July 4th challenge



  • tatiana_13
    tatiana_13 Posts: 325

    I read your post that day and almost offered some advice...but, I don't "know" you all that well...so, here it goes....

    Exercise is like sex when your not in the mood. It takes about 5 minutes to get into. Then, when it's done, you feel good :smokin:

    A sense of humor is always appreciated, slightly ribald though it may be.:wink:
  • tatiana_13
    tatiana_13 Posts: 325
    Sunday Check-in

    Weigh-in: 117 ( +1)

    Yes, I'm up a pound. But I'm chalking it up to the vagaries of the human body...particularly the fickleness of the female one. I'm certainly not fatter than I was last week, so I'm not going to worry about that pound.

    But next week, this human body better show me something good!

    As for my other goals, all achieved, except for the scale watching. I was on it everyday. Watching it go up and down, up and down. But, I do seem to be calming down about it...some But this is my nemesis weight. Its the weight I can never seem to get past...I got past it once, but it took me months...and it got a little crazy. So, I'm expecting a challenge.

    Goals for coming week:

    1. Increase dinner vegetables from 2 servings to 3 servings (or lunch from 1 to 2)
    2. *Try* to complete week 4 c25k run twice (complete 3 runs of some kind)
    3. Complete 3 slim in six workouts and try not to be bored
    4. Post and celebrate NSVs...end of week 4!
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    Checking in...
    This week SUCKS I worked out a ton and I am 220.2 lbs thats right I gained. I am hoping this is all bloat! Maybe I will loose it in a couple days.
  • acasey0123
    acasey0123 Posts: 640 Member
    CW: 164 woo hoo -.4
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    I weighed in at 176.8 this morning, that's up 1.8 from my Wednesday weigh-in with my other contest...it's my weekend off and I think I had way too many cocktails last night :sick:

    I'll try and get some moderate exercise today to make my 360 minutes of exercise per week, currently I'm at 271 :ohwell:
  • vwbear
    vwbear Posts: 87 Member
    Today's weigh-in: 198.2- up .2 lbs.:huh: Kept up with my goals, except off on water intake one day. Might be in part beacuse of the weird hours I've kept over the last cople of days- stayed within my limits, but ate at weird times. I did do my measurements, though (shudder) and found out I've lost 5.25 inches (total), so that made me feel better.:happy: Any way, good luck to all of us for the coming week!
  • cahira
    cahira Posts: 163
    My current weight is 255. Not much of a loss from last week. Gotta buckle down this week!
  • lhurtubise
    lhurtubise Posts: 693 Member
    Checking in...
    This week SUCKS I worked out a ton and I am 220.2 lbs thats right I gained. I am hoping this is all bloat! Maybe I will loose it in a couple days.

    Weighed in this am at 219.2lbs. So I think it is bloat. Monday is my normal weigh in day so can we count that?
  • aliciadjackson
    aliciadjackson Posts: 480 Member
    Mondays are my normal WI day... so you can count it this week or next week.. whatever works for you, since your original post said by Sunday..

    Weigh In : 154.4 (+1 lb)

    I'm gaining because I'm losing my motivation and have a back issue that's preventing exercise right now. Boooo!
  • kristina0206
    Sunday check in-135.2 down .4 yay!
  • acasey0123
    acasey0123 Posts: 640 Member

    that is the link to view the chart...if you see any errors in it please let me know....if you gained weight under weight loss is in parenthesis for % lost and you gained there is a negative sign next to name

    For a little competition and congratulations the person with the most weight loss per week will have green in that square, the person with the most % lost of that week will be in blue

    this week the person is

    1girl4boys winning both most weight loss of 2.8 pounds and most % lost with .01450 woo hoo!!! :drinker:

    For week 2 the new challenge will be to try something new it could be a recipe, exercise dvd..... the possibilities are endless and post them on here so other people get ideas...and keep up with those goals :happy:

    If you have any suggestions for me on how to make this challenge better private message me, this is the first time I have done this and I want to improve!!!!

    Hope you all have a good 2nd week :)
  • Learnin2LuvMe
    Learnin2LuvMe Posts: 465 Member
    Just saw the link,you did a good job.. OK just so I know if I'm doing it right,when do we post our weight,everytime we see a lb go down or on Sundays only???
  • acasey0123
    acasey0123 Posts: 640 Member
    you post your weekly weigh-in and choose one day between thur-sun (i will accept mon until I make the chart if you do it after I make the chart you will see it when I post it again the following week) I am doing it from thur-sun since it seemed like most people on here weigh in weekly between thur-sun
  • nisijam5
    nisijam5 Posts: 10,390 Member
    Ok, peeps, off for a 5 mile walk/run...starting the C25K on another thread...so, here goes :bigsmile:

    I am going to hit the 160s by the end of the month:smokin:
  • Dider
    Dider Posts: 3
    I would like to join you!

    CW 173
    GW 150

    I'd like to lose more than 5 by then, but I'll take what I can get! :smile:
  • realtreegirl
    realtreegirl Posts: 101
    Forgot to check in yesterday but my CW is 161 which is down 3 pounds from last week =:)
  • BellaVita03
    CW 168.....This is the 1st time im doing a challenge may need sum pushing.. please add me for sum help!!!
  • CaroseH
    CaroseH Posts: 72
    Sorry, I missed the deadline for weighing in, I was a bit confused about the timing! I will weigh in the right day this week.

    For the challenge of trying something new this week..............I'm going to find a new easy (vegetarian) recipe that is really high in protein that I can incorporate into my usual repertoire of food, because I am falling short on protein every day!

    Other goals:
    * run 24 miles this week (4, 4-mile runs and 1, 8-mile run!)
    *log every single bite I eat the whole week

    Also, last week I successfully reached my goal of NO STARBUCKS PASTRY the whole week, even though I was sorely tempted at work. Having the goal in mind, and telling myself that I just couldn't have it because I had decided on the goal really helped. I was so proud! :)
  • tdjones00
    tdjones00 Posts: 68
    CW 170 I lost weight this week yay!
  • matina29
    matina29 Posts: 64 Member
    Wow! That was a tough weekend! But I managed a 1/2 a pound, 209.