Admit it.



  • JEK717
    JEK717 Posts: 1,497
    I am addicted to poptarts.

    I hate talking on the phone.

    I hate crowds because i feel like i am trapped!
  • missbp
    missbp Posts: 601 Member
    Sometimes I eat muh boogers. I said it. Don't judge! Haha
    LMFAO!!! That is the one that finally did it!
  • HannahPastoor
    HannahPastoor Posts: 303
    I shower REALLY fast because I am scared I will die and someone will find me naked.

    I used to pretend I didn't know how to do jobs so my mom would do them for me : )

    I can't swim. When we go somewhere I always help my younger sibs in the shallow end. ...Because I "want" to. Nobody even knows that I can't swim. Not even my mom.

    I hate boats.

    I once was in bed reading way later than my mom let me. When I saw a bug crawling in my bed. I took all my blankets, sheets and stuff and washed them. Took me 2 hours before I got to go to bed.

    I am a hypochondriac. But because of that if something is wrong (after I look it up, the death rate and cures and stuff) I get mad at myself for thinking I am going to die. THEN I get worried because hypochondriacs often don't go to the doctor because they think their illness is in their head. So then they die.
  • Winged_Victory
    I don't use the restroom on airplanes because I am afraid I will get trapped inside.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    When I am in the passenger seat of the car I have to slouch as I am paranoid about crashing and being decapitated by the windscreen. I KNOW it's ridiculous, and impossible, but I just feel it.
  • Misslionheart
    I freaked when I saw a mouse today, my 15yo daughter was laughing so hard.

    My toes are so horrible I never show them

    I don't touch handrails in elevators, moving stairs etc

    I may add more to this soon....
  • oxavecamourxo
    oxavecamourxo Posts: 270 Member
    I talk to myself when no one is around.
    I have conversations with my dogs.
    I am 20 and still afraid of the dark. I refuse to go outside at night without my husband.
    I am constantly worried about a huge tsunami.
    and I make really weird faces without even realizing it.
  • oxavecamourxo
    oxavecamourxo Posts: 270 Member
    Oh yeah. And like a few people above. I hate talking to people on the phone. I get really nervous, so I write up the way conversation will probably go on paper beforehand so I can read from it like a script. Otherwise, I will fumble over my words and feel like an idiot. lol
  • missbp
    missbp Posts: 601 Member
    I am an avid reader, but I will not take books out of the library. The idea of someone sitting on the crapper with the same book I am holding in my hand, completely grosses me out. The invention of electronic reading devices is AWESOME!

  • oxavecamourxo
    oxavecamourxo Posts: 270 Member
    I am an avid reader, but I will not take books out of the library. The idea of someone sitting on the crapper with the same book I am holding in my hand, completely grosses me out. The invention of electronic reading devices is AWESOME!


    Hahahaha! I never thought about that! Gross.
  • leftylou72
    leftylou72 Posts: 1
    I created a fake MFP profile and email address just to admit this:

    My husand and I are in an "open" marriage; meaning either of us is free to "be" with someone else whenever we chose - and it was MY idea! (and I LOVE IT):flowerforyou:
  • HannahPastoor
    HannahPastoor Posts: 303
    I am an avid reader, but I will not take books out of the library. The idea of someone sitting on the crapper with the same book I am holding in my hand, completely grosses me out. The invention of electronic reading devices is AWESOME!


    I agree that its gross..I have done the same though. Although I love having books to read on my Ipod I still read books from the library. I don't have money to buy books electronic or not. I just wash my hands when I am done reading.
  • IrishChick71
    IrishChick71 Posts: 311 Member
    1) When I work out on my elliptical I imagine being in a music video with every song and sing every word and even do hand motions. ( I have my own workout room in my house.)

    2) I love HP and have even written a HP fanfic...was pretty good. I even had followers. But I never completed it because Book 7 came out and blew my storyline. LOL.

    3) I like it when my dog licks my feet.

    4) When I'm bored, I like to pretend I'm famous and the paparazzi are photographing my every move while I do housework. I even imagine the headlines they could use, "Camille does her own her knickers!"
  • PositiveMummy
    I used to think a Chipolata was a mini chip... :blushing:
  • Robyn_T
    Robyn_T Posts: 540 Member
    Our local library used a little known ordinance to take me to court over failing to return library books. It landed me--for reasons that I still can't sort out--in traffic court. I was up after a few drunk drivers, so the judge was in a fiiiine mood by the time it was my turn. Best. frackin. day. ever. :grumble:
  • justkelley
    justkelley Posts: 53
    I am addicted to poptarts.

    mmmmmm too! my favorite are the smores kind. i would eat like 2 packages a i'm down to one every few months....sure do miss them :)
  • beckyinma
    beckyinma Posts: 1,433 Member
    I have an intense fear of being a passenger...on anything. Trains, planes, automobiles, boats, busses, transit, cabs, roller coasters. Anything that puts me out of control of my own situation. There is only one person who can drive me anywhere besides me, that's my husband, and I won't sleep in the passenger seat for fear of him falling asleep at the wheel and me not seeing to take it. I've been on an airplane once in the last 25 years, on my honeymoon, because you can't get to Barbados by boat, even then, I wouldn't have taken a boat...when we do the family trip to Disney next year, we'll have to drive, or I'll have to have a serious Benadryl haze going on to set foot in an airplane...
  • kristydi
    kristydi Posts: 781 Member
    Just a week or so into a new job I was invited to a co-worker's house for a get together. I was late and hurrying up the walk because everyone was already there. I could see them through what I thought was the open front door. Yeah, I walked right into the glass storm door then fell back on my butt in front of all my new co-workers.
  • JD92
    JD92 Posts: 253 Member
    last march, in the space of 14 hours, i was a passenger in a truck, airplane, bus, train, taxi, another train, another taxi, another plane, then a car home. there was also alot of walking around unfamiliar cities. after that i promptly fell asleep in my own bed :laugh:
  • dnthaveasn
    dnthaveasn Posts: 113
    1.When I was 7, I called 911 so I can get Mary Poppins number. I wanted to call Mary Poppins on my mom, because she wouldn't give me a spoonful of sugar with my medicine. Yea I thought Mary Poppins was god when I was little. I got a nice lecture from the police when they actually came over, and a spanking from mom. I freakin' hate Mary Poppins now.

    2. Also when I was 7 (7 was a big year for me) I gave my sisters fish a hershey bar, because I thought it was suppose to get dessert. Of course the fish died and my sister still calls me a fish killer till this day.