21 CONSECUTIVE days of exercise Challenge



  • hillview2
    hillview2 Posts: 212 Member
    Day 4 Saturday 5/28
    45 mins walk (313 calories/HRM); felt good

    Day 5 Sunday 5/29
    30 mins C25K W2D1 and 30 mins fast walk (540 calories/HRM); the run was HARD; walking felt great after I was able to recover from the running!
  • thatgirlLeah
    thatgirlLeah Posts: 44 Member
    I would like to participate! I'm fairly new to MFP but would like to add more exercise to my life. I'm going on vacation in two weeks and am already stressing a bit about the challenges that go along with that. I think if I focus on tracking my activity (probably LOTS of walking every day and I'm considering bringing my rollerblades, too) while we're traveling, it'll take some of the anxiety away about the limited food choices. I keep telling myself that I may eat more unhealthy food than is ideal but the PORTIONS are totally within my control! I can be PREPARED with lots of apples, protein bars, water, etc. too!

    EDIT: Oh, drat! I just noticed that you started last week. Oh well, I'll watch for another group to jump in with. I hope you're all doing GREAT and finding this challenge to be a great way to infuse extra motivation into your days! Go, go, go!!! :happy:
  • Kanzaki3
    Kanzaki3 Posts: 656 Member
    Day 5

    Wii Boxing

    31 minutes

    203 calories burned

    Today was my day off from Insanity. I wanted to do something that wasn't too intense. I didn't sweat as much but I felt good after seeing some calories burned off.
  • Mariposa187
    Mariposa187 Posts: 344 Member
    Day # 4

    1) What I did for exercise - dancing at my cousins wedding

    2) Duration - at least 30 minutes

    3) Calories burned - 203

    4) How I felt - I loooove weddings!!! :) it was such a joyous occasion and worked out well since i was ill earlier that day and didnt get to exercise. I have been in a depression funk for several days and dancing and being with my fam really lifted my spirits. I also loved dancing to indian music! i am more sore than when i do my regular workout cuz this kind of dancing works everything and it was such a stress reliever! i am ready to exercise today!!!! woot woot
  • RedHotRunner
    RedHotRunner Posts: 850 Member
    Day 4 - just took a little 20 minute walk to go get some groceries. Burned 62 calories, but like Friday, this normally is another rest day, so it's better than my usual Sunday.

    Tomorrow is running and either kayaking or miniature golf so i'll get in my 30 minutes and then some;
  • in2nat
    in2nat Posts: 12

    Starting today as I need to get my body moving - have been going to the gym 3 times a week and nuffin budging...so stepping it up.
    Will post back later today with results.
  • tanyaMax
    tanyaMax Posts: 524 Member
    Sorry for bein late on day three...i was backpacking :0)

    Day 3

    1) Hiked to hoagees Campground 2.5 miles
    2) 2 hours
    3) 865 calories
    4) felt freakin GREAT!!!! i love hiking! and its a great burn! beautiful hike

    1) hiked from our campground to a spot by the river, then hiked back to the campground to grab some beers for the men
    (and me) then back to the spot by the river
    2) 1 1/2 hours
    3) 500 calories
    4) loved it....was glad to go grab some beers....extra burnage
  • tanyaMax
    tanyaMax Posts: 524 Member
    Day 4

    1) Hiked back from Hoagees Campground 2.5 miles
    2) 1.5 hours
    3) 515 calories
    4) amazing, and exhausting but mostly amazing! on the car ride back i was thinking, shoot i have to do thirty minutes when i get back, and I was willing to do it, even though i was a tad exhausted. and then i realized, wait i just hiked...hahaha.....thats how much i love it...its just added burnage
  • kellycasey5
    kellycasey5 Posts: 486 Member
    Day 6 (Sunday)

    1. What: took a walk around the park before going to costco
    2. Duration:30 minutes
    3. Calories: about 100
    4. How I felt: tired, both before and after. I work again tonight and the holiday weekend has been BUSY. Plus it is hard to sleep sometimes during the day. But I am looking for a lifestyle change and normally I wouldn't do any exercise between nightshifts so this is a challenging goal. Plus the sun was blindingly bright so I imagine I looked like a zombie, but now I am feeling better so I am sure the fresh air was good for me. And all of those grilling burgers and hot dogs looked amazing, but I have salad and strawberries awaiting me.
  • MoLivesLuvsLifts
    MoLivesLuvsLifts Posts: 1,168 Member
    Day 5:

    30 minutes
    547 calories burned
    I felt GREAT fter the workout! Also did some strength exercises on the machines as well!
  • fitniknik
    fitniknik Posts: 713 Member
    Day 5

