Half Marathon Club (and training)



  • 515TeachNRun
    515TeachNRun Posts: 6,457 Member
    I'd like to jump in. I've done a 20K race but never a half. I'm currently training for a half in October. I've found I need a specific goal to keep my mileage up.

    I've been struggling since the 20K, which was 2 weeks ago. How long do you find it takes you to get back in the swing of things after a race?

    I did 8 miles this morning and every step was a struggle.
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I have 18 days till my 15K race. In the middle of the course they have a HUGE hill that is about just short of a mile. That hill is currently my biggest worry. Any tips on training for killer hills?

    Train on hills! Find the biggest hill you can and run up it... walk down ... wait for your heart rate to come down ... and then do it again! Do this once a week ... crucial part of training!
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Had a rough run tonight -- 7.4 miles of hills! We got out 2 miles out when I realized that my "coach" forgot the fuel belt ... which had the water and my Chomps. I have problems with low blood sugar, so I perhaps have to fuel a bit more than some other people.

    At 3.5 miles was the water stop ... and I was ok until about 5 miles when I hit a pretty good wall. I actually started dry heaving ... rough rough! Finally the other coach finished with the other runners and ran back to pick us up .... and had my Chomps!
    Unfortunately, once my sugar gets down ... I really have a hard time getting it back up. At 6.4 we stopped by the car and drank a few sips of a recovery drink... and the last mile was horribly rough ... but I did finish it.

    Isnt what they say ... whatever does not kill you makes your stronger right? I did manage a pace under 15min/mile which is my goal with every long run (my PR was 15min/mile even). Yes I am slow... but I just wanna work on getting faster! :)
  • arc918
    arc918 Posts: 2,037 Member
    I'd like to jump in. I've done a 20K race but never a half. I'm currently training for a half in October. I've found I need a specific goal to keep my mileage up.

    I've been struggling since the 20K, which was 2 weeks ago. How long do you find it takes you to get back in the swing of things after a race?

    I did 8 miles this morning and every step was a struggle.

    20K is almost a half marathon (21.1K). As far as your recovery, it depends on a few things: how well you trained prior to the race, how hard you ran during the race, etc. Just keep running easy and it will all come back.
  • pverbarg
    pverbarg Posts: 490 Member
    Had a rough run tonight -- 7.4 miles of hills!

    Great job of not giving up in spite of the challenges!
  • pverbarg
    pverbarg Posts: 490 Member
    I have 18 days till my 15K race. In the middle of the course they have a HUGE hill that is about just short of a mile. That hill is currently my biggest worry. Any tips on training for killer hills?

    another tip is squats with weights and if you belong to the gym do hill work on the stairmaster. Hate it but it's working!
  • symegeer
    symegeer Posts: 143 Member
    First half marathon is coming up at the start of September and I'm starting to get nervous! Did a 10K a few weeks ago and my time was soooooooo slow, trying to incorporate some speed training into my routine now. Adding miles slowly this time (last year I injured myself training so I'm trying to take it easier this time), so this weekend's long run is about 5 miles. Any experienced 1/2ers with any tips?
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    1. Always get your distance of your long run in ... dont care if you have to walk it .. just make sure you finish it.
    2. You can never go too slow in your long runs
    3. For your first half... the goal is to finish ... do not set a time goal! Just go out there and enjoy the experience!
    4. Do at least one long run that goes beyond 13.1 miles (like 14) about 3 weeks before your race!

    You will be awesome!
  • Cletc
    Cletc Posts: 352
    . Any experienced 1/2ers with any tips?

    How is your training compared to
    Higdon Novice

  • symegeer
    symegeer Posts: 143 Member
    I have to say, both of those plans look a little bit kinder than the one I'm doing and might be better for me in the long run (no pun intended). Currently I'm running four times a week which occasionally puts a little more strain on my old injury than is comfortable. Love the look of the Hal Higdon one as it incorporates strength and one of my other goals this year is to get into lifting. Excellent advice from everyone - thanks very much! x
  • Cletc
    Cletc Posts: 352
    which occasionally puts a little more strain on my old injury than is comfortable

    My motto is the most important thing is to Remain Injury-Free
    and make it to the started line rested, fresh, and ready to take it slowly the first hour and Finish Happy !

    It's a lot easier accomplish when you have no nagging owies, especially the second half of the race and even though you aren't racing against anyone, it's motivating to be passing people by the dozens right and left the last half few miles of the Race.

  • 515TeachNRun
    515TeachNRun Posts: 6,457 Member
    It has been helpful to see the reminders that you can never go too slow on the long runs. And I can't remember if I read it here on on the Galloway or Higden site, but it said something about starting out too fast on a long runs. I think that was my problem with my 20K. I started too fast. I felt great, but I couldn't maintain the pace the whole way. And I walked, which I beat myself up for, but I finished. I really wanted to finish with a 10:30 pace, but I finished with a 10:50 pace. But I FINISHED.

    So, today I did some interval type work. I slow jogged, did some sprints, and did some strength stuff in between. I was sweating!!

    It has been very helpful to read through the posts on here. Thanks for some great thoughts and information.
  • 515TeachNRun
    515TeachNRun Posts: 6,457 Member
    I'd like to jump in. I've done a 20K race but never a half. I'm currently training for a half in October. I've found I need a specific goal to keep my mileage up.

    I've been struggling since the 20K, which was 2 weeks ago. How long do you find it takes you to get back in the swing of things after a race?

    I did 8 miles this morning and every step was a struggle.

    20K is almost a half marathon (21.1K). As far as your recovery, it depends on a few things: how well you trained prior to the race, how hard you ran during the race, etc. Just keep running easy and it will all come back.

    I used the FIRST training program to train this year. Currently I'm using a SmartCoach program from Runner's World.
  • 515TeachNRun
    515TeachNRun Posts: 6,457 Member
    I'd like to jump in. I've done a 20K race but never a half. I'm currently training for a half in October. I've found I need a specific goal to keep my mileage up.

    I've been struggling since the 20K, which was 2 weeks ago. How long do you find it takes you to get back in the swing of things after a race?

    I did 8 miles this morning and every step was a struggle.

    20K is almost a half marathon (21.1K). As far as your recovery, it depends on a few things: how well you trained prior to the race, how hard you ran during the race, etc. Just keep running easy and it will all come back.

    I used the FIRST training program to train this year. Currently I'm using a SmartCoach program from Runner's World.
  • renewed2
    renewed2 Posts: 4 Member
    You can do it!
  • Cletc
    Cletc Posts: 352
    I didn't run again today, ack!

    Work overtime is terrible, and project deadlines loom

    Okay, THURSDAY I will run again after 3 days off, again!

    My log is looking quite blank these past 20 days.

    Time to really get back into it

    15 weeks until HM

  • Mamapengu
    Mamapengu Posts: 250
    I've been struggling since the 20K, which was 2 weeks ago. How long do you find it takes you to get back in the swing of things after a race?

    I did 8 miles this morning and every step was a struggle.

    I had someone tell me 1 day recovery for every mile raced. I didn't run for 3 days after my first half, then did slow and easy- I actually felt 'normal' pace and rhythm 2 weeks after. Then I started trying to add mileage back in, I'm trying to get to a base 30/week before I start training for the next half but life has not been cooperating.
  • 515TeachNRun
    515TeachNRun Posts: 6,457 Member
    I've been struggling since the 20K, which was 2 weeks ago. How long do you find it takes you to get back in the swing of things after a race?

    I did 8 miles this morning and every step was a struggle.

    I had someone tell me 1 day recovery for every mile raced. I didn't run for 3 days after my first half, then did slow and easy- I actually felt 'normal' pace and rhythm 2 weeks after. Then I started trying to add mileage back in, I'm trying to get to a base 30/week before I start training for the next half but life has not been cooperating.

    thank you! That is helpful!
  • krislshoe
    krislshoe Posts: 459 Member
    got 10.5 miles in today....Was a great run...nice and cool.....our half isnt until Sept so we are ahead of schedule with our training.....love, love, love to run!
  • Cletc
    Cletc Posts: 352
    I didn't run again today, ack!

    I'm on 5 days no running, looks like it will end up being about 8 days off.
    Oh well, I'll do what I can and that'll just have to do
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