everything in moderation? i respectfully disagree



  • Dawntodusk
    Dawntodusk Posts: 262 Member
    For me it is not a deprivation to not eat a Big Mac or a Twinkies. Junk food tastes like crap as far as I'm concerned. But, if folks want to eat it, that's their prerogative, and I don't judge anyone.
  • ZachyABaby
    ZachyABaby Posts: 235
    I ate crap food until a few months ago and I can honestly say people with your attitude kind of kept me eating that way. So judgemental and condescending with the fake air of concern.

    I have a cheat day once a week that consists of pizza, doughnuts, chocolate and sugary drinks. Why? Because I enjoy food and taste. It's not the enemy. Lack of self control is. Your wonderful brownies probably could make people fat, too.
  • dave4d
    dave4d Posts: 1,155 Member
    ITA. BUT, as a human with human failings, sometimes I eat stuff that's not the best thing for me. I think a lot of people go the "moderation" route because being PERFECT is so daunting that they would be setting themselves up for failure. And eating better most of the time (or even some of the time) is better than eating crappy all of the time. A lot of people need to change their diet in shades of gray - not go from black to white overnight.

    And you also have to take into account that for many of us, food is more than just fuel for our bodies. It has a lot of issues and emotions tied to it. We wouldn't be overweight or be here needing support if it didn't. I hope some day I can view food as merely fuel, but although I have made progress (maintaining a mostly organic, whole foods, vegan diet for 9 years) I still have a long way to go.

    I applaud your post as a wake up call for those of us that haven't considered the ramifications of what we eat beyond calories and fat yet, but please be compassionate to those of us who do realise, and do care, and are struggling to make the changes that will bring us to optimum health.

    Namaste girlfriend!
    I agree with you 90 percent. The only area where my opinion differs somewhat is that I don't want to view food merely as fuel. Mostly maybe, but not exclusively. I think food should be enjoyed, a thing of pleasure, while it's fueling our bodies. :drinker:

    I agree with this. I don't believe an occasional twinkie, or krispy creme donut will have severly adverse affects on your body, It may slow your progress, but won't kill you. On the other hand sprinkle arsenic on your organic tomatoes a few times a month, and the effects are irreversible.
  • padkat
    padkat Posts: 75
    Oh, to be so perfect :smile: Think I might just stick to being imperfect and happy though:happy:
  • bigdawg025
    bigdawg025 Posts: 774 Member
    What I'm wondering is why the original poster has yet to make another comment as of yet... especially as to the drink in the avatar picture???
  • Eyoung8
    Eyoung8 Posts: 107 Member
    This is rather ironic when you compare it to you avatar. Is that water you're drinking?
  • carolynmittens
    This is rather ironic when you compare it to you avatar. Is that water you're drinking?
    not even joking - it's cranberry juice :) i don't drink alcohol or smoke - but i didn't post this so i'd have to defend myself, i posted this because it makes me sad that people hurt their bodies every day in the name of moderation. you can agree or disagree, but the truth is a lot of people don't even realize the damage a lifetime of GMOs or artificial sweeteners will cause them. i don't want to offend anyone - i totally eat crap sometimes too! but i always feel bad afterwards, like i just hurt my body, and what for?

    i know i know my post sounds preachy. i tried to avoid that, but it's an important issue in my opinion. but it's just that, my opinion. i don't mind if people disagree, and i think it would be great if people started caring more about the ingredients they put into their bodies.
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    For some people, eating only one quarter pounder IS moderation!

    Everyone starts from a different place, everyone should be congratulated for doing what they are currently capable of doing. Even joining this site and logging everything you eat is a huge step forward towards a healthier lifestyle.

    When I first started exercising, going to the gym three times a week was a massive change.
    My success there inspired me to drink far less alcohol.
    That success inspired me to lose weight, join this site and start logging my food.
    That success inspired me to eat more fruit and veg.
    That success inspiried me to make far more healthily eating choices.
    That success inspired me to take up running.
    That success is inspiring me to to find time to make more food from scratch.

    If you had told me at Christmas that by May I should be working out in the gym, logging my calories, losing weight, eating healthily, drinking far less, logging my sodium intake and RUNNING I'd have laughed in your face and poured another large glass of wine. Or three.

