21 CONSECUTIVE days of exercise Challenge



  • ColaSoBless
    ColaSoBless Posts: 31
    (Day 1)

    I Worked Out Twice Today

    1) Elliptical Trainer And Zumba Toning ...
    2) (30) Then (60) Minutes ...
    3) (474) Then (637) Calories Burned ...
    4) I Did The Elliptical Trainer I Felt So Hot Water Was Pouring Out Every Where. Zumba Tired Had To Jump In The Shower ...
  • MoLivesLuvsLifts
    MoLivesLuvsLifts Posts: 1,168 Member
    Day 3:

    Treadmill walking uphill / Shadowboxing
    60 minutes / 30 minutes = 90 minutes total
    721 / 541 = 1,262 calories burned
    I felt POWERFUL after the workout because I worked out for 90 minutes! I think I'll workout for 1-1.5 hours a day because I like the burn I get!
  • thkelly
    thkelly Posts: 466 Member
    DAY #3

    1) What you did for exercise: weights/ walk on the treadmill
    i worked out my chest and triceps and walked on the treadmill for 40 minutes. my legs were sore from earlier in the week so i didn't run
    dumbbell chest press, close grip bench press, pressdowns, and some other machines.

    2) Duration: 100 minutes

    3) Calories burned: 1154

    4) How you felt:
    my legs are so sore from squats and running earlier in the week so i took it easy tonight. my chest workout last week was great so i was looking forward to another one, but i think the fatigue in my legs affected me because this one wasn't as good.

    tomorrow shoulders and biceps and then sunday i should be ok to run again.

    hope everyone had a great friday night :)
  • TobieGirl
    TobieGirl Posts: 15
    Day #2:
    2 mile walking DVD with ab work and back strengthening exercises.
    Felt great - esp. since I did this at 9pm at night....
    burned: 239 calories

    Day #3: didn't exercise....spent morning and afternoon running errands with small baby...pulled/pushed 2 carts through grocery store(s) for three hours. wasn't wearing heart-rate monitor...so guestimated calories. Back was hurt by time finished...decided to take it 'easy' to heal back - did not get walk in or stretches.

    Day #4: haven't started yet - but plan to get a good work out in...back feels much better; abs sore from Thursday.
  • hillview2
    hillview2 Posts: 212 Member
    Well after a hard week of workouts am feeling like a slacker today. I lost almost 3 lbs this week (2.8, recorded 2). I am thinking of a 60 min fast walk today vs hard core workout. Is that cheating?
  • dusk1977
    dusk1977 Posts: 295
    DAY 4 (28/05)

    1) What you did for exercise: 64mins wii fit routines, 30mins pump it up aerobic workout DVD, 10 mins stretching
    2) Duration: 104mins
    3) Calories burned: 801
    4) How you felt: Brilliant
  • TobieGirl
    TobieGirl Posts: 15
    Day #4:
    30 minute bike ride outside
    268 calories burned
    felt great but legs a little shaky afterwards.

    Also mowed lawn for 1/2 hour - 191 calories burned.
  • Mariposa187
    Mariposa187 Posts: 344 Member
    Sorry i didnt post the past two days! i have been running around tryn to get both my cars fixed... always something but here they are!

    Day # 2:

    1) What I did for exercise -packing (lifting, and constant movement)

    2) Duration - 2 hrs

    3) Calories burned - im not really sure b/c i dont have a hrm...

    4) How I felt - I felt okay but not completely satisfied i wanted to do an actual workout routine but i didn't get home until after 11:30 that night...

    Day # 3:

    1) What I did for exercise -Zumba! (i found zumba videos on youtube)
    2) Duration - 35 minutes
    3) Calories burned - 208 i think...
    4) How I felt - I felt super accomplished considering i did NOT want to exercise... it took me over four hours to talk myself into it yesterday.... i am so glad i joined this or else i would not have exercised yest, the thought of having to post was the only thing that motivated me to get up... i had a slow start at first but after the first song i was going full force! :)
  • Mariposa187
    Mariposa187 Posts: 344 Member
    DAY 4 (28/05)

    1) What you did for exercise: 64mins wii fit routines, 30mins pump it up aerobic workout DVD, 10 mins stretching
    2) Duration: 104mins
    3) Calories burned: 801
    4) How you felt: Brilliant

    Wow that is quite a burn!!!!! GREAT JOB!!!!
  • kellycasey5
    kellycasey5 Posts: 486 Member
    Day 5 (Saturday)
    1. What: vinyasa flow yoga ( I use the pure tranquility dvd by Rainbeau Mars)
    2. Duration: 28 minutes
    3. Calories:77
    4. How I felt: great! my back is super tight and all of the deep gentle stretching made my hips and calves feel so much better! Today I think this being active thing is a great idea!

    This being said, my legs are still sore and I am skipping the gym as I work tonight and will be on my feet. Tomorrow morning will be a walk/ jog morning unless my calves still ache and then it shall be the elliptical or perhaps the bike. So much fun to aim to exercise daily.
  • kellycasey5
    kellycasey5 Posts: 486 Member
    aaaagh forgot the quote :blushing: see below
  • kellycasey5
    kellycasey5 Posts: 486 Member
    Well after a hard week of workouts am feeling like a slacker today. I lost almost 3 lbs this week (2.8, recorded 2). I am thinking of a 60 min fast walk today vs hard core workout. Is that cheating?

    No way! Exercise is exercise. Unless your walk is at the mall with a latte in hand ;)
  • dia77
    dia77 Posts: 410 Member
    I realize this is short notice, but I'm starting this tomorrow. If I put it off for the start of a week or a month, I may put it off forever. Today I visited for several hours with my bff of 27 years. She's the one who got me involved in this site. She's been doing it just under 6 weeks and has lost 12 lbs, and more importantly has lost 5 inches off her waist, gone down several jean sizes, has improved the early-onset arthritis in her knees, and has improved her mood/anxiety level so much that her shrink is speaking of weaning her off her meds!! That is MASSIVE improvement in under 6 weeks!! And she says that it is almost entirely due to exercise. Not that she's not watching what she eats too - but she's NEVER been a big eater. In fact, she had to INCREASE what she ate to get up to the 1200 cals that the site keeps pushing her towards. I need to improve in all the areas she has as well - the weight loss & inches gone is really cool but would be a side benefit of losing the pain in my knees & reducing my depression meds - as well as the fact I'm diabetic & know that exercise reduces blood sugar.

    So anyone feel like dedicating themselves to this idea? 21 CONSECUTIVE DAYS OF EXERCISE!! After that you can option to cut back to 5x a week or whatever. But that 21 days to make a habit rule is what I'm going for here. My friend tells me that she has now gotten to the point where if she misses a day or 2 of exercise she feels sluggish. She MISSES it! Imagine that! So regardless if anyone else wants to do it, I'm starting tomorrow and not stopping for 21 days!
    I am in . I so need this :) thanks
  • fitniknik
    fitniknik Posts: 713 Member
    DAY 1-


    30 MIN

    357 Calories burned

    I set the intensity up pretty high so I really had to push. I am still sweating like crazy and its been like15 minutes since I finished! Its been a while since I got on my elliptical. Other than the fact that it makes a weird clunking noise... I still love it!

    Day 2-



    345 calories burned

    Went a bit lower on the intensity today. I had to get up wayy early to fit this in today. I really didnt want to screw up right away on day 2 so I got up before my early morning dentist appointment to burn it!
    It felt really good! I feel lean today. Well ok, I cheated, I jumped on the scale because I felt lean and i lost 1lb!! But its not record day (thats tomorrow) so I cant do anything but feel good about it! Sweated and it was awesome! Feels so good!

    Day 3-
    Painting the house
    4 hours
    800 or so calories burned
    Its done! Its done! Its done! thats all I can say! Im so happy its done!

    day 4-
    Gardening/lawn mowing/Golfing
    2.5 hours
    700ish calories burned
    Felt good to be doing something other than painting or worrying about painting. I actually didnt do to bad at golfing either. This exercise proves that you dont have to be stuck in the house or suffering to be counting exercise minutes!
  • Kanzaki3
    Kanzaki3 Posts: 656 Member
    Day 4

    Insanity: Plyometric Cardio Circuit

    42 minutes

    509 calories burned

    I'm dead tired which was what I wanted to feel.
  • ColaSoBless
    ColaSoBless Posts: 31
    Day 2

    Leisurely Walking @ The Mall

    60 Minutes

    324 Calories Burned

    I Felt Good Especially After Going In Macy's And Fitting In A Large Dress
  • Sistasarita
    Sistasarita Posts: 39 Member
    Day 1: Thurs
    1. Elliptical
    2. 30 mins
    3. 283 calories burned

    Day 2: Fri
    1. Bike ride 6 miles
    2. 35-40 mins
    3. Approx 298 cal burned
    4. Thought I was gonna die on the hill.

    Day 3: Sat
    1. 30 Day Shred
    2. 25 mins
    3. Approx 213
    4. Felt great even though my thighs were burning!!! Got a massage directly after.
  • MoLivesLuvsLifts
    MoLivesLuvsLifts Posts: 1,168 Member
    Day 4:

    30 minutes
    210 calories burned
    I felt ACCOMPLISHED after the workout because I didn't want to do it; but, did it anyway.
  • Melinda1987
    Melinda1987 Posts: 130
    DAY 4: Saturday

    Walked at about 2 mph
    64 mins
    349 cals
    I felt so PROUD because I was VERY sore when I started my first walk, and nearly turned around to go home, but kept on. Then later my friend suggested another walk (long story - will post about it in my blog) and so we did another 34 mins. SO SORE! But very proud :)
  • therobinator
    therobinator Posts: 832 Member
    Day # 3:

    1) What I did for exercise - n/a (oops)

    2) Duration - n/a

    3) Calories burned - n/a

    4) How I felt - I feel dumb that I deidn't work out. There was no reason for it.


    Day # 4:

    1) What I did for exercise - Insanity Cardio Power & Resistance

    2) Duration - 39 minutes

    3) Calories burned - Unknown (I have stopped wearing my HRM, as I know Insanity burns at leat 400 calories per session)

    4) How I felt - Just alright. My legs are fine (and clearly improved from a few months ago), but my arms always feel so weak when I am winded. Even after a finishing a full round of Insanity (I'm now on my 2nd round), it's still so hard on the arms. Anyways, I am now headed out to the yard for a few hours of sure-to-be grueling yard work, weeding, and mowing in the hot sun - woohoo. So, in my mind, that makes up (at least calorie-burn-wise) for not exercising yesterday.