Half Marathon Club (and training)



  • katedonn5
    katedonn5 Posts: 16
    I am trainging for my first HM in September on a flat trail. I have done 10K before and am also training for a fitness competition in early October. Does anyone have any cross training suggestions that are fun? I last 20 minutes MAX doing cardio in the gym and I can't ride a bike. I'm running 6 days a week and lifting 5 days a week right now. Thanks!
  • jizenna
    jizenna Posts: 49
    Love this post, great advice on here. I am still training to do only a 5k:), I can't wait until I can finish a half!
  • jizenna
    jizenna Posts: 49

    in case I get brave and start training for a half marathon...just did my first 10k last week at a snail's pace, doing a 5k this weekend and next weekend for charity events...will see how much I can run and how much I have to walk... have 2 HM events in mind but kinda scared to commit to them...

    Glad I'm not the only one scared to commit!:smile:
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    I officially signed up for my first HM last night!!! I'm nervous, but I know I can do it. Been training already and feeling good so far. The race is September 24, so plenty of time, but I needed to make that commitment so to speak so that I don't wimp out!!! Ok, that's all for now!
  • arc918
    arc918 Posts: 2,037 Member
    Does anyone know of a good marathon in January?

    Houston, Disney, RnR AZ, Carlsbad

    some indoor and really cold stuff as well
  • ColoradoCowgirl
    Does any one use compression socks or tights? I have been looking into buying some because of my knee surgery from last year and was wondering if they do any good? Do you notice any difference when running with them? What is a good brand?

    Im doing my first 5K next week end (July 9th) and then my first 10K the first week of August! Hopefully then on to a HM in the end September!
  • Mamapengu
    Mamapengu Posts: 250
    Does any one use compression socks or tights? I have been looking into buying some because of my knee surgery from last year and was wondering if they do any good? Do you notice any difference when running with them? What is a good brand?

    I wear compression socks- and noticed help within a couple of runs, within a few months I didn't have to wear them any more. Now I just wear them if I expect to do something that triggers my injury. I don't have knee issues- I do have a friend who said the compression tights (CWX) were life savers for her knee- no pain or problem as long as she wears them. CWX is the preferred brand among those I run with- the consensus is to get them tight, squirm in and you'll never want to run with out them again...
  • LaraeTX
    LaraeTX Posts: 672 Member
    I have been so lazy, but the inevitable is going to happen, I will be doing my 2nd half marathon in about 19 weeks. I also got out there for a walk today, went 3 miles, 53 minutes, at 1:30 in the afternoon 100 degrees! I wasn't looking for a great time, just wanted to get out there and do something, but that time was really good considering how hot it was. Monday will begin my official training, so if I don't get on here to post my training, someone needs to light a fire under my booty!!!
  • ezrunnerp
    ezrunnerp Posts: 8 Member
    I agree--it's best not to worry about the lost week. Actually, sometimes when you are building up mileage it's good to cut way back your weekly mileage every so often and let the body rest up before pushing on. If you aren't sure about the long run, you might want to consider Galloway's walk/run program. Basically you run one mile and walk one minute (no more than one minute). I did that for a couple of marathons and actually had PR's with that.
  • lizzyheath09
    lizzyheath09 Posts: 18 Member
    Found this thread and have a few questions...

    I ran my first half marathon on May 1st (Flying Pig in Cincy) and have injured my left hip flexor. I haven't been for a decent run since. I just started PT without seeing a physician first.

    I guess my questions are:

    Have any of you had hip flexor injuries??
    If so, how long did it take to heal and what did you do to encourage that process?

    I have been biking (road and mountain) and doing 30DS video to keep semi in shape. I have another half scheduled in October and Ragnar Relay in November. I HAVE to start running again soon or I am in trouble...

    What has your PT said about time wise? When I ran in college I had a hip flexor injury. The AT told me to take of 3 weeks off and then ease back in. However, my coach made me work through it. SO it took much longer to heal. I used a compression sleeve and did specific stretches before every run. I also had deep tissue massages.

    What is a compression sleeve??

    *Found out that my left leg (injured hip) is 3cm longer than my right. :noway: I now wear a lift in my running shoe and in the shoes I wear to work.

    PT hasn't given me a time line but is making me run a couple times a week. I usually don't go over 3 miles and the lift in my shoe seems to be helping. Also, stimulation with a tens unit seems to make my pain go away entirely (until I run about 1.5 miles). I have also been doing more interval training and keeping my nice steady training pace during my runs. It seems to hurt more when I run slower. Whenever it hurts during a run, I walk until the pain eases and jump back in. This is what I did last year with ITBS (also left leg). I have considered a good deep tissue massage as well.
  • Mamapengu
    Mamapengu Posts: 250

    What is a compression sleeve??

    Two primary products that I'm aware of- skins and CWX, from the local runners they all prefer the CWX and think they do more to help.
    Here is an explanation from their website:
    "The Patented CW-X Support Web™ technology mimics kinesiology-taping techniques that trainers apply to injured muscles. When this technology is applied to muscles and joints it creates an exoskeletal support system that improves biomechanics during motion. The CW-X Support Web provides Targeted Support to key areas, decreasing muscle oscillation and focusing power so your muscles work more efficiently. Variable compression along the web facilitates circulation, minimizing lactic acid build-up and muscle soreness, so you can be active longer and recover faster."
  • Mamapengu
    Mamapengu Posts: 250
    Hi everyone, I just need to whine a little. I'm supposed to start my new training plan on Saturday and I can't run right now due to foot pain. I've always struggled with aching feet and ankles, they just always felt bruised. But this last Saturday I did a trail run then Sunday felt good so did an 8 mile. This is well within my normal mileage and pace. No pain during either run. An hour after the run Sunday I couldn't walk due to foot pain. I think I'm ready to admit I have plantar fasciitis in both feet. I felt ok again Monday just sore and did a 2 mile walk while my running partners ran, again within an hour I was limping around. I'm not running for a few days, learned my lesson. I've got wraps, gel cups for the heals, stretches, ice, Advil- anything else??? I'm so frustrated right now and need something to do to keep active that does not include feet- and do not have access to a pool.
    Grumble Grumble
  • LaraeTX
    LaraeTX Posts: 672 Member
    I officially started my (2nd) half marathon training last night. Last night, I went for 2 miles. My goal wasn't to get a PR for my 2miles, I just wanted to do it without walking. I haven't been running like I used to. My time was 23:19. I also headed out tonight for another 2 miles. I honestly didn't want to run tonight, but my husband was making me feel guilty for not going, my time ended up being 21:54. Woo, Hoo!! I'm already improving my times.
  • lizzyheath09
    lizzyheath09 Posts: 18 Member
    Great job getting out there when you didn't really want to! My husband made me go for a bike ride this morning since I can't run. We did 9 miles. It was so hot and miserable at times but I know it is better cardio-wise than just sitting on my butt. Hopefully this hip will heal soon. 1/2 Marathon in October is creeping up!
  • pverbarg
    pverbarg Posts: 490 Member
    Hi everyone, I just need to whine a little. I'm supposed to start my new training plan on Saturday and I can't run right now due to foot pain. I've always struggled with aching feet and ankles, they just always felt bruised. But this last Saturday I did a trail run then Sunday felt good so did an 8 mile. This is well within my normal mileage and pace. No pain during either run. An hour after the run Sunday I couldn't walk due to foot pain. I think I'm ready to admit I have plantar fasciitis in both feet. I felt ok again Monday just sore and did a 2 mile walk while my running partners ran, again within an hour I was limping around. I'm not running for a few days, learned my lesson. I've got wraps, gel cups for the heals, stretches, ice, Advil- anything else??? I'm so frustrated right now and need something to do to keep active that does not include feet- and do not have access to a pool.
    Grumble Grumble

    have you checked your shoes lately? I've had plantar faschiitis before and found that 1) not having the right arch support even in fitted shoes flared things up and 2) if my shoes are wearing down, the pain starts up. If those other things don't work, you will probably need to go to doctor for more high power anti-infamatories and additional evaluation - I've not had to go to orthotics, thank goodness, but do know others who swear by them for recurring pain! You might also want to consider sleeping in one of those lovely foot braces - they are designed to keep your foot flexed so it does not tighten up overnight. Hope you feel better soon!
  • LaraeTX
    LaraeTX Posts: 672 Member
    Great job getting out there when you didn't really want to! My husband made me go for a bike ride this morning since I can't run. We did 9 miles. It was so hot and miserable at times but I know it is better cardio-wise than just sitting on my butt. Hopefully this hip will heal soon. 1/2 Marathon in October is creeping up!

    I only have an old mountain bike. Wish I had a road bike and helmet and all that, so I could get some different type of cross training going on.
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Hi everyone, I just need to whine a little. I'm supposed to start my new training plan on Saturday and I can't run right now due to foot pain. I've always struggled with aching feet and ankles, they just always felt bruised. But this last Saturday I did a trail run then Sunday felt good so did an 8 mile. This is well within my normal mileage and pace. No pain during either run. An hour after the run Sunday I couldn't walk due to foot pain. I think I'm ready to admit I have plantar fasciitis in both feet. I felt ok again Monday just sore and did a 2 mile walk while my running partners ran, again within an hour I was limping around. I'm not running for a few days, learned my lesson. I've got wraps, gel cups for the heals, stretches, ice, Advil- anything else??? I'm so frustrated right now and need something to do to keep active that does not include feet- and do not have access to a pool.
    Grumble Grumble

    100% agreed with everything you said. I have also battled this for a while, and battle foot pain alot when I run. Recently I posted that the foot pain started and was it possible I needed new shoes. It had only been about 170 miles, but when I looked at the sole of the shoes they were worn down to near nothing... I got new shoes and the foot pain went away.

    Also I swear by Super feet ... arch support is crucial for me and my feet!

    have you checked your shoes lately? I've had plantar faschiitis before and found that 1) not having the right arch support even in fitted shoes flared things up and 2) if my shoes are wearing down, the pain starts up. If those other things don't work, you will probably need to go to doctor for more high power anti-infamatories and additional evaluation - I've not had to go to orthotics, thank goodness, but do know others who swear by them for recurring pain! You might also want to consider sleeping in one of those lovely foot braces - they are designed to keep your foot flexed so it does not tighten up overnight. Hope you feel better soon!
  • arl1997
    arl1997 Posts: 8
    I can't believe I just found this string! (I usually stalk running websites like it's my job!)
    I'm doing the TN Ragnar in November. I have done numerous 5ks, a warrior dash, and a 10k so far this year. I just started running in Feb of this year and have completely fallen in love!! So far I've looked at lots of half/full marathons in the fall/winter of this year but I haven't commited to any of them.
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    weird - not sure where my post msg went - sorry guys!
  • pepperedmoth
    pepperedmoth Posts: 37 Member
    Bump! I'm training for a half on October 2. My long run is up to 8 miles as of this coming weekend, and my maintenance run is 5.5 3-4 times a week. I am SO addicted at this point!