everything in moderation? i respectfully disagree



  • marci355
    marci355 Posts: 292
    The idea of everything in moderation is a way to NOT made food an issue. What good does it do to berate yourself and belittle yourself because you ate something "bad". NONE. So many people make an issue out of food, and those are the people who end up gaining weight, binging, and having terrible self esteem issues. It's great that you can afford to go all organic and whatnot, but don't condemn those who can't. It DOES cost more, and many people are barely making ends meet as it is.

    If I want a dang snickers bar I'm gonna have one, and you know what? That's FINE.
    I absolutely agree. But you know whats worse? Berating and belittling someone else. You're 26,and I might add that there might be some varying opinions as to how others spend their lives. I'm 56 and I still don't wag my finger and tell someone they are "doing it wrong". Just my two cents.
  • carolynmittens
    However, said beverage is not red. I'm not an idiot, I know that cranberries and cranberry juice are red.
    it's in a shaved coconut shell :) i never anticipated there'd be so much interest in what i was drinking.
  • SoUnaware
    SoUnaware Posts: 85 Member
    I'm more of a live and let live dieter. How other people eat affects me not in the slightest. It may very well be an age thing.

    It might be. I don't much care at all how the people around me eat. When I'm doing it right (my way right), I feel great. If I'm under eating or over eating, I'm kicking myself in the butt mentally.
    But the age thing comes in to play I think with tolerance.
    Like, I'm really really miffed that this chick is trying to tell me how to eat and what not to put in my body. Maybe if she was your age. Or a doctor.
    Her diary is private, so we have no idea how she's eating. All we know is that she's had some serious eating problems in the recent past. (Sounds to me like she's trying to downplay anorexia.) I get it in my head that she's eating who knows what? 500 calories, maybe. But all of her calories are perfect and pure and have no artificial incredients or colorings. I try to eat 1200 calories (don't exercise yet) and once or twice a week I have a yogurt with Aspertame in it, and once a week I have a wonderful cheat day. Who's eating worse?
    Perhaps if I was ten or twenty years older, I might just be able to see what she posted and say "psh, whatever. I definitely need to read this chick's posts in moderation" and move on.
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member

    So, let me sum it up, since pretty much everything has been said.

    1. If you WANT to live like that, go ahead-you're stronger than me.
    2. A WHOLE LOT of people don't want to.
    3. Not everyone's circumstances are the same.

    Did I get everything? Good.

    :smile: I think you got it.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    PS to OP............if you *think* your metabolism slowed down at 25, I got news for you..................................wait till you hit 50! LOL

    Hi 5^

    First as a moderator I find everyone has been wonderful in their disagreements, and for this I am thankful. I am tired today and don't feel like cleaning up another thread :laugh:

    It is so important to have differing points of view and this post actually HELPED me.!

    See when we keep it civil an old lady like me gets to thinking and learns something.

    I never say never (although I guess I just did :wink:) I am going to think about my food before consuming it. My life is changing fast, and I am in control of it. Choice of an apple or bowl of sugar pops, I think I shall select the apple.

    But if anyone sees me eating an oreo .................sssssshhhhhhhhh

  • mare91467
    mare91467 Posts: 91 Member
    Quite frankly, you can live your life like a monk in a temple, eating fresh herbs from your garden and never put one chemical in your body, yet still die from Cancer. Or have a massive heart attack. Or have lightening strike you.

    I don't subscribe to the "eat like crap for your whole life" theory but I also think that life is too short to be too anal about anything.

    I am more interested in the "treat each day as if it were your last" because it very well could be.

    So be you, be happy and strive for health to preserve what you can, but in the end no one is guaranteed a long healthy life, we only hope for one.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    However, said beverage is not red. I'm not an idiot, I know that cranberries and cranberry juice are red.
    it's in a shaved coconut shell :) i never anticipated there'd be so much interest in what i was drinking.

    Of course there is!! I assumed cuz you was a youngen you was drinking a margherita......I have to live vicariously through my young friends :laugh:

    You look so happy !!
  • wonnder1
    wonnder1 Posts: 460
    "whatever. I definitely need to read this woman's posts in moderation" and move on.

    I like that (but I edited "chicks" cause I hate that)
  • LisaKyle11
    LisaKyle11 Posts: 662 Member
    i basically agree with you, but are you drinking a pina colada? :-)
  • padkat
    padkat Posts: 75
    PS to OP............if you *think* your metabolism slowed down at 25, I got news for you..................................wait till you hit 50! LOL

    Hi 5^

    First as a moderator I find everyone has been wonderful in their disagreements, and for this I am thankful. I am tired today and don't feel like cleaning up another thread :laugh:

    It is so important to have differing points of view and this post actually HELPED me.!

    See when we keep it civil an old lady like me gets to thinking and learns something.

    I never say never (although I guess I just did :wink:) I am going to think about my food before consuming it. My life is changing fast, and I am in control of it. Choice of an apple or bowl of sugar pops, I think I shall select the apple.

    But if anyone sees me eating an oreo .................sssssshhhhhhhhh


    Ah, words of wisdom :flowerforyou:
  • babytmarie27
    babytmarie27 Posts: 161
    I feel bad now that you are being ripped a new one lmao. I do understand your underlying point that even foods in moderation can be very damaging to the body! If people have the option to choose otherwise they should. If they dont they need to be grateful for whatever they have. :drinker: this is organic booze cheers to freedom to express our opinions! ....at least until a moderator yanks the thread lol
  • sweetsarahj
    sweetsarahj Posts: 701 Member
    i keep seeing this phrase thrown around all over the place. "it's ok if you ate a quarter pounder from McDonalds last night, everything in moderation!" "don't feel guilty about eating that Snickers bar, everything in moderation right?" i don't really understand this frame of mind - why would anyone want to put anything unhealthy into their body, ever? i mean is it ok to poison yourself in moderation? because that's what junk food does to you. especially genetically modified, heavily preserved or artificially sweetened junk food.

    to indulge is one thing. i make some seriously delicious and indulgent dark chocolate brownies from time to time. but they're made out of whole grain barley flour, 100% dark chocolate, and sweetened with applesauce or dates. if i'm in the mood for pancakes i make buckwheat pancakes. i'm not saying everyone should cut out desserts or treats, not at all. you can absolutely indulge in chocolate, cookies, pancakes, etc in moderation. but people, there are healthier versions of these foods that taste just as good and won't kill you!

    it is never ok to drink soda, regular or diet. it's never ok to consume snacks that contain more chemicals than real food. it is NEVER ok to consume BHT, hydrogenated oils, artificial colors like yellow 6 and red 3, high fructose corn syrup, sodium nitrite, or aspartame. check your favorite "cheat treats" - if it contains any of those ingredients, please don't eat it. i wish people would get out of this "everything in moderation" mind frame, and start asking themselves "what is this food going to do for my body?" instead. if there is nothing at all beneficial in the food you're about to eat, why are you eating it? food is meant to be fuel for our bodies, stop catering to your taste buds. your taste buds make up like .001% of your body, what about the other 99.999%? if you think you're satisfying your taste buds by eating that Twinkie, doesn't it bother you that you're hurting the other 99% of your body?

    i understand cravings, and that if you deprive yourself of something you'll likely binge out on it at some point. i don't condone deprivation, i just think you can find a perfectly natural substitute. if you NEED a cheeseburger, make your own out of organic beef, please don't eat that artificially flavored chemical smorgasbord from McDonalds. if you need cookies, make your own, don't reach for a box of Entenmann's. every food in its natural state can be consumed in moderation, absolutely. but when you enter into the world of freaky genetically modified lab experiment foods/additives/preservatives, there is absolutely no reason to go near it, even in moderation.

    your body is a temple, treat it with respect :flowerforyou:

    Ok, so yo know alcohol is poison right? The 'pleasant' intoxicated feeling we get from booze is sign our bodies give us that we are poisoning ourselves. That's an alcoholic beverage in your profile pic right?

    EDIT***OOPS, caught up reading and I see it's cranberry juice.... you know too much fructose can make you fat, right? LOL.
  • carolynmittens
    I'm more of a live and let live dieter. How other people eat affects me not in the slightest. It may very well be an age thing.

    It might be. I don't much care at all how the people around me eat. When I'm doing it right (my way right), I feel great. If I'm under eating or over eating, I'm kicking myself in the butt mentally.
    But the age thing comes in to play I think with tolerance.
    Like, I'm really really miffed that this chick is trying to tell me how to eat and what not to put in my body. Maybe if she was your age. Or a doctor.
    Her diary is private, so we have no idea how she's eating. All we know is that she's had some serious eating problems in the recent past. (Sounds to me like she's trying to downplay anorexia.) I get it in my head that she's eating who knows what? 500 calories, maybe. But all of her calories are perfect and pure and have no artificial incredients or colorings. I try to eat 1200 calories (don't exercise yet) and once or twice a week I have a yogurt with Aspertame in it, and once a week I have a wonderful cheat day. Who's eating worse?
    Perhaps if I was ten or twenty years older, I might just be able to see what she posted and say "psh, whatever. I definitely need to read this chick's posts in moderation" and move on.
    i eat a lot. immeasurably more than 500 cals a day. i thought i had set my diary to public - i switched it to private because i don't log everything i eat, and sometimes i log stuff in just for curiosity. like i logged in 20 pizzas once just to see how much i'd weigh in 5 weeks. i've been logging everything lately, so i set it to public again but for some blessed reason i guess it didn't work!

    to the people who get offended by someone telling them Coke is harmful, who cares what i say anyway? if it's that important to you, drink up! i'll even cheers you with my wheat grass shot.
  • wonnder1
    wonnder1 Posts: 460

    I logged in 20 pizzas once just to see how much I'd weigh in 5 weeks.

    :laugh: I thought I was the only one who did that.:laugh:

    Just let the negative comments slide. You have your opinion, it seems you're in the minority, but hey, as long as you're happy.
  • lodro
    lodro Posts: 982 Member
    Hey--I don't think she was trying to be mean. It was preachy. Anytime you write a post about how YOU believe things should be done, that's preachy.

    She gave her opinion...we can take it how we will.

    I think the fact that 1 person agreed with you (so far) means it probably ISN'T the way most people want to live.

    well I agree with her. in fact, I think it IS moderation to take the matter of food into your own hands, including making it. I think it IS moderation that anything I cook will taste so much better than anything store bought. I think it IS moderation not to want to eat what McDonalds calls "food". I think it is extreme to eat what marketing departments tell you to. And call it "but I like my food". If that's preachy, then it's preachy. I really wonder about our priorities as a society. That so many are up in arms about this thread's first posting points out it has hit a nerve.
  • sweetsarahj
    sweetsarahj Posts: 701 Member
    I ate crap food until a few months ago and I can honestly say people with your attitude kind of kept me eating that way. So judgemental and condescending with the fake air of concern.

    I have a cheat day once a week that consists of pizza, doughnuts, chocolate and sugary drinks. Why? Because I enjoy food and taste. It's not the enemy. Lack of self control is. Your wonderful brownies probably could make people fat, too.

    haha you are so right.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Quite frankly, you can live your life like a monk in a temple, eating fresh herbs from your garden and never put one chemical in your body, yet still die from Cancer. Or have a massive heart attack. Or have lightening strike you.

    I don't subscribe to the "eat like crap for your whole life" theory but I also think that life is too short to be too anal about anything.

    I am more interested in the "treat each day as if it were your last" because it very well could be.

    So be you, be happy and strive for health to preserve what you can, but in the end no one is guaranteed a long healthy life, we only hope for one.

    Perfect example. My grandmother and grandfather. (gma born 1888 and gpa 1868)

    Grandma came from Ireland with her weatlhy family. Lace curtain Irish they called it back then. She ate healthy and regularly, never smoked or drank, devout Catholic going to church every day. She worked in her parents boarding home until marrying grandpa later in life.

    Grandpa was Shanty Irish. Sent over on an old boat with a priest in hopes of a better life. Ate potatoes in every why imaginable as a child. He was 13 when he starting working the roads of NY, laying brick. 17 when he went into the army. He smoked lucky strikes, up to 2 packs day (before that he rolled his own) drank a pint of booze every night. Not a drunk by any means, was just the times.

    Grandpa passed away at 73 of cancer.

    Grandma passed away 20 years later, at the age of 73, of...........you got it-cancer!

    God rest their souls. It amazes me to this day.
  • marci355
    marci355 Posts: 292
    I'm with you on that one, but wow, your tone is just going to set off a whole lot of comments. (What you were going for?)

    straight up honesty. i need to give the OP a fist bump of solidarity. yeah, it probably came off a little snarky but i don't bull**** around because nice doesn't always work. you should see me irl lolol
    Yep, it was snarky. :tongue:
  • carolynmittens

    I logged in 20 pizzas once just to see how much I'd weigh in 5 weeks.

    :laugh: I thought I was the only one who did that.:laugh:

    Just let the negative comments slide. You have your opinion, it seems you're in the minority, but hey, as long as you're happy.
    oh i always let them slide. i get this same exact drill from my family every time we have dinner together, i'm so used to it :P
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    i basically agree with you, but are you drinking a pina colada? :-)

    she has addressed that she is drinking cranberry juice from a shaved coconut:yawn: