most insensitive gift ever...



  • mzbrandyluv
    mzbrandyluv Posts: 103
    Ex boyfriend gave me a "Eat this not that" book for my last birthday...(which tells you to eat ribs at applebee's instead of Chellos or whatever...yeah, I don't go to resturantes and he's well aware of this) Oh, and it came with a LOVELY army knife thing....(I'm starting to wonder if he was trying to get me to off myself??) Hmmmm.

  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I got chocolate from my ex's mother (before he was the ex) that I swear was something she'd bought the year before on clearance. It was from a great local chocolate shop, but it was terrible! I thought about returning it to the store, but knowing her, what she thought of me, and her frugality, I was terrified that they'd say that was last year's packaging.
  • taldie01
    taldie01 Posts: 378
    One of my ex's mom gave me lingerie for xmas... awkward
  • LovelySnugs
    LovelySnugs Posts: 389
    i am allergic to most body lotions - the fragrances or the dyes or something. i've been like that for the better part of the last 20 years.

    two years ago, my older sister gave me one of those Bath and Body works gift packs for christmas - the one with the sparkly scented lotion and stuff, you know what i mean.

    it really irritated me, too, because at thanksgiving that year, she and i had had a conversation in which i mentioned my allergy AND pointed out that i think B&B products are only the kind of gift you give to someone you HAVE to buy for, but don't know very well.
  • _SusieQ_
    _SusieQ_ Posts: 2,964 Member
    Oh and every year it seems my MIL is determined to buy me clothes. She always asks what size, I tell her, then she proceeds to buy at LEAST one or two sizes bigger "just in case". In case of WHAT???
  • misschoy
    misschoy Posts: 125 Member
    so i'm on the way to the gym getting more and more mad that i'm not getting an answer to my text from the ex about something important.

    and SOOO since i was getting more and more mad a thought popped into my head and it made me laugh. the most insensitive, idiotic, dumbass gift he ever gave me was:

    (drumroll please)

    a janitor bucket and mop.

    you know, those yellow buckets where you put the mop in and then squeeze the water out...ooh and it had wheels too.

    *face palm* 10 years wasted with this dingbat...

    now your turn...

    Why the hell would he give you that?!
  • chevy88grl
    chevy88grl Posts: 3,937 Member
    The year I was pregnant with my older daughter (I would have been very big pregnant at Christmas as she was born in February) I had asked for a leather coat. I had been asking for a leather coat for 3 years and never gotten one. Well. I got it that year. In a size medium.

    The person who gave it to me said "I know it won't fit you because you went and got pregnant, but you've always wanted it so.. so I bought it".

    Um. A medium wouldn't have fit me even if I wasn't pregnant! My boobs were HUGE (even when I wasn't pregnant!). *rolls eyes*

    When I went to take it back, I was told it was a clearance item and couldn't be returned -- only exchanged. They didn't have one in my size. I ended up giving it to a friend for their daughter.
  • Yemaya1129
    Yemaya1129 Posts: 75
    My MIL gave me a magazine for Christmas one year. A magazine. Not a subscription, just a magazine. Another year, she gave me 3 forks.

    My MIL does her Christmas shopping in the trial size aisle of CVS. Shaving creams, razors, shower gels, name it. Breath mints too. A big old bag of it. Ironically, she's got the worst b.o. of anyone I've ever met and her breath could take paint off the wall. She also buys clothes that are several sizes too big for me because she's convinced that we wear the same size. When I tried to gently point out that I don't wear a 3X (biggest I've ever been is an 18W, which is big, but is still not a 3X), she responded by continuing to give me the same size, but to cut the size tag out. (Yes, the fabric one that's attached to the garment.) So now she's wasting her money on ugly clothes that are waaaay too big for me, but can't be returned because she's cut off all the tags.
  • bjmk19047
    bjmk19047 Posts: 123
    One time the Ex came to me and said, "You like Robert Duvall, right?" And I said, "Ummm...I never really thought about it."

    So a few weeks later on our 10th Anniversary, he gave me a box all wrapped up and it was..."Lonesome Dove" on DVD.

    When in the history of humankind did I EVER say anything about a burning desire to own "Lonesome Dove"??? It's like he went into the video store and bought the first thing he saw on the first rack he came to!!!

    I mean, this man had known me for 12 years...and he still couldn't put enough effort or thought into an appropriate Anniversary gift!
  • katt742
    katt742 Posts: 196 Member
    MIL gave me a cross pendant.... I'm Jewish.
    HA!! That is too funny!
  • amymrls
    amymrls Posts: 1,673 Member
    My ex husband once bought me a fish for valentines day. For HIS fishtank. I was thrilled.
  • kateanne27
    kateanne27 Posts: 275 Member
    three books were left unwrapped and with no card on the gift table at my wedding, one was an old guide book for wives on keeping their husbands happy, another was a about the importance of love and respect, and the third about surviving divorce. I'm guessing they were from one of the people in my husbands family who when informed about our getting married, told him it was a mistake and all marriages end in misery and divorce.
  • FatUncleRob
    FatUncleRob Posts: 341
    I almost got killed one year for buying my wife a blender for her birthday.

    What saved me was the next box she opened that contained big margarita glasses and ingredients for various cocktails! :smile:

    Had me worried for a minute or two.... thought she was going to storm out before opening the second part of the gift.
  • RoadDog
    RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member
    I NEVER EVER buy something for the household as a personal gift for my wife. Those items should be part of the household budget. I also NEVER EVER buy clothes, unless emails me the store, the size, the item number and a picture.

    Luckily, Jan likes things that refract light, so I can never go wrong. On top of that, lately, she has taken to telling Holland EXACTLY what she wants and Holland relays the info to me or takes me by the hand and leads me directly to whatever Jan has requested.

    As for what I get -- I ask for the same thing every time. Knob Creek and/or La Gloria Cubana Cigars. I rarely get them. Everyone says that they don't like getting me the same thing every time. So I usually get something for the BBQ (That I don't need) or something for the kitchen (which I don't need) Then I hide them in the back of the pantry somewhere to regift in a couple of years and run to the liquor store to pick up some Knob Creek. That way I have something to sip on while I am on line ordering my cigars.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    my dad gave me the free shampoo and conditioner he got from a hotel room. Boxed up and wrapped as if it was a gift. :huh:

    Also, he buys crazy crap at garage sales all the time, hoping to sell it on Ebay, and when it doesn't sell, he gives it to me. :huh:
  • jmruef
    jmruef Posts: 824 Member
    My MIL gave me a magazine for Christmas one year. A magazine. Not a subscription, just a magazine. Another year, she gave me 3 forks.

    My MIL does her Christmas shopping in the trial size aisle of CVS. Shaving creams, razors, shower gels, name it. Breath mints too. A big old bag of it. Ironically, she's got the worst b.o. of anyone I've ever met and her breath could take paint off the wall. She also buys clothes that are several sizes too big for me because she's convinced that we wear the same size. When I tried to gently point out that I don't wear a 3X (biggest I've ever been is an 18W, which is big, but is still not a 3X), she responded by continuing to give me the same size, but to cut the size tag out. (Yes, the fabric one that's attached to the garment.) So now she's wasting her money on ugly clothes that are waaaay too big for me, but can't be returned because she's cut off all the tags.

    My MIL thinks that she and I are the same size too. I have about 4 inches on her in height, she has skinny little legs and is roughly apple-shaped. I'm pear-shaped. She keeps trying to give me hand-me-downs.
  • LovelySnugs
    LovelySnugs Posts: 389
    oh, i just thought of another one that's not really insensitive so much as creepy and awkward - one year my MIL's man-toy came over on my birthday with a gift. . .a super-comfy plush bathrobe, the kind that comes in a gift box with slippers and stuff. i put it on immediately (i was marching around the cold house in jammy pants and a tank top on that particular evening) and went to show my MIL.

    she immediately told me that it was the exact gift set he'd given HER for her birthday that year - she got the pink one and i got the white one. and now every winter i get the mental image of him taking the robe off her before i put that plush wonder back in the box and decide i don't wanna wear it this year after all. . .
  • _SusieQ_
    _SusieQ_ Posts: 2,964 Member
    This is fun Crazymama!

    Before we got married, my husband gave me a cook book produced by the Shriners. There was a sticky note inside (which I still have and love to torture him with) that says "This book has a lot of my Grandma's recipes in it, I thought you might want to learn how to cook like her". Uh huh.....I'll give him a small pass since he was about 19 or 20 at the time.
  • _SusieQ_
    _SusieQ_ Posts: 2,964 Member
    oh, i just thought of another one that's not really insensitive so much as creepy and awkward - one year my MIL's man-toy came over on my birthday with a gift. . .a super-comfy plush bathrobe, the kind that comes in a gift box with slippers and stuff. i put it on immediately (i was marching around the cold house in jammy pants and a tank top on that particular evening) and went to show my MIL.

    she immediately told me that it was the exact gift set he'd given HER for her birthday that year - she got the pink one and i got the white one. and now every winter i get the mental image of him taking the robe off her before i put that plush wonder back in the box and decide i don't wanna wear it this year after all. . .

    Yea, that's just ewwwwwwwwwww.... :noway:
  • poesch77
    poesch77 Posts: 1,005 Member
    I get great "regifted" presents from my MIL..... satin green sheets......package of embroidered hankershiefs (sp?)....sewing kit (I don't sew) boot warmer...REALLY? ......tons of floral Muumuus like she wears......

    And once for my xmas...we did an exchange at my old place of employment and a gal got me a red lacy nighty size 3xl.....okay.....I know you think you are trying to help my sexlife and spice it up but for one I don't or never have worn a 3xl and if I did I would NEVER wear a nighty that revealing...this is something you buy yourself or your significant other buys!! Goodwilled it!!
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