Admit it.



  • NobodyKnows
    NobodyKnows Posts: 764 Member
    I am an avid reader, but I will not take books out of the library. The idea of someone sitting on the crapper with the same book I am holding in my hand, completely grosses me out. The invention of electronic reading devices is AWESOME!


    LOL This reminds me of my coworker that no one likes. She subscribes to the Wall Street Journal and is often seen taking it into the ladies room. She used to circulate it so others could read it. I know at least two of us would use a paper towel to pick it up and pass it along.
  • NobodyKnows
    NobodyKnows Posts: 764 Member
    I created a fake MFP profile and email address just to admit this:

    My husand and I are in an "open" marriage; meaning either of us is free to "be" with someone else whenever we chose - and it was MY idea! (and I LOVE IT):flowerforyou:

    So where you from? :wink: :laugh:
  • NobodyKnows
    NobodyKnows Posts: 764 Member

    3) I like it when my dog licks my feet.

    Does he/she just like feet, or do you entice him/her with peanut butter? :laugh:
  • Ali_TSO
    Ali_TSO Posts: 1,172 Member
    1.When I was 7, I called 911 so I can get Mary Poppins number. I wanted to call Mary Poppins on my mom, because she wouldn't give me a spoonful of sugar with my medicine. Yea I thought Mary Poppins was god when I was little. I got a nice lecture from the police when they actually came over, and a spanking from mom. I freakin' hate Mary Poppins now.

    2. Also when I was 7 (7 was a big year for me) I gave my sisters fish a hershey bar, because I thought it was suppose to get dessert. Of course the fish died and my sister still calls me a fish killer till this day.
  • Ali_TSO
    Ali_TSO Posts: 1,172 Member
    Oops! HAHAHAHA, that's awesome. :)

    1) I could listen to Clay Aiken on repeat ALL day long...
  • Robyn_T
    Robyn_T Posts: 540 Member
    I grabbed a pair of underwear out of my drawer without paying much attention to them last night. I showered, got dressed, and went to the bar. When i got home, my jeans were driving me crazy, so I just pulled them off--this is one perk to being childless. After a few minutes, my honey started laughing at me because my underwear kept sliding down my butt when I walked.

    It was, unintentionally, Ratty Underwear Sunday. I'd grabbed one of my "dire washing machine-less situations only" pair of undies, which have little to no elastic in the waist. Plus, I've lost a little weight so they're a smidge too big. It all added up to panties that required suspenders--I super hot look, no doubt.
  • kaholmes18
    kaholmes18 Posts: 8
    My favourite film and has been since i was about 6 is labyrinth with David bowie and every time i watch it i always think Sarah is stupid for wanting toby back when she could have Jareth as her slave. I stil think David Bowie is sexy.

    I totally agree with you about david bowie and the labyrinth(love that movie)---that man sure can rock make-up and tights!!!!!!!!
  • NobodyKnows
    NobodyKnows Posts: 764 Member
    I "borrowed" a towel from the gym. Perfect size for when I go play basketball.

    I have had inpure thoughts about my sister inlaw

    I am a slowly recovering reality tv addict.
  • anacsitham5
    anacsitham5 Posts: 814 Member
    I've seen Robin Hood (Kevin Costners version) about 100 times! My kids hear the music in the beginning, roll their eyes and leave the room. My only copy is a VHS tape.

    I have the Elvis Presley channel saved on my preset for Sirrius radio.

    I love to watch House Hunters International (to see the places I will never get to, of course).
  • becoming_phoenix
    1) I'm so afraid of mirror with the lights off. So very afraid.

    I THOUGHT THIS WAS ONLY ME. I don't even like to walk past a mirror with the lights off, and there's no way you'll catch me looking into one.

    And everyone in my group of people thinks I'm the "rational, no-nonsense friend" :laugh:
  • bcpie
    bcpie Posts: 89
    I'm afraid of the dark and hate sleeping alone because of it.
    i pick my nose and am not embarrassed by it :)
    i could play video games all day, everyday
    i like to pretend.
  • IrishChick71
    IrishChick71 Posts: 311 Member

    3) I like it when my dog licks my feet.

