twenty pound somethings week #9



  • katyk08
    katyk08 Posts: 302

    Katy, It still looks like you're eating very little calories. If you eat more you may get the energy you need to exercise again. Maybe you'll feel better too.

    I'm feelling pretty good today, considering I still haven't got a good night's sleep.:yawn: I find that thinking about my food & weight is on my mind several times a day. I've started weighing several times per week and I'm not sure that is a good idea.

    Exercise: Got the New DVD Shred will give that a try

    Yea my actual calorie count is hardly over 1000 most all days but I dont starve myself..I eat when Im hungry or have a snack when I know I will about to be hungry. I just eat foods that dont have alot of calories but are packed with good stuff! I think the main issue yesterday was bc of the meds Im on for my soreness..flexeril 10mg 3x/day and lortab 5mg every 6 hrs as needed.. yesterday I took one of each at around 10am and I was just dragging all day long...those pills make you very drowsy, especially together!

    When I first started to lose weight, I bought a scale (I never kept one in my house before) and I think I was weighing after everytime I ate something for about a week. I finally just had to control myself and stop..I weigh myself now like every other morning. Sometimes I will weigh at the end of a bad day just to try and motivate me for the next day!

    Let me know what you think of the shred dvd..I love it love it!!! :heart:
  • katyk08
    katyk08 Posts: 302
    Hey Ladies,

    Sounds like everyone is doing awesome!! Me...not so much!! I am eating pretty well...but having a hell of a time getting my butt to the gym....any suggestions as to how to motivate myself to get there??

    I like to go in the morning, but can't get out of bed!! I"m such a looooooser!!!!

    Ugh, I am so not a morning person either!! I just to push myself sometimes to get started, even though I may loathe the very thought of exercise at that moment.. bc when I actually start it isnt that bad and I feel so much better afterwards when I go ahead and push myself to do it!
  • katyk08
    katyk08 Posts: 302
    WOW! I just finished the Shred workout and I loved it. It was only level one and I didn't use any weights, but burned 231 cals in just 28-30 min. according to the new HRM. I feel like I went through a good workout. Does that sound possible?I will have to play with the HRM to understand it a little better.

    I don't usually exercise in the evening except an occasional bike ride and I'm done by 8pm at the latest. I usually fall asleep 10:30-11:00pm, so I don't think that is too late to exercise.

    Well, we are expecting rain for the next 4 days and most of my exercise will be dvd's indoors. Oh, how I will miss summer.

    Awesome Deb!! Yea that sounds right, I usually burn anywhere from 230-300 on the level 1.
  • katyk08
    katyk08 Posts: 302

    Sorry about all the replies to diff posts..I just cant remember all the things by the time I get my post ready lol ..

    Today was good..

    luna bar, almond packet, fiber water drink mix, 1/2 of a chik fil a caesar wrap and about a handful of waffle fries, 1/2 sandwich with turkey, provolone, pickle slice and some chkn and rice soup.

    exercise wise:
    60 min on exercise bike - the bike said I burned 1309 cals, my HRM said I burned 632 cals!! So I am so glad I have this HRM! Cant believe the bike is off by so much! (Pretty crazy huh Kristin??)

    Last night I just sucked it up and went ahead and did my exercise ball DVD and the shred dvd on level 1...Im just about ready to replace level 1 with level 2, I think maybe 3-4 more days at level 1 and I will be ready!!

    So I weighed this morning and the scale read 210.2! Which is awesome, I hope it doesnt fluctuate back up again for next weeks weigh in! I wont change my ticker til we check in next Tuesday!

    Okay so I am exhausted (probably the meds) and I need to do some picking up around the house so I may check back before bed but if not, I hope you all have a great night and a fabulous weekend! Not sure if I will be on tomorrow at all and Sunday it wont be til late in the evening (working all weekend).

    :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou:

    Created by - Free Food Diary
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Woohoo! I had a fun time at my bosu class tonight! It was cardio kickboxing and use of the bosu ball. I burned 100 cals less than my step classes but I enjoyed myself. My best friend came with me which made it a lot of fun.

    Time to get the kiddos to bed but just wanted to check in! I added a different "before" picture to my profile. It was from 2 years ago but I have been at the same weight for a few years and I've been avoiding the camera in the last year or so...

    Good night all! :yawn: :tongue: :bigsmile:
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Hey friends! Sorry I couldn't get on again earlier! And I'm not gonna talk long...hitting the sack so I can get up for spinning in the morning. My parents was okay...dinner not too bad or anything. BUT...I ate CAKE!:sad: And a good-size of it too! It was this cinnamon-pear-walnut coffee cake...I couldn't help myself! And I actually feel pretty crappy now...WAY more sugar than I'm used to! ARGH! I have NO self control!:explode: It's like I seriously need someone there to slap my hand as I reach!

    Oh well...tomorrow's a new day! Good night for now!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Morning! I just got home from Spinning. Burned 582 calories according to the HRM! That's pretty good, but less than what I used to figure. Mind you...I almost ALWAYS had plenty extra calories on Saturdays! I know! I'm gonna make this bean dip here in a bit to take with us to a friends for the Iowa vs. Iowa State game which is HUGE here! Not sure yet how I will count it...haven't figured it yet. They are also having Brisket and who knows what I'm just going to try and pick and choose. But it should be okay. Plus with the extra calories, I have a few to spare. Not ever sure what I'm gonna have for breakfast is brewing and I need to jump in the shower. But I will probably post later today at some point.

    Have a GREAT Saturday!!!!
  • DebLaf
    DebLaf Posts: 248
    Good Morning All,

    Katy, looks like I'm right behind you on current weight 211.4, but that fluctuates so on Tue. it will probably be a little higher since I'm going out to eat tonight and find that on the weekends I don't do as well as during the week. And yes, I love the shred dvd and will do it again today. What level are you on?

    Kristen, Spinning sounds so hard and I noticed something about spinning shoes on your blog. I didn't even know they made them. How long do you actually go spinning? As for the cake you said you felt crappy after you ate it. Is that because you feel bad that you ate it or did it give you a tummy ache? When I've cut out sugar in the past then had a piece of cake(my favorite) I always got a sick feeling in my stomach.

    So, it's raining here today and I am going to a movie & dinner with hubby (a rare occurance). I still did not sleep good again, but I will quit mentioning this now as it is getting old.

    1: instant oatmeal w/strawberries & coffee w/ cream
    4:skim milk & 100 cal pack cookies
    5: Dinner out not sure where or what yet

    Shred it on dvd

    Have a good day ladies, I'll try to check in later.
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Ugh. Guys, I think my body is plateauing. I'm so close to my half way point and I have this other mini goal of reaching 40lbs by October 3rd (my birthday) but I'm not too sure now. My cals are down to 1200 and I'm still breastfeeding so I'm wondering if it's too low now? I know I can change them for a week but I'm nervous that if I do that I'll learn that my weight increases and I'll be super bummed. I'll evaluate on Tuesday. It's exactly what it says in Banks' "expectations" post - the 3 month mark is a common plateau time. Just bad timing for ME!

    Check in later... :ohwell:
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    quick check in for me right now....
    hope everyone is doing good this weekend. i have been out just shopping and what ever. DH is wanting to replace some of my clothes. keeps telling me he catches me always pulling up my pants and the shirts are getting baggy. i know, but, i do have 2 storage bags full of smaller clothes and we are between seasons now. don't want to buy now. also, just getting some clearnce summer things. we still have at least another month or 2 of warm weather. anyway he took me out to lunch, he picked a place where i would have a good choice. which i did and it was only like 460 calories. i just did my wii fit to burn a few. tomorrow is lawn mowing so burn lots there.
    getting close to dinner time now. need to find out what we are fixing. maybe just leftovers. sounds good to me.

    have a gread weekend.

  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Well, I'm totally in a confused loop about my settings but I think I'm going to try upping my cals to 1400 a day for a week or two and see what happens. I think I may also try eating a flat amount of 500 calories more on work out days. I'll give that formula a try and go from there. I've also changed my goal weight because when I look at the idea of being half way as far as body fat amounts go, I feel like if I look at what I've lost already, it seems like I've got much more than that amount still on me. So now I'm more like 5 lbs away from my half way point but that's okay with me :smile:
    I think changing up my settings may be helpful to me. I guess time will tell!!

    Hope everyone is having a great weekend!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    pedal....always twists and turns in this eating stuff, isn't there?

    question for you guys, where are you getting these 100 calorie pack of peanuts y'all put on your lists of food? i can't find them in our stores around here.
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Good morning everyone

    I'm entering a time of need for my lack of faith and confidence in my process here not to damage to my goals. I've been GAINING weight over the last week and this morning when I saw the scale go up again I decided to take a couple of key measurements and they didn't reflect any change either. I think I'm going to change my ticker to reflect this morning's higher weight, and if it happens to fall off in the next couple of days then fine, I'll change it back. I just don't want to see numbers that are too far from what the scale showed me. A tiny fluctuation is one thing but it keeps creeping. I just wish I understood what the heck was going on with me. I'm even more scared now to try this new plan of 1400 cals on regular days then 1900 cals on work out days, but I now really need to do SOMETHING. This is so depressing!!!

    I have to get my day going - step class this morning!
    Thanks for listening ladies,

  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Oh PedalHound...I understand your frustration. I've been there. And trust me...when you have less to lose, there are many more's SO annoying! Just stick with it...I'm sure in time things we get better. :flowerforyou:

    This weekend has been rough for me...made some bad choices and I'm scared that I may see an increase on the scale this week...but it's my own fault! I'm hoping this week will be good for me to get back on track! Today will be cleaning and laundry for me...and we want to do a little re-arranging around the house, so I don't know that I will get any exercise in today. But tomorrow is back to the routine.

    Chipper...BlueDiamond is the brand that makes the 100 calorie packs of almonds...they are with the other nuts in the Dahls I shop at.

    Have a good remainder of the weekend girls and I'll check back tomorrow!
  • katyk08
    katyk08 Posts: 302
    Good morning everyone

    I'm entering a time of need for my lack of faith and confidence in my process here not to damage to my goals. I've been GAINING weight over the last week and this morning when I saw the scale go up again I decided to take a couple of key measurements and they didn't reflect any change either. I think I'm going to change my ticker to reflect this morning's higher weight, and if it happens to fall off in the next couple of days then fine, I'll change it back. I just don't want to see numbers that are too far from what the scale showed me. A tiny fluctuation is one thing but it keeps creeping. I just wish I understood what the heck was going on with me. I'm even more scared now to try this new plan of 1400 cals on regular days then 1900 cals on work out days, but I now really need to do SOMETHING. This is so depressing!!!

    I have to get my day going - step class this morning!
    Thanks for listening ladies,


    Im right with you Pedal, and my heart goes out!

    I stepped on the scale yesterday morning, and it read 212.8..:mad: This last check in I was at 212.0 and then Friday morning I was at 210.2!! So Im freaking out could I gain 2.6lbs in 24hrs?!?!!? I know weight fluctuates during the day and all but I weigh first thing in the mornings! I dunno, Im kinda thinking this is hopeless but then again I know its not. ..just gonna be a long next couple of days.

    This weekend I didnt get any exercise so that has killed my morale as well. I watched what I ate with the exception of an oatmeal raisin cookie Saturday. I plan on going to the gym for atleast an hour in the morning then probably on the track for 30min during my lunch break and then doing the shred dvd when I get home. Sounds like alot, but when Im very frustrated exercising seems to help mellow me out a little bit.

    My medicine was switched back to phentermine and I took one yesterday and today and didnt really notice anything..but I think it is becuz I also took a muscle relaxer sooo they kinda canceled each other out *dumb idea* :grumble: Oh well!

    So yea, hopefully tomorrow will be better and hopefully I can get back into the swing of things with a positive outlook!!
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement ladies.. Sadly I went 170 cals over my limit today, possibly a little more. Sounds like I'm not the only one who needs a morale boost, so Katy let's hit this week head-on together!

    I have a super busy day tomorrow so I'm posting my menu now:

    1: egg white omlette w/ spinach & skim milk cheese & salsa, 1 slice cinnamon raisin Ezekiel toast w/ olive butter and fruit juice sweetened jam, 1/2 cup blueberries

    2: chocolate protein shake, 1/2 sprouted grain bagel w/ hummus, alfalfa sprouts, tomato & toasted sesame seeds, 1 gala apple w/ cashew pistachio brazilnut butter (uh... yum?!... better be, it was $18 for the little jar!!)

    3: Lentil egg plant apricot soup, mixed green salad w/ alfalfa sprouts & hummus, 1 banana

    4: brown rice w/ black soy beans, corn, peas & mushrooms in sodium-free peanut sauce, mixed green salad, vanilla protein shake

    5: air popped popcorn

    exercise: stroller fitness & dance class :heart: :bigsmile: Hopefully tomorrow I wake up fresh and rested and feeling more optimistic. Changing my goal weight to 5 lbs lower PLUS being at a stand-still PLUS no measurement change is H-A-R-D. I think I'll do some boxing or shred tonight. That may start things off on a good foot for tomorrow.

    Good night!

    Oh, and I thought I would introduce myself for real (particularly since I gain so much support and encouragement from you. My name is Rhiannon (pronounced like 'shannon' but with "ree" rather than "sh"). So there ya go. :tongue:
  • sixtyinchesoffury
    sixtyinchesoffury Posts: 321 Member
    great job to all!!!
  • pdxmomof2
    I just have to say, you guys are dedicated. I have just sat and read through your entire 4 pages of thread. I love the motivation that comes from this challenge. You guys seem like you can really count on one another! I have tried to be a part of several other challenges and have just never really felt this kind of support that you seem to have. Kudo's to all of you. I would love to join your "Sexy in Six" challenge. I have been a part of MFP since March of 2008 and have only managed to loose 9 pounds. I just recently joined weight watchers and am hoping this will help. Good luck to all of you!

  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    I just have to say, you guys are dedicated. I have just sat and read through your entire 4 pages of thread. I love the motivation that comes from this challenge. You guys seem like you can really count on one another! I have tried to be a part of several other challenges and have just never really felt this kind of support that you seem to have. Kudo's to all of you. I would love to join your "Sexy in Six" challenge. I have been a part of MFP since March of 2008 and have only managed to loose 9 pounds. I just recently joined weight watchers and am hoping this will help. Good luck to all of you!


    It's not too late to start up with us now Amy! Just decide how many lbs you want to aim for in the last few weeks of this challenge :wink: This is a great group and I bet you'll see some results!

    Well, bed now. I'm up waaay too late this week. I'll have to add that to my mini goals for week 10...

    Oh right, I came on to share this: I'm going to try it :glasses:
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    morning ladies;
    boy what a weekend. lots of drama and tears. my son recently has found he has a very full plate and he is adding to it. in short. he (27 yrs) wants to buy a house. move in just before Christmas. (great). still attending college part time (great) works 55 hrs week and makes pretty good money (great). has no bills (great). wants to bring (pay for) 32 yrs woman from CA to SC for a weekend to meet. :noway: (what). she contacted him through craigs list and wants to meet him. (my thought gold digger). who leaves their home town and family to move accoss country. she is looking a new place to call home.(why). anyway we fought like crazy and he said some pretty harsh things. anyway. it ended and most is well again.
    i did NOT eat over this. I still did my exercises. lifes bump in the road and there will be many more. as i just move on.

    pedal....i just don't know about your struggle right now. i know that when my sister lost 150#s. she really wanted to get down to 120/125. but her body just sticks to 130 and she has a hard time getting it to stay down below that. i think that is just were her body needs to be. i know your not near your goal, but, maybe your body is just having a hard time adjusting to the changes it has made. hang in there.

    new week all, let's get it going. not much longer before we start our sexy challenge.....
