Admit it.



  • JEK717
    JEK717 Posts: 1,497
    I have been listening to the same song for the last 10 minutes.

    Its dark in my house but.....i'm wearing my new sunglasses:noway:

    I dont say draw i say drawl:noway: :noway:
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    1. I am deathly afraid of racoons (sneaky *kitten*)
    2. I am a huge True Blood fan
    3. I am a Bengals fan
    4. I check the inside of my trunk before I drive anywhere
    5. I love the song "You Spin Me Right Round Baby Right Round" like a record baby right round, right round...

    The Bengals fan is rough. I'm a Cardinals fan, which is pretty rough but I think you have it worse. I'm sorry man...

    Thanks dude...being a Bengals is like having herpes. It's something you can live with, but you can't get rid of it...I've tried following other teams, but it is like trying to marry your sister...unnatural.
  • pyro13g
    pyro13g Posts: 1,127 Member

    3. I like the smell of skunk

    OMG I love the smell of skunk too!!! People think I'm so weird but whatever. It smells great to me lol

    Me too. Coffee grounds smell like skunk to me.
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    1. I am deathly afraid of racoons (sneaky *kitten*)
    2. I am a huge True Blood fan
    3. I am a Bengals fan
    4. I check the inside of my trunk before I drive anywhere
    5. I love the song "You Spin Me Right Round Baby Right Round" like a record baby right round, right round...

    omfg i effing love true blood!!!!!!!!!!!!! alexander skarsgard (eric) can kidnap me and hold me hostage in his basement tooo!!!! he is my backround on my laptop, cell phone, and I have a printout in my boyfriend hates it!!

    I guess while we are admitting things, I have a man crush on that dude (or at least his character on the show) Erik is a badass!
  • justkelley
    justkelley Posts: 53
    i watched barney until i was like 16
    and played with my barbies til i was 18 :-D
  • blondie76
    blondie76 Posts: 552 Member
    I do turbofire and when the girly songs come on I sing along. For instance I sing "boom I got your boyfriend" and "im a bad girl"

    haha my fav fire 45 lol I can totaly picture this
  • blondie76
    blondie76 Posts: 552 Member
    I cant be in a house alone, watched way to many scary movies growing up lol
  • ZachyABaby
    ZachyABaby Posts: 235
    I cry at movies worse than any chick I've ever dated and I moisturize every night.
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    I cry at movies worse than any chick I've ever dated and I moisturize every night.

    I bawled at the end of Marley and Me... I realized what was happening when it was too late.

    I cried watching "Clannad: The After Story" towards the end.
  • Jovialation
    Jovialation Posts: 7,632 Member
    I cried at Toy Story 3

    - I went to a haunted house while on mushrooms once and caused everyone there to break character. I wouldnt stop dancing to Rob Zombie and yelling "boo!" back at monsters (and it was a REALLY well done haunted house, too)

    - I was scared to death of my Teddy Ruxpin because it woke up in the middle of the night and started talking
    - I also had one of my Furbies talk for 2 weeks a box, wrapped in blankets, in the basement with the lights off. My other Furby woke up at midnight NYE 2000 and started HOPPING around in a dark quiet room.

    Therefore I'm pretty sure I shouldnt be around electronic childrens toys.

    -I had a HUGE crush on JTT as a little girl. Posters covered my ENTIRE room. Ceiling included.
    -I never played with Barbies but had a MASSIVE collection of Hot Wheels and tracks for them.

    - I broke my hand (nearly shattered) by punching a wall
  • DoneWithTheFatGirl
    AND.... I got up to a J cup when I was pregnant with my son.... I didn't even realize they made a j cup before that....
  • DoneWithTheFatGirl
    I cried at Toy Story 3

    - I went to a haunted house while on mushrooms once and caused everyone there to break character. I wouldnt stop dancing to Rob Zombie and yelling "boo!" back at monsters (and it was a REALLY well done haunted house, too)

    - I was scared to death of my Teddy Ruxpin because it woke up in the middle of the night and started talking
    - I also had one of my Furbies talk for 2 weeks a box, wrapped in blankets, in the basement with the lights off. My other Furby woke up at midnight NYE 2000 and started HOPPING around in a dark quiet room.

    Therefore I'm pretty sure I shouldnt be around electronic childrens toys.

    -I had a HUGE crush on JTT as a little girl. Posters covered my ENTIRE room. Ceiling included.
    -I never played with Barbies but had a MASSIVE collection of Hot Wheels and tracks for them.

    - I broke my hand (nearly shattered) by punching a wall

    I also cried ridiculously during Toy Story 3 (still do) AND I also shared your love for JT
  • Robyn_T
    Robyn_T Posts: 540 Member
    cotton grosses me out! I have to wet my q-tips with alcohol before i even think about putting the squishy thing in my ear.

    :laugh: Recently, I've heard this from three different people! I'd never before had anyone say they were freaked out by cotton/cotton balls/cotton swabs. On Easter, my eventual-BIL talked about cotton having a sounds (I know what he means; it creaks) and that it freaks him out. My coworker, a week later, said that when she had dental surgery, she was explicid that they could put gauze in her mouth, but NOT plain cotton. Just talking about it caused her to make a "I'm going to vomit" face. And, now you.
  • Karleyyy
    Karleyyy Posts: 857
    I like the Jersey Shore. It's just so ridiculous I can't help myself.
    I wet the bed until I was 12....
    I can't sleep without some light on, I am terrified of the dark. I would rather sleep with a lamp on if I don't have a light to use.
    I am seriously terrified of crickets. And those psuedo-misquitoes.
    I once fell out of a tree because I was pretending to be a gorilla by banging on my chest.
    When I was little I wanted to be a boy because they get to take their shirts off in the summer...
  • LeelaLosing
    LeelaLosing Posts: 237 Member
    I'm short so it doesn't take me much to get tipsy and one drink past that I'm I drank to quickly and too much at a work party (in a bar, not fair!).....we would get town cars home after hours and I was forced to throw up as silently as I could in my purse (after taking the wallet out i wouldn't throw up in this guy's gross! That taught me a lesson.
  • LeelaLosing
    LeelaLosing Posts: 237 Member
    I'm not sure why but checking your trunk before you go anywhere, I laughed so hard, that just tickled me silly!! Love it!
    1. I am deathly afraid of racoons (sneaky *kitten*)
    2. I am a huge True Blood fan
    3. I am a Bengals fan
    4. I check the inside of my trunk before I drive anywhere
    5. I love the song "You Spin Me Right Round Baby Right Round" like a record baby right round, right round...

    The Bengals fan is rough. I'm a Cardinals fan, which is pretty rough but I think you have it worse. I'm sorry man...

    Thanks dude...being a Bengals is like having herpes. It's something you can live with, but you can't get rid of it...I've tried following other teams, but it is like trying to marry your sister...unnatural.
  • DoneWithTheFatGirl
    I like the Jersey Shore. It's just so ridiculous I can't help myself.
    I wet the bed until I was 12....
    I can't sleep without some light on, I am terrified of the dark. I would rather sleep with a lamp on if I don't have a light to use.
    I am seriously terrified of crickets. And those psuedo-misquitoes.
    I once fell out of a tree because I was pretending to be a gorilla by banging on my chest.
    When I was little I wanted to be a boy because they get to take their shirts off in the summer...

    I dressed as Snookie for Halloween last year.
  • Ambria0516
    Ambria0516 Posts: 62
    I like this thread!

    I will admit that I would go and sleep with my parents if I had a nightmare until I was 18....I was a pansy ;)

    I have never seen any of the Star Wars or Star Trek movies.

    I check FB on my phone at least 15 times a day.

    I wouldn't date a guy that didn't use proper grammar. (your, you're or spell something obvious wrong)

    I used to make out with my pillows when I was 10-12 and pretend they were Luke Perry or someone from the NKOTB.

    I went out and bought contacts because a friend made fun of my glasses.

    I watch crappy reality TV, but wont admit it to certain friends.
  • Ambria0516
    Ambria0516 Posts: 62
    1. I am deathly afraid of racoons (sneaky *kitten*)
    2. I am a huge True Blood fan
    3. I am a Bengals fan
    4. I check the inside of my trunk before I drive anywhere
    5. I love the song "You Spin Me Right Round Baby Right Round" like a record baby right round, right round...

    I am also a Bengals fan so I feel your pain! I get crap about it all the time, but it's my hometown.
  • Driagnor
    Driagnor Posts: 323 Member
    When I was little I wanted to be a boy because they get to take their shirts off in the summer...

    Hey, girls are welcome to do that too :bigsmile: