Stuff Fat People Do



  • sarah_ep
    sarah_ep Posts: 580 Member
    I used to fold in a pair of work pants because I didn't want to face the fact that I went up on size. Geez.

    I can at least button them now but they fold down under my muffin top....
  • brneydgrlie
    brneydgrlie Posts: 464 Member
    I hate when you do the squat pant stretch thingie, and then you do the pant waist pull thingie. And you do it soo much that your button falls off. =[

    Anyone ever have pants too small where you couldn't even button them? So you just unzip em, and fold in the flaps and wear a big shirt?? LOL

    Not quite. But I have looped a rubber band through my pants buttonhole, so I could use the band to reach and fasten the button.
  • dragonflydi
    dragonflydi Posts: 665 Member
    Always making sure I was the one with the camera so I didn't have to be in the picture.
    Tie a hoodie around my waist as if that really hides anything.
    Wear oversized shirts in hopes of looking thinner, when they really do the opposite.
    There are so many others, I just need some time to think of them.

    I did the camera thing too. If you look at the first decade of my kids lives, you'd think they were raised by a single father ...
  • BamBam1113
    BamBam1113 Posts: 542 Member
    I used to get cravings for a meal of different fast food items. I would get a Bacon & Cheddar sandwich from Arby's, a mexican pizza from Taco Bell, a Big Mac or 2 from McDonalds, and a Frostee from Wendy's. Then go home, wolf it down, and pass out from carb rush! Ugh. I can't believe I used to do that to myself.
  • dragonflydi
    dragonflydi Posts: 665 Member
    Here's one more that non fat people have no clue about.....

    How about the arm/ tummy flab/ or breast flop noise that happens when the Chubbly folks exercise. The music could be pounding and I swear everyone in the room has to be able to hear my chubby tummy flopping around while I Zumba.


    Deodorant for chaffing huh? :happy:

    totally works! the solid kind...not the liquid-y roll ons or the sprays

    You can also use lube ... yes, as in KY Jelly, etc. It's a tip I learned from some of my cycling friends. Odd, but true :)
  • newmeat30
    newmeat30 Posts: 766 Member
    once the person at the drive thru started making comments about me being a "regular" i'd stop going there and start going to a newer place.

    up until recently I always wore bike shorts under skirts and never left the house without a tank top under my shirt.

    I'm still guilty of wearing the "belly bands" that I used while I was pregnant to hide skin that might show. Now I'm not hiding the fast so much...I'm hiding the loose skin.
  • abbyko
    abbyko Posts: 108
    Doing the "pants dance" to pull up my too-loose jeans that have fallen underneath my roll.
    Also, having the thigh area on my pants wear out before the rest of the pant! So many good jeans have gone to the trash because of this!

    I've just ruined two pairs of pants that way!!!!! My sister and I call it "blowing the crotch out" although really it is just the inner thigh.....
  • CanToGirl
    CanToGirl Posts: 474 Member
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member

    Anyone ever have pants too small where you couldn't even button them? So you just unzip em, and fold in the flaps and wear a big shirt?? LOL

    I've done that!
  • adougherty10
    I've made up a date when people have asked me when I'm "due". I figure that's more polite than saying, "I'm not pregnant, I'm just fat you stupid, insensitive *kitten*." :explode:
  • ratkins811
    ratkins811 Posts: 190 Member
    Wear bicycle shorts under my skirts to avoid chub rub

    Only fly if I am traveling with my husband or one of my sisters since I only want to squish the people I love and not some poor innocent stranger.

    I make my husband carry double weight in his backpack when we're hiking since I already have 150 extra pounds to carry around.

    Never ever put my clothes in the dryer

    Hide behind people in pictures so I look like a floating head in the background.

    Check the weight capacity for EVERYTHING before using it, and then use it anyway but oh so gingerly

    float without trying in any position

    "Discreetly" adjust my clothes every time I stand up to make sure that they're not stuck in some fat roll or ridden up over my fat butt.

    Yeah, I could go on and on but I've already given away too many of my fat secrets.

    We have GOT to be related. I feel like someone just read a page from my diary... I only fly with my sis... adjust the clothes... hide in photos... to funny
  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    What about buying a bunch of whatever you are craving at the it all in the car.......find a garbage can to throw away the garbage so nobody knows what you did???? Now, I know I am not the only one who has done this! :frown: motto was always "if no one sees me eat it, the calories don't count"..that's probably how I got so fat. Also, if I wanted any sort of junk food that we didn't have at the house, I would make my (now ex) boyfriend go out and buy it so the cashiers wouldn't judge stores or fast food. If I ever eat with friends, I make sure to control how fast I eat and never eat all my food, so they don't think I'm a pig. Sigh..I think fat people work harder than anyone else at everything. lol
  • ronda_gettinghealthy
    ronda_gettinghealthy Posts: 777 Member
    laying down and using pliers to pull up the zipper in your jeans and then having to roll to a standing position--then do tons of squats and other exotic yoga moves so you could breath. how about wearing the bottom of your cardigan unbuttoned so no one knows it wont button absolutely be the floating head and if you stand at an angle with a baby or other small child-you dont look near your normal size also make sure you look up a bit--hides the double chin
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    When I was 16 and had gained 35 lbs, I started to grow out my hair to hide my 2 sizes bigger boobs. Once I lost the weight, I felt better about my boobs and cut it off! lol
  • ratkins811
    ratkins811 Posts: 190 Member
    This is the best post ever.... I'm not sure how to explain my on going laughter to my co workers lol :laugh:
  • naturallykat
    naturallykat Posts: 118 Member
    2 words...... BATHTUB DAM (i'm sure plenty of people will understand this statement)

    lol this is great it reminds me how much i WON'T miss having to do this stuff anymore!


    Ripping loops off jeans because I was busy pulling them up - they never fitted properly because I needed the waist bigger to get it around my hips & thighs!
  • Clonekuh
    Clonekuh Posts: 92 Member
    Love this thread. I do so many of these!

    Biggest one is the year-round jacket to hide my arms and stomach. I even buy winter coats big enough to wear a jacket under so if I take my coat off, I can still hide my love handles under the jacket. :embarassed:
  • mbvenske
    mbvenske Posts: 239 Member
    I've done these ALL plus pulling my chin down into my sweatshirt or coat so that people couldn't see my double, triple, chin.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Haha awesome. Very similar to my jeans-stretching: Put on jeans, then do some squats and lunges to loosen them up. Though I haven't had to do that in a while!! :D Something must be working, hahah.

    ahaha! some friends and I were just discussing doing aquats in our too tight jeans--we are all "in-between" sizes at the moment...
  • SJSharksChick
    SJSharksChick Posts: 83 Member
    These are all SO true! I really thought I was the only person that did this kind of stuff! When I was 200lbs, I lived by the following:

    I used to take a jacket with me everywhere, even if it was 100 degrees out, so when I sat down, I could cover my roll(s)

    I had one pair of jeans that I ALWAYS wore, that fit SO comfortably & weren't too tight. They eventually got so worn out, they had holes on the inside of the thighs from rubbing together too much

    SPANX, SPANX & more SPANX!

    Constantly checking out how my body looked in a mirror to see if my clothes need any adjustment (muffin top, etc.) ..I still do this

    I always wanted to eat alone out of fear that people would judge me while I ate

    I'd buy pants/shorts too big so I could avoid the dreaded muffin top. & then feel like poop once those "fat" shorts became too tight
