Mark your calendar...June 6th starts another round of P90X C



  • iamthepreston
    iamthepreston Posts: 195 Member
    THink I'm going to have to tweak the workout schedule a bit. I also run four times a week, would it be ok to substitute the running instead of the videos like Kenpo and Cardio?

    I think that would be the best way to sub them in. In my opinion the 3 strength training days are the most important.
  • OttawaJeannie
    I have decided I am going to start my first go ever at P90X this evening. Pray for me LOL!
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    THink I'm going to have to tweak the workout schedule a bit. I also run four times a week, would it be ok to substitute the running instead of the videos like Kenpo and Cardio?

    Absolutely, but try to keep Yoga in the rotation! It is an important workout no matter what other people try to tell you!
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    Count me and the hubs in too! We were planning on beginning tonight! I am unsure about our meals though, still gotta figure that out! Someone gave us their p90x workout routine but no weights, pull up bar, etc. Will we need anything for the first phase?

    You will need a pullup bar and weights and/or bands, you should have a yoga or plyo mat and a Yoga block as well if you are not flexible (Yoga blocks are worth their weight in gold!)
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    I'm starting P90x tonight!! Never done anything like this before - am having to adapt it slightly as our apartment isn't suited for pull up bars! Not sure how well will be able to stick to the diet either, easy peasy for lunch and dinner but breakfast for me is just a bowl of cereal - haven't got the time for a scrambled egg meal! Will see if find myself needing the extra foods after a bit, hopefully it will not effect me too much! Will just have to get some protein bars and scoff the lot :D

    SO EXCITED. Seen so many pics of people who have done so well through this programme, and really hoping it can do something for my physique !

    If you are on the Fat Shredder phase of the nutrition plan, go to MFP and select Goals and change your Macros to match the Macros of the P90X plan (50% Protein, 30% carb, 20% fat). Eat clean, stay in those macro ranges, stay close to your net calories (eat those exercise calories back!) and you should be OK...Good luck!

    Are you using bands with a door attachment for pullups?
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    I have decided I am going to start my first go ever at P90X this evening. Pray for me LOL!

    It is tough! But, modify, listen to your body, take breaks if you are gassed and DO YOUR BEST AND FORGET THE REST! The progress will come with more reps. You will amaze yourself! Good luck!
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    Day 3 of Week 1 of Classic...Shoulders and Arms + Ab Ripper X. I desperately need a weighted vest for Ab Ripper. I finally conquered that puppy around the tail end of phase 2 last round and it isn't necessarily easy, but I want a little more out of the workout. I might go with a weighted vest and some ankle weights to kill thos Mason twists some more!

    This was the first time I have done Shoulders and Arms with the resistance bands (I am on the road). My burn was lower than the last time I did this workout. Not sure if it is because I am leaner now or because I didn't burn much with the bands, or a combo. I would much prefer free weights, but I can't lug all of my weights in the car with me and I don't have the scratch to buy power blocks.

    All in all, it was a good workout (burned 580 total) and my arms are feeling it. Yoga-X tomorrow! My FA-VOR-ITE!

    Namaste!!! Gonna kill the twisted half moon and crane...dammit!

    Have a good night all and BRING IT!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Chest and back done! I came home and made grilled pizzas for dinner and ate before I worked out because I was starving. A fairly full stomach worked out okay for the upper body but not for ab I will pick it up tomorrow with Plyo. I subbed in Cardio X for Plyo and Yoga last week becaue Plyo killed my knees the first week and I didn't have enough time for YogaX...but tomorrow I will try it again. I think my knees are a bit more ready for it this week.

    kellyhr - I bet you could sub in running for the Plyo and Kenpo.

    sunny - as Bob mentioned, you need either resistance bands or a pull up bar and a yoga mat.

    hockeyman - I would imagine that if you keep up with this program you will shed inches and be looking skinnier and stronger in no time!

    bryzzl - have you considered making food on the weekend for the following week? I tend to eat the same breakfast and lunch for the work week and prep it the weekend before so its a no brainer.

    Team Padam - way too cool to be working out together like that!!

    OttowaJ - You can do it! Modify modify modify when you need to (as I will be with Plyo) and just keep pushing play.

    Bob - Wtg on the work out! I think the res bands definitely take some getting used to. I used them over the pull up bar tonight and they take that extra squeeze as I pulled down to get the full effect. Though I won't know how much I worked the muscles till tomorrow morning he he.
  • yiffanarff
    yiffanarff Posts: 123 Member
    I need to get back on track tomorrow. On Saturday night I was at my boyfriend's house, and I didn't get home in time to get my p90x in on sunday morning before I had to go to work. I worked sunday till 11pm, then I had to be at work again this morning at 7:30am. I know, excuses, excuses, but I was so wiped by the time I got home that I wimped out on yoga x for today too. So now I've missed two days. :( Although I did bike to work today, and it's pretty hilly, so that's something.

    So I need all you p90xers to kick me in the butt. Back on track tomorrow morning, bright and early! I might try and fit a short run in, along with legs and back tomorrow.
  • OLP76
    OLP76 Posts: 768 Member
    TEAM PADAM has completed DAY 2 of P90X CLASSIC 'Plyometrics' - Extremely proud of Adam, he's goin' to be sore tomorrow - but he looks so handsome while 'Bringin' It'...He says to me 'You push me to keep goin''...Gettin' ready for his Aunt's Funeral - Happy Tuesday Everyone ♥ Xoo Oxx ♥

    Adam woke this AM and told me that his arms and abs hurt....I just smiled and said 'Aww my love, it's only gettin' sorer from this day on' ...

    I love workin' out with my Husband...:love: I'm more relaxed this time around - I don't need to worry about LOSIN' WEIGHT - just to maintain and get more muscle mass :happy:
  • melleyd
    melleyd Posts: 432 Member
    Finished day 2 today - plyometrics. I had to modify and take some breaks but I stuck with it until the end!! BRING IT!!!!!
  • Scott613
    Scott613 Posts: 2,317 Member
    Don't worry about not keeping up with the video. The first couple of months you probably wont be able to keep up but, as you get stronger and in better shape you'll be able to do more and eventually keep up.
  • jljohnson
    jljohnson Posts: 719 Member
    Oh, Plyo, how I've missed you! It totally kicked my butt today, but loved every second. This is one of my favorite workouts, and look forward to it every week.

    I'm sore today, in a good way - just enough that I know I worked hard yesterday, but not so much that I can't move :tongue:

    How do people like using the resistance bands in place of weights/pullup bar? I have a trip for work in July, and probably won't be able to bring all my gear.

    Also curious about recovery drinks... who's using the actual P90X stuff, and who's doing something else? I've just been doing a protein shake or chocolate milk.

    Laceylala - Where are you at in the program? And your grilled pizzas sound awesome!

    Bob - Have fun with Yoga! I'm not a fan yet, but maybe I'll get there.

    Everyone else - Keep working hard!
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    Jenna - I'm on week 3 day 2 - plyo tonight. I didn't like it the first week and traded in cardio X for it last week, but my knees are feeling more up to it this week now that I've been doing the program for a few weeks I will do it again tonight. I need the good cal burn.
    I used res bands last night instead of the pull up bar. They take some getting used to I think...learning to pull the right way, but I do like them.
    I drink a combo of Spiru-tein and Macro Greens powders. Spirutein is a protein powder that has 100% of daily vitamins per scoop and the macrogreens are super good for digestion and health..I just feel better taking them. I compared the two to Shakeology about a year ago and believe that the two combined are about as close as it gets to shakeology as far as ingredients go. Plus there are TONS of great flavors - chocolate peanutbutter swirl, banana, pina colada..and they mix up the best of anything I've tried.

    Yiffanarf - I'm Cracking The Whip at you girl!! You can get back on track! :bigsmile:
  • reepobob
    reepobob Posts: 1,172 Member
    How do people like using the resistance bands in place of weights/pullup bar? I have a trip for work in July, and probably won't be able to bring all my gear.

    Also curious about recovery drinks... who's using the actual P90X stuff, and who's doing something else? I've just been doing a protein shake or chocolate milk.

    I am not a big fan of them, but just started using them instead of the weights so the jury is out. As for a recovery drink, I use GNC AMP 60 Chocolate...three scoops in 10 oz of water. Works for me..
  • yiffanarff
    yiffanarff Posts: 123 Member
    Thanks, Laceylala. I'm trying not to dwell on my failures and focusing on the fact that i worked my tail off with legs and back today. :). Looking forward to the day that I can feel like I'm actually accomplishing something with the pull-up sets though. I'm still pretty darn weak in that department.
  • Laceylala
    Laceylala Posts: 3,094 Member
    I tried the reverse pull ups last night for the first three pull ups on Chest & Back, then switched to the res bands. I'm getting the hang of them and think until I drop down to 180 or more I'm not sure that I will be able to lift my weight on the bar...but it is good to keep trying right?

    I am SUPER trying not to dread Plyo tonight! It is only an hour of my is only an hour of my hour of my
  • laurelderry
    laurelderry Posts: 384 Member
    Hey Bob and all! Happy to report I'm doing well! Doing my P90x workout in the am and going to the gym for some extra cardio after work everyday except on Yoga days (because frankly 90 minutes is enough for me) lol.

    Question! I've been using free weights that are frankly too light. I'm going to get the resistance bands from Beachbody next week- but I was wondering about pull ups? I just need to buy the door attachment right? I didn't see this on the Beachbody website... but then again I wasn't really looking for it, so I could have easily missed it.

    Also- I have a friend that is a personal trainer that knowing I was doing P90x recommended a very high carb diet to me (example below). I have lost weight with this since I started about a month ago... but I was just wondering what others think. Should I stick with his plan or go with the P90x 50/30/20 ratio of protein, carb, fat?

    Here's the plan he gave me:

    Bkfst: Oatmeal Fruit

    Snack: Yogurt Fruit

    Lunch: Lean Meat, Carb, Veggie

    Dinner: Lean Meat, Carb Veggie

    Snack: Carb
  • laurelderry
    laurelderry Posts: 384 Member
    Hey Bob and all! Happy to report I'm doing well! Doing my P90x workout in the am and going to the gym for some extra cardio after work everyday except on Yoga days (because frankly 90 minutes is enough for me) lol.

    Question! I've been using free weights that are frankly too light. I'm going to get the resistance bands from Beachbody next week- but I was wondering about pull ups? I just need to buy the door attachment right? I didn't see this on the Beachbody website... but then again I wasn't really looking for it, so I could have easily missed it.

    Also- I have a friend that is a personal trainer that knowing I was doing P90x recommended a very high carb diet to me (example below). I have lost weight with this since I started about a month ago... but I was just wondering what others think. Should I stick with his plan or go with the P90x 50/30/20 ratio of protein, carb, fat?

    Here's the plan he gave me:

    Bkfst: Oatmeal Fruit

    Snack: Yogurt Fruit

    Lunch: Lean Meat, Carb, Veggie

    Dinner: Lean Meat, Carb Veggie

    Snack: Carb

    Also- my food diary is set at 50% Protein, 30% Carb, and 20% Fat currently... today for instance I did well with all of these except I could use some more protein... May have a shake later after my workout.
  • annhjk
    annhjk Posts: 794 Member
    I got chest and back in this morning. It wasn't as bad as I remembered it being. Maybe I'm stronger from doing 2 rounds of chalean extreme in the last year.

    As for recovery drinks, I've been meeting with a nutritionist at max muscle and he has me taking a protein/glutamatrix and 30 grams of addition carbs (fruit).

    I have a half marathon on sat so I'm going to run instead of doing plyo tomorrow. I don't want my legs to be sore or hurt myself jumping around.