Pin-up Girls! - Week 1



  • watermelonstarfish
    watermelonstarfish Posts: 195 Member
    I saw this before and was waiting for a new round to come around. Pls Add me =)

    Current weight: 145.6
    Goal in 10 weeks: 15 pounds (130.6)
  • JulieSue
    JulieSue Posts: 242 Member
    Is it too late to join?? Id love to do this!!! Is there anything I need to know besides weighing in on Mondays???

    This AM I weighed 173.4 soo thats my CW!!! my GW is 135 :)) but by the end of the 10 weeks I would like to be down 10 lbs at least :)) maybe more!!!
  • jnd951999
    jnd951999 Posts: 57 Member
    I want to join!

    SW 292
    CW 227
    GW 130
  • Brandy3827
    Brandy3827 Posts: 42 Member
    I wanna join!

    SW 205
    CW 198.7
    GW 130
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
  • greatescape
    greatescape Posts: 54 Member
    so I know I was MIA for the last week, but I still want to do this. More than ever I need the support! I'm moving in 3 weeks and counting and don't wanna fall off the wagon during the transition! I will weigh in tomorrow :-D

    CW: 166.5
  • Babyblue4711
    Babyblue4711 Posts: 9 Member
    I would love to join this.... I did weigh in yesterday at 352
    Goal is 125
  • VBos
    VBos Posts: 213 Member
    um... i only lost 2.8 lbs the last 10 weeks! and it's cause i didnt try very hard. so i'm glad we are in week 1! it's like a new start for me to get serious about this.
    i've lost a total of 70 lbs and i would LOVE to get to maintaining, so I can finally forget about "losing weight"!! I know I can maintain, I've done it for the last year! ugh...:grumble:
    this time around I'm going to work REAL hard on my sugar. you know.. like not eating a half a plate of brownies!!:noway: moderation, moderation, moderation. And smaller dinners! And I know from the past that not eating after 6 Really helps!! because then I have time to digest and burn those dinner calories, instead of letting them rot in my gut through out the night.
    I can do this! One choice at a time!
    and good luck to everyone!! :happy:
  • VBos
    VBos Posts: 213 Member
    And rach is amazing!! thank you so much for keeping track of everyone, and your charts are awesome!
  • Babytoy22002
    Babytoy22002 Posts: 41 Member
    is it too late?
    cw 140
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    is it too late?
    cw 140

    Already have you on my chart. :)
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Interesting fact:

    Our group...all 122 girls as of this moment... weigh a total of 23,154lbs!!!!!

    If we lose 4.7% of our weight, like the group did last round...we'll lose. 1088lbs!!!!

    HOLY MOLY!! :laugh:
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    I updated the charts on the first page, but I'm not sure how long it'll take for it to reflect in those images.

    The total amount lost for the group last round is now 354.6lbs! :noway:
  • jnd951999
    jnd951999 Posts: 57 Member
    Wow, that's alot! Thanks for adding me!
    Interesting fact:

    Our group...all 122 girls as of this moment... weigh a total of 23,154lbs!!!!!

    If we lose 4.7% of our weight, like the group did last round...we'll lose. 1088lbs!!!!

    HOLY MOLY!! :laugh:
  • sparrow747
    sparrow747 Posts: 87
    Can't wait for this round to begin! I'm thrilled that I lost 15 lbs last round (1.5 avg. per week and down one pants size!) and look forward to some encouragement from you fellow pin-ups this time around!

    What worked for you the last 10 weeks? I log EVERYTHING I eat... no little bites here and there - it'll be on my diary. For those of you who "zigzag" - I do the same, but don't really plan it. I just expect to eat above my goal 1-2 times a week and I'm alright with that! Also drinking 8-12 glasses of water per day, and working out 5-6 times a week doing a variety of things.

    What are you goals this round? My weekly calorie counts have been above my goal (only by 100-300 cals) but this hasn't affected the scale, since I do a lot of walking that I don't log. I'd like to keep my weekly count under or at my target!
    I plan to do a good mix of yoga (vinyasa flow) and cardio (and more strength!) 5-6 times a week.

    What are you going to do the same or change this time? My mentality is the same... this is a journey. I won't beat myself up over the bag of peanut m&m's I just ate for example :blushing: because I alloted for it and have a great workout ahead of me after work! Enjoy life, food, friends and all the sweat running down your face as you work hard for your goal. I can almost see that finish line in the distance.

    Thanks again Rach for your mad awesome organizational skills! :flowerforyou:
  • poeticpurl
    poeticpurl Posts: 126 Member
    sw today is 203.5

    What worked for you the last 10 weeks? I was not part of the pin ups but Getting even a little more movement into my daily life makes a huge difference.

    What are your goals this round? Goal for the next 10 weeks is to loose 15 lbs. I want to use the eleptical and bike everyday with a minimum of 30 mins. Plus get my 30 min walk in. Keep my foods on track and get my daily veggies.

    I really look forward these next weeks. In ten weeks I have a big knitting sock event and I want to feel and look my best.
  • MightyMom4
    MightyMom4 Posts: 180
    My goals for this round are:

    1. Lose Between 10-15lbs. (this will put me at or close to goal weight!!!)
    2. Continue with P90X workouts to tone up...even if it's not everyday. Maybe add in some Turbo Fire!
    3. Reduce my Carb Intake
    4. Get my bike out of storage and working so that I can take my kiddies riding :)
  • Hannahrenee86
    Hannahrenee86 Posts: 183
    I still cannot believe I lost 11.6 lbs in 10 weeks!!

    What worked for you the last 10 weeks?
    ~Making sure I drink lots of water, exercise and just enjoy life. I also made sure to log everything.

    What are you goals this round?
    ~My goal this round is to lose 15lbs (which would put me at 152lbs) Hopefully I will go over that -15lb lose but we shall see. Moderation is the key especially since the first 4 weeks, I will be in PA.

    What are you going to do the same or change this time?
    ~I am definitely going to keep on logging, exerciseing 6 days a week and drinking water. I am going to try to up the number of ounces to 100oz. I am going to try to eat cleaner.. giving up sweets/alcohol/soda...
  • luvs2pugs
    luvs2pugs Posts: 52
    So, what do we need to do? We just come on and give Rach our weights on Mondays? I'm excited to know that we are all doing this together!

    How do we see our totals? Just come in here and go to the first post every time? Is that right?
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    Guess I need to answer my own questions...

    What worked for you the last 10 weeks?
    I really stepped up my exercise the last couple weeks and definitely feel like I notice a difference in the mirror, if not a huge one on the scale. It's starting to become more of a habit and I don't feel so much like I'm 'forcing' myself to do it.

    What are you goals this round?
    Goals this round are to stick to P90x. I'm going to be a grad!!! I also want to focus on more protein, less carbs.

    What are you going to do the same or change this time?
    This time I'm going to focus more on getting my water in, cutting out all drinks besides water/milk/oj (I had another iced coffee today :/ ), and preparing more meals ahead of time so I don't eat crap out of laziness.