

  • nlsalvatore
    nlsalvatore Posts: 521 Member
    When I am stressed I like to walk to clear my head. Other exercises I find fun and de-stressing are the Wii fit, or Wii sports with my kids, and I have recently started Zumba, which I absolutely love!! Have a happy healthy Memorial Day weekend, and don't stress over the picnics! Just do the best you can, and if you slip, well, tomorrow is a new day - don't beat yourself up!!
  • UltraRunnerGale
    UltraRunnerGale Posts: 346 Member
    I have a great "secret to my success" for picnics (which many of us will be going to this weekend). I ALWAYS bring a quinoa salad and a Boca burger. That way if everything is high-caloried, bad food, I have something awesome to eat. Plus, I have surprised many people with the "awesome-ness" of quinoa (those who have never tried it)! Also, when they start cooking up all of those calorie-laden burgers and dogs, I have a nice Boca burger to eat!! Most people don't mind throwing it on the grill and a lot of people will ask questions about it (great ice-breaker)!!

    Have a great Friday and holiday!! :drinker: :drinker:
  • bemoore81
    bemoore81 Posts: 18
    Had a real good week gym 3 times this week and walked for 60 minutes at the park 1 day . Not really craving anything , but woke up at 2:30 this AM starving , thought if I layed there long enough would go back to sleep , NOT , so got up at 3:15 and ate a wheat bagel with cream cheese that is what I was craving , now feeling bad about caving in
  • PhoenixRising17
    PhoenixRising17 Posts: 134 Member
    Well because of the holiday weekend I wont be able to weigh in on Monday because I am off from work so I went ahead and weighed in today and was suprised to see a loss of 5.2lbs!!!!! I am really in shock but am very happy and thankful for the loss!

    When I exercise at the gym my favorite piece of equiptment to use is the eliptical....I also love to go walking...I haven't really worked exercise into my days yet except for now I take the stairs at work instead of the elevator and am just trying to be more active...This week was the first week of summer classes also so my schedule has gotten a little more hectic...I am really hoping next week to start exercising more!

    Hope everybody has a great weekend!!! :)
  • TheSpicyMermaid
    TheSpicyMermaid Posts: 279 Member
    Ok so I failed the sugar challenge yesterday. I had a big ol' red negative number in my diary, LOL! Well it wasn't THAT huge, but it WAS red. At least it was from fruit and not candy! AND at least I'm still maintaining.

    When I'm stressed I either go for a walk or do angry dancing with the dogs around the house. Blast some music, sing it and dance from room to room. They love it and follow me. It's so fun! I usually end up laughing at something they do while I'm flailing around and how can I stay mad when I have 3 tiny little chihuahua faces staring at me with their big eyes, confused. LOL!!

    Yesterday I started my plan to always have a big lunch so that way my dinners are smaller. I had to shove that sandwich all the way in, but it DID helpf or later. I had actually never heard of this before. At dinner I only had a turkey patty with cheese and a handful of cherries. Anyone else have any comments about this?
  • SLIM195
    SLIM195 Posts: 133 Member
    Hello: Everyone

    Don't feel bad, I failed my goal yesterday for sugar with fruit also. I had honeydew melon, strawberries and blackberries.
    Honeydew melon has a very high sugar level. To relieve stress, I like to do Wii boxing "Gold's Gym Cardio Workout" its great.
  • mishkamichelle
    So the sugar challenge was a Fail, but it was a BIG fail - what it did was make me realize just how much sugar I eat everyday! I am now going to really try harder to reduce my sugar count.

    That being said - I am glad today's challenge is an exercise one. I have a rugby game tomorrow, so Saturday is taken care of. But today I wasn't really planning on working out (though I did bring my gym clothes to work with me as my gym is across the street from my office) and now I am going to go over on my lunch break and do 30 mins of cardio.

    To my American friends - have a great long weekend! Ours was last weekend and it was a wonderful break :)
  • kirianna55
    kirianna55 Posts: 459 Member
    When I am stressed, I like to walk or use the elliptical. It makes me feel great. I also love to do strength training. I am hoping to switch it up to three times a week over the summer rather than just two days. I also am hoping to get a job so I can have some cash to keep me going.
  • x_sotonguetied
    running!! i love a good run when i'm feeling really stressed, or even a relly good run on the elliptical :)
  • x_sotonguetied
    running!! i love a good run when i'm feeling really stressed, or even a relly good run on the elliptical :)
  • shallo
    shallo Posts: 353 Member
    I totally spaced the sugar yeah, I didn't do very well.

    When I'm stressed I love to do yoga. Very relaxing for me.
  • LadyOfOceanBreeze
    LadyOfOceanBreeze Posts: 762 Member
    1) Closing my eyes and imagining clouds drifting by, meditation
    2) Yoga
    3) Walks in the park / walking the dog
    4) Singing / Dancing
    5) Spending time with a friend
    6) Swimming / Spa
    7) Having a massage
    8) Cooking

    These are a few of my favorite stress relievers!
    Have a great weekend everyone~~:glasses:
  • soshotout
    soshotout Posts: 115
    Today's challenge has been met! 20 minutes playing ball with my boys, then 25 minutes of calisthenics.

    Stress reliever exercises... I would have to say it depends on my stress level.. and my aggression level. Kickboxing for anger/stress, yoga for typical everyday, need to chill out stress.
  • CBaumgardner7
    CBaumgardner7 Posts: 212 Member
    I love Friday's my Zumba class and that's a good way for me to burn off calories, pounds, name it! :) So far, keeping up and not having too much trouble with my diet and hopefully with the holiday weekend I can stay strong and perservere. Nothing tastes as good as being thin...that's my motto! :)
  • Soufsidekitho
    Soufsidekitho Posts: 21 Member
    Well to be quite honest...I'm an emotional eater! So when I'm feeling stressed, lonely, sad, happy....etc....I eat! Well that was the OLD ME! I'm slowly learning to do physical activity when feeling this way. I walk 3-5 miles in the park. It's so peaceful and relaxing. I've also become addicted to kickboxing, Cardion Dance Party, and Zumba (of course)! :bigsmile:
  • prplangl4
    prplangl4 Posts: 488 Member

    SATURDAY MAY 28th - DAY 13! "SHAKE IT UP!”

    Today’s challenge is to eat as healthy as possible! For most living in the US this is a 3-day weekend where most people go to BBQs or picnics…and with that is all the ridiculousitiness of foods! Sometimes it’s not so much of what you eat but all the condiments, dips, and dressings we pour on them! EVERYONE TRY TO NOT GO OVER IN FATS TODAY!!

    1. THE KETCHUP SONG – Las Ketchup
    2. SALSA – ?
    3. THE DIP – Freak Nasty
    4. SHAKE IT UP – The Cars
    *we have people from Australia to Austria of all backgrounds, ages, and ethnicities so my songs will be varied each day to accommodate ;-)

    BBQs, picnics, and fairs OH MY! When it comes to the condiments and dips, how do you shake it up to duck and dodge the fatty foods at these events? Do you have substitutes? To get you thinking here is a great article on 7 condiments swaps that help you lose weight!

    To mililietner...I've got ya covered - this next week I will sort names twice (so two rankings/name sorts): 1 for weight loss and 1 for % of body weight lost! :wink:

  • achampionsheart
    achampionsheart Posts: 1,020 Member
    i have used fresh salsa in place of ketchup on hamburgers and hotdogs.....very good
  • multiplex
    multiplex Posts: 8
    Don't beat yourself up about caving is bound to happen from time to time. Acknowledge it and move on. Give yourself a pat on the back for your successes, like going to the gym and walking.
  • multiplex
    multiplex Posts: 8
    Whoops! Meant this comment to be addressed to Bemoore81.
  • LadyOfOceanBreeze
    LadyOfOceanBreeze Posts: 762 Member
    oh silly me!
    dancing, "E" machine, walking, jumping in place or rope...(very good stress buster)