Half Marathon Club (and training)

I didn't realize there were so many HM topics.
I thought we might consolidate them into this "Club" topic here.

Feel free to post your daily training, Fuel on LongRuns, gears, wears, etc.



  • JodiS75
    JodiS75 Posts: 284
  • Cletc
    Cletc Posts: 352
    I have 3 HM on my calendar
  • Beth720
    Beth720 Posts: 661 Member
    Training has officially begun. Did XT last night with Pilates. Today's a 45 minute run/walk at either 3:30/1 or 4/1 (which is easier to time out to 45 minutes, but harder to deal with potentially in the heat and humidity).
  • kobzal
    kobzal Posts: 74 Member
    I ran the Great Race of Agoura HM in March (my 4th HM). This Saturday I am running the Soldier Field 10 miler, so I am taking it easy this week! =)

    Not sure what is next. I am doing a sprint triathlon in June, but there is probably another HM in my future in Oct or Nov.
  • Cletc
    Cletc Posts: 352
    I didn't do my training as scheduled today....sigh..

    I slept it. It was nice!

    I'm trying to decide what to do tomorrow for a run.. now that I am off schedule.

    Did you run today?
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,391 Member
    My motivation today is not so high. I need to go run today though because my 10k is on Saturday. I will be doing a 15k in July and hopefully a HM in August/Sept.

    I am hoping that we get more traffic in this group so I can really bounce ideas off other runners and find motivation to keep up with these workouts on a reg basis.
  • Cletc
    Cletc Posts: 352
    I seem to

    get my run in unless it is pretty close to Dawn, first thing in the morning.

    Today is the second day in a row I missed.

    I got a kids' thing today at a big park so I think I will just do my wogging there.

    I hate running in the Heat though (agove 59 degress ha )

    How about you?

    Who's missed a day recently?
    Going to jog today???
  • myndee
    myndee Posts: 19 Member
    I registered for my first half marathon last night!! It's in October, I'm 1/2 excited and 1/2 wondering what the heck I was thinking!! (I've never even ran in an organized event before) I have a 10k coming up July 4th but so far that's about as far as I've ever ran at one time! But I have over 4 months to build from 6 miles to 13.. 4 very HOT months!

    As I'm gradually increasing my distance at what point do you guys think I'll need to start worrying about carrying water with me??
    any advice on options... carry a water bottle? get one of those funny looking belts or back pack things?
  • dawnstl
    dawnstl Posts: 91
    I'm signed up for a HM in 2 weeks and totally undertrained. This is odd for me. I normally follow my training schedule to the dot! Another HM coming up in October ~ I'll be better prepared for that one!
  • dawnstl
    dawnstl Posts: 91
    My 'favorite' running temp is 40-50 degrees tops. Love the winter running, hate the heat and humidity. I'm two completely different runners based on weather. Much, much stronger cool weather runner!
  • tea76
    tea76 Posts: 35
    Hi - so i have one HM which will be my first and planning to get a marathon in, in october before i move back to the uk!

    any tips i would love as this will be my first!
    slowly building up my ks and save my long run for sat, im up to 14k
    i do other runs in the week ave 8 -10 k
    im i doing the right thing?

    please feel free to befriend! x
  • tea76
    tea76 Posts: 35
    my motivation is my music!
    i have it load and run along the creek, towards the beach!
    and it give me a break from the kids! x
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,391 Member
    I just ran my 10k this morning. I am happy with how I did with it being my first distance race in a long time. My goal was to run 10:00 min miles and I averaged 9:43. I guess that is a good place to start. However, I use to average 6:30 miles on my 5k. I do not have another race planned until July 9th. It will be a 15k so I will need to up the milage a little. However, I think I will try to also add in some speed workouts in June. Hopefully I can work really hard and drop that down to 9:00 min miles for my next race.

    What is your fav speed workout? What is your ultimate goal with running?
  • Cletc
    Cletc Posts: 352
    Great 10K results! Very fun!

    I did my Short day yesterday - :35 mins
    and my medium day today - :60 minutes

    My goal is to do training days

    but I only seem to be getting in four days per week jogging.

    I might change it to


    I don't know what I"m doing.
  • LaraeTX
    LaraeTX Posts: 672 Member
    OOOH, i have to bump this! I did my first half in February. I got injured at mile 4, and even though I crossed the finish line, my time disappointed me. I really didn't have a set time I wanted to finish it in, but I was very bummed. After that I lost my motivation and my love for the sport. In the last few weeks I have gotten my "mojo" back and have a love for running again (even though my endurance needs to be built back up). I have another half planned (Rock n Roll San Antonio) in November, and maybe another on in Oct 2012. Looking forward this this thread, thank you.
  • Beth720
    Beth720 Posts: 661 Member
    Week 1 of my training plan for the Disney Wine and Dine (a plan that includes the Disneyland Half) is in the books! Hooray!!

    They will be HMs # 4 and 5.

    #3 will be the Queens Half...but I'm not racing it. I'm due for a 13 mile long run that weekend, so I figure better to pay a little and do it supported with water/gatorade tables than to do it on my own.
  • tigerbluefly
    tigerbluefly Posts: 257 Member
    I ran one last September (my first) and in March I ran a 30K (18.6 miles) in March. That was really hard but such an accomplishment for me. I just started running last spring, 1 year now.

    I had a half marathon a few weeks ago and I have another one in a few weeks. A couple more longer distances coming up too with the hopes of a full marathon but I'm not sure if I can yet. I have to sign up by the end of July. I will decide then....LOL

    I would love to be a part of the club and hear all your training ideas. I was thinking about reaching out to marathoners too.
    Feel free to add me as a friend if you like.
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,391 Member
    I finally found a training program that looks like something I might enjoy doing and is at my current ability level. I normally do not use a training program and go with what my body tells me. I will try it out for a week starting tomorrow to see what I think.

    Week 1 looks like this

    Monday -- Cross training (45 min)
    Tuesday -- Temp run (30 min)
    Wednesday -- Rest
    Thursday --- 3 mile
    Friday ---- Rest
    Saturday --- 5 miles
    Sunday --- Easy 2.5 mile

    I don't really like when the rest days are though and I need my miles to be a little more to be ready for the 15k on July 9th. Is it a bad idea to start at week 2 or 3?
  • krislshoe
    krislshoe Posts: 459 Member
    Half marathoner in training here...runnin my first half this Sept....did an easy 3 today......will be doin 5 tomorrow mornin....that is my long run for this week....buildin up for that 13.1.....cant wait:)
  • sprinkies
    sprinkies Posts: 309 Member
    ran 7 last sunday,

    tuesday was 3 miles

    wednesday was 4.5

    thursday was 50 mins cross training (arc trainer)

    fri-sat rest days (i need these!)

    sunday (today) 8 miles

    will be running my half marathon Sept 18th in Philadelphia! i'm already looking up slightly longer races for when this one is finished ;) i'm not sure i'll ever do a half marathon but a 30k is tempting (18.6 miles). i'm sure after that i'd be looking up marathons though.