    Does he/she just like feet, or do you entice him/her with peanut butter? :laugh:

    LOL He just licks my feet...well sometimes he goes up to my calves but that's it. It relaxes me. I know weird.:embarassed:
  • Mishy
    Mishy Posts: 1,551 Member
    I have Roller Derby aspirations.
  • Christieherron
    I love Hanson
    and i don't like to let the water spray my face while showering but i love to swim.
  • linz_83
    linz_83 Posts: 45
    It is amazing to see I am not the only weirdo in this life! I love reading soo many confessions.

    I too am afraid of the dark (28)
    I had nightmares for weeks and weeks after watching The 4th kind. .. . . and i only watched HALF
    I believe in Bigfoot. . but only when I am camping.
    my husband is the only man i have ever kissed
    I have only seen my husband cry once in 10yrs of marrige and it freaked me out ( I'm not a crier)
    I bite my fingernails, always have and once when I tried to stop I developed a rash on my arm simular to poison oak - the cure - bite my nails!
    I love to pick my nose while driving - I NEVER eat it tho.
  • tannaleigh
    tannaleigh Posts: 188 Member
    -I can't watch movies about anything having to do with ghosts and exorcism. Im always afraid thats inviting it to happen to you.
    -As a result of the above I HATE waking up at 3am.... my 3yr old son sure likes to have night terrors at this time of night... freaks me the hell out and I have to turn all the lights on in the house!
    -when I am bored and in my own thoughts, odds are I am counting. I count all the time... or do like long division and stuff... I am rainman
    -i like the smell of my dog. but not her nasty nasty breath.
    -i think my oldest sister is weird. no I know she is. my other sister would disagree.
    -my life in generally an episode of seinfeld. nothing happens, but its always making me laugh.
    -i make up nick names for everyone, like white pants guy, sigh guy, crazy haired *****....LOL and thats how I know them as. My sister taught me to do this. for the three years we lived together, this is how we remembered people... 10 years later I can bring up sigh guy, and she knows exactly who i am speaking of.
    -I grew up in such a small hick town that i know more than one person who sports a mullet and thinks its stylish.
  • dnthaveasn
    dnthaveasn Posts: 113
    I love Hanson
    and i don't like to let the water spray my face while showering but i love to swim.

    I'm also a Hanson fan.
    I have to sleep with the tv on, because i'm afraid of the dark.
    I was a huge Spice Girl fan in HS
  • Snelllee
    Snelllee Posts: 23 Member
    I got 5150'd.

    I google everything.

    I googled 5150'd.

    Save everyone some Googling.

    5150 (Involuntary psychiatric hold)

    HAHA my bf's nickname is that I'm typing this I'm slightly disturbed about it...

    ok onto my stuff:
    1. have to have a see through shower curtain or glass door. Also have to leave the shower curtain open at all other times (stupid scary movies)
    2. I am actually afraid of werewolves (don't make too much fun)
    3. I get sucked into anything on tv. From documentaries to soap operas to mtv...if its on I like it
  • ummlovelovesyou
    ummlovelovesyou Posts: 1,024 Member

    -I have serious anachrophobia...if I spider is on me I will get up and RUN like HELL.
    -I hate donald trump, but watch his show on t.v.:grumble:
    -When I was 18 I got REALLY drunk and asked EVERYONE at a party to play strip poker with me. (I was the only one stripping). I had co-workers there. boo.:sick:
    -I have to sleep with my feet outside of the covers EVERY single night. My feet get super hot. Always. Even in winter. lol

  • mzbrandyluv
    mzbrandyluv Posts: 103
    I do not do well with bugs in my house, and when you live alone, that can be very very bad. A rather large bumblebee was in my sink under a pan....making all sorts of loud buzzing sounds. I panicked. I couldn't run and close the would escape and I wouldn't know where it was! But I wasn't going near I grabbed a butcher knife and stood in the middle of my kitchen with said knife pointed towards the enemy....for a WHILE. In the end, I used the knife to turn on the water, releaving me of my torturous situation. :sad: