Last 10 pounds Club



  • Binicillin
    Is it too late to join??? I need to shift just over 10lbs!!!
    Need all the motivational support please ...
    Good luck everyone!!!
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    Welcome to all of the new members!

    obfischer-I know I said it on your thread, but you are AWESOME! CONGRATS!:flowerforyou:

    So Thanksgiving yesterday, I started with a Turkey Day 10K. It was cold. It was windy. It was early. It was Thanksgiving for crying out loud. It was a fun run so it didn't have bibs or anything & the 5K and 10K started together and then at about .5 mile, we split. I contemplated turning right for the 5K but sucked it up and went for 10K as I had intended. I'll never be ready for a half marathon if I don't get used to a 10K! The course was almost exactly the reverse of the 10K I did a few weeks ago with a few slight tweaks in the start & finish. Last 10K was 1:01:48, this one was right at 58:00. I think the first one was actually closer to 6.3 miles and this one closer to 6.0 miles (instead of the 6.2 it should be) but whatever, I broke the 1:00 mark, however it happened :drinker:

    Then cooked Thanksgiving food and ate pretty healthy...except the SEVEN cookies I had. Oops :sad: But still way under calories after I burned all that in the morning. Good time with family and I really have a lot to be thankful for. Just the ability to use MFP means I have a computer which means I am fairly wealthy by worldwide standards, even though I'm still just a college student working part time. Crazy to think about that! And I am so thankful for each one of my MFP friends & for MFP itself! I honestly would never have reached my goal weight without MFP and without the support from my friends here. You guys are awesome :flowerforyou:

    Now I'm watching football after 9 hours of Black Friday shopping...a perfect day in my world :drinker:
  • sexyharleymama
    Happy Monday Everyone!!!!

    "Aerodynamically the bumblebee shouldn't be able to fly, but the bumblebee doesn't know that so it goes on flying anyway."
    – Mary Kay Ash

    Welcome to all the new members! If you have time try to read back a few pages, there are very helpful hints and tips that we post.

    Thank you bstamps! Took me 6 months to lose the last 6 lbs, very stubborn. But so proud I finally made it :bigsmile:

    Great job bstamps staying on course for the 10K and doing it in such a great time :flowerforyou: It was only about 30 here when I ran my 4 miles that morning.

    I hope everyone had a super fantastic long weekend!!!!! Now Monday is the start of a new day and a new week. LET'S ROCK THIS WEEK!!!!!!!!
  • sexyharleymama
    My MOTIVATION gift to you all for this week:

    7 Phrases to NEVER


    Creating a better life is hard work! It takes little effort to maintain the status quo, but if you have a dream of making more money, getting a promotion, starting a business, becoming healthier, or improving your relationships, you’re going to need as much support as you can get. Strike these seven deadly words/phrases from you lexicon today:

    1. When. This is a filthy word when it comes to improving your life. It sounds like this . . . “When I lose 10 pounds I’ll start dating again. When I’m a little older I’ll go for that promotion. When I complete my degree I’ll start that side-business.” Most of the time, our “whens” just don’t happen, or if they do, they take so long that we’ve forgotten what it was we wanted in the first place. “When” is rarely necessary, but just to be sure, ask yourself this: “Would it be illegal, unethical or immoral to start now?” If the answer is no, don’t wait for when.

    2. Someday. There’s nothing wrong with having a “someday” list of things you want to do and places you want to go, but when you find that your “today” list is empty, you’d best start moving some of your future goals into the present. Someday is such a deceptive word. It makes you feel good by proclaiming you’ll someday achieve something, but months, years, and even decades can pass and you may find that your someday is still a long way away.

    3. Willpower. According to behavior change expert Dr. BJ Fogg of the Stanford Persuasive Technology Lab, “Imagine willpower doesn’t exist. That’s step number one to a better future.” The problem with willpower is that most people either think they have it or they don’t. They’ll say, “Well, of course I ordered the double-fudge sundae. What did you expect from someone who doesn’t have any willpower?” Your genes determine the color of your eyes, NOT whether you order dessert.

    4. Want/Wish/Hope. Don’t be a wimp! Stop wanting, wishing, and hoping to do something or for something to happen. If you want more control over your fate, you must take more responsibility for your actions and their outcomes. Don’t sit around expecting change to arrive in your mailbox. It takes a decision and it takes action, not wishful thinking.

    5. Not good enough. How can a phrase with “good” in it be so bad? These three simple words will keep you from hitting the publish button, making that important phone call, or trying out for the audition. The solution? Flip it around. Instead of “This isn’t good enough…”, change it to “It’s not perfect but it’s good enough.” Don’t wait for everything to be perfect. Just put it out there and see what happens. For more insight into this, listen to my interview on with Peter Sims as we discuss his book, Little Bets: How Breakthrough Ideas Emerge From Small Discoveries.

    6. I don’t have the time. The same guy who doesn’t have time to go to the gym with you after work will miraculously be able to free up an entire evening if you present him with free Lakers basketball tickets. It may feel like you don’t have time, but with some focus and pruning of non-essential commitments (e.g., TV), you can free up 20 minutes to two hours every night to work on those actions that will help you create a better life.

    7. It’s not the right time. If not now, when? No, really: If you are waiting for the stars to align, it’s not going to happen. Instead of waiting for the right time, shift your thinking and look for the least worst time to get started.

    Think back to an achievement or goal you’ve accomplished. It took vision, dedication, and perseverance. Not excuses. Stop castrating your future with these seven deadly words/phrases and start working toward a richer life.
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    This is my 800th post on MFP, wow, haha.

    Thanks for those tips obfischer--those are good for LIFE, not just losing weight.

    I'm still weighing in at 135.0 lbs eating about 1800 calories (sometimes 1900) per day. Other sites say for my height and weight, maintenance would be 1950 or so but MFP says's not usually an issue but I do wonder what my true maintenance would be (yes, I know I could have tests done to figure it out but don't want to spend the $$ just out of curiosity).

    I got my Garmin 310 XT in the mail today....but my husband won't let me have it till Christmas :sad: I've begged for this for forever, finally got it at a super good price and now I'm begging like a 7 year old for my Christmas present, haha. To be fair, I started it by not letting him have an external hard drive for his computer he knows I bought for him. It's kind of fun though because it brings back the anticipation of Christmas morning for myself!

    So what are you all asking for for Christmas?

    Also, I just washed my workout clothes with vinegar for the first time. They really smelled fresh coming out of the wash! I tried it after another MFP friend posted about doing it for herself and it worked for her. I don't know about you guys but I sweat A LOT when I work out and after a while, workout clothes just REEK. So we'll see when they dry if they smell good again--I hope so.

    Have a fabulous week, go drink an extra glass of water NOW!:drinker:
  • Cookie22684
    Cookie22684 Posts: 585 Member
    This is my 800th post on MFP, wow, haha.

    Thanks for those tips obfischer--those are good for LIFE, not just losing weight.

    I'm still weighing in at 135.0 lbs eating about 1800 calories (sometimes 1900) per day. Other sites say for my height and weight, maintenance would be 1950 or so but MFP says's not usually an issue but I do wonder what my true maintenance would be (yes, I know I could have tests done to figure it out but don't want to spend the $$ just out of curiosity).

    I got my Garmin 310 XT in the mail today....but my husband won't let me have it till Christmas :sad: I've begged for this for forever, finally got it at a super good price and now I'm begging like a 7 year old for my Christmas present, haha. To be fair, I started it by not letting him have an external hard drive for his computer he knows I bought for him. It's kind of fun though because it brings back the anticipation of Christmas morning for myself!

    So what are you all asking for for Christmas?

    Also, I just washed my workout clothes with vinegar for the first time. They really smelled fresh coming out of the wash! I tried it after another MFP friend posted about doing it for herself and it worked for her. I don't know about you guys but I sweat A LOT when I work out and after a while, workout clothes just REEK. So we'll see when they dry if they smell good again--I hope so.

    Have a fabulous week, go drink an extra glass of water NOW!:drinker:

    I notice my workout clothes reek also , do i just use vinegar?,i really want a bodybugg or bodymedifit, but i dont really want to have to pay every month for the online service, so i think i will get a Fitbit, i also either want a Xbox 360 kinect or a Wii, which one do u guys thing is better , i have started to zig zag my cals so we will see on monday if it has an impact on my plateau , hope u guya are having a wonderful evening :flowerforyou:
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    Checking in here on a Monday morning... I am halfway rid of my Thanksgiving week splurge!! I did not work hard at it. In fact I only got to 2 days of exercise. It is hard for me to get back on track! But... down 2.5 pounds! Yippee :drinker: ! Monday weight, 135.3. A good week and I should see a bit more drop. Best wishes for the week all!
  • Charlottejogs
    Charlottejogs Posts: 351 Member
    Thanks for such great tips! I was hoping to get some feedback since most of you are in the same stretch that I am with the last lbs. I have added running (only consistently for a week or so now) and changed my strength training, have tried eating back calores, not eating them back, and am reducing portions and still gaining- Grrr! I was just hoping to get some ideas as I feel like I have tried all the main things- I am sure perhaps I need to just be more patient but I was hoping for more:) I need some words of wisdom to keep me motivated. Also- I am thinking about this when I need to be thinking about FINALS!
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    I've been on maintenance for about 3 1/2 weeks now and I've pretty much eaten right up to my 1880 maintenance calories, but I lost .5 lb. I haven't been on the scale since I went into maintenance so it was a nice surprise. My clothes are STILL getting looser, which at this point is kind of annoying because I'm happy with how I look with my clothes on and don't want to spend $$ on yet another wardrobe. I am still trying to tone up because I don't have the definition I would like by summer's tank tops & swimsuit season, but I'm not trying to get any smaller. It's a delicate balance....

    For ashlee--I would suggest looking at where your calories are coming from as well. Look at your macros, carbs/protein/fat. Are you frequently over on fat but under on protein goals? Staying under calories but eating "junk" with lots of fat will still cause your body to store that fat instead of losing it. Also, try to stick to one strategy for at least 7 days--that's how long it would take to see any results from eating exercise cals back, upping protein, strength training, etc.

    I can't believe it's December! I am doing a Business Plan presentation competition today and could win $4000. $3000, or $2000 (which is then split w/ my partner so I would get half). Really hoping I get SOMETHING because it would buy me a new road bike! I REALLY need that to be competitive in my triathlons next season. I'm so anxious today!!!

    Have a fabulous week--how about we all do an extra session of upper body strength training this week? We want to be able to wear a pretty dress to Christmas parties & show off our arms instead of hiding them in a bulky sweater!
    Take a look at my result


    Just used _h_t_t_p_://
  • sexyharleymama
    Last week was a rough week. I had a migraine starting Tuesday night that didn't let go till Friday afternoon. This was really bad timing. This past weeknd was finals weekend for my Fall term. I had a three part take home test over two chapters due Sat at 1 before class. I had a project due at that time too for the same class. Then I had an inclass final exam on Sun at 1. Well thanks to the migraine, didn't get much studying done till Friday :mad: Ended up staying up all night Friday night, Saturday night, and till midnight on Sunday. A little tired today to say the least :yawn: I still have a seven part take home final over three chapters from my Sat class to do over the next couple of weeks. Then I will have a couple weeks to spend with the family until my next term starts 1/7/12.

    Because of all this stress, I am having a really hard time getting into Christmas this year. I have no desire to go get a tree. I have to many unfinished projects all over the place int he room where it would normally go. So it would have to go in the family room instead, which with a 22 month may not work so well with such easy access :huh:

    We are doing the advent calander and advent wreath, but I just don't care about presents or a tree or anything else. So sad when you have a three year old and a 22 month old :frown:

    I have been maintaining since Thanksgiving day. Thanks to school and the migraine haven't got many workouts in. Really just trying to work on toning just like bstamps.

    My advice to ashleemcfarla and any new comer or anyone having trouble losing. For me I really have to watch my sodium intake. When I go over on that, it doesn't matter what I do. Also, water is very important expecially if your sodium is high, but even if it isn't. I was pateaued for weeks earlier this year, the biggest change I made one week was relaxing my exercise a bit and increased my water, and it just started falling off. The closer you get, the harder your body fights to hold onto the fat it has. Working out harder doesn't necessarily = more weight loss. Strength training is actually more important the closer you get and for maintaining. Cardio is good for your heart, but the muscel is what is really important for your metabolism.

    I like your suggestion of the extra session of upper body strength. I have my work party on 12/16. I baught a dress back in Aug of 2010 when I reached my pre-pregnancy weight of 149 (14 lbs from goal). But two months later when my anniversary came around, I hadn't maintained that or lost enough to fit into the size 6 little black dress I baught. :explode: I am pretty sure it should fit now :bigsmile: I can't wait to finally wear it for me and for my husband :blushing:

    Well better get back to laundry. Usually do it on the weekend, but with the crazy school and studying I did, that didn't happen. So just want to go to bed, but having some clean socks would be nice too :laugh:

    I hope everyone has a super fantastic week :drinker:
  • sexyharleymama
    Someone just posted this on another message board, thought I would share.

