
  • Amy_Do
    Amy_Do Posts: 20
    Great job with the spreadsheet that is a lot of work and it is really appreciated. Good job to everyone who is taking part in this group. My craving as of late has been hamburgers which is strange as I don't normally eat them - at any rate I have substitute for a veggie burger on an english muffin with some tomato and lettuce all up its under 300 calories which is a good lunch for me and its quite filling.
  • Hannahrenee86
    Hannahrenee86 Posts: 183
    In today's challenge, I did 87 pushups, 225 situps(crunches), and 209 squats... I started at 13 pushups, 23 situps (crunches) and 23 squats. Amazing what 5 weeks can do.

    (I am doing the 100 pushup challenge, 200 situp challenge and 200 squat challenge. I am week 5 day 2)
  • multiplex
    multiplex Posts: 8
    I'm in! Never done a challenge before--sounds like just what I need to stay on track.:smile:
  • samvanz
    samvanz Posts: 122 Member
    That challenge sounds awesome, Hannahrenee - is it just what it sounds like? Do as many as you can every day til you reach it?
  • Hannahrenee86
    Hannahrenee86 Posts: 183
    That challenge sounds awesome, Hannahrenee - is it just what it sounds like? Do as many as you can every day til you reach it?

    No.. Each challenge was is divided into 5 sections of pre-determined number of reps.

    Here are the websites I used: ---- 100 pushup challenge
    200 situps challenge
    200 squats challenge
  • jessilea53
    jessilea53 Posts: 87 Member
    I want in!! Ill add as a friend and send you my weight starting yesterday (23rd). This sounds fun!
  • talysshade
    talysshade Posts: 273 Member
    Congratulations all! I'm in midrange yellow myself.. but i did just eat some big sodium meals the day before so i'm hoping it's water weight!..

    I'm addicted to french fries! And fried potatoes an everything that comes close.. Sometimes i just have a little bit, but when it really doesn't fit, i love to roast them on a high temperature setting in my oven. Just take some regular potatoes, use at most one tablespoon of olive oil mix it through with whatever spices you like and roast it for about half an hour at about 200 degrees celcius.. yum.
  • Ping_A1C2U
    Ping_A1C2U Posts: 91
    Keep up the good work everyone! Kristy, your enthusiasm is infectious =)

    Would love some more fitness pals - add me!
  • cherubcrnp
    cherubcrnp Posts: 717 Member
    I would love to join....CW 270.7 This will help keep me on track
  • shallo
    shallo Posts: 353 Member
    My cravings change so it is hard to pick one. I just try and make the healthiest version of what I'm craving as I can.
  • UltraRunnerGale
    UltraRunnerGale Posts: 346 Member
    SW: 146
    CW: 143
    GW: 125

    Hope this is all the info you need! :flowerforyou:
  • kacione
    kacione Posts: 68 Member
    WOW --Kristy you have worked so hard. All of the work translates into success for us all. Thank you so much for this challenge and all of your work. I for one have renewed confidence that I will be able to do this with all the support from you and the people in this challenge.I have seen my first weight drop in over a year. I was getting really discouraged. Again, and I can't say it enough- thank you:bigsmile:
  • PhoenixRising17
    PhoenixRising17 Posts: 134 Member
    Wow this challenge is great! I know for me it definitely has helped me stay motivated this week...I love seeing everyone's suggestions too I just checked out that 100 pushups website Hannah posted and I'm gonna try it out :) Also everyone feel free to add me as a friend I've sent out a few requests myself but would love to get to know as many of you as I can because I can use all the motivation and support I can get!!!

    As far as my cravings up to this point I've not been able to do much to sustain my cravings other than to endulge but I am committed now to finding healthier solutions for these cravings...I have never been a real fan of vegetables but one difference I am going to make I learned from a low carb website was how to make mock mashed potatoes using cauliflower instead of potatoes and let me tell you I COULDNT TELL A DIFFERENCE! I mean it tasted THAT GOOD!

    Shout outs to everyone in this challenge we CAN do this!!!

    ******and also a special shout out to Kristy ~thank you for creating this challenge and for all the hard work you put into this it is greatly appreciated!!!******
  • agreenmess
    agreenmess Posts: 94
    Thanks Kristy for all your hard work the spreadsheet is amazing!!!! Thank you for keeping me motivated throughout this. I will send you an email with my goal weight :)

    Now with regards to cravings, Im a big big craver of cheese in any form (well apart from the moldy stuff lol) and i tend to just buy the small little pre-packed stuff you can get in Tesco/ M&S and eat them, instead of getting a big block which i know i will be gone in just the same amount of time lol
  • Newme4eva
    Newme4eva Posts: 15
    Sounds great ! Count me in !:smile:
  • nlsalvatore
    nlsalvatore Posts: 519 Member
    Congrats to all who stuck with it this week! Big shout-out to Kristy for all the time she put into this - it is so motivating!!! Congrats to the top losers this week!! Good luck all over the holiday weekend!
  • BeachGurl815
    BeachGurl815 Posts: 295 Member
    Thank you Kristy for heading up this challenge and motivating everyone. You really put your heart into this and it shows. You are awesome!!!!

    This challenge was just the kick in the butt that I needed to get me jump started. Congrats to everyone this week. So many of you did so well!
  • DRSRiley
    DRSRiley Posts: 26
    congrats to the winners this week...I am so inspired....I will increase my intensity during my workouts for sure this week and beyond....thanks everyone....let's keep rocking on!
  • beautylovetruth
    beautylovetruth Posts: 130 Member
    Sounds great ! Count me in !:smile:
    Please message and friend Kristy, she'll be able to get you in that way :)

    Visit the EPIC website -->
    You can click the top left hand corner to add her!
  • bethalicia
    bethalicia Posts: 7
    Thank you Kristy!! And thanks to everyone for the great tips and suggestions. It is really helping to read these posts everyday.

    I am finally losing! It is so exciting. Who would have thought a website could make such a difference!
    Cravings? Chocolate! Yesterday, my husband got a package of boxed yoo-hoos for the kids. They each had one after dinner and left the rest on the table in front of me. It was the hardest thing to just put them away in the kitchen. But I did. And then I got on my bike for five minutes, finished my water and went to bed. However...I am still thinking about those yoo-hoos 12 hours later.
    As a fix for my cravings, I keep a jar with sugar free 30 cal chocolates on my desk. Usually just the taste will take care of it.
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