    I do agree with some of what you say about diet, but save the prosthelytizing. You may respectfully disagree, but whatever your intention you don't actually come across as very respectful.
  • 1113cw
    1113cw Posts: 830 Member
    What I'm wondering is why the original poster has yet to make another comment as of yet... especially as to the drink in the avatar picture???

  • sweet_lotus
    sweet_lotus Posts: 194 Member
    I was thinking about this thread, and it made my remember my grandmother.

    She firmly believe in "everything in moderation".

    She avoided junk food, quit smoking at a young age, and exercised well into her geriatric years. She didn't know what "organic" or "clean" meant, but always cooked meals made out of whole foods, like her Italian emigrant parents taught her. But she would always eat a slice of birthday cake at a party or share a dessert with me if we went out to lunch.

    She was active and independent until nearly the very end, and passed away at age 89.

    You can live whatever kind of life you want, but I have my own role model, my "everything in moderation" grandma. :)
  • 1113cw
    1113cw Posts: 830 Member
    This is rather ironic when you compare it to you avatar. Is that water you're drinking?
    not even joking - it's cranberry juice :) i don't drink alcohol or smoke - but i didn't post this so i'd have to defend myself, i posted this because it makes me sad that people hurt their bodies every day in the name of moderation. you can agree or disagree, but the truth is a lot of people don't even realize the damage a lifetime of GMOs or artificial sweeteners will cause them. i don't want to offend anyone - i totally eat crap sometimes too! but i always feel bad afterwards, like i just hurt my body, and what for?

    i know i know my post sounds preachy. i tried to avoid that, but it's an important issue in my opinion. but it's just that, my opinion. i don't mind if people disagree, and i think it would be great if people started caring more about the ingredients they put into their bodies.

    Last time I checked, cranberry juice was red.. just sayin'....
  • CuteAndCurvy83
    CuteAndCurvy83 Posts: 570 Member
    I understand your point,however If I want a McDonalds cheeseburger theres no way an organic grass fed beef burger on a stone ground wheat bun with soy mayo is going to cut that craving. If I'm just wanting a burger sure, but If I want a McDonalds hamburger,it's gotta be a McDonalds burger.
  • foodforfuel
    foodforfuel Posts: 569 Member
    Last time I checked, cranberry juice was red.. just sayin'....
    End Quote[/quote]

    Maybe made from scratch organic cranberry juice isn't? :laugh: I wouldn't know!
  • carolynmittens
    I actually eat like this. It isn't hard. I don't always buy organic, but I buy fresh fruit & veg whenever possible and frozen when I can't. I don't drink soda and rarely buy juices. I was fortunate enough to be gifted a juicer and make my own. I coupon to save. I spend one day a week prepping. It comes to about an hour clipping and sorting coupons and another 1 or 2 hours prepping food for the week, That includes making a pot of beans, a pot of brown rice and chopping veg for salads to grab and go through the week. I grocery shop probably every 2 weeks and try to buy food that's as clean as possible.I still go out to eat but I pick and choice. No fast food, it's too high in sodium and sugars to make it worth it.I invested in several to go bottle so I have drinks with me in the car and I ziplock snack like almonds and cranberries. I buy larabar bars. I even got a popsicle mold from the dollar store and make my own popsicles for sweet cravings. I have been laid off for several months now and honestly my food budget had not increased I actually save money buying dried beans and cooking them myself or quick sale produce that I blanch and freeze or roast myself. I'd say a half a day once a week is not too much time to devote to better health.
    wow, this response was seriously a breath of fresh air :bigsmile:

    people. calm down. i never said i was perfect, all i'm saying is please be aware that chemicals hurt you. shooooot me!
  • dave4d
    dave4d Posts: 1,155 Member
    This is rather ironic when you compare it to you avatar. Is that water you're drinking?
    not even joking - it's cranberry juice :) i don't drink alcohol or smoke - but i didn't post this so i'd have to defend myself, i posted this because it makes me sad that people hurt their bodies every day in the name of moderation. you can agree or disagree, but the truth is a lot of people don't even realize the damage a lifetime of GMOs or artificial sweeteners will cause them. i don't want to offend anyone - i totally eat crap sometimes too! but i always feel bad afterwards, like i just hurt my body, and what for?

    i know i know my post sounds preachy. i tried to avoid that, but it's an important issue in my opinion. but it's just that, my opinion. i don't mind if people disagree, and i think it would be great if people started caring more about the ingredients they put into their bodies.

    I think most of us do care what we put into our bodies. I eat clean most of the time. There are a few things that I don't know how to make from scratch, and getting my family to eat clean is a chore. I do have an occasional cheat meal, never by myself, but to take my kids, or girlfriend out for a "treat". I also replace a lot of unhealthy options, with healthy ones, but there are somethings that I can't find good alternatives for, so I will have a splurge once-in a while.
  • dave4d
    dave4d Posts: 1,155 Member
    I understand your point,however If I want a McDonalds cheeseburger theres no way an organic grass fed beef burger on a stone ground wheat bun with soy mayo is going to cut that craving. If I'm just wanting a burger sure, but If I want a McDonalds hamburger,it's gotta be a McDonalds burger.

    I actually can't stand most fast food burgers, they are too thin. I much prefer my homemade turkey or lean ground beef burgers, that I can season, and add what toppings I want to.
  • carolynmittens
    Last time I checked, cranberry juice was red.. just sayin'....
    red 3 is an artificial coloring, and causes thyroid tumors in rats
  • 1113cw
    1113cw Posts: 830 Member
    Last time I checked, cranberry juice was red.. just sayin'....
    red 3 is an artificial coloring, and causes thyroid tumors in rats

    So you're saying cranberries aren't red and are artificially colored?
    I'm not trying to pick a fight, I'm just trying to get you to realize that everyone's definition of progress and success is different. I totally respect your point of view actually and it's quite enviable. But for me, and alot others, just not realistic. If you yourself indulge on occassion, you should have included that in your original post and probably wouldn't have come off so "preachy".
  • dawnw30
    dawnw30 Posts: 270
    Not being disrespectful or mean, but I am getting sick of people trying to make me feel bad for the choices I make and the things I eat. Yes, alot of the things I have eaten aren't very good for me and I know it. But it's my choice to shove it in my mouth. I have been working very hard to lose weight and be healthy - I have been heavy since I was a kid. I feel like I'm doing a good job and making decent headway and then someone always has to be preachy and mean and it drags me down. I'm trying to make a lifestyle change and I'm doing it. Instead of eating chips all week I may eat some once every couple of months. I don't think I should be made to feel bad about it. I also like to drink...and I mean Jim Beam! I used to drink every weekend - all weekend but have cut back to maybe a couple of times a month. Am I perfect? HELL NO!! Am I doing better than I was - WAY better. I have also decided I want to enjoy living my life. If that means eating food others say are bad for me - so what - you'll be right there beside me in the ground some day but maybe I can say I enjoyed my journey there a little more because I didn't stress myself out worrying over every little tiny thing I put into my body. I have alot more living to do and I'm not going to micromanage everything to the point it makes me miserable. I enjoy unhealthy food and drinks and I'm going to indulge on occasion....in moderation ofcourse :drinker:
  • Eyoung8
    Eyoung8 Posts: 107 Member
    I ate crap food until a few months ago and I can honestly say people with your attitude kind of kept me eating that way. So judgemental and condescending with the fake air of concern.

    I have a cheat day once a week that consists of pizza, doughnuts, chocolate and sugary drinks. Why? Because I enjoy food and taste. It's not the enemy. Lack of self control is. Your wonderful brownies probably could make people fat, too.

    My cheat day is today and I am NOT thinking about organic tofu with tree leaves and bean sprouts drizzled with all natural dark chocolate. Still healthy, drinking lots of water, making good choices, losing weight and feeling GREAT!!! I am not a car, and food is not soley my fuel. I love to EXPERIENCE food. And while whole foods are awesome and chemical laden foods are terrible, you most certainly can not compare poison to strawberry cheesecake...speaking of cheesecake, gotta go...:bigsmile: