Stuff Fat People Do



  • tammyquinnlmt
    tammyquinnlmt Posts: 680 Member
    Wear your hair long to hide your fat face.
    walk up stairs alone so one could here you huff and puff
    Avoid going upstairs at all costs!
    Get the kids to go "fetch" so you don't have to get up!
  • brndygrl98
    brndygrl98 Posts: 196 Member
    Better yet ... we should have a clothes exchange. As we lose inches and our good clothes don't fit, send them down to us that have further to go. :P I hate buying clothes for the intermediary steps. If I'm successful, I won't be in each size that long. Heh ... if that is I should say WHEN!

    I think this sounds like the best idea yet! BTW, love your profile pic!
  • Wuggums
    Wuggums Posts: 339 Member
    This is hilarious! I remember doing the shirt stretch in high school! Some others:

    Making up excuses for not flying - like "I hate the crowds and lines at the airport"
    Making up excuses for not going to the amusement park - "those rides are dangerous. Did you hear about..."
    Making up excuses for not going just about anywhere else cuz I was too worried about how far I'd have to walk or whether I'd fit in a seat
    Taking breaks to "look at the scenery" when I was really just out of breath
    Not eating in front of other people
    Back to high school - lying about how many laps I've run in gym class and coming up with every possible excuse to get out it
    And my favorite - doing the "big booty chair test". Stick the booty way out far and very gingerly sit on a chair to make sure you won't fall out and the chair won't break!
  • Sunjenk
    Sunjenk Posts: 139 Member
    I cook dinner for myself and boyfriend, and since i love to eat (duh:D) I make each of our plates, giving him more, then eating his excess before he sees it so it looks even.....

    To this day he doesnt know I secretly ate extra mashed potatoes

    Only me, you, and my diary knows :)
  • delilah122
    delilah122 Posts: 41
    Always making sure I was the one with the camera so I didn't have to be in the picture.
    Tie a hoodie around my waist as if that really hides anything.
    Wear oversized shirts in hopes of looking thinner, when they really do the opposite.
    There are so many others, I just need some time to think of them.
  • board_riider
    board_riider Posts: 8 Member
    For me personally, i never...ever leave the house with less than 2 shirts on. Normally a tank top under whatever I'm wearing, and have it be super long so if i bend in the wrong way or something, those love handles are always hidden. And it makes me feel smaller, lol..not sure why.
    I do the t-shirt stretch as well, but with just my arms, stretching it both front to back and side to side.
    There's plenty more, I'm sure..I just can't think in my tired state right now.
  • wilsabeast
    wilsabeast Posts: 21 Member
    I used to order a second small coke at the drive-thru so the staff would think I was ordering for two people.

    Use the phrase, "one size doesn't fit this ALL"

    Put myself down constantly .....

    NO MORE THO :)
  • cmstaley1
    cmstaley1 Posts: 32
    For me personally, i never...ever leave the house with less than 2 shirts on. Normally a tank top under whatever I'm wearing, and have it be super long so if i bend in the wrong way or something, those love handles are always hidden. And it makes me feel smaller, lol..not sure why.
    I do the t-shirt stretch as well, but with just my arms, stretching it both front to back and side to side.
    There's plenty more, I'm sure..I just can't think in my tired state right now.

    I do the two shirt thing. If I wear a polo shirt I always wear a white tshirt under it and tuck the white tshirt in just in case i reach up so I don't expose the belly. When I was bigger I acutally would wear a white tshirt under my t-shirts.

    i also used to do the tshirt stretch thing.

    I think a big one that hasnt been mentioned is wearing a shirt when swiming.

    When I was heavier I was very concerned about what I bought at the grocery store because I didn't want the clerk to judge me. I would never buy ice cream.
  • JellyJaks
    JellyJaks Posts: 589 Member
    It's good to see that other people cope the same way I do. I'm famous for always being the one with the camera, doing the squats to stretch out my jeans and not drying half my wardrobe. Looking forward to the day when I won't have to feel so insecure.

    Got a good laugh out of "chub rub" I was just telling my husband how I can't wait until the day my thighs don't rub together anymore :blushing:
  • a_stronger_steph
    a_stronger_steph Posts: 434 Member
    Got a good laugh out of "chub rub" I was just telling my husband how I can't wait until the day my thighs don't rub together anymore :blushing:

    Ooooh me too. Except I can't even imagine this, not really. I have no recollection, zero, of my thighs not rubbing together. I remember refusing to wear corduroys when I was eight or nine because the thighs rubbed and it made a sound. If it ever happens to me, it will be a completely new experience! I'll wear skirts and corduroys all the time! ;)
  • mirapaigew
    mirapaigew Posts: 107
    I used to order a second small coke at the drive-thru so the staff would think I was ordering for two people.

    Use the phrase, "one size doesn't fit this ALL"

    Put myself down constantly .....

