Last 10 pounds Club



  • sexyharleymama
    Sorry I haven't been keeping up with logging or tracking or supporting everyone the past couple of weeks. Last week was beyond crazy with trying to finish up 7 tests, my work Christmas party last Friday night, and get some Christmas shopping done. I made it to the gym during lunch M-Th last week. Friday, Sat, and Sun I didn't have time for a full workout, but I at least tried to do some squats, pushups, dips, and jumping jacks to get the heart pumping a little.

    Well the Fall 2011 term is officially over. Grades posted. By the hair of my chinny chin chin I got an A- for Macroeconomics. And by the grace of God, I pulled out a B in Intermediate Accounting I. Not happy to have a B in an accounting class, have always gotten A's. And it dropped my GPA below a 3.5, which I don't like to have either. But it was a rough term, guess I will take it. Next term only doing Intermediate Accounting II and four nights of Weight Training. Two weeks off before the fun begins again.

    Thanks to both my husband and I being in school, our Christmas isn't what it usually is :frown: We weren't able to go cut down a tree. Finally just put up a small three foot artificial tree we had. My son keeps asking when we are going to get the big tree :sad: Just keeping up with the advent calander and wreath has been a challange. My husband usually makes homemade breakfast and itialian sausage for everyone and I usually make cookies/carmel/fudge for everyone. Not going to happen this year. We will be lucky to do cookies for Santa. My heart breaks that my son remembers so much from last year, and we can't give him the same experience.

    I can't believe how hard it is to balance things with both my husband and I going to school. It is beyond overwhelming. The next four years are going to be an adventure :grumble:

    I wish everyone the very merryiest and healthiest Christmas season!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • love22step
    love22step Posts: 1,103 Member
    I had 12 lbs to go when I weighed in last week. Tomorrow, I'm hoping that narrows to 11. If I can lose another pound during my Christmas cruise, I'll be joining you the first of the year! I'm anxious to be a member! See you soon!
  • TimeToWork
    Hey folks, I'm new here! Yay me!

    I don't have a goal weight in mind. I just know I'm close. I need to work on changing the look of my body. I'd like to build more muscle tone. I know this may actually involve gaining weight! Which I am totally cool with as long as I get to the result I have in my head. :)
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    Welcome to all of the new members! We will certainly try to give you all advice, tips, and tricks, that have helped the rest of us break plateaus or shed the last couple of pounds. Note that many of us have been in the Last 10 Lbs Club for several months because the last 10 don't come off near as fast as the first 10! (I personally reached my GW a little over a month ago but not quite happy with how I look, mainly around my mid section.)
  • celticmuse
    celticmuse Posts: 492 Member
    Someone just posted this on another message board, thought I would share.

    1. LIFESTYLE, NOT A DIET. This is not a short-term fix, it's a way of life.
    2. GET ORGANIZED. Structure your life and you'll structure your eating.
    3. EAT SMALL. Portion control is crucial for losing weight.
    4. LEARN TO LEAVE FOOD ON YOUR PLATE. This helps you take control of compulsive eating.
    5. NEVER FEEL DEPRIVED. This only leads to binging.
    6. MAKE A MEAL OUT OF IT. Make a ceremony out of every meal, so that you really appreciate what you've eaten.
    7. EAT SLOWLY. That way you'll feel satisfied before you've eaten too much.
    8. ENJOY YOUR FOOD. It's one of life's greatest pleasures, not a punishment.
    9. MOVE IT. Exercise is a key essential of losing weight.
    10. GET ENOUGH SLEEP. Structuring your sleep patterns will regulate metabolism.

    Thanks for the tips. I just copied them and put them on my desktop as a reminder.
  • sexyharleymama
    You are very welcome celticmuse!! I always try to pass on what I think would be good tips when I can :bigsmile:
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    Merry Christmas to all my Last 10 Pounds Club friends! You guys are such a blessing to me & have truly helped me SO much on my journey! Hope you all had a great Christmas!

    Thanks to winning a competition at school a few weeks ago, I was able to buy a new bike. (I've trained on a Mountain Bike I've had since I was 15 for all of my tri's then ridden my dad's road bike in the races) I paid for it but let my dad pick the bike out. I also got a Garmin 310 XT Forerunner w/ HRM for myself, but it was wrapped under the tree for almost a month now. The anticipation was killing me more than a 5 year old!!! So I got my first road bike, a 2012 Jamis Ventura Comp. I LOVE it. I have so much to be thankful for this Christmas! I hope you and yours have a blessed holiday season!
  • TASoto
    TASoto Posts: 25 Member
    I would so like to join this challenge,I will weigh in tomorrow,and will try to drink more water,I always need motivation..My goal weight was 150 I am at 153 but now I want my goal weight to be 145,we can do this together..:drinker:
  • sexyharleymama
    I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas weekend!!! And ditto to what bstamps said "You guys are such a blessing to me & have truly helped me SO much on my journey!" :flowerforyou:

    Congratulations on the new bike and Garmin! :bigsmile: I want a bike so bad. Hopefully my husband and I can get one this summer. My son will actually be big enough this summer to go bike riding with. Just got to find a trailer for my daughter.

    I did not get the workout DVD's I asked for. But I did get new workout cloths and a healthy crockpot cookbook. Last year my husband and I did P90, so for Christmas this year, I got him P90 Master Series. So guess I will do that instead of the videos I wanted for me :grumble: :laugh: :happy:

    I think I just found my New Years resolution ~ I am only one, BUT I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do SOMETHING. And I will not let what I cannot do interfere with what I can do. – edward everett hale

    What is everyone else planning for a resolution? Or what are you looking forward to most in 2012?
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    Welcome to TASoto!

    What is the difference between all of the P90's?? I've seen P90 Master, Lean, X, X2...I have the original P90X and just wonder what the difference is.

    I hope you can enjoy P90 Master Series fischer! Maybe for Valentine's, Easter, Mother's Day, Birthday you can get the ones you wanted??

    I love that new years resolution too! I'm still working on mine.

    So are you guys going to NYE parties? How was Christmas?
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    Still out here! These Holidays are the reason I will probably always need to be on MFP! :tongue: So much good to enjoy, I am tending to get pretty lazy along with good eats and hanging out with everyone. It is so nice to hang at home with the college daughter. We have been baking, shopping, prepping meals, eating out, decorating and undecorationg. Wreaks havoc with the regular schedule. It always is harder for me to get back into the swing of the things after letting the disciplined life go for a bit!

    I sleep less, eat more, drink more, sit more, exercise less. I really can feel the difference in my energy level after living like this for just a few days! New Years will be another fun night with friends. again I will make some healthy alternative, but also planned are the olliebollen literally "oil balls" They are a delicious Dutch doughnut filled with raisins and apples. I will have to be sure to send most of them away after the night!

    New Year's resolution... hmm, I would say more of the same. To live and enjoy life for the "Health" of it!

    Happy New Year to all of you! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    Hoosiermamma: My mom does the same thing when we visit & when she has my 4 year old daughter....more eating & baking treats, less trips to the gym. It's definitely understandable but at least you recognize you are slipping into those things, something most people don't realize until it is far too late.

    I hope you all had a happy & safe New Year! 2011 was a great year. My total fitness achievements for 2011: 21 lbs lost, from a size 8-10 to a size 2 in jeans, from a size medium to size small in shirts, practically no exercise to several hours of exercise per week, PR'd in 5K then broke that PR, did my first (and second) 10K, did my first (and second) sprint triathlon, and though immeasurable in terms of numbers--eat WAYYYY healthier than I did at the end of 2010.

    Goals for 2012 (fitness): Run 1/2 marathon, compete in Arkansas Triathlon Series (minimum of 4 tri or duathlon events to be counted "in" the series), 5K PR under 28:30, and 10K PR under 57:00.

    What are your 2011 achievements and 2012 goals? I'd like to hear from EVERYONE as it might give others an idea of something to strive for as well!!!
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    Where are you guys at? Hope 2012 has started off well for everyone....still like to hear your goals :)
  • bparr
    bparr Posts: 246 Member
    How do I get in this Club. I need to get back on track and need peer pressure, motivation, threats..... :laugh:
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    Bparr you are welcome to join! Some of us have actually reached our GW, some are still in those last few pounds, but as more of us reach our GW, we love new members to keep the group alive. What are your goals for 2012?
  • bparr
    bparr Posts: 246 Member
    Bparr you are welcome to join! Some of us have actually reached our GW, some are still in those last few pounds, but as more of us reach our GW, we love new members to keep the group alive. What are your goals for 2012?
    My Goals for 2012: I need to re-lose 4 pounds :embarassed: , get back to running 5k's and actually get all the way through 30 Day Shread (and maybe do it a few times). :glasses:
  • cwagy
    cwagy Posts: 7 Member
    Hello, I'm in the home stretch of losing the 45 lbs I gained during my pregnancy. My baby boy is 3.5 months old right now, and I have 8.5 lbs before I reach my pre-pregnancy weight. I may want to go 5 lbs lower, but I'd be happy just to get back down to 127. I weighed in this morning at 135.4. I'm still nursing, so that has really helped shed the pounds. I'd love some accountability and support as it's very hard to eat right and exercise with an infant that constantly needs attention.
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    Welcome to cwagy!

    Let's do a challenge this week. It's been a while with the holidays & everything but with new members, it's time!

    Nutrition Challenge: Stay under your fat goal every day this week.
    Fitness Challenge: Burn an extra 350 calories (on top of your usual workouts) this week. That would be another .1 lb--everything counts when we are this close!
  • KimmieSue2011
    KimmieSue2011 Posts: 117 Member
    I'd love to join. Need to get from 160 lbs to 150 lbs!!

    I am a 42 year old married mother of two kids.

    I'm on an anti thyroid medicine that slows my metabolism so I am upping my exercise significantly and lifting weights with a trainer, as well as trying to eat more protein.

    Happy to find this group.
  • scotrunner
    Hello, can I join too please? I have lost 12.5 lbs and aiming for another 7lbs. I am 5'6.5" and my original goal of 133 just doesn't feel right so seeing what another half stone looks like (I'm Scottish btw). I run a lot & have just started taking body pump classes which I love and I am also trying to do astanga yoga more often than the one class a week I have been doing for past 6 months. Nice to meet you all!

    I am giving myself until the 1st June to get to my goal weight of 126lbs or 9 stone (for uk people!).
