July 4th challenge



  • Forgot to add my goals...
    1. work out at least 6 days a week
    2. run/walk at least 30 hours a week... (been doing about 26 or 27 :] so it will be a good push)
    3. Stick to healthy meals!
    4. Lose at least 15 pounds by July 4th! (232)
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    My goals are:

    Be in the top 5 of 16 people in the fit-to-win elimination contest that I am running
    Limit alcohol consumption
    360 minutes of "movin' it" each week, I have a thread on that if anyone is interested: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/230546-may-exercise-challenge-360-minutes-per-week-of-moving-it?page=8#posts-3273789
    Eating clean
  • acasey0123
    acasey0123 Posts: 640 Member
    butterflykisses and Cahira- its not too late to join.....the more the merrier
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
  • cmo1987
    cmo1987 Posts: 40 Member
    how did everyones day go? Day one I did good on the water consumption lol. I went to chilis for lunch and tried to do good but no matter what you get its pretty much bad for you.
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    My first time was:wink: ....hot and steamy:devil: , it made me a bit nauseous and dizzy:sick: ...bikram yoga, that is...I think I liked it, in some sort of sick way...90 minutes of yoga in 105 degrees, makes you sweat

    Also, walked to my son's little league game...add another 25

    Ate light for breakfast and a big lunch and big dinner...well-rounded, I would say
  • cmo1987
    cmo1987 Posts: 40 Member
    I have done bikram yoga a few times- its very demanding. I can see that it has to work but felt uncomfortable bc everyone is in amazing shape. Well good job. I pushed myself during my workout but I think I need to start going around 3 times to burn more calories. I have learned something important (for me at least) in the last week that the more water you drink the less you retain- weird but true.
  • acasey0123
    acasey0123 Posts: 640 Member
    My first time was:wink: ....hot and steamy:devil: , it made me a bit nauseous and dizzy:sick: ...bikram yoga, that is...I think I liked it, in some sort of sick way...90 minutes of yoga in 105 degrees, makes you sweat

    Yoga in 105 degrees geesh....I bet that burned TONS of calories

    Yesterday I went over my calories by 1000 :/ but thank goodness I burned 500 calories from exercise so today has been better though I havent drank all my water yet :/ I need to work on that
  • cgraylyon
    cgraylyon Posts: 292 Member
    Whenever I don't feel like exercising. I do twice as much as I normally would and I tell you I feel so much better. Plus I can eat more :)
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    I have learned something important (for me at least) in the last week that the more water you drink the less you retain- weird but true.

    It is true...the more water you drink, the more sodium you eliminate; thereby, losing your water weight...it's the same concept behind congestive heart failure patients (I'm a nurse)....so, the more sodium you eat in your diet the more water you will hold and your body weight will go up

    I have a weigh-in tomorrow for a contest I am running...here's to hoping that I don't get eliminated. Someone gets eliminated each week. I would hate to run something I've been eliminated from:noway: Anyway, I think I am down 1.4 lbs...so, that will be good
  • tatiana_13
    tatiana_13 Posts: 325
    My day went well. I got up and did week 3 on my couch to 5 k program. As its still spring outside, I'm lovin' being outside in the mornings. Only bad thing is that I already "broke" on of my goals. I got on the scale this morning. Twice. Once at 3 am when I woke up int he middle of the night, and once when I actually got up. I'm not usually crazy, but there is something about that first few weeks of a new round of weight loss that sort of makes me obsessed in a bad way.

    Anyways. I hope I calm down soon!
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    My day went well. I got up and did week 3 on my couch to 5 k program. As its still spring outside, I'm lovin' being outside in the mornings.

    Just wondering if you have any advice for the C25K...I'll be starting it with another group on June 6th...I'd appreciate it!!
  • tatiana_13
    tatiana_13 Posts: 325

    Just wondering if you have any advice for the C25K...I'll be starting it with another group on June 6th...I'd appreciate it!!

    I'm not sure if I have any earth shattering advice...I'm only 2.5 weeks in. But one thing I *am* learning is to trust the program. Every time I get to the end of a week I think "its still hard, I don't think I'm ready for the next one...maybe I should repeat a week." But, I decided to at least try day one of the next week. And, so far, I was surprised to find that I could get through it. Which has taught me that...perhaps its supposed to be hard. I'm perhaps not going to always "feel good" at the end of week x. Which is not to say that repeating a week is a bad thing...there's no rush. But to at least *try* moving on to the next week *before* deciding whether its too hard or not. I've found...two weeks in a row...that I was pleasantly surprised. Other piece of advice: some people are going to post message after message about how easy its getting and how great and wonderful it all is while you are perhaps (perhaps) huffing and puffing, just trying to get it done. Its okay that it doesn't always feel great and wonderful and easy to you. You're not alone. It doesn't mean you're not a runner. Don't quit! Of course, if you happen to be in the former group, don't quit either. Since its so easy and wonderful...might as well keep going...:wink:
  • vwbear
    vwbear Posts: 87 Member
  • porffor
    porffor Posts: 1,210 Member
    Morning all
    When do we weigh in on a monday? I weigh daily (only way I can keep active on a diet).

    Had a lovely ride on my horse yesterday - fast so lots of cardiovascular. :D

    Weekly targets:
    To ride 4x for at least 30 mins
    To log food every day
    To drink more water - at least 6 glasses a day
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 9,964 Member
    Tatina, thanks for the C25K advice...I'm looking forward to it as the Summer approaches
  • acasey0123
    acasey0123 Posts: 640 Member
    Morning all
    When do we weigh in on a monday? I weigh daily (only way I can keep active on a diet).

    You will weigh in and post your weight on here between thursday-sunday night and I will post the chart by Monday.
  • eliezrah
    eliezrah Posts: 5
    Can I join or is this a closed group?
  • acasey0123
    acasey0123 Posts: 640 Member
    Can I join or is this a closed group?

    you can join
  • 2girls4boys
    2girls4boys Posts: 72 Member
    I didn't do so well yesterday. I didn't exercise, and I was over my calories by about 1000 :ohwell: I have exercised today, and am feeling pretty good. We are going to a baseball team party tonight at a pizza place. My goal is to not eat everythig in sight. I really want lasagna (my weakness), but I plan on getting the spinach, blueberry, gorgonzola, walnut salad.
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