    Mall Walking 30 minutes

    200? calories

    We walked a lot more than 30 minutes but we dedicated to walking before we did any shopping. I dont think I like walking in the mall of america so much because there are sooo many people and they all walk ridiculously annoying.. stopping and spreading out and all over the place. Oh well.. Least I did something!
  • thkelly
    thkelly Posts: 466 Member
    DAY #4 - Saturday

    saturday seems so long ago, but i did shoulders and walked on the treadmill. wasn't the greatest workout, but i was out all day and went late saturday night

    Day #5 - Sunday
    sunday was a great workout. squatted 335 lbs which was a new high for me. i think i could have gone higher, but i didn't want to push it. legs are going to be sore over the next two days but it's always a good sore
    i burned 1350 calories in 2 hours.
  • dusk1977
    dusk1977 Posts: 295
    DAY 5 (29/05)

    1) What you did for exercise: 30mins wii fit routines, 30mins walking slow pace, 60mins walking mod pace, 10mins wii fit free jog, 30mins wii fit free step
    2) Duration: 160mins
    3) Calories burned: 964
    4) How you felt: Knackered, I had to do the extra exercise as I had a really bad food day :grumble:

    DAY 6 (30/05)

    1) What you did for exercise: 25mins Tae Bo workout DVD, 14 mins stretching
    2) Duration: 39mins
    3) Calories burned: 533
    4) How you felt: Positive :happy:
  • Kanzaki3
    Kanzaki3 Posts: 656 Member
    Day 6

    Insanity: Pure Cardio & Cardio Abs

    56 minutes

    599 calories burned

    Felt awesome as I wiped the floor with my sweat.
  • Melinda1987
    Melinda1987 Posts: 130
    DAY 5 (SUNDAY 5/29)

    Exercise: Calisthenics
    Time: 30 mins
    Cals: 229
    Felt: Well was in pain all day and feeling a bit depressed that I wasn't getting out to walk. Squeezed this in at the end of the day to keep to my goal.
  • MoLivesLuvsLifts
    MoLivesLuvsLifts Posts: 1,168 Member
    Day 6:

    60 minutes
    1,082 calories burned
    I felt TIRED after the workout. Didn't like the music playing at the gym, nothing was on the tv and I was tired. But, I did it anyway!
  • Sistasarita
    Sistasarita Posts: 39 Member
    Way to stick to your goal Mel!

    Day 5: Sunday 5/29
    1. 30 Day Shred
    2. 25 mins
    3. Approx 200+ calories
    4. Feeling strong with the cardio. Gotta work on the upper body strength.

    Day 6: Monday 5/30
    1. 5k
    2. Approx 35 mins
    3. 336 calories
    4. Woohoo! No excuses. 2nd 5k for the year but kicking off my running season. Took at least 1:30 off my first run time. Feeling good. So awesome to see all the Veterans along the course cheering us on. God Bless the USA. Hoorah!
  • Melinda1987
    Melinda1987 Posts: 130
    DAY 6 (Mon 5/30)

    Exercise: Walking 2.5 mph
    Time: 30 mins
    Cals: 196
    Felt: FANTASTIC!!! I wasn't that enthusiastic to go, but I knew I felt TERRIBLE yesterday for hardly getting any exercise in. I let down myself, this group, and everyone who believes in me. I wasn't going to let that happen again - so I grabbed my stuff & went. My Inner Critic tried to say "Oh yer too sore... you shouldn't go." But slapper her muzzle on and cranked up my MP3 player and strutted my stuff! Now I gotta get my food under control - for some reason I over-eat when my niece is here. Not sure why - not her fault.
  • fitniknik
    fitniknik Posts: 713 Member
    Day 6

    20 min elliptical/40 minute bike ride


    It was so beautiful out I just had to get a bike ride in! It felt so good. I love riding bike so much! Hope everyone is doing well!
  • TobieGirl
    TobieGirl Posts: 15
    Day #4:
    1/2 hour bike ride - burned 268 calories
    25 minutes mowing lawn - burned 191 calories
    20 minute walk with baby stroller - about 80 calories
    Felt pretty darn good.

    Day #5 - didn't work out...was overcast and afraid to leave picnic area with baby while everyone else out kayaking...still - should have done something. After spending 7 hours outside with a baby - simply felt tired...

    Day #6:
    90+ minutes kayaking: 350 calories burned (estimate)
    2 mile nature trail hike: 267 calories burned
    30 minute walk with Dog: 100 calories burned

    Feel extremely exhausted...not good...just hot and tired....
    Today was my official weigh in day...was down more before the weekend ....only down .08 pounds today. :grumble:

    Hope everyone had a great Memorial Day weekend and got some good workouts in! :happy: