everything in moderation? i respectfully disagree



  • lodro
    lodro Posts: 982 Member
    In a perfect world...where a person is single and without children and has a good job a person could probably live that way. I try to eat as natural as my budget will allow but guess what, at the end of the month when Im broke and need to eat I will eat what I can afford and will be grateful for every morsel. Plus I do allow my son to have treats in moderation he is not going to be the weirdo in school nibbling on an organic banana while the rest of the class is having a pizza party. That lifestyle is nearly impossible for most people. Besides I'm not going to spend my life in fear of whats in our food, while millions end their night hungry. Im glad it works for you though.

    I have a family, not a very high income, live in a city and i live roughly like that without too much effort. It does require re-thinking a lot of what we take as being "normal" in today's society. but if you feel a group of like minded people as support, that too can be done.
  • Nailrep
    Nailrep Posts: 966 Member
    This is not meant to be disrespectful. But if you are on MFP to lose weight, have you always followed your own advice? It's easy to say you are gonna do the right thing forever. But actually living that is tough.

    The reason why I believe in "everything in moderation" is because this is a lifestyle change. We may not always be in the postition to buy certain foods or shakes (etc). And most everybody wants something BAD from time to time. I believe if Whoppers are your weakness, have one a month. It will help to keep you on track the other 29 or 30 days. But true moderation is knowing you have to follow the 80/20 rule - 80% of the time you eat good. 20% of the time you indulge. And if you are into serious health/fitness,the 90/10 rul applies. JMO.
  • carolynmittens
    This is not meant to be disrespectful. But if you are on MFP to lose weight, have you always followed your own advice? It's easy to say you are gonna do the right thing forever. But actually living that is tough.

    The reason why I believe in "everything in moderation" is because this is a lifestyle change. We may not always be in the postition to buy certain foods or shakes (etc). And most everybody wants something BAD from time to time. I believe if Whoppers are your weakness, have one a month. It will help to keep you on track the other 29 or 30 days. But true moderation is knowing you have to follow the 80/20 rule - 80% of the time you eat good. 20% of the time you indulge. And if you are into serious health/fitness,the 90/10 rul applies. JMO.
    a few other people have brought up the expense argument... but isn't it a lot cheaper to make your own brownies than buying a box of pre-made from the grocery store? i bought a bag of barley flour for like $3 and i've made maybe 4 batches of brownies (among a bunch of other things) and i'm not even halfway through it yet. it's been so much cheaper to make my own food.
  • sweetsarahj
    sweetsarahj Posts: 701 Member

    She does have some valid points and information in her post. BUT....

    If you look at her profile she has also been eating very unhealthy for years just as the rest of us have. The only difference is while we were putting unhealthy fuel into our bodies she was putting none at all into hers or scarcely limited. We have all made bad choices in our pasts and that is why we are all here. To make better choices for ourselves and our bodies. But we should all keep that in mind when posting. We should never speak down about anyone else on this site. That's not what it's for. Otherwise our phone may ring, "Hello, Pot? This is Kettle. You're Black."
    you're absolutely right - and when i was 19 and eating very infrequently, i was completely ignorant and honestly didn't think that would have any long-term negative affects on my body. i'm really grateful to the people who told me about the dangers of fasting as often as i was. so now i don't do it anymore. i personally think trans fat is dangerous because it will clog your arteries and give you a heart attack, i'm not trying to judge other people at all, just inform them. but as someone previously said, only one other person agrees with me about the dangers of trans fat and GMOs, so obviously i'm preaching to the wrong audience :P

    Here's the thing- if you make a post preachy to everyone about how the should eat, you're not going to get a lot of support. I don't eat processed food. I am a chef so it is very easy for me to eat 'clean,' cooking is second nature to me. However, if I went to someone's house for dinner and they fed me Hamburger Helper, I'd eat it and be grateful.

    Next time you want to start a debate about the virtues of food, start with facts and evidence and try to leave opinion and shame out of it.
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    While I agree that it is best to put natural whole foods into our bodies, I do not agree with the choice of the word "never".
    as soon as someone tells me :
    it is never ok to drink soda, regular or diet. it's never ok to consume snacks that contain more chemicals than real food. it is NEVER ok to consume BHT, hydrogenated oils, artificial colors like yellow 6 and red 3, high fructose corn syrup, sodium nitrite, or aspartame.

    that's when I stop listening. I thought "well, you had some decent ideas of how to properly fuel the human body, but this is not communist russia in the 1950s and for someone to tell me I can NEVER eat something, that just makes me tune you out!"

    So I will have my spinach salad for lunch, my steel cut oats for breakfast, an apple for a snack, and if I choose to have a Yoplait Light Fat Free Red Velvet Cake Yogurt with contains "GASP!!!" HFCS after my lunch I am damn well gonna do so...because ....

    "EVERYTHING IN MODERATION!!!!!":drinker: :drinker: <- that's the BEER I had at my friend's wedding last night...the only drink I have had in MONTHS (again, everything in moderation!)
  • sweetsarahj
    sweetsarahj Posts: 701 Member
    I was thinking about this thread, and it made my remember my grandmother.

    She firmly believe in "everything in moderation".

    She avoided junk food, quit smoking at a young age, and exercised well into her geriatric years. She didn't know what "organic" or "clean" meant, but always cooked meals made out of whole foods, like her Italian emigrant parents taught her. But she would always eat a slice of birthday cake at a party or share a dessert with me if we went out to lunch.

    She was active and independent until nearly the very end, and passed away at age 89.

    You can live whatever kind of life you want, but I have my own role model, my "everything in moderation" grandma. :)

    Great post! I'm a nurse and that makes me think of the little geriatric patients who are well into their 90s. When asked, on occassion, what the secret was to old age, I don't remember any of them saying "Well dear, I never ate any chemicals..."

    My grandma lived to 107. They were very poor and had to make do with whatever food was available. They very often ate greasy food like bacon, then soaked up all the bacon fat in the pan with bread, and ate that too. She lived with smokers, drank, and had 12 children. Frankly I think longevity has more to do with genetics than anything else. So I figure I need an amazing retirement plan :)
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    i personally think trans fat is dangerous because it will clog your arteries and give you a heart attack.
    This is exactly the sort of statement that makes you sound preachy, even though you say you are trying not to be.

    Yes trans fats are to be avoided, yes they can contribute to clogging of the arteries, yes that can increase the risk of heart attack. But saying "It will clog your arteries and give you a heart attack" is incorrect and alarmist.

    While there are foods such as trans fats which are best avoided, there is no food that "will give you a heart attack" - there are many many other factors in that equation, such as smoking, age, gender and genetics and exercise. The food you eat is only one factor, and while it is an important one, stating that Eating XYZ will give you a heart attack is far too simplistic.

    The older I get, the more I realise that the world is not black and white, there is a lot of grey in there too - and not just in my hair! :bigsmile:
  • Noctuary
    Noctuary Posts: 255
    I'm dying to know the non chemical you are sippin on.
  • fittocycle
    fittocycle Posts: 827 Member
    I think the original poster meant well, but it might have came across as "preachy" to some. I took a peek at her food diary and noticed she does eat as well as she encouraged everyone to. I would love to have the discipline to eat like she does and my doctor would love it too! However, each of us are different and we have different views.

    About two years ago, my son was diagnosed with a corn allergy. It was an eye opener for me because I never realized how many additives were in food or how much corn (in various forms) were added. Out of necessity, I changed the way I shopped and cooked. Almost all the food I prepared was made from scratch-hamburger buns, salad dressings, etc. It took a little more planning, but really, not much more time.

    My son was found to be clear of the corn allergy, but honestly, we still eat about the same way. After reading books like The Omnivore's Dilemna and watching the movie, Food Inc. I've decided to keep most of those changes. I buy organic when I can afford to and am very conscious about what we eat.

