twenty pound somethings week #9



  • DebLaf
    DebLaf Posts: 248
    Good Morning,

    I felt blah yesterday so I never even turned on my computer, so today I am reading everything I missed. I really feel for all of you ladies. It looks like we are falling apart.:frown: Did you notice Amy said "I love the motivation that comes from this challenge" and "You guys seem like you can really count on one another!" She's right. This is one of the best groups on this site. :heart: We can do this; let's get it together

    Amy, Welcome & as pedal said join in now.

    Pedal, we won't be perfect all the time and that's why learning to get back on the wagon is so important.

    Kristen, You are such a great inspiration to all of us and I understand that it is harder to lose when you don't have a big amount to lose. Please hang in there it will pay off.

    Katy, You have been doing good. There is something on this site about how important it is to eat all of your calories and I am going to try to find that for you.

    Chipper, Sounds like you have a great son and what a worry you are facing. It sounds like he is going to do what he wants, maybe this woman will change her mind. Your relationship with your son is what is most important through all of this.


    1: French toast, slice of ham & turkey, jam (big breakfast today)
    2: apple
    3:lean cusine (not sure what yet)
    5Chicken tortilla soup

    Exercise: 1 hour at Community Center

    have a great day! I'll check in later today.:flowerforyou:
  • katyk08
    katyk08 Posts: 302

    Okay so my morning has started off better...I weighed first thing and its back to 210! Yay! Maybe that will teach me to not weigh everyday or even every other day.

    So I gotta go quickly but just wanted to say I got up this morning and hit the park for 40 min of walking/jogging! Burned 442 cals by 8am :wink:

    Okay so I will check back in in a lil bit- hope you all start off with a great morning!

  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Good morning my friends! It's Monday and I'm ready to get to it!!!! We just won't even talk about last night because it was BAD! But I did go for a run with the dogs not completely lazy!:wink:

    Rhiannon...what a pretty name! Nice to meet the "real" you!:wink: You know I was skeptical to use my real name and any real info on MFP for a long time, but eventually realized that it was okay! Oh and the 100 push up challenge is great! I did it a couple months back. It's great for your arms. I was just having trouble remembering to do them...I don't know why. But I'd get home from the gym, shower and simply forget! Good luck to you! It's a great challenge!

    Amy...yes, feel free to join at any time! We love new people!

    Katy...glad to here the morning is starting off well!

    Deb...sorry you felt blah yesterday but glad to hear from you this morning!

    Chipper...sorry to hear about your son. Good job not eating your stresses away! That's usually what I good self-control! Hope things get better!:flowerforyou:

    Well, I am ready to take on the new week! I have motivation and am ready to DO THIS! So, here's the meal plan for today:

    1 single cinnamon roll oatmeal, 8 oz PlumSmart Lite juice, 1 med. banana, 1 multivitamin.

    AM Snack:
    2 c. coffee, 2 tbsp. sugar-free vanilla caramel creamer, 1 Kashi TLC soft-baked Ripe Strawberry bar.

    PB&J (2 sl. village hearth wheat bread, 1 tbsp. natural PB, 2 tbsp. sugar free blackberry jam), 1 med. cucumber, AE YoLite yogurt, diet coke, JELLO gelatin with fruit.

    Afternoon Snack:
    1 med. pear, 100 cal. pack almonds, 1 Kashi TLC Trail Mix chewy granola bar.

    Left-over chicken stew my mom made (no idea on calories but I know it's not bad....I will do some extimating later), homemade basic salad with spritzer dressing.

    PM Snack:
    Depends on remaining calories.

    Exercise plan--1/2 hour run on treadmill, 1 hour BodyPump. should be fine for me. And then tomorrow is a new thread...and I'm still a little scared about weigh-in. But it will be okay!

    Have a FABULOUS day friends!
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Good morning everyone,

    Deb, I'm glad today is feeling better and thanks for your words. Genuinely helpful as I've woken up still feeling hopeless. I am determined to find it!

    Chipper, that's so rough when there are issues like that. I'm glad things are sorted out and I'm VERY proud of you for not eating to medicate!

    Katy, yay!!! Feels so good when that scale goes back down. Wishing I could join in there with you! I'm sure it will happen soon though. You're doing so well!

    Kristin, thanks! I don't share very much personal info online but I figured my first name was okay just this once :wink: I'm so glad you're sounding so motivated today!! You're very good at getting back on the horse :happy:

    So as I said to Deb I'm still not feeling so great this morning. Not much movement on the scale sadly but we'll see what the coming days bring. I wouldn't be putting as much stock in the numbers on the scale if my measurements were any different but they're not. I'm going to get my thyroid levels checked again because I'm getting a lot of bruises and that's usually my first sign that my dosage is off. If it's LOW, that could have everything to do with my weight standing still. Who knows.

    Well, off to start my busy day! I hope everyone has a great one and I'm happy to be back in a new week. Somehow that feels like help for finding my courage to stick to my guns and break this plateau.

    Thanks so much ladies. I agree with Amy - this is an AMAZING group :heart: :flowerforyou:
  • cassangelidy
    HI Ladies,

    I'm so sorry this is going to be a fly by for right now. I just want to say thank you so much for the encouragement last week to get myself to the gym. I bought a HRM this weekend thinking it would be added encouragement to see how many calories I am actually burning and guess worked!!

    I got up got to the gym and burned 447 calories all before 6 am! WOO HOO!!

    Here is my food plan

    1 slice toast and 1 tlbs can't believe its not butter

    1/2 cup oatmeal and 1/2 cup low fat cottage cheese

    salad with 2 egg whites and one whole egg, spray asian salad dressing and 1 cup organic potatoe leek soup with 5 saltine crackers.

    1 granola bar

    I think dinner will be brinner (breakfast for dinner) turkey bacon, veggie omelete. I haven't added up my calories so things might change.

    Have a wonderful day ladies!! Thanks for all that you are! :)

  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    cassangelidy, good for you!!! HRMs are amazing motivators :wink: Nice to have your work out done already!!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    i am so sorry......i forgot to WELCOME :drinker: all the new comers.....
    my mind is somewhere else today. now MIL brought over her drama. i don't want any more drama. at least DH is on side about his mother.....and her drama....
    getting ready to head out and find a nice shelve for my soap making stuff. i make my own bubble bath, bath salts, laundry soap, fabric softner and list goes on. i just have so much stuff now boxes don't work any more.
    i'll cruise by later........
    chipper (cathy):wink:
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Hehe...Hi Cathy! Pedal started a trend!:laugh: :wink: And I think it's awesome that you make soaps and whatnot...very cool!

    Cassidy...good to hear from you! Congrats on getting a HRM! It is great motivation, isn't it?! Hope it continues to keep you moving!

    KEEP IT UP GIRLS!:drinker:
  • DebLaf
    DebLaf Posts: 248
    Hi All,

    I'm afraid to weigh in tommorrow. Over the weekend I thought to myself I've been so good lately, just a little movie theater popcorn won't hurt. It was more than a little. The next day a few of my hubbys M&M's won't hurt. The next day a bite of my kid's ice cream won't hurt. Guess what I weighed myself this morning and that hurt. So hopefully I will learn my lesson from all these little bites.

    Pedal, I just thought of something no one mentioned earlier. How about the fact that muscle weighs more than fat. Which is great in the long run, because now you will start burning more calories even when your resting.

    Cassangelily, Good for you. I just got my HRM friday. What kind did you get?

    Katy here is something I found, not exactly what I mentioned earlier, because I couldn't find that again. This is a bit long but makes some very interesting points and I didn't have time to read the whole thing, but here is an excerpt in case anyone is interested. And glad your seeing the scale headed in the right direction again.

    "Why Is She Not Losing Weight?

    First, let me tell you why she's not losing weight. Then I'll tell you what she has to do to fix the situation. With a chronic (months and months) intake of less than 1000 calories per day and a 185-pound body weight her metabolism is suffering greatly. It's running cool, not hot. It's basically running at a snail's pace.

    Think of it this way. Her metabolism has matched itself to her intake. She could, indeed, lose body fat but she's in that gray area where she is eating too few calories but not quite at the concentration-camp level yet." This article can be found at the link below if anyone is interested.
    another excerpt from my searching on this site:
    "Also, metabolic rate tends to drop more with more excessive caloric deficits (and this is true whether the effect is from eating less or exercising more); as well, people vary in how hard or fast their bodies shut down. Women's bodies tend to shut down harder and faster. "
  • cassangelidy
    Hey Kittens!!

    Thanks for the kind congrats! :) It was so nice this morning because I got completely ready at the gym and then came home and got my family ready....most specifically my 3 year old daughter and the coffee!! But it was so much more relaxing this way. I had lunches for hubby and me already made up so we just had to grab them out of the fridge. :) I think tonight I'll set up the coffee to go on timer so I can have coffee already brewed by the time I get home from the gym tomorrow!!

    Deb, I just got the Mio Sport from WalMart. So I know its not exact...however its better than nothing and its WAY cheaper than the others!! This girl right here is on a plan to get out of debt and I can't afford $150.00 to find out how many calories I burned....we'll I could **afford** it, but I just don't want to. :)

    I just thought of a really yummy dinner I'm going to make tonight and have to write it down before I forget....Let me know what you guys think...

    One can whole corn
    One can diced tomatoes
    One can black beans
    1 red bell pepper
    1 green bell pepper
    2 chicken breasts chopped up

    I'm going to mix up some Light Mayo and Salsa for a sauce....

    I think I'll eat it on a salad, but my hubby will probably eat it in a tortilla.

    Yummm that sounds good! :)

    Whatever challenges in life you are facing ladies, remember that you are the author of your own happiness. I am famous among my friends for saying "happiness is a choice"...but for too long I have not been choosing this myself. This journey is as much mental and spiritual as it is about losing weight and getting into those cute jeans once again.

    I just wanted to remind you are beautiful. :flowerforyou:
  • DebLaf
    DebLaf Posts: 248
    Hey Cass,

    Can I call you that for short? Your dinner sounds like my Chicken Fiesta. I put it all in a crockpot then serve it on a bed of lettuce with a little Reduced Fat sour cream. We love it. Enjoy!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    here's a great two for y'll, I'll also put them in the recipe section: these are south beach....

    4 skinless Chicken breasts
    1 Can diet PEPSI/Coke/Cola
    1 cup (8oz)Carb Option Ketchup

    Pour /Mix ketchup /soda in skillet, Add Chicken, bring to boil.. turn chicken over, lower to low/medium heat for 45 minutes( turn once or twice in that time frame)
    the sauce will thicken, and the chicken may start to shred..Serve with Salad or veggies.. Will try to shred the chicken and serve on a hunk of sourdough.
    We use this sauce for all sorts of things. when we BBQ or dipping. it does reduce.


    Taco bake
    Serves 4:
    1 can refried beans (I'm lucky enough to have a Trader Joes that carries organic refried beans with nothing but beans, water, spices).
    1 lb extra lean ground beef (I'm able to get 94% lean - groundy turkey can be used too)
    1 large onion, chopped
    1 large bell pepper chopped (red's my favorite, but use whatever)
    8 oz mushrooms, coarsely chopped (diced, not sliced)
    1 can green chilis (like ortega)
    2-3 cloves garlic, finely chopped (or more, if you'd like)
    2-3 TB chili powder (your favorite that hopefully has no added sugar)
    1 TB cumin
    1-2 t garlic powder
    2-3 TB tomato paste
    2/3 C shredded f/f or l/f cheese, your choice, although I think cheddar is the best

    Garnish - any, all work well:
    chopped green onions
    chopped black olives
    l/f, f/f sour cream
    chopped lettuce and tomatoes
    chopped cilantro
    chopped white or bermuda onion

    Preheat oven to 450. Take a flat casserole dish, spray with cooking spray and spread refried beans on the bottom. Season with salt and pepper and bake for 15 minutes.

    Meanwhile, saute meat, onions, bell pepper, garlic (season with S&P) until onion begins to soften and meat beings to brown. Add mushrooms and cook until they've released their water and meat is thoroughly browned. Drain fat and add all spices, and cook for about 2-3 minutes until spices toast. Add green chilies and tomato paste, along with a little bit of water, if needed. The mixture should be moist but not runny.

    Take the casserole dish with the beans, pour mixture on top and top with cheese (sometimes I add olives and green onions at this stage). Bake in the oven for another 10 minutes or until the cheese is melted and just starts to bubble. Serve with generous heaps of lettuce as a bed (romain, red leaf and iceberg work really well here), and garnish with garnishes of your choice.
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Yum, yum... Chip! These sound GREAT! I make a chicken marinade with 1 c. diet coke, 1 c. italian dressing, and 1 c. ketchup...VERY good! Thanks for sharing these! I might have to try...

    So...I am in between things here at work...blah...blah...blah... It's one of those days! BUT...just talked with my mom and she is gonna buy a new set of pots and pans for my for my birthday (which is next week Tuesday). So...I know what I want so she wants me to go get them tonight (because we have a coupon) and then she will pay me for them! I am SO excited because I REALLY need new ones! I'm getting the Rachel Ray Stainless Steele set! Two of my friends have this set and LOVE it and I've had my eye on it for-EVER! So...I will let you know how I LOVE them! Just had to share! :wink:

    Well...I need to get back to a few things, but have a great rest of the afternoon ladies and I'll be back later! Love ya!
  • cassangelidy
    Yummy Those do sound good!! Thanks for the new treats to try! :)

    Congrats on the new pots and pans Kristin!! I love getting new kitchen stuff! :)

    Deb-Yea Cass for short is cool....Lots of people call me that. :)

    I had such a yummy salad for lunch!! I threw in some crasins and some shredded mozzerella cheese with my egg whites and asian spray dressing...WOW YUMMMY!!!!!
  • pdxmomof2
    Thanks everyone for the welcoming words! I will just have to start today then. I am going to think tonight about a goal for myself. I will post that along with a little bit about myself and my day to day challenges in my weight loss struggle.

    Chat soon,

  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Thanks everyone for the welcoming words! I will just have to start today then. I am going to think tonight about a goal for myself. I will post that along with a little bit about myself and my day to day challenges in my weight loss struggle.

    Chat soon,


    YAY!!!! Welcome AMY!!!!!!!:flowerforyou: Our Fab Five is growing! Yipee!!! Yes, Amy...please post a little about yourself, your goal by October 14th, and whatever else you'd like to share. Tomorrow we will be starting a new thread (we always start fresh on Tuesdays) so look for Twenty Pound Somethings Week 10. We weigh in on Tuesdays and I have started posting mini-weekly goals for myself as well...small steps.:wink: We then post daily with our meals and exercise. But I think you kind of got the jest since you've read our posts from this week. This really is the best group EVER! Glad to have you join us!
  • cassangelidy

    Woo Hoo!!!

    This group is the :explode:
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Hey Hey...Home from a great workout! Went and got my new pots and pans! SUPER excited! Want to cook...but I guess I'll wait till tomorrow! New post in the morning! Talk to you then friends!!!