21 CONSECUTIVE days of exercise Challenge



  • thkelly
    thkelly Posts: 466 Member
    Day #7 (5/31)

    30 minutes walk/run on treadmill
    15 minutes on bike
    45 minutes lifting
    1020 calories burned

    first time in a while that i didn't feel motivated at the gym. still had decent results, but i didn't feel that endorphin rush i usually feel at the gym. i ended up cutting my workout short and just going home.
  • hillview2
    hillview2 Posts: 212 Member
    Day 8 (6/1)
    40 mins fast walking -- 259 calories burned (HRM); felt great
    60 mins bootcamp -- kicked my BUTT but glad I did it (it was hard and I didn't feel great but felt ok); 469 calories burned
  • BeCali
    BeCali Posts: 69 Member
    Day 8 (wednesday)

    25 mins circuit training
    212 cal
    Felt easy - need to add more but don't really have time today
  • kellycasey5
    kellycasey5 Posts: 486 Member
    Day 8- Tuesday
    My legs were sore from the walking/ jogging because someone didn't stretch after:grumble:

    1. What: medium paced walking
    2. Duration: 30 minutes
    3. Calories: probably 100 or so
    4. How I felt: good. It was as nice stretch for my legs anyway.

    Today is a barbecue at the beach and my brother is coming so I bet will will run around and play frisbee. If not I will be going to the gym tonight! Good work guys! I am feeling much better about myself and feel that even on the days I don't drip the sweat I can still be active.
  • tanyaMax
    tanyaMax Posts: 524 Member
    Day 8 (wed. 6/1)

    1) treadmil. 3 minutes walking @ 3.5 speed, 2 minutes jogging @ 5.5 speed consecutively
    half way point)
    2) 1 hour
    3) 580 calories
    4) so did not want to get on that treadmil today. felt unenergized...but like i said we just have to commit to it. and now i'm ready for
    round two (dvd workout) my endorphines are running high. happy humpday :0)
  • tanyaMax
    tanyaMax Posts: 524 Member
    Day 8 (wed 6/1)

    1)Power Sculpt DVD from the biggest Loser
    2) 55 minutes
    3) 413 calories burned
    4) im having a blah day...foced myself throught it. but hey it was done. still feel kinda blah...gonna have lunch and go
    on me dog walk (no music still...sux)
  • fitniknik
    fitniknik Posts: 713 Member
    Day 8

    Gardening/cleaning gutters

    2.5 hours

    Calories burned about 500

    Wow... cleaning gutters sucks!!!!!! Im glad I dont have to do it every day!
  • tanyaMax
    tanyaMax Posts: 524 Member
    Day 8 (wed. 6/1)

    1) Dog walk
    2) 43 minutes
    3) 250 calories
    4) fresh air felt good.. still a bummer without music or podcast. Bro in law called me up. might go play tennis. we will see
  • therobinator
    therobinator Posts: 832 Member
    Day # 7 (June 1):

    1) What I did for exercise - Insanity Pure Cardio; 30 crunches

    2) Duration - 38 minutes; 2 minutes

    3) Calories burned - unknown

    4) How I felt - Very sweaty, and a bit fatigued.


    Number of days I have exercised: 5/7
  • MoLivesLuvsLifts
    MoLivesLuvsLifts Posts: 1,161 Member
    Day 8:

    30 minutes
    210 calories burned
    I felt STRONG after the workout becauseI've been doing alot of cardio lately and needed a change.
  • tanyaMax
    tanyaMax Posts: 524 Member
    Day 8 (wed. 6/1)

    1) Tennis Play
    2) 1 hour and 17 minutes
    3) 615 Calories burned
    4) felt great. was exhausted. but once i started playing i got in competative mode. I love playing tennis. just a great burn and its FUN!! my feet are tired though :0)
  • Day 6

    Walking, 2.5 mph, leisurely pace



    I was out of it, couldn't go the gym because he had a Tornado yesterday in my city.
  • Kanzaki3
    Kanzaki3 Posts: 656 Member
    Day 9

    Insanity: Cardio Recovery

    33 minutes

    193 calories burned

    I'm glad today was cardio recovery day. I didn't want to do an intense workout.
  • hillview2
    hillview2 Posts: 212 Member
    Day 9 (Thursday 6/2)
    30 mins C25K W2D2; 340 calories burned (based on last W2D1 workout as I forgot my HRM it's the same workout and I finished it quicker so hopefully it is close enough); felt slow at first and then ok for the last few runs -- turns out I beat my average time by 2 mins!
    30 mins fast walk; 220 calories again estimated based on prior similar workouts as I forgot my HRM; I felt great
  • therobinator
    therobinator Posts: 832 Member
    Day # 8 (June 2nd):

    1) What I did for exercise - "Walking, 3.5 mph, brisk pace"

    2) Duration - 43 minutes

    3) Calories burned - 200

    4) How I felt - I wish I had more time. I had to squeeze this into my lunch hour today, because I won't have time after work to exercise.


    Number of days I have exercised: 6/8
  • SoNotIram
    SoNotIram Posts: 2
    Mmm this sounds good. I'm up for it!
  • Melinda1987
    Melinda1987 Posts: 130
    I am SOOOO PROUD of all of you that are keeping it up!! I feel bad that I blew off the last 2 days :embarassed: I have excuses but that's all they are - excuses. I shoulda-coulda-woulda but didn't. So moving on....

    DAY 9 (Thurs 6/2)

    1) What I did for exercise - Walking, 2.0 mph

    2) Duration - 30 mins (but will be doing more in a bit - walking over to friends house & maybe another walk this evening)

    3) Calories burned - 180 (so far)

    4) How I felt - OMG so sore!! Will blog about this later but the short version is that missing 2 days is a BAD idea! It's like starting all over again. So I walked slower than before due to the calf & lower-back pain, but I DID IT!! :happy:
  • tanyaMax
    tanyaMax Posts: 524 Member
    Day 9 (Thur 6/2)

    1) treadmil. 4 minutes walking @ 3.5 speed, 1 minute running @ 6.0 speed consecutively @ a 4.0 incline
    2) 1 hour
    3) 541 calorie burned
    4) i dreaded the entire 60 minutes of it. i feel okay now that it's over, glad its over with lol. still exhausted...gonna do some cleaning around the house. it sure needs it
  • tanyaMax
    tanyaMax Posts: 524 Member
    Day 9 (thurs 6/2)

    1) 30 day jump start dvd (biggest loser)
    2) 55 minutes
    3) 460 calories burned
    4) well that was alot better thatn my treadmil sesh earlier. i feel good. time for LUNCH :0)
  • tanyaMax
    tanyaMax Posts: 524 Member
    Day 9 (thurs 6/2)

    1) dog walk
    2) 44 minutes
    3) 224 calories burned
    4) it was okay, my head isnt in the game today, but my body is still moving....