

  • LadyOfOceanBreeze
    LadyOfOceanBreeze Posts: 762 Member
    always use salsa, hot sauce, tomatillo, mustards.
    can't go wrong here, barely any calories at all!
    fun thing is there are oh so many flavors, heats, colors to choose from ya can't get bored!
  • cherubcrnp
    cherubcrnp Posts: 730 Member
    I love salsas on my burgers and hot dogs....tasty and fresh. There are so many toppings to chose from that are low fat that the choices are plentiful
  • x_sotonguetied
    love that article! and love the ideas of using guacamole on sandwiches and ricotta on bagels!
  • talysshade
    talysshade Posts: 273 Member
    Any red sauce is safe to eat, hardly any calories in them. But I don't like them at all! In fact anything tomatoy gives me heartburn so my solution? I just don't eat sauces unless i know i have space in my diary for it ^^

    I've been off for a few days of this challenge because life was wrecking me.. and i had some rough times.. (which really only resulted in me eating barely anything) but now i'm back on track!
  • elcar7
    elcar7 Posts: 124 Member
    @talyshade: welcome back in!

    I've been also a little more passive than before the last days ...

    couldn't do a lot of excercise, and ate either weigh too much (because I didn't eat the whole day) or ate almost nothing (ie yesterday)

    stressy days, since my supervisor wants the research of my diploma thesis to be finished by monday ... and she told me thursday noon ... stressy times ..... she wants to hand it in to present on a congress and for a competition for a young investigators award ... so let's see ... no time for workout this weekend, but since it's rainining outside, can't do a lot anyways - let's hope the best for weigh in on monday - but hopefully I'll find time for my shred, there MUST BE! - especially since I had to leave it out for the last 3 days, because of being in the lab :(

    so to keep up with some of the discussions I've missed:
    - to reduce stress I love doing a haka or something alike, that involves really loud screaming - unfortunately it's a bit weird/pointless in doing it alone - here's an example for you ....

    I couldn't make the sugar challenge, since I read it too late after having chocolate (in replacement for lunch, since the snack machine only has sweet stuff), but now I'm in for the fat challenge!

    and for dips or also as sauce on BBQ stuff
    I love yoghurt with salt and herbs

    or churd cheese, some pumpkin seed oil and cut roasted pumpkin seeds -ready

    basically I try to eat as less processed foods as possible (yes, and chocolate *lalala*)

    hoping to read from all of you soon :)
  • PhoenixRising17
    PhoenixRising17 Posts: 134 Member
    For cookouts and events where I know there wont be the healthiest food around I would usually try and just have smaller portions of the condiments and things like that...I am a pretty picky eater and a ketchup FREAK so i'll usualy just have what I want just smaller amounts of it and try to stay away from disastrous things like cakes and cookies and chips and what not!!!
  • tiddlyjinx
    tiddlyjinx Posts: 181 Member
    I would like to join this group! Let me know what you need from me. Thanks!
  • x_sotonguetied
    woah!! got a little anxious for monday and did a weigh-in this morning just to see where i'm at - i'm already almost at my june 13th goal!

    anyone else always get that nice drop on the scale their first week back on the healthy eating track? i know i always do lol.

    got excited and just had to share!

    but anyways! hope everyone's weekend is awesome! don't go too crazy with the holiday! something i like to do, which doesn't make THE biggest difference, but if i have a burger a lot of times i'll just omit the top bun. doesn't totally shave off calories but it does save some :)
  • prplangl4
    prplangl4 Posts: 488 Member

    SUNDAY MAY 29th - DAY 14 – JUST DO IT!

    It’s Sunday and for many it’s fun day. Remember, TOMORROW IS WEIGHIN FOR WEEK 2! We’re ‘back where we started’ a week ago and we’re gonna do it again…so today’s challenge is to just NOT GO OVER CALORIES! Whatever you’re doing today, ‘do it til your satisfied’ but keep in mind we have weighin in TOMORROW! So make sure you ‘take your time and do it right’ (don’t sit around and go hog wild on the food…try to think about if what you’re going to eat is really worth it and do some kind of activity to balance out what you do indulge in so you stay under calories (toss a football, chase the kids around, swim some laps).

    2. DO IT TIL YOUR SATISFIED – B.T. Express
    3. DO IT AGAIN – The Kinks
    *we have people from Australia to Austria of all backgrounds, ages, and ethnicities so my songs will be varied each day to accommodate ;-)

    Is anyone doing anything fun today, and if so how are you ensuring you’re under your calories? (especially with all the foods, drinking, and partying).:drinker: <-- thats water, I swear! :happy:

  • lelliebugh
    lelliebugh Posts: 340 Member
    I work in an Ice Cream Shoppe so this is awful for me. lol But I have been doing so well. I am proud. This weekend is all about work for me lol. I do not get to participate in the partying and such. So I am going to pretend it is not a holiday and I am going to workout and eat just as I always do. I hope everyone has a great day I am heading to the gym when it opens to get my sweat on.

