Mark your calendar...June 6th starts another round of P90X C



  • hockeyman28
    hockeyman28 Posts: 136
    Anybody else feelin' great? Two workouts in for me. 88 days left. Even got my wife to go along with the lean program while I attempt doubles. Dont any of you let any of us fall off the wagon! I too am only up to about 80% capacity, so I get the extra rest, I figure if I just keep working, it will just keep getting better.
  • Good for you!!!! I'm finishing my first round of P90X in a few weeks and moving on to Insanity. AMAZING program!!
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    Xcellent progress for "official" kickoff day for P90X so far! Unfortunately, I had to start on Saturday as I need my rest day to fall on a brutal travel day for me on Friday. Killed Chest and Back on Saturday (love the new push up stands I got) and Plyo killed ME on Sunday (I am no longer a Plyo virgin). Feeling pretty good today...will have Arms and Shoulders this afternoon/evening after a long day at work today.

    For those struggling with pullups, I hear ya...I couldn't do one unassisted prior to my first round. So far, I am doing about 1 wide pullup, 3-4 normal pullups, and about 2-3 narrow grips without needing the chair. My chinups are up to around 10 without the chair. I hope to be killing them by the end of this round. It's all about reps. I will check out the reverse pullup link as soon as I can. Thanks for posting it!

    Have a great day, people!
  • _GingerSnap_
    _GingerSnap_ Posts: 339 Member
    I started on 6/4 myself and loved Chest and back! Plyometrics--not so much! I thought I was going to be sick! Can't wait for shoulders and arms tonight. I was supposed to do it this morning, but I couldn't get out of bed early enough!

    Think I'm going to have to start being a morning person.....blah!
  • OLP76
    OLP76 Posts: 768 Member
    DAY 1 of P90X Classic Doubles starts today for 'TEAM PADAM' (Pauline & Adam) Wife & Husband doin' it together for this time around :)..Happy MONDAY ♥ Go get your Dreams...!
  • jljohnson
    jljohnson Posts: 719 Member
    Almost didn't get out of bed this morning, but I did! I'm so glad because I feel awesome after Chest and Back/ARX. I upped my weight and reps on almost everything, compared to last round, but totally blew it on ARX. I can't believe how quickly I lost my strength from last round.

    kellyhr77 - I had to learn to be a morning person too. I hate getting up at 5am, but it's the only way I'm sure to get my workout done. Oh, and Plyo will grow on you. It's a tough workout, but now one of my favorites.

    Bob - Thanks for pulling everyone together. You're a great motivator, and you're gonna rock this Classic round! Glad to be along for the ride.

    OLP76 - Love your profile pic... you definiely have earned it, and I love your drive to keep pushing yourself.
  • MAK_01
    MAK_01 Posts: 553 Member
    I have decided for Round two I'm going to do the lean program (did classic for round 1). I'm happy to report I was up and at it at 6:00 am today (which is a HUGE win for me... I really don't do mornings) but I am DETERMINED to do my P90X in the mornings.

    Core Synergistics - DONE day 1 is in the books.

    Good luck today everyone!
  • annhjk
    annhjk Posts: 794 Member
    I'm in. I was going to start it this week anyway so it'll be nice to have a group at the same point. It's my second round (last one was almost 2 years ago), but I want to keep doing spin at the gym and running so I can do another half marathon in Sept. I'll do the weights on Tues, Thur, and Sat. Rest on Sunday. Monday, Wed, Fri. will be some kind of cardio - maybe Plyo on one.
  • melleyd
    melleyd Posts: 432 Member
    I'm a newbie and day one of P90X Classic completed at 6:30am this morning! I blogged about the details but basically I am looking forward to the journey and the progress I will be making. I am also looking forward to participating in this group!!

    Bring it!

  • autbot74
    autbot74 Posts: 15
    I'd ordered the set sometime in May, expecting to start June 1 but did not receive until this weekend. Hubby and I are starting tonight!
  • amfaery
    amfaery Posts: 267 Member
    hey everyone this is my last week of round one yay!!!!! graduation friday....2 week break (not really going to do Insanity over my vacation mo equipment needed)...then round 2

    good luck everyone just starting!
  • chowel3
    chowel3 Posts: 1
    I am in as well, I had planned on starting today anyway so a group will help out.

  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    You all are total rockstars for doing it in the morning! There is no way in H I could do it.. Tonight is chest/back and ab raper for week three day one for me! Excited and already looking forward to the work out and its only 9:30 here!
  • shadow622
    shadow622 Posts: 1
    Just saw this as today is my start date. Nice to see a group doing this as well!
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    Hello all!

    I would really love to join your group! Have tried to do P90X three times before but never made it more than a week...Pretty bad I know. I am student and working. I had to finish my assignments and just didn't find the time....

    Now I am all done and free for the summer...Well I will have to work at some point but that is fine.

    I really want to make it this time and would love some support! I live in the UK but I am going home for the next 3 weeks and usually I never exercise then and eat quite badly...It's just so easily done when with all my friends and family.,...

    So please feel free to tell me off :wink:

    I finally found a goal for myself that I want to work towards so hopefully that will help too....

    Did Chest&Back today so off to a good start...Due to a weak lower back I am doing ChaLean Extreme's Extreme Abs workout instead of AbRipper X. That's done too!

    So good luck everyone and a big Hello!

  • _GingerSnap_
    _GingerSnap_ Posts: 339 Member
    THink I'm going to have to tweak the workout schedule a bit. I also run four times a week, would it be ok to substitute the running instead of the videos like Kenpo and Cardio?
  • Count me and the hubs in too! We were planning on beginning tonight! I am unsure about our meals though, still gotta figure that out! Someone gave us their p90x workout routine but no weights, pull up bar, etc. Will we need anything for the first phase?
  • hockeyman28
    hockeyman28 Posts: 136
    I am so tempted to go running this evening, but according to my heart rate, I burned quite a bit already on shoulders, arms and abs. ( can that be true, 683? I avg. 128 BPM while working the 50 minutes, and stayed above 75 throughout warm ups and stretch. )
    Anyway, just enough soreness in the hammys to stop me from putting in a couple miles, as I know I will need those legs for yoga tomorrow morning. Someone just re-assure me I'm burning enough calories. I need to get skinnier and stronger.
  • bryzzl
    bryzzl Posts: 17 Member
    I'm starting P90x tonight!! Never done anything like this before - am having to adapt it slightly as our apartment isn't suited for pull up bars! Not sure how well will be able to stick to the diet either, easy peasy for lunch and dinner but breakfast for me is just a bowl of cereal - haven't got the time for a scrambled egg meal! Will see if find myself needing the extra foods after a bit, hopefully it will not effect me too much! Will just have to get some protein bars and scoff the lot :D

    SO EXCITED. Seen so many pics of people who have done so well through this programme, and really hoping it can do something for my physique !
  • OLP76
    OLP76 Posts: 768 Member
    DAY 1 of P90X CLASSIC DOUBLES completed by TEAM PADAM - Adam told me to tell you guys 'Yes, he was a WUSS today!' 'Chest, Back & Ab Ripper X'...It was very cute to see him 'struggle' to think I am stronger than him :) I am very proud of my Husband...

    He won't have an account on MFP - he's not into 'internet life'....but we did take our arm & thigh measurements today...startin' weight - We are both lookin' to GAIN this time around.

    I feel so over joyed to have my love of my life, my soulmate, my best friend, my #1 fan & supporter beside me for the next 90 Days...
    He's thinkin' about doin' 'Insanity' in Sept...:wink:

    DAY 1 is in the Books...Plyometrics tomorrow - before his Aunt's Funeral. TEAM BRING IT...!
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