    To be fair, if it wasn't for my son's food allergy, we would still be eating the same way. It gave me an opportunity to look at things in a different light. I think each of us have different priorities and we need to respect those differences.
  • rharris86dc
    rharris86dc Posts: 635 Member
    I think it's funny that your topic says you disagree with the phrase, yet you use in in the second paragraph. LOL

    But anyway, not everyone is on the organic bandwagon. So yes, if they want to have something that isn't healthy, it's their choice.
  • tobitude
    tobitude Posts: 89 Member
    Yea it is always the same thing wether it is here or somewhere else, some one always has to tell you that you are doing the wrong thing!!! I am so tired of others being judged by someone who thinks they are better than someone else. Get over it and let us live our lives, our lives is for us to live!!! Like I tell my kids "quit worrying about what everyone else is doing and worry about yourself" that is what makes us open to new things and new opportunities.
  • Nailrep
    Nailrep Posts: 966 Member
    PS to OP............if you *think* your metabolism slowed down at 25, I got news for you..................................wait till you hit 50! LOL

    Yeah, right? I think my metobolism was at an all time FAST at 30 -35. 25? No way! Forget that excuse!
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    Hey guess what my great grandma drank diet soda from the day it hit the market to the day she died at 104!! She was 100% healthy the day she died from a car accident. I eat what I want when I want I am also very healthy my numbers in everything are excellent,blood pressure,cholesterol ect ect.

    Let me ask you this do you use deoderant? advil? dye your hair? lotion? makeup? all unatural chemicals that end up in your body.
    One more question exactlly how many calories do you burn climbing up on that pedistal?
  • bigdawg025
    bigdawg025 Posts: 774 Member
    man, whiny people piss me off. i think its interesting how many people are posting in disagreement with the poster and have a large amount of weight to lose. correlation? maaaybe.

    before you go trip out on me, i ate the same way for a long time. its programmed into us at this point. but you know what? you can change it. stop being afraid and wimpy and whiny and make yourself push past 'moderation' into healthy. i make minimum wage and work less than 20 hours a week and i'm a full time college student trying to pay off debt. guess what? i feed myself organically with no HFCS, enriched flour, or gluten on less than $200 a month. and yes, the chipotle i am eating today follows the same guidelines.

    its friggen doable. you just have to stop being afraid.

    btw, cranberries are red. i really hope the person that made that comment realizes that.

    Insert... preacher #2
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    why would anyone want to put anything unhealthy into their body, ever? i mean is it ok to poison yourself in moderation?

    Because it tastes good, it is pleasurable, it is socially inclusive and sharing food with friends and family is one of the most fundamental, cross cultural bonding experiences there is.

    It's a question of costs v benefits. Little cost if eaten in moderation in comparison to the above benefits, high if eaten in excess. In addition flexible dieters tend to keep weight off more successfully in the long term and have less issues with eating disorders, many of which stem from feelings of guilt and shame attached to perfectionism applied to food intake.

    Where do you draw the line? By your logic I should stop brushing my teeth with toothpaste as it contains fluoride and fluoride is more toxic than lead. I won't because I like my mouth being minty fresh. I also like having teeth...
  • smileybsa83
    smileybsa83 Posts: 16
    man, whiny people piss me off. i think its interesting how many people are posting in disagreement with the poster and have a large amount of weight to lose. correlation? maaaybe.

    before you go trip out on me, i ate the same way for a long time. its programmed into us at this point. but you know what? you can change it. stop being afraid and wimpy and whiny and make yourself push past 'moderation' into healthy. i make minimum wage and work less than 20 hours a week and i'm a full time college student trying to pay off debt. guess what? i feed myself organically with no HFCS, enriched flour, or gluten on less than $200 a month. and yes, the chipotle i am eating today follows the same guidelines.

    its friggen doable. you just have to stop being afraid.

    btw, cranberries are red. i really hope the person that made that comment realizes that.

    Some people aren't just feeding themselves. Some of us have others who are dependent on us to not only provide food, but also a roof, heat, electricity, medications, medical care. Some of us have long commutes to our crappy paying jobs that require large amounts of gas, but before we go there, we have to take our kids to the sitter, which also costs money. Some people have to make that $200 you feed yourself with feed 3 or 4 people. If it works for you, great. But calling people "whiny" and "wimpy" for doing what they can is beyond judgemental...it's flat out rude.

    As to the OP...more power to you. You can go through life knowing you've kept "poison" out of your body...I'll go through life knowing I did the best I could, and knowing that if I want, I can put a Snickers bar in mine. At the end of the day, we're all gonna die. It could be at 90 even if we eat biscuits and gravy every day, or it could be at 28 when I get hit by a bus. Life's too damn short to worry so much.

    As for the "poisons"...I did a limited amount of looking. There are so, so many things that cause cancer in rats that have never been proven to have the same effect in humans. For example, artificial sweeteners...have not been proven to cause cancer in humans. http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/factsheet/Risk/artificial-sweeteners

    Yes, certain fats are bad. Yes, certain chemicals are bad. Yes, extremely high amounts of some of these things can hurt you. But, using an example from the link above: "In 2005, a laboratory study found more lymphomas and leukemias in rats fed very high doses of aspartame (equivalent to drinking 8 to 2,083 cans of diet soda daily)" Seriously...this is crazy. When it comes right down to it, there are new "dangers" appearing every day, and sometimes, those "dangers" are disproven to much less fanfare.

    It all pretty much boils down to this...do what you want, do what works for you, and for the love of all things holy, try not to sound so condescending.
  • carolynmittens
    but don't you guys realize it's the american mindset to worry about consequences only after the damage has been done? (i don't mean to sound ethnocentric either, but the majority of people with diet-related illness live in america). since when is information so offensive? how about research for yourselves what the adverse effects of these substances are, then. and if it doesn't concern you, then by all means don't. but don't get offended because i told you twinkies are bad for you. if a smoker was told it would be in his/her best interest to quit smoking, would you all be up in arms about that? why is junk food such a sensitive issue?
  • smileybsa83
    smileybsa83 Posts: 16
    Besides I'm not going to spend my life in fear of whats in our food, while millions end their night hungry. Im glad it works for you though.

    This. This is perfect. Thank you for giving a great perspective!
  • Sabochan
    Sabochan Posts: 37 Member

    to the people who get offended by someone telling them Coke is harmful, who cares what i say anyway? if it's that important to you, drink up! i'll even cheers you with my wheat grass shot.

    Ah, you see, it's statements like these that tend to annoy people. I wasn't planning on responding to this thread, even though your original post made me raise an eyebrow. I do agree that eating as organically as you can is ideal, but I keep my opinions on that topic to myself. I don't like being told what to do, and I don't like telling other people they must obey the 'rules' of eating healthily. There are no rules, there is only trial and error. Every person is different, and others' bodies deal with food differently too.

    As for the sarcastic toast with the wheat grass shot, thanks but no thanks.
    I'm dying to know the non chemical you are sippin on.

    I believe it was 'cranberry' juice.
  • carolynmittens
    Hey guess what my great grandma drank diet soda from the day it hit the market to the day she died at 104!! She was 100% healthy the day she died from a car accident. I eat what I want when I want I am also very healthy my numbers in everything are excellent,blood pressure,cholesterol ect ect.

    Let me ask you this do you use deoderant? advil? dye your hair? lotion? makeup? all unatural chemicals that end up in your body.
    One more question exactlly how many calories do you burn climbing up on that pedistal?
    since you asked, i make my own deodorant:

    i drink teas for pain and use natural lotion and makeup. it's expensive but that's a sacrifice i make. see this sounds preachy too now, but you freakin asked so i'm answering. i know most people won't take it to this extreme, it's just what makes me happy. if twinkies make you happy then i'll give you a cyber fist bump and wish you the best.