Last 10 pounds Club



  • ashiz86
    ashiz86 Posts: 2 Member
    i would assume that you aren't eating enough or not getting enough protein
  • Lorleee
    Lorleee Posts: 369 Member
    These last pounds are tough but I am changing up my workout so I hope I can get things moving again!
  • thurberj
    thurberj Posts: 528 Member
    I'd love to join....have lost 22.5 and want 10-12 more.
  • fit4everyoung
    Greetings everyone:

    These last 8 pounds are sticking and I need to stay more focus!
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    Welcome to the new members! Hope everyone has a happy and HEALTHY super bowl day! I'm making Salsa Crock Pot Chicken today and we'll have tortilla chips & salsa with it. Balancing the side dish with the main dish is a good way to keep from overindulging. What's on your menus for Super Bowl?

    For a challenge, let's all do extra strength training this week. Building muscles to burn more calories is KEY to breaking through a plateau or blasting through the last few pounds!
  • fit4everyoung
    I am doing No More Trouble Zones by Jillian 2 -3 times a week, as part of my strength training!
  • Charlottejogs
    Charlottejogs Posts: 351 Member
    I probably need to get on here more scale has been going the wrong way! It was so much easier during winter break! I am going to have to think of something really different to try, hmmm
  • fit4everyoung
    I have completed this week, No More Trouble Zones, twice! Tonight is strength training, Zumba (invitation from co-worker), 30 minute elliptical and No More Trouble Zones. I am shooting for 106 pounds by Monday! I will need to incorporate more cardio, strength training, 8 glasses of water and staying under1100 calories for the next three days....I need all the help I can get to achieve this mini-goal!
  • ElleD89
    ElleD89 Posts: 16 Member
    I have been trying to lose the last 10 pounds for a while, but I do have to admit, I've just become very active about it. What's worked for me was starting to eat back my exercise calories and adding my running back in. I'm down almost 5 pounds since I started in the middle of January and it feels great! I've only got 5 more to go to my goal weight and I'm doing everything I can to stay motivated. So far, I've managed to avoid the plateau. Hopefully, increasing my weekly mileage will melt off the last of these pounds. Strength training is always fun, but running is the only way I've ever seen the scale drop.
  • HoneyDew2U
    I bumped my goal up so now I am trying hard to lose these last 15lbs, but they are soooooo stubborn! Im thinking about starting my strict diet again and make sure I add more cardio as well. I really want it off by March 16th. I constantly weigh myself and that may be a problem because I am stressing over it. It did seem like the 1st 40lbs were easy to lose and now these last 15 just don't want to leave! lol Hopefully March 16th I will have great news
  • Mcctin65
    Mcctin65 Posts: 507 Member
    I have been trying to lose the last 10 pounds for a while, but I do have to admit, I've just become very active about it. What's worked for me was starting to eat back my exercise calories and adding my running back in. I'm down almost 5 pounds since I started in the middle of January and it feels great! I've only got 5 more to go to my goal weight and I'm doing everything I can to stay motivated. So far, I've managed to avoid the plateau. Hopefully, increasing my weekly mileage will melt off the last of these pounds. Strength training is always fun, but running is the only way I've ever seen the scale drop.
    Every time I start to eat back my exercise calories I gain weight.. I did bump up my daily calories a little and have to kick myself to get the exercise regime jump started so hear goes nothing!
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    Fit4everyoung: Did you make your goal of 106? While I do think that the cardio, strength training, and water are great for getting to your goal, you may want to examine the calories. Are you eating your exercise calories back? I know it's a huge debate on MFP, but most of us who have already made our GW strongly agreed that the weeks we ate our exercise calories back were much better in terms of loss on the scale than weeks we restricted calories too much. Anything under 1200 net calories could really screw with metabolism.

    ElleD: Being strict and really looking at everything we are doing can help drop some pounds's amazing what our dedication will do! Strength training (if done consistently) can build muscle so you are burning more calories even when you are just sitting around.

    HoneyDew: The last pounds are stubborn--I hated them! You've had some excellent weight loss already though! Don't let it stress you though! Partly because stress will release the hormone cortisol, which stores food as belly fat instead of letting your metabolism do it's thing. You can do it!

    A general note: On eating exercise calories back, I think a lot of people on MFP say it doesn't work. I really struggled with eating exercise calories back and used to think it didn't work for me. BUT...what are you eating to replace the exercise calories? Banana and oatmeal? Or cookies and chips? I would eat so healthy for my daily calories but say "eating exercise calories back" as a license to eat 300 calories of cookies after a 30 minute run. Obviously I'm going to lose weight faster & be fueling my body better if I ate 300 cals of a banana and whole wheat crackers. Just something to consider when we are looking at plateau's and wondering what's going wrong!

    Cold weather finally made it to the South and I hate it! No workout today, but I will squeeze in a run tomorrow!
  • fit4everyoung
    Greeting bstamps12! Thank you for the warmth invitation!

    Fit4everyoung: Did you make your goal of 106? While I do think that the cardio, strength training, and water are great for getting to your goal, you may want to examine the calories. Are you eating your exercise calories back? I know it's a huge debate on MFP, but most of us who have already made our GW strongly agreed that the weeks we ate our exercise calories back were much better in terms of loss on the scale than weeks we restricted calories too much. Anything under 1200 net calories could really screw with metabolism.

    Currently I am eating 1200 calories and nailed 107.2, which I am thrill but now I need to hit 106 by Friday. You are absolutely right about eating back your calories. I zig zag my calories. During the month of January I ate my exercise and maintained overall. I am certainly adding more strength training and hope to nail another pound by Friday. Thank you for your support very sweet of you to provide support! :flowerforyou:
  • JeffSFO
    Goal weight is 180 and hit 189.4 yesterday, down from 230. I'm very happy to be where I am but now have to maintain focus at the home stretch and see this through!
  • bstamps12
    bstamps12 Posts: 1,184
    Hope you all made it through Valentine's Day without too much damage...if you did overindulge, make these next few days even cleaner than usual.

    Jeff: Welcome! The last 10 can be tough but CAN be melted away!
  • fit4everyoung
    I am pretty ill with a flu and I have not exercise since Sunday. I don't have much energy and hope to get better soon. Monday will not be a good result for me obviously. Will pick up the pace as soon as I get better!

    Jeff good luck with those 10 pounds, I feel the pain, consistency and dedication will help us nail those freaking pounds!

    Thank you for your encouragement bstamps.
  • fit4everyoung
    Hello friends of the last 10 stubborn pounds! I decided to work out this afternoon despite feeling congested. I did 30 minutes of elliptical, 55 DVD No More Trouble Zones (adding 5 pounds weights) and 40 minutes of elliptical, which brought me total of 900 calorie burn. No exercise since Sunday of last week. Now is time to get clean-up with a steam shower. Hope I maintain my 107.0 pounds by Monday ;0)!
  • bobbin1
    I actually weight 133.1 and my goal is 122 so just over 10 lbs, is that ok.
  • sbgraves
    Fit4everyoung-Great dedication! You are so close! Bobbin-Welcome! Well, MFP says I am .3 lbs away from my goal weight! I still think I am going to change it, but my first goal has ALMOST been met!!!
  • skywa
    skywa Posts: 901 Member
    i am looking to lose about 11, id be down to join :D