Stuff Fat People Do



  • cenafan
    cenafan Posts: 398 Member
    Here's one more that non fat people have no clue about.....

    How about the arm/ tummy flab/ or breast flop noise that happens when the Chubbly folks exercise. The music could be pounding and I swear everyone in the room has to be able to hear my chubby tummy flopping around while I Zumba.


    Deodorant for chaffing huh? :happy:

    totally works! the solid kind...not the liquid-y roll ons or the sprays
  • MyNameIsNotBob
    MyNameIsNotBob Posts: 565 Member
    When I was a little larger, I'd always sit on a couch with a pillow on my lap so my tummy rolls didn't stick out obviously. Luckily, I no longer have to do this!
  • JulieF11
    JulieF11 Posts: 387 Member
    So when I wanted to look my best, I'd wear support hose with a support panty. Now I liked wearing a support brief that is a size or two too small since it will make me smaller, right??? Getting that on took not only a lot of time, but I sprained a thumb once, and put my shoulder out another time. Almost always I was sore, anyway. And since I wear a (minimizing) bra, there would be a roll of fat under my bra strap above the support hose/briefs, so I would also wear what is called a belt waist cincher... to help flatten that out. Finally I was ready to put on my dress... but the buttoned area across the chest pulled just a bit, possibly revealing my layers of cinching... so I'd have to safety pin that together. Ah ready to go, but wait, I forgot to pee! Then once I'm there I wouldn't dare take a sip of anything and be stuck in line for the bathroom where I'd have to wriggle like a contortionist just to get it all back on... And heaven forbid the waist cincher fall an inch and pinch a minuscule 1/8 inch fat roll every time I moved. I had forgotten all that!
  • suzooz
    suzooz Posts: 720 Member
    What a fantastic tip! I hope I never need to use it. . . or at least if I do, it would be in the smaller size!
  • VolatileChocolate
    JulieF11 you're definitely not alone with the clinchers and body huggers, When the need must, I wear a pair that go from the knees right up to under the bust. The first trick is trying to work out which way round they go. Then followed by a lot of stretching, pulling, swearing and broken nails. After all this feeling hot n bothered and uncomfortable lol. As you say the worse is then realising you need to go to the loo.

    No chance of getting past first post if looking to pull hahaha
  • jldaley09
    jldaley09 Posts: 219 Member
    It's good to see that other people cope the same way I do. I'm famous for always being the one with the camera, doing the squats to stretch out my jeans and not drying half my wardrobe. Looking forward to the day when I won't have to feel so insecure.

    Got a good laugh out of "chub rub" I was just telling my husband how I can't wait until the day my thighs don't rub together anymore :blushing:
    I actually just said this same thing also. My thighs have always been a problem area even when I was fairly thin.. always rubbed together.
  • NickyJones
    NickyJones Posts: 60 Member
    When I was a little larger, I'd always sit on a couch with a pillow on my lap so my tummy rolls didn't stick out obviously. Luckily, I no longer have to do this!

    I totally did this and still do - or cross my arms and use them to squish my tummy in so i look leaner from the side. No idea if it works or not :tongue:

    Always wear shorts when swimming...

    I also hold my breath or breathe slower when walking past people while running, on stairs etc. until I get past them.

    Tie that belt in my trench coat too tight to make my waist look smaller

    Always get an aisle seat in planes so i can hang over the side (more legroom too!)
  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    I also hold my breath or breathe slower when walking past people while running, on stairs etc. until I get past them.

    Me, too!

    Oh, and my swimsuit totally has a skirt. It's not really good for diving, but I don't do that a whole lot. I'd buy one with sleeves if I could find one.
  • hankhanna
    hankhanna Posts: 72 Member
    Well it looks like this was a rather popular post. Keep an eye out on my blog (links below) and I will be posting more of these as I journey to lose weight. Humor is a great way to help lighten moods and get people over the hump. I have a few that I will be writing about that I saw others talking about here and I also have a couple that didnt get mentioned. Thanks for all of the honesty folks!
  • nyctraveler
    nyctraveler Posts: 305 Member
    I hate when you do the squat pant stretch thingie, and then you do the pant waist pull thingie. And you do it soo much that your button falls off. =[

    Anyone ever have pants too small where you couldn't even button them? So you just unzip em, and fold in the flaps and wear a big shirt?? LOL

    I would takw a hair elastic loop it around the button through the button hole then back around the button. It gave me an extra couple inches.

    Or have your jeans so tight you have to wear a looser shirt to hide spillage and love handles!
  • Fat_Bottomed_Girl
    Fat_Bottomed_Girl Posts: 354 Member
    What about buying a bunch of whatever you are craving at the it all in the car.......find a garbage can to throw away the garbage so nobody knows what you did???? Now, I know I am not the only one who has done this!

    DONE IT! And then "forgot" to mention it just before dinner out with the BF. Hmmm, WONDER HOW I got here!

    (Oops, wasn't trying to steal someone else's post! -Just didn't realize how to quote others until AFTER I posted! -My apologies!)
  • jmwolffyy
    jmwolffyy Posts: 212 Member
    Here's one more that non fat people have no clue about.....

    How about the arm/ tummy flab/ or breast flop noise that happens when the Chubbly folks exercise. The music could be pounding and I swear everyone in the room has to be able to hear my chubby tummy flopping around while I Zumba.

    THIS! I stand nearest the speakers in my classes to make sure it's loud enough to cover that noise!!!! :noway: :blushing:
  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    What about buying a bunch of whatever you are craving at the it all in the car.......find a garbage can to throw away the garbage so nobody knows what you did???? Now, I know I am not the only one who has done this!

    Oh, man, I used to do that ALL the time when I lived with my aunt. My cat sure loved it, though, because it meant he got to go through the Jack In The Box drive-thru with me and steal my fries.
  • silhouettes
    silhouettes Posts: 517 Member
    I remember I used to worry I wouldn't get enough food to fill me up so I'd always try to shove in front to get mine first to make sure it was even /blush.. even with my husband..


    Now I will gladly go last and take the smallest portion.
  • Calidaho
    Calidaho Posts: 110 Member
    I have done so many of these! Testing the chair, asking for a table instead of booth. Keep my hair long to cover my fat face.

    My hubby and I will sometimes take a wet tee shirt or polo and each take a side and stretch the ****ens out of it before hanging it up to dry.

    I know the exact angle I look the least fat in pictures. I make sure I am in that position whenever a camera shows up.
  • cng1117
    cng1117 Posts: 225 Member
    buy only elastic waisted pants, and when looking at a prospective pair of pants or top, hold them up, and stretch them out as far as they will go to check to see how much give they have in case you need it.
  • cng1117
    cng1117 Posts: 225 Member
    I used to order a second small coke at the drive-thru so the staff would think I was ordering for two people.

    me too!! :laugh: oh man, totally forgot about that
  • kleeann3
    kleeann3 Posts: 17
    Always making sure I was the one with the camera so I didn't have to be in the picture.

    lol delilah122!! thats probably why i got into
  • kleeann3
    kleeann3 Posts: 17
    When I was a little larger, I'd always sit on a couch with a pillow on my lap so my tummy rolls didn't stick out obviously. Luckily, I no longer have to do this!
    God i do this now..hope i don't have to do it for much longer..
  • ironman1960
    ironman1960 Posts: 13
    OK. guys do stuff too. Here's some things I did when I was heavy.

    NEVER tucked in my shirt.
    Always was the photographer ( missing in lots of pics from the past 10 years).
    Slip on shoes for sure or flip flops.
    Jogging pants instead of normal pants.
    Wore as big of clothes as possible. ( As if being big in baggy clothes helped)
    Used the kids as messengers and servants, (hey, they liked it!)
    Never camped in a tent (couldn't get up from ground)
    Bought chocolate and threw wrappers away before I got home.
    Ordered double food orders at takeout and ate before dinner. (never even considering hiding it by buying 2 drinks)
    Hid snacks everywhere.
    Quit looking at myself in the mirror.
    Grew a beard (everyone loves Santa)
    Drove everywhere.
    Broke the door hinge on the car from using it as a brace to get out.
    Used my fat rolls as a shelf & table when I sat down.
    Often slept in a chair.

    As of 2 years ago that changed. I now bike everywhere, go to the gym 5 days a week, dont do takeout, love myself in the mirror and shaved off the beard and dont do any of those other things anymore.

    I still wear slip on shoes and don't camp in tents...WHY ? because I CAN! We are all winners, don't be ashamed of who we proud of who we've become.