Starting JM 6 week 6 pack Sunday 22nd May



  • DebiP10
    DebiP10 Posts: 275 Member
    D16 done, im starting to find them side planks really easy now lol bet she kills us in level 2 lol
  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member
    Day 13 done - much more motivated today and those side planks!! Hah! Easy.

    Gonna blast through the next 8 days solid and then have the next w/e off as I'm away. Bit worried as I'll've had a 2 day gap before going up to L2....still, that can be my excuse for finding it hard!

    Got loads of compliments yesterday when I saw some friends I hadn't seen for a couple of months, really motivated me this morning! One woman couldn't believe I'd only lost 7 lbs since seeing her,s he said it looked loads more...ty JM for your kick *kitten* toning exercises!

    Keep at it folks - we're doing great!
  • DebiP10
    DebiP10 Posts: 275 Member
    ahhhh its nice when people notice that fab hun :smile:

    im just in from a long, hard and tiring day at work and just cant be assed to even do my workout, my hearts not in it today so im going to do it twice on saturday to make up for it. As long as i do at least 5 days a week like jillian says im satisfied with that.
  • Louise12
    Louise12 Posts: 389 Member
    HEY ! i moved on to level 2 this week!...doing day 4 and 5 of level 2 on sat and sun...i have to say i found level 2 easier than level one.... but its still hard !! i like the challenge.. let me know how you ladies do :)
  • drblythe
    drblythe Posts: 163 Member
    So I've fallen a little behind, but i'm ok with that.

    Day 11 done today. I really really didn't want to, which is why i didn't do it until 11.30pm BUT once i got started I found it was the first time was able to do everything confidently even the planks!!, which made me feel better about it :)

    I've been alternating with c25k but am trying to do it 6w6p at least 5 times a week but if i go for a run and then dont feel like doing another workout i'm not beating myself up. as long as i do something :)

    Glad to see everyone doing so well, I'll have to go back to the beginning of the thread as i've forgotten how long we're meant to do level 1 for ha ha.

    Have a good weekend everyone. I've got a gig tomorrow so will have that as my rest day but back into it on sunday :)

    x B
  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member
    Great job- L1 for 21 days I think.

    I did D14 today, was knackered as did it after my gardening & cycling back from butchers with >8kg of meat on my back!

    Gonna try and go thru til Friday...getting the start of a head cold so will see..
  • DebiP10
    DebiP10 Posts: 275 Member
    yippppeeeee dvd done for today and in a much better mood from work too :smile: only 3 more days then level 2 :happy:
  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member
    Just done D15! Whoop - can almost smell the fear from L2 just round the corner!

    Much better than yesterday - note to self: Don't do gardening and stupid biking before JM! She MUST come first!
  • curleesam
    curleesam Posts: 462 Member
    Just done D15! Whoop - can almost smell the fear from L2 just round the corner!

    Much better than yesterday - note to self: Don't do gardening and stupid biking before JM! She MUST come first!

    LOL Jillian definitely comes first! Still, that was very brave of you! LOL

    I finished my nine months maternity leave on Friday and start a new job on Monday. Somehow I think my exercise regime is going to go out the window for the first week! LOL
  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member
    D16 done. Feeling a bit bored of this level now...want to move it up!
  • DebiP10
    DebiP10 Posts: 275 Member
    well its week 3 tomorrow so im gonna start level 2. ive done level 1 5 times a week and im getting tired of it too now
  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member
    Did D17....watched L2! LMAO! Oh dear God....

    Right, I am feeling that I'm no longer putting in as much effort to L1 any more. By tomorrow I hope to have done L1 18 times in the last 3 1/2 weeks, so I was thinking that as of Thursday I might start on L2...

    This will help because I am away this weekend and if I did L1 for 21 days, I would finish Friday, which would mean that I would have 2 days off and then start L2. After my last little break I struggled with L1, so was dreading stopping and then starting on L2 (which looks a killer btw...)

    So I think I will start L2 on Thursday, if it is as aarrggghhh as it looks, I might revert on Monday and complete my L1 before switching back! I'm just thinking that I'm starting to lose my motivation with this, so need to change it up a little.

    Debi, did you do L2 today?
  • DebiP10
    DebiP10 Posts: 275 Member
    i will be doing it when i get home from work becka lol never looked at it yet so will be jumping in head first hahahaha
  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member
    Soooo.....after my zumba class didn't happen (I biked there but no1 showed up...not even the teacher- pah!) I came home and on a whim decided to give L2 a go....

    ...omg! Completely kicked my butt! It was sooooo hard!

    Still, glad I tried it, it really focussed me- tbh I think I lost my motivation a bit with L1....need a new challenge and sum new JM lines to learn! X
  • DebiP10
    DebiP10 Posts: 275 Member
    sorry but ive not started week 3, im absolutely exhausted. think ive been doing too much for the last 6 weeks without a days rest so im taking a break from my evening exercise. im up at 5am for the gym everyday then work through till 5pm, travel home to clean house, cook dinner, prepare everything for the next day and then workout and i seriously think im pushing myself too far so im just gonna do my home workout on a weekend and days off work :ohwell:
  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member
    Well done for listening to your body! The rest will help you, I think.

    I just did's tough. Doesn't help that I'm really congested atm, breathing is hard enough without having to time it with my moves! Kept having to stop because my mouth was so completely dry. Glad I get a break this weekend, although if tomorrow is as hard as today, I will rest Friday too.
  • DebiP10
    DebiP10 Posts: 275 Member
    The daft thing is i feel so guilty not doing it although my workout at the gym burns a min of 650 cals 5 days a week lol and suppose ive felt a bit let down after 3 weeks of 6w6p and lost nothing in weight or inches really :angry:
  • drblythe
    drblythe Posts: 163 Member
    Hi Guys,

    Sorry for not checking in sooner, I've been checking in on my phone which wont let me get onto the message boards (which is silly)

    Day 13 ( I think) done today.

    If I had to be honest, I'm not enjoying this one as much as my previous JM work outs (30 day shred and 30 day slim down)
    I dont know what it is, possibly the length of time you spend on each level.... maybe i'm just bored on level one, and I was a little relieved to see I wasn't the only one.

    but also not seeing as major results as with the other workouts, which isn't being helped by the lack of motivation I'm experiencing. endless cycle i guess :) but I like to assume i'm slowly developing rock hard abs....they're just trapped under some fat :P

    I think I'm going to do level 1 every day until monday, when I will start level 2 and i'm hoping the change will boost my motivations.

    Ok thats the end of my whinge :)

    Keep being awesome guys

  • DebiP10
    DebiP10 Posts: 275 Member
    Well done becka, great job hun. well, i may as well put my measurements in for this week as promised.

    starting w/m

    weight 117lb
    bust 34
    waist above 26 1/2
    waist below belly button 27
    hips 32
    thighs 19

    sat 04/06/11

    weight 117lb
    bust 34
    waist above bb 26
    waist below bb 27
    hips 32
    thighs 19

    no weight loss and only 1/2 inch above waist after 11 days :mad: hopefully next measure day will be something to celebrate :drinker:

    think ive learned how to add pic so hope this works lol this is after finishing shred then 12 days of 6w6p


    hmmmmmm its only put half me abs in lol
  • drblythe
    drblythe Posts: 163 Member

    think ive learned how to add pic so hope this works lol this is after finishing shred then 12 days of 6w6p

    Wow!! those are definitely more impressive than mine. I'm super impressed! well done :)
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