    Happy Losing,
  • achampionsheart
    achampionsheart Posts: 1,020 Member
    i have done ok recently about staying within my caloric limit.....i will be attending a cookout and swim party again today....woot swimming is my exercise this weekend apparently....
  • IamBrande
    IamBrande Posts: 237
    Awesome Challenge!! My Memorial day party was yesterday, I ate very well, did not partake in the alcohol festivities that were being shared amongst the crowd, had a great time with my friends, and family, with some awesome food, and wonderful kids!!

    Weighed this mornign for a peak, and I am down another 1lb !! :bigsmile:

    My personal challenge today is to Drink 100oz of water, and enjoy my lazy Sunday!!

    Have a good day everyone, but remember, that scale is going to be waiting on you in the Morning!!!! lol
  • nlsalvatore
    nlsalvatore Posts: 521 Member
    Challenge accepted to not go over calories today! This will be hard as the picnic is at my house, but that also gives me control over what food choices are available for me. Happy picnic-ing! Good luck all!
  • TheSpicyMermaid
    TheSpicyMermaid Posts: 279 Member
    I would like to join this group! Let me know what you need from me. Thanks!

    Just add prplangl4 as your friend and message her your current weight and measurements (if you want). Our website for the group is here: She is putting all of our progress, link to the group, rules, challenges and music on that page! Good luck!
  • art4fun69
    art4fun69 Posts: 151 Member
    Good challenge!! Think I will do ok as it is just my husband and I today and no major plans except be lazy now that my bike decided to rebel against me during my ride this morning (decided to get a flat tie :frown: ). Oh well guess it was a sign that I should probably do laundry instead of being outside--:bigsmile:

    Have a great Sunday.
  • beccarockslife
    beccarockslife Posts: 816 Member
    Sounds Fab, I'm in!
  • TheSpicyMermaid
    TheSpicyMermaid Posts: 279 Member
    I WILL be going to a BBQ today, but I'm not too concerned. Luckily, I'm a pretty boring eater. I can happily have a hamburger patty with a little ketchup or a bunless hotdog. Chips are rough, but I can only have a couple and be okay. Soda was sad to get rid of at first, but now I don't care much. To be honest, I WILL be drinking today, but I only drink like once a month (twice this month!) and I usually have a vodka/diet soda or diet lemonade mixture.
    Now, here is something you didn't know about SpanishPigtails: I smoke marijuana. Yes, I DO! I mostly smoke because I have anxiety, a stress-related depression and very unbalanced serratonin levels. Don't get me wrong, I DO smoke for fun too, but it's amazing the impact it's had on my life. Just a teensy bit can help my whole day. ANYWAYS, my point was that cannabis makes dieting very hard. I've got it down now. I tell myself when I think I'm hungry, remember when and what your last meal was. Are you really hungry? C'monnnn...
    My point is, (this rambling is making me look like a pothead, lol) that the freakin' worst part of dieting is that squishy, slimy brain of yours! You have a plan in your head what you want to do and what is right for you. The hard part is breaking the old ways and only eating what and when you should. Sounds easy, but it is literally a war and explosions and epic battling going on up there. Last night was a toughie. I wanted cookies and ice cream more than I wanted to live. I was ready to give up when I had been doing so well. After Brain War, I finally talked myself into a small snack I had here, but I ate it at 8:30 at night. My punishment is a Nazi Dieting regimine today. Being overweight makes me angry, and I'm mad at my fat. Fat, I hate you and I will destroy you. One way or another...
  • letsgetserious
    letsgetserious Posts: 140 Member
    under calories....usually this is easy for me.... but today were going to a dance fesitval for my daugher, then visiting
    and then B-Bq.... so wll see... Ill keep my fingers crossed...

    Hope you guys have a nicle looong weekend....
    ours was last weekend.. :0... ...

    check in tomorrow..... weigh in day
  • kaylor908
    kaylor908 Posts: 42
    I plan on watching my carbs today. That way I can enjoy lots of barbecue and I have to remember to count the calories in the sauce cuz I always forget that.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • UltraRunnerGale
    UltraRunnerGale Posts: 346 Member
    Going over calories is not an option today. Despite the heat, I took an hour long power walk with three pound weights this morning and hiked for almost two hours with my boyfriend, this afternoon. :love:

    Tomorrow a long bike ride with my boyfriend is planned!! :drinker:

    As long as I can stay active, I'll never go over on calories!! :laugh: