most insensitive gift ever...



  • elliecolorado
    elliecolorado Posts: 1,040
    My ex gave me a used sweater that was about 2 sizes too small. He found it in a box of stuff that his step mom was getting rid of, wrapped it up and called it a Christmas present :/ Anyway glad that he is an ex!
  • LovelySnugs
    LovelySnugs Posts: 389
    MIL gave me a cross pendant.... I'm Jewish.
    HA!! That is too funny!

    OMG! Really?? Really.
    Unfortunately, really.

    As revenge, I enjoy reminding her over and over that "The Last Supper" was Passover Seder. It drives her bezerk!

    lol i LOVE it that people don't realize this. i once had a whole conversation with someone about why Christian and Jewish holidays line up so well. even fellow Christians are totally ignorant of the history of our faith.
  • Starkle09
    Starkle09 Posts: 238 Member
    My MIL gave me a magazine for Christmas one year. A magazine. Not a subscription, just a magazine. Another year, she gave me 3 forks.

    OMG!! Thats awesome! That made me literally LOL :)
  • PrincessBTits
    PrincessBTits Posts: 198
    I had just given birth to our daughter and for christmas my husband got me a crappy spice rack.

    I gave him a big screen tv.

    He felt bad and went out and got me something I had been looking for, for years. But yeah, a crappy little spice rack. No spices.
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    For Christmas 6 or 7 yrs my husand gave me a shower head....yep a shower head! I tried to pretend to not be disappointed but I couldn't hold it in and finally said WTF?! His response was "Well we need one, it's not a cheap one and it has different settings" I got over it but every year shortly before Christmas I remind him that I don't want shower head!!
  • PrincessBTits
    PrincessBTits Posts: 198
    My MIL gave me a magazine for Christmas one year. A magazine. Not a subscription, just a magazine. Another year, she gave me 3 forks.

    My MIL went to the dollar store and got me a mini disco ball.

  • PrincessBTits
    PrincessBTits Posts: 198
    OMG I can't believe I forgot the worst one.

    When I was a teenager, my bf at the time gave me lingerie.

    That he found on the side of the road.

  • JoyousRen
    JoyousRen Posts: 3,823 Member
    See my ex~husband never bought me anything for a birthday/valentines/anniversary. One year, I came home on my birthday after a long *kitten* day, to find him on the couch in PJ's. He had gotten off work early. When I asked him if he could make dinner, he told me he was tired.
    He did ok for Christmas as far as presents went. He got me a really pretty bracelet. The problem is that my favorite thing about presents is unwrapping them (One year I had a boyfriend that wrapped everything in our apartment just because I love unwrapping things more than the gifts), but instead of actually wrapping the bracelet, my ex ~ husband just shoved it into my jean pocket. :grumble:
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    My mother gives some of the worst gifts. She sells avon, tupperware, etc along with loving to stop at garage sales, resale shops etc. One time a year or two ago (I'm 27 now) a boxer / pajama set that were light blue with penguins. You can guess how much I appreciated those. Even better, when my wife and I went to visit, she had the exact same pair hanging on her door!

    My wife is blind, but my mother has given her a deck of cards (with no braille). We opened them months later and they had already had been used! This was a part of her bridal party gift, which included many duplicate inferior kitchen pieces that we had registered for. She also included cooking magazines that were a good 5-10 years old.

    I'm sure there's plenty more that I've purposefully forgotten.
  • LemonCitron
    LemonCitron Posts: 116 Member
    For my very first Christmas present from my very first boyfriend I received one of those Swarovski crystal ornaments. It was a crystal shell with a crystal pearl inside.

    I was 16. Um yeah. 16 year old girls just LOVE old lady knick-knacks.

    He also bought it on the evening of Dec 24th. So I'm sure a lot of thought went into that...

    Also, same boyfriend, on Valentines day proceeded to accept his gift from me and then we went shopping. Where he proceeded to buy himself a bunch of other stuff too. Bought NOTHING for me.
  • Mios3
    Mios3 Posts: 530 Member
    Ahhhh, I just love to tell this story.

    My husband and I have been married almost 18 years. but back in '99 we were separated for about 10 months. We moved back in together early 2000. Along comes Valentine's Day, so I decide to bake cupcakes and cookies for him. I spent all evening making them, packaged them up all pretty with a nice card. Now, my husband is a bowler, has been bowling on leagues for years. This was bowling night. No big deal, I'll see him when he gets home....which happened to end up being around 3 am, rip roaring drunk. The next day, nothing. No card, no gift, mumbled apologies. So that night he comes home with a card and a big chocolate heart full of candy. I look at him and say, really, you think HALF PRICE candy is going to do it? So I let it sit there a day or two while I'm stewing. Finally I decide to let it go, I go to get a piece of candy and it's gone. I ask, where is the candy heart. He looks at me with fear in his eye and says, I didn't think you wanted it, so I ate it.

    Drunk husband, half price candy, that HE ATE.

  • pebs120
    pebs120 Posts: 6
    please keep me posted
  • pelone5k
    pelone5k Posts: 18
    I think this is the funniest thing I ever read in my life. No disrespect to you and your three forks, but no one could have made this up. How do you give someone three forks. I don't even get it. Was the dishwasher too full and she said "I know what to do with these three forks that wont fit". I am still laughing
  • Triquetra
    Triquetra Posts: 270 Member
    I should have run then....when I was dating my ex my first Christmas he bought me a set of pots from a grocery chain, and then for Valentines day I got one of those foot spas...needless to say after that I bought my own presents and wrapped them for myself :laugh: and put from the kids, the dog, the other pets that way I got what I wanted!
  • shallo
    shallo Posts: 353 Member
    See my ex~husband never bought me anything for a birthday/valentines/anniversary. One year, I came home on my birthday after a long *kitten* day, to find him on the couch in PJ's. He had gotten off work early. When I asked him if he could make dinner, he told me he was tired.
    He did ok for Christmas as far as presents went. He got me a really pretty bracelet. The problem is that my favorite thing about presents is unwrapping them (One year I had a boyfriend that wrapped everything in our apartment just because I love unwrapping things more than the gifts), but instead of actually wrapping the bracelet, my ex ~ husband just shoved it into my jean pocket. :grumble:

    Same here, although I didn't get things for Christmas either.
  • RunRideRay
    RunRideRay Posts: 1,536 Member
    Note to self….. women don’t forget a bad gift….ever… haha.

    Great thread topic!!! Not much to contribute, how do you top some of these?!? Therapy?
  • rubylou15
    rubylou15 Posts: 11
  • breezymom81
    breezymom81 Posts: 499 Member
    OMG I am still laughing! My hubby is always worried about getting me good gifts as I am picky! I love kitchen things and vacuums etc., weird I know but hey. Anyways, we go together or I text him a picture of exactly what i want, same for him....I would rather he be happy then to not get what he wants
  • canela023
    canela023 Posts: 88 Member
    Ok tried to delete this post - got the topic all wrong SORRY!!! DUH:embarassed:

    So one winter I was leaving for work in the morning, and I totally wiped out down the snow covered stairs. Ripped my leather jacket pretty much into pieces. By the end of the day, from my shoulder down to my *kitten*, was either cut or already purple from bruising. I shouldn't it to him and his reply was "Good thing your not a Super Model". Really, what an *kitten*. Thanks for caring.

    Needless to say, he is now my ex-husband :bigsmile:
  • writtenINthestars
    