Half Marathon Club (and training)



  • kobzal
    kobzal Posts: 74 Member
    First half marathon on the 2nd July, water stations are floating though as its along a canal so have been training with water bottle in hand. I'm feeling I may be under prepared though, max distance is 10 miles so far, is it realistic to have completed a 14mile 2 weeks before the day?

    PS love this topic

    Congrats on your first half! Sounds like it will be a fun one! When I trained for my first half, the group I was training with losely followed the Hal Higdon program. That program has you running a max of 10 miles. I was skeptical and thought, really, we don't do the race distance? On race day, I was okay until 11.5 miles, then my legs really started to tire. I mean I was okay, excitement and adreneline will carry you through, but I was tired! So for subsequent halves, I have been running 11-12 miles max and have been feeling much better on race day.
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    First training run done for my first half... yes, it's 16 weeks away, and my run was only 2 miles, but I love the way this program is structured, so I'm happy!

    Plus, it was really hot tonight!!!! Just glad I got it in... my plan is not to miss any of my runs, I think that's pretty realistic!!!!
  • pverbarg
    pverbarg Posts: 490 Member
    Major accomplishment this morning - I've been doing 3 minute run, 2 minute walk intervals and decided to try to slow it down and see what happened if I kept my heart rate below 165.... and I ran full miles! Got the 3 in with just a 2 minute walk at the end of the miles! Pretty excited about that one!

    8 K on Saturday and starting Hal Higdon schedule Monday for the September 3rd half with my pacer (who happens to be my sister!)
  • kimandal99
    kimandal99 Posts: 52
    I finished my first 1/2 marathon on May 22. I was slower than I hoped to be (2:29) but it was a hot day, with more hills than I expected and a sore hip to deal with. I am just glad I finished. Since then however, my runs have been really bad. The longest I have made it is 6 miles since the 13.1 race. I feel so exhausted from it still. However, I am anxious to try another one soon. I am thinking maybe in the fall when the temps cool down some and that will give me some more time to re-train to get up to that 13 miles. No way could I do that again now (even though I just did it 2 weeks ago.)
  • Cletc
    Cletc Posts: 352
    Congrats on your Race finishes and Workouts!!
    You all are doing great

    I have a Rest Day today, no jogging.

    Tomorrow is my Long Run 100 minutes

    I train by "minute" not by "miles"

    :happy: :happy:
  • kobzal
    kobzal Posts: 74 Member
    I finished my first 1/2 marathon on May 22. I was slower than I hoped to be (2:29) but it was a hot day, with more hills than I expected and a sore hip to deal with. I am just glad I finished. Since then however, my runs have been really bad. The longest I have made it is 6 miles since the 13.1 race. I feel so exhausted from it still. However, I am anxious to try another one soon. I am thinking maybe in the fall when the temps cool down some and that will give me some more time to re-train to get up to that 13 miles. No way could I do that again now (even though I just did it 2 weeks ago.)

    Congrats on your first half! It takes one day of recovery for every mile you run during a race. After a half, I really don't do anything the following week besides some walking, or you could probably do some swimming. Then the second week I slowly start getting back into it, but the longest I run is about 4 miles. Then after that I start to up my speed and mileage.
  • bmfrazie
    bmfrazie Posts: 2,391 Member
    Yesterday I was all set and ready to run a good 5-6 miles and then my dog was sick and I stayed home to tend to him and take him into the vet. I went to bed saying tomorrow is my day! Of course, I got up and got my shoes on and as I headed out the door it started raining (with lightening and I don't run in that). UGH it puts me in a grumpy mood. It has been off and on with weather all day. Normally I would just say screw it and go run inside at the gym....but my car is in the shop today. BLECK!!!!

    Sorry I just had to vent. I haven't done anything over 3 miles since my 10k a few weekends ago. My next race is a 15k on July 9th and boy oh boy do I need to get some distance in before then! I have found a training program that I had wanted to try. However, life keeps getting in my way and I haven't been able to follow along.
  • Cletc
    Cletc Posts: 352
    I'm going out for a long run this morning.
    Glad it's not sunny

  • Cletc
    Cletc Posts: 352
    What training plan are you guys doing (or kind of doing?)

    My HM is now 16 weeks out - time for me to start looking at HM plans

  • doo1963
    doo1963 Posts: 320 Member
    Hi everyone. Just stumbled upon this thread. I'm doing a HM in October and then another one in February 2012. I'm just finshing up a round of P90X/Cardio then I will start training for the October HM (official training starts July 18th).

    I generally workout in the morning (up at 5:00 a.m.). Too many distractions (and excuses) during the day so I try and get my workout in first thing in the morning. I generally run on a treadmill at home but I'm going to try and run outside more. Today was a run day and it very humid so I struggled a bit.

    Hope we can all give encouragement and advice as we go on this adventure.
  • doo1963
    doo1963 Posts: 320 Member
    Tomorrow is my Long Run 100 minutes

    I train by "minute" not by "miles"

    Training by the minute sounds interesting. I actually tend to do the same thing but eventually fall back to distance.
  • doo1963
    doo1963 Posts: 320 Member
    What training plan are you guys doing (or kind of doing?)

    My HM is now 16 weeks out - time for me to start looking at HM plans


    For my other HM that I ran, I followed the Hal Higdon schedule. I plan on following the intermediate schedule for the October HM. My HM training schedule includes some P90X strength sessions on my non-run days. Will see how that goes.
  • pverbarg
    pverbarg Posts: 490 Member
    What training plan are you guys doing (or kind of doing?)

    My HM is now 16 weeks out - time for me to start looking at HM plans


    I'm officially starting a Hal Higdon plan (for the most part) Monday (I think it's 12 weeks) but the training I've been doing is comparable to what the schedule fits (but may do what others have suggested and bump the long run distances a bit to get closer to 13 in the training). My cross training is mostly interval and strength training.
  • doo1963
    doo1963 Posts: 320 Member
    Hal Higdon's intermediate training schedule has the longest run at 12 miles. I guess adrenaline will get you past the extra 1.1 miles.
  • Mamapengu
    Mamapengu Posts: 250
    Hal Higdon's intermediate training schedule has the longest run at 12 miles. I guess adrenaline will get you past the extra 1.1 miles.

    My first I did a training group/plan with the local running store- nice to be in pain together for the long runs- 2 weeks before the race we ran the course. It was a help to know we could finish. Then 2 weeks of taper and the actual race was not so bad. My next one I modified an intermediate plan and it will go up to 15 miles (maybe :tongue: ). I'll start again in July.
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I always take my longest run to 14 miles ... that way I KNOW I can cover the distance! :)
  • Cletc
    Cletc Posts: 352
    Hal Higdon's intermediate training schedule has the longest run at 12 miles. I guess adrenaline will get you past the extra 1.1 miles.

    My fist HM the longest LR I had run was about 11 miles.

    It's not so much the adrenaline. It's just the Fitness

  • Cletc
    Cletc Posts: 352
    . I'm doing a HM in October and then another one in February 2012

    I'm doing a HM in October and February also.
    And again in May.

    enjoyr the training !
  • arc918
    arc918 Posts: 2,037 Member
    I always say the best thing that ever happened to my half-marathon training was marathon training.

    You can certainly muscle through with a long run of 10-12 miles, but I say the more the better if you are able to do so.
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    What training plan are you guys doing (or kind of doing?)

    My HM is now 16 weeks out - time for me to start looking at HM plans


    I'm using a plan created by Runner's World Smartcoach, it's an app on my iPhone, although you can get it online if you don't have the phone. It's a 16 week plan, started this week. The longest run (for me, it varies when you put in your stats) will be 12 miles, but I'm not worried. I used this for my first 10k this spring and it went so well, I just know it will work for me! Plus, it's at my fingertips, which is helpful for a busy Mom like me!!! Did a 5 mile tempo run today and it went great!!!! I use the Run Keeper app while I run and it helped so much to keep me on tempo today. If I was too fast I knew to take it easy, and if I was slow I knew to pick it up a bit. What a wonderful technology!!!!