 more days in a row before I have a day off. Tourist season in Gettysburg is BUSY!! :noway:
  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    @ BifDiehl - thinking of you and hoping the 5K went well!!!!!! :flowerforyou:

    I'm so excited....I completed this morning my best run that I've EVER done....

    6.64 miles / 1 hour!!!!!

    I had roughed out my route in my mind and thought I was targeting 5.5; man, was I off! No wondering I was dying by the last .5 mile! :laugh:
  • fit4life_73
    fit4life_73 Posts: 435 Member
    Bif ~ I can't wait to hear about your 5k. I know you did an awesome job.

    Aileen~What a great run! Wow, I can't imagine running for a whole hour. Are you planning to run a 10k?

    This has been an off week for me. Its tough to stay focussed when you are dealing with family issues. I've been in such a bad place all week I'm finding it challenging to dig myself out of this rut. I haven't worked out since Monday. Urgh!! Oh well, I've been here before. I'll get through it. Besides, I'm down a size and if I lose control I will easily go back up. We're going to the water park in three weeks and I want to look a hot mess.

    I hope everyone is staying on track!
  • BifDiehl
    BifDiehl Posts: 474
    Hello all! First, let me say thanks for all your well wishes. I thought of all of you during the race and you inspired me to push on to my personal best 5k time! My official time was 34:48 which averages out to 11:14/mile. The race was a lot of fun and very well organized. I believe there were about 1100 runners and everything seemed to go very smoothly to me! My mom, dad, husband and daughter were there cheering me on. My husband and daughter surprised me by holding up signs cheering me on at the finish line, so I crossed the line laughing. My daughter's said "How fast is mommy? Sooooo fast!" which isn't true, but cracked me up. My husband's sign said something about congratulating me on doing a great job and, "so can I go golfing now?". He totally meant it as a joke, but he got several dirty looks from a few women! He said several of the men coming across the finish line laughed at his sign. My mom's an amateur photographer, so I had to pose to get my picture taken both before and after the race. I'll post some photos when she emails them to me. My husband told me that the first guy across the finish line had a time of just over 12 minutes!! Can you imagine??

    I'm going to sign up for another 5k in July - the day after I turn 40!
  • funfitfoodie
    funfitfoodie Posts: 630 Member

    Meant to be 41 minutes but I lost track of time and ran 42:30 - 4.27 miles @ 9 minute 57 second mile (woo smashed through the 10 minute mile!!!)

    It was really hot today when I ran - 21 degrees C when I left which is the hottest I've ever run in - I know I'm a wuss... but none the less I was excited because I have new Nike running shorts and a new pink Nike running t-shirt. I loved every second of this run!

    I have to admit I did stop once to walk but that was because the stupid old man was out feeding the ducks/swans again (he's there pretty much every night about 7/8pm). The swans block like the whole path and I don't want to be savaged by swans so I go slowly. It's so frustrating!
  • funfitfoodie
    funfitfoodie Posts: 630 Member
    Hello all! First, let me say thanks for all your well wishes. I thought of all of you during the race and you inspired me to push on to my personal best 5k time! My official time was 34:48 which averages out to 11:14/mile. The race was a lot of fun and very well organized. I believe there were about 1100 runners and everything seemed to go very smoothly to me! My mom, dad, husband and daughter were there cheering me on. My husband and daughter surprised me by holding up signs cheering me on at the finish line, so I crossed the line laughing. My daughter's said "How fast is mommy? Sooooo fast!" which isn't true, but cracked me up. My husband's sign said something about congratulating me on doing a great job and, "so can I go golfing now?". He totally meant it as a joke, but he got several dirty looks from a few women! He said several of the men coming across the finish line laughed at his sign. My mom's an amateur photographer, so I had to pose to get my picture taken both before and after the race. I'll post some photos when she emails them to me. My husband told me that the first guy across the finish line had a time of just over 12 minutes!! Can you imagine??

    I'm going to sign up for another 5k in July - the day after I turn 40!

    12 minutes is ridic! I dream of running a 5k in 15 minutes though one day...... got a long way to go yet!

    Your hubby and daughter are sooo sweet! Great time - congrats!!!!