    1. LIFESTYLE, NOT A DIET. This is not a short-term fix, it's a way of life.
    2. GET ORGANIZED. Structure your life and you'll structure your eating.
    3. EAT SMALL. Portion control is crucial for losing weight.
    4. LEARN TO LEAVE FOOD ON YOUR PLATE. This helps you take control of compulsive eating.
    5. NEVER FEEL DEPRIVED. This only leads to binging.
    6. MAKE A MEAL OUT OF IT. Make a ceremony out of every meal, so that you really appreciate what you've eaten.
    7. EAT SLOWLY. That way you'll feel satisfied before you've eaten too much.
    8. ENJOY YOUR FOOD. It's one of life's greatest pleasures, not a punishment.
    9. MOVE IT. Exercise is a key essential of losing weight.
    10. GET ENOUGH SLEEP. Structuring your sleep patterns will regulate metabolism.
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    Glad your school stresses are behind you bfischer! Mine aren't done until the 16th! :sad:

    I did my upper body strength earlier this morning. Going on a date with my husband tonight but part of the date is ice skating, so I will be bundled up, not in a cute dress, haha. Thanks to a run and strength training, I have enough calories for Macaroni Grill for dinner (plus a snack before that because I'm still hungry) which makes me SOOOO happy. I LOVE their bread and it's going to be a real treat to not have to have that "this is making me go over my calories" thought in the back of my mind on a date.

    Now, I'm going to work on #2 on bfischer's list: cleaning & organizing my house! Have a great day all!
  • sexyharleymama
    Thanks, but they aren't over yet.

    I still have a seven part take home final over three chapters from my Sat class to do over the next couple of weeks. Then I will have a couple weeks to spend with the family until my next term starts 1/7/12.

    :sad: :sad: :sad:

    Sounds like a great date night. Have fun!!!! :bigsmile:
  • Charlottejogs
    Charlottejogs Posts: 351 Member
    Hi folks! I was just thinking about how to increase my loss and was hoping to get some input- a vote perhaps. I maintain about 1200 per day (give and take a little) and do some exercise. I know many feel that 1200 is not enough calories- I am 4'11 and about 120lbs., size 4ish if that helps you understand my build at all. Do you think 1200 is reasonable for a person of my size?

    Thanks! How are things going for you?
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    Ashlee--I think 1200 is good for someone your size. Maybe try 1300 for 2 weeks though and see if that works? I'm in maintenance cals but I lost .5 lb on maint. I think bc it messed with my metabolism (in a good way).

    I'm following a training plan for my half marathon in March and I just ran 5 miles. I wasn't dying, it was a steady run, I can function the rest of the day...SO much different from even 3 months ago! If I ran over 30 minutes I was wiped out the rest of the day! It's nice to feel accomplishments like that where I know my cardio & muscles are still improving a lot even though I am not trying lose any more pounds.

    Heading into my finals week at school...ahh! Stay strong this season! Any holiday parties coming up for you guys?

    Since our schedules are crazy and this time of year we can't even control our nutrition as well as usual, I'm challenging you guys to each post TWO strategies you use at holiday parties to eat less junk, to fit in workouts during this time of year, etc. --something related to surviving the holidays with our bodies still in tact!

    1. Use the dessert plates to get my food instead of the full size plates and only get food once. I do let myself indulge with what's on the plate, but with such little space, it still limits my calorie intake.
    2. Plan my schedule for the week instead of day by day. I know now I won't be able to exercise this coming Friday and I'll be eating a ton that I'm planning a big workout Thursday and Saturday and eating really healthy Thursday and Saturday to make up for Friday.

    Can't wait to learn more tips & tricks from you guys!
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    Hope you all are staying strong this week!
  • DaniellePF
    DaniellePF Posts: 308 Member
    Count me in! I have 15 more to go but would be HAPPY to land at 10. :love:
  • beckyhope
    beckyhope Posts: 104 Member
    I would love to join. I am at the last 7-10 pounds as well. It seems to be the hardest amount to lose!
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    :flowerforyou: Thanks for the great tips stamps! :flowerforyou:

    Here are mine "TWO strategies you use at holiday parties to eat less junk"

    1. (because I do enjoy a drink at parties) Water before, water after any alcoholic beverage :drinker:

    2. Remember I am at the party for the people first not the food! So hang out around people who are not at the food buffet. (Notice how they are the thinner ones! :laugh: )

    Happy holidays and God Bless!