    NO MORE THO :)

    I did this at Taco Bell one time. lol I ordered enough chicken soft tacos for two people. So I ordered 2 drinks to make it look like they weren't all for me. LOL Shameeeeeeeeee.
  • jrhstarlight
    jrhstarlight Posts: 867 Member
    My cousin use to do the shirt stretch but instead of her knee she used her bed post and then would get soooo mad when she ripped a hole in her shirt it is sad but hilarious at the same time. Of course I try to stretch my shirts some as well. Mainly it seems my hand is a permanent fixture on the backside of my waistband. My pants never stay up and so when I bend over or go upstairs they fall down and I dont want to moon anyone :) I cant wear belts cause Im allergic in the metal on the buckles and it breaks my tummy out cause my tummy doesnt understand it is suppose to be inside my pants not out in front.
  • megruder
    megruder Posts: 216
    Using allergies as an excuse not to go outside for a walk. I do have allergies and am really miserable going outdoors sometimes, but not 365 days a year.
  • Irene8509
    Irene8509 Posts: 381 Member
    Options guys are great. It's fun to laugh at ourselves. For me definately the jeans. Really they should have that under the exercise column...on some days I swear I must have used 50 calories:grumble:
  • minniebee
    minniebee Posts: 193 Member
    Doing the "pants dance" to pull up my too-loose jeans that have fallen underneath my roll.
    Also, having the thigh area on my pants wear out before the rest of the pant! So many good jeans have gone to the trash because of this!
  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    I can do you one better on both the knee stretch AND the clothing adjustments when standing up: about 75% of my shirts have holes around the hem because I have actually punctured them with my fingernails while attempting to stretch or readjust them. That's why I switched to the fist or knee stretch method, so now I only put holes through them when adjusting them.

    I notoriously buy clothes that are 1/2 size to a full size too small, because I'm one of those rare fat people who can't stand loose-fitting clothing. For one, I just look bigger in it, and I'm just really not comfortable when my shirts are loose. Of course, when I was a kid, I had no other option, because I got mostly hand-me-downs from brothers and cousins. Back then, my mother did the stretching for me. I thought it was the most fun thing in the WORLD. I felt like a yo-yo.

    I also avoid wearing skirts. I actually wore bike shorts under my dress at my brother's WEDDING because I knew I'd regret not doing so the next day. Fancy, smancy, $150 dress with red, cat-print bike shorts underneath. I was STYLIN'.

    Of course, for all those women out there who think the chaffing stops, I have some bad news. It definitely gets better, but my skinny friends assure me that it does not go away completely, especially during exercise. SORRY, GUYS.

    I get really confused whenever there's talk about how difficult it is to stay afloat in water. I'm like, "wait, you guys can make yourselves sink?". There's probably a reason I never learned to swim properly.

    I try to avoid eating in front of strangers. Of course, I find the best solution to that is to eat while in motion. That way, no one stranger gets to see the whole meal. Or, you know, eat all polite and dignified like while you're in potential view of people, and then scarf it down when they're not looking.

    I also hold my breath a bit if I'm walking uphill and someone is passing me. When they're out of earshot, I go back to the huffing and puffing, but I try to look somewhat dignified when they're around. It's the same for stairs. I don't recommend it. You just draw more attention if you start turning colors.
  • delilah122
    delilah122 Posts: 41
    Thanks to the OP for starting this thread. Of all the things I've read here, this was the most meaningful. I've lost 4 sizes in the last three years and still have at least one more to go. I've been having some trouble staying motivated, but the honesty of the posters here has really helped me take a step back in time and remind me that I don't want to live that way again. None of us deserve that. I'm sending all of you a group hug :heart:
  • VolatileChocolate
    I've never done the tshirt stretch - but now know about it - it may come in handy.

    I've done the tight shorts(body huggers) under a dress - for brother's wedding, also did this when wanted to wear trousers that were just that too tight on a night out with work collegues. I don't wear skirts or dresses because of the chaffing, the last time was in 2006 when brother got married!!!

    My other thing that have done that someone has mentioned - work clothes over swimsuit. This was when went to Australia and I used the excused that was scared of possible jelly fish in water so went it with full sleeve top and beigh combat trousers on. At time I was at my heavest and didn't even own a pair of shorts - still don't.

    I regularly readjust my clothing when get up sitting, either pulling top down as ridden up over boobs or poss exposing a small sliver of the love handles. Or pulling trouser legs down if tight or if trousers are loose - pulling them up.

    I don't like wearing tops that are too short in length as don't like exposing unslightly flesh. And i no longer wear normal blouses (with buttons) as they always gap open. I like tunic styles and the best are the ones that have some give or stretch in them as at least they give you a bit of a shape.

    I don't wear shoes as would have to wear tights (which is just as bad as wearing a skirt) - i wear either boots (with or with out heels) and in summer wear Fit Flops.
  • tammyquinnlmt
    tammyquinnlmt Posts: 680 Member
    I used to order a second small coke at the drive-thru so the staff would think I was ordering for two people.

    Use the phrase, "one size doesn't fit this ALL"

    Put myself down constantly .....

    NO MORE THO :)

    I did this at Taco Bell one time. lol I ordered enough chicken soft tacos for two people. So I ordered 2 drinks to make it look like they weren't all for me. LOL Shameeeeeeeeee.

    I did this with McRibs
  • mmcdonald03
    I find that the knee stretch leaves weird bubbles in the front of my shirts. I take my shirt and stick my arms inside so my hands are by the armpits then put my arms in the air above my head and then bend my elbow so they are parallel to the floor. This effectively stretches the shirt without leaving weird marks. I also do the Jean stretch by grabbing the front of my jeans while wearing them and squatting with my legs out more than shoulder width. Oh this is sad...I don't want to have to do this anymore...