

  • TheSpicyMermaid
    TheSpicyMermaid Posts: 279 Member
    I'm addicted to french fries! And fried potatoes an everything that comes close.. Sometimes i just have a little bit, but when it really doesn't fit, i love to roast them on a high temperature setting in my oven. Just take some regular potatoes, use at most one tablespoon of olive oil mix it through with whatever spices you like and roast it for about half an hour at about 200 degrees celcius.. yum.

    Me too! Fries is the one thing I think about. I don't crave anything else but that. I love potatoes from the oven though. I put a nice spritz of ground sea salt on my 'taters. When we go camping, I slice a small Gold potato and wrap it in tin foil, then BBQ for about 15 mins. DEELISH!
  • TheSpicyMermaid
    TheSpicyMermaid Posts: 279 Member
    Good job, to the winning losers (LOL)!!!!

    What a sweet challenge for today. I think I've been added by quite a few BOBers so far. Thanks too all of my new buddies! :)

    As I mentioned in reply to an earlier post, I love me some french fries too but substitute fried for baked. Snacking is the hardest part for me so when I really want some potato chips, an easy substitute is pork rinds. In moderation, of course, I don't even miss chips!
  • sarahrobin
    sarahrobin Posts: 139 Member
    I often crave french fries, greasy burgers, chocolate and pizza! I can usually ignore the french fry and burger craving. For the chocolate one, I've been keeping a bag of chocolate chips in my freezer and letting myself have 1-2 tbsp on those days I just have to have some! We have been making our own pizza to help cut down on calories (and save money!).

    Congrats to everyone for the amazing 1st week! It's just going to get better and better! :wink:
  • Eeyore2011
    Eeyore2011 Posts: 2
    I just joined if you do another one. Please let me know.

    thanks so much
  • kirianna55
    kirianna55 Posts: 459 Member
    I crave chocolate a lot, especially during my TOM. I've found that reducing the amount of chocolate I eat helps. Plus I try to eat chocolate with higher cocoa content. I also crave brownies, but I have found a wonderful recipe to get my brownie fix without all of the calories. I plan on mixing up some flour this month to promote better health in my family. I try to do things like this without them noticing. I have one sister who wont eat anything that has the word "healthy" in the label. I plan on mixing 10 cups of whole wheat flour, 1 cup Flax seeds, and 1 cup Chia seeds. I would use this recipe rather than the spelt flour because it tastes a lot better. II already made a recipe and this is the calorie break down for 1 cup::
    Calories 480
    Potassium 85
    Fat 6
    Protein 18
    Fiber 21
    Calcium 9

    Here Is my recipe on MFP, This is what I use for my Chocolate fix:
    Triple-Chocolate Chipotle Brownies
  • cherubcrnp
    cherubcrnp Posts: 730 Member
    I just joined too....hopefully, I am good to go for this week. I haven't had too many craves over the last few weeks but well meaning people are trying to be helpful. One girl that I work with brough Sara Lee Cheesecake bites and proudly said that I could eat them as they only had 20 calories a bite. NOT....I know that if I ate one, it would not be the last. It was hard, but I walked away and never touched one. I was gracious and thanked her though for her thoughtfulness.
  • mishkamichelle
    First - a BIG THANKS TO KRISTY for being so awesome and doing all this hard work!

    Second - cravings kill me! I crave candy the most. I will literally drool when I see a bag of cherry blasters or sweedish berries at the store. And daily getting onto the subway they have little convenience stores and stands that sell tons of candy. I have to put my eyes down and walk quickly past (especially if it was a bad day at work!)

    I find that the more I exercise, the more I am able to fight the cravings though. If I am not exercising a lot, I can talk myself into candy and other things more. Also, I have started grocery shopping after rugby practice so that I feel too guilty to by bad for me foods. After a big workout I am more likely to purchase (and eat) veggies, fruit, lean meats, etc.

    And apples help with my sweet tooth. Red delicious apples can be very sweet and tasty.

    But as you can see by yesterdays diary, I did have a few sweedish berries... Cravings sometimes win :(
  • LadyOfOceanBreeze
    LadyOfOceanBreeze Posts: 762 Member
    just sent you a friend request 'cuz I am start this challenge. I will weigh tomorrow...thanks for the inspiration!
  • prtykekedd
    prtykekedd Posts: 48 Member
    OMG! potatoes are my weakness too! I like french fries, potato chips, and the potatoes boiled in the seasoning with the crawfish. I try hard to stay away from them all!
  • Cutie_pie
    Cutie_pie Posts: 26 Member
    I'm in if its not too late??? =)
  • prplangl4
    prplangl4 Posts: 488 Member


    I've been seeing a lot of posts where SUGAR is a big weakness! We do have some diabetics in our group so this could be a great challenge to help with them too! Today try to satisfy that sweet tooth in ways that are sweet for your health and weight loss progress! TODAY STAY UNDER YOUR ALLOWABLE SUGAR INTAKE FOR THE DAY!!!

    CANDY - Cameo
    THE SWEET ESCAPE – Gwen Stefani
    NO SUGAR TONIGHT - Guess Who
    SUGAR SUGA – The archives
    *we have people from Australia to Austria of all backgrounds, ages, and ethnicities so my songs will be varied each day to accommodate ;-)

    How do you satisfy that sweet tooth in a healthy/low sugar way?!?
    1. I chew on extra gum (they have a deserts flavors) - I get the mint chocolate chip flavor (15 calories per stick, sugar free I believe, AND satisfied the craving without eating icecream!).
    2. I also get these hard candies - baskin robbins mint chocolate chip sugar free (they have other flavors) only 5 or 10 calories per piece!
    3. I have hersheys DARK CHOCOLATE kisses (eat 2 for that soft chocolate craving)

    To our new joiners this week:

    SHOW SOME LOVE TO prtykekedd !!! EVERYONE add her as a friend and help her to shed some lbs for our next weighin!!!

    STAY MOTIVATED: VISIT OUR WEBSITE for some music and official rules -
  • mishkamichelle
    That's a really good challenge! Will be hard for me but I am game to try - and I will stay away from stores that sell candy :)

    For coffee drinkers - I find that adding cinnamon to my coffee rather than sugar tricks me into thinking it is sweeter than it actually is. It may work for you too?
  • TheSpicyMermaid
    TheSpicyMermaid Posts: 279 Member
    Oh man. The TOM is the worst. I crave chocolate and I don't even like it the rest of the time. If I can't satisfy my sweet tooth with strawberries (usually does the trick), then I'll have a mini candy like Snickers or Three Musketeers. BUT, I don't buy them. I work at a veterinarian so our drug supplier sends a bag of candy with the shipment every week. Fortunately, I won't eat just any chocolate and they normally send candy I don't like. Yay?
  • LadyOfOceanBreeze
    LadyOfOceanBreeze Posts: 762 Member
    I buy the organic dark chocolate 73% super dark from trader joes. there must be something comparable for those of you not in tj's area? only about 30 calories per square and super delish with fresh blueberries and a couple slices of banana!
    another trick I have are the "altoids smalls" which last a while if ya don't bite 'em...I love cinnamon in my coffee and just found a tea made by "stash", chai green tea, it is not only sweet but also contains slight appetite suppressants if you drink up to 8 ounces a day!
    and, sounds funny but baby carrots also satisfy a sweet tooth! YUM :))
    :wink: enjoy! and best wishes everyone!
  • LadyOfOceanBreeze
    LadyOfOceanBreeze Posts: 762 Member
    love love cinnamon soooooooo healthy!
  • achampionsheart
    achampionsheart Posts: 1,020 Member
    i like to use low carb, low fat wheat tortillas, spread some smart balance omega-3 peanut butter on it and add grapes to it, roll it up and its a great healthy snack that allows for natural sweetness from the grapes...i only use about 5-6 seedless grapes but its enough
  • cherubcrnp
    cherubcrnp Posts: 730 Member
    I satisfy my sugar crave by eathing fruit....10 raspberries, strawberries, mango, pineapple does the trick for me. Putting Splenda in my ice tea also works for me. My Keurig ice tea is sweetened with Truvia as is some flavor packets for water. To be honest, I have't craved any candy so far.

    BTW....if you need my weight....270.7

  • andtian
    andtian Posts: 47
    OMG! potatoes are my weakness too! I like french fries, potato chips, and the potatoes boiled in the seasoning with the crawfish. I try hard to stay away from them all!

    I'm on a eating plan that allows you about 1000-1200calories and the main thing you always have at dinner is 125grams of potatoes, but it is cooked potato, which can get boring so i put it in the microwave now and then.. It is based on the normal Dutch person's eating style, which is potato, veg and meat.. So potatoes are not bad, it is the prep of it, and all the other things you eat with it..
  • PhoenixRising17
    PhoenixRising17 Posts: 134 Member
    I myself am diabetic and have REALLY been trying to watch my sugar and carb intake since I started this program...yesterday a woman gave me Godiva chocolate Gems they came in a small box with just 6 small candies...instead of eating the whole thing I picked out 3 of the candies and gave the rest away because I knew I just couldnt have them and the 3 candies were only 100 cal....not sure about the sugar content but my blood sugar stayed within normal range yesterday so it couldn;t have been so bad...

    Right now I am just trying to stay away from sweets all together because I feel like I may choose to indulge a little more than I'd like...everyday it gets easier and easier to resist temptation but I do think from now on if I just HAVE to have something sweet I would choose a sugar free candy...or like Kristy said that Extra Dessert flavored gum is GREAT (I agree the mint chocolate chip is def my fav).
  • journey2size10
    I don't have a sweet tooth, all my teeth are sweet!
    I like the different dessert gum flavors, fruits like strawberries, grapes, watermelon & mango and when I'm low carbing it sugar free jello does the trick!