most insensitive gift ever...



  • casey12105
    casey12105 Posts: 293
    My sister in law mailed a framed pregnant picture of herself (she did a maternity shoot) to us as a christmas gift, about a month after I miscarried.
  • brewingaz
    brewingaz Posts: 1,136 Member
    Every year for the past 6 years my mother in law buys me a stick of deoderant and body wash. My wife swears to me I don't stink, but I really start to wonder... lol
  • janiscurry
    janiscurry Posts: 109
    This is the best thread ever......I received an ironing board from my DH one year. On one of our first married Valentine's Day, we were at the store and walked down the card aisle. He picked up a card and gave it to me....after I read it, he put it up. That had been my card. To this day, I don't buy him cards for anything!
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    Oh god, they just keep coming back to me. :sad:

    The first and only gaming gift my mother bought me was one of those Wii accessory packs (tennis racket, golf club, etc) and I don't even have a Wii.

    She gave me beany babies for years (long after the fad was gone) until my wife reminded her that I am (then 25).

    She's given me size medium clothes multiple times, which I probably haven't worn since 5th grade.

    She played the piano our wedding and bought a song for us because the "words were perfect". The problem was it's one we've never heard of before (and we both know a lot of music) and the prelude was only going to be instrumental, which is where this would have gone. We continually brushed it off and said to move on to the next song. It didn't get played.
  • dab52776
    dab52776 Posts: 536 Member
    OMG I can't believe I forgot the worst one.

    When I was a teenager, my bf at the time gave me lingerie.

    That he found on the side of the road.


  • anikkim0915
    anikkim0915 Posts: 100 Member
    My ex boyfriends mom gave me a bottle of Suave shampoo for split ends.... and looked at me and said "that is the kind you use right?" Umm... trying to tell me something...

    I had an Ex give me hair barrettes because he thought my hair cut (that I hated) looked like a boys and the barrettes made it look more girly... (they were the little plastic kinds that have little bunnies and cute animals on it)
  • size08
    size08 Posts: 101 Member
    receiving junk "sweets" (candys) mean and cheap--full of latose glucose and refine sugars etc....for being voted the No: 1 worker for the month, I receive this sort of junk food as a prize. Do these people not know giving food away as a gift to a food-a-holic is a No-No!! espeically mean & cheep stuff. I mean it's like buying an alcoholic a bottle of wine, isn't it? not to mention I think someone wanted to get rid of these mean & cheep sweets in a hurry and thought---"She'll do!":huh: :grumble:
  • mielikkibz
    mielikkibz Posts: 552 Member
    Just be glad you weren't on the receiving end of THIS gift LOL

    Years ago, my mom bought her best friend a gag gift for her birthday: A blow up doll.

    Her best friend's now ex hubby made her give it back, offended that she'd even think of keeping it(hey, it was a GAG gift!)

    It stayed in mom's closet for years until they got orders to move back to the US. . so it went out in the yard sale

    And someone bought it.
  • dab52776
    dab52776 Posts: 536 Member
    My sister in law mailed a framed pregnant picture of herself (she did a maternity shoot) to us as a christmas gift, about a month after I miscarried.

    Most of these are hysterical.....this one takes the cake for insensitivity though. So sorry!!!!
  • writtenINthestars
    writtenINthestars Posts: 1,933 Member
    Just be glad you weren't on the receiving end of THIS gift LOL

    Years ago, my mom bought her best friend a gag gift for her birthday: A blow up doll.

    Her best friend's now ex hubby made her give it back, offended that she'd even think of keeping it(hey, it was a GAG gift!)

    It stayed in mom's closet for years until they got orders to move back to the US. . so it went out in the yard sale

    And someone bought it.

  • JackieJ13
    JackieJ13 Posts: 93
    My sister in law mailed a framed pregnant picture of herself (she did a maternity shoot) to us as a christmas gift, about a month after I miscarried.

    Most of these are hysterical.....this one takes the cake for insensitivity though. So sorry!!!!
    agreed...that's just awful!
  • DonnaLFitz
    DonnaLFitz Posts: 270 Member
    My significant other (of eight years) brought me a dryer for our first date...

    Some women get flowers... I got a dryer.

    Of course, I needed the dryer.

    That has set the tone for our entire relationship -- I break it, he fixes it.

    Love a man in tool belt!!!
  • bmw4deb
    bmw4deb Posts: 1,325 Member
    Ok this is a painful memory, on my 21st b-day my then
    husband said i was gonna get a special delivery.
    all day every time a car drove down our cul-de-sac
    I would look out the window, after hours of this he laughed
    and said i never even ordered anything and you keep looking :cry:
  • curvygirl512
    curvygirl512 Posts: 423 Member
  • iheartralphie
    iheartralphie Posts: 104 Member
    Ahhhh, I just love to tell this story.

    My husband and I have been married almost 18 years. but back in '99 we were separated for about 10 months. We moved back in together early 2000. Along comes Valentine's Day, so I decide to bake cupcakes and cookies for him. I spent all evening making them, packaged them up all pretty with a nice card. Now, my husband is a bowler, has been bowling on leagues for years. This was bowling night. No big deal, I'll see him when he gets home....which happened to end up being around 3 am, rip roaring drunk. The next day, nothing. No card, no gift, mumbled apologies. So that night he comes home with a card and a big chocolate heart full of candy. I look at him and say, really, you think HALF PRICE candy is going to do it? So I let it sit there a day or two while I'm stewing. Finally I decide to let it go, I go to get a piece of candy and it's gone. I ask, where is the candy heart. He looks at me with fear in his eye and says, I didn't think you wanted it, so I ate it.

    Drunk husband, half price candy, that HE ATE.

    OMG I am laughing so hard I'm crying!!!
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    Ok this is a painful memory, on my 21st b-day my then
    husband said i was gonna get a special delivery.
    all day every time a car drove down our cul-de-sac
    I would look out the window, after hours of this he laughed
    and said i never even ordered anything and you keep looking :cry:

    I hope you beat him to a bloody pulp.
  • deema79
    deema79 Posts: 108
    You all beat me, but here are two of mine/husband.

    My MIL gave my husband and I dollar store champagne glasses and a 20 pound glass 10x13 picture frame as a wedding gift. The picture frame was sooo old the picture inside of it was taken in the early 80's.

    For Christmas my MIL regifted a book to my husband. We know it was regifted because it had a message to her from another family member!
  • jmruef
    jmruef Posts: 824 Member
    My sister in law mailed a framed pregnant picture of herself (she did a maternity shoot) to us as a christmas gift, about a month after I miscarried.

    Wow. *hug*
  • LemonCitron
    LemonCitron Posts: 116 Member
    Ok this is a painful memory, on my 21st b-day my then
    husband said i was gonna get a special delivery.
    all day every time a car drove down our cul-de-sac
    I would look out the window, after hours of this he laughed
    and said i never even ordered anything and you keep looking :cry:

    This hurts my heart. What a jerk! :(
  • craftylatvian
    craftylatvian Posts: 599 Member
    My ex-husband's (when we were married) ex-wife bought me an angel figurine that had a hinge at the bottom and doubled as a box. I gave it back to her next Christmas and she in turn gave it back to me, and this exchange went on for a few years and it was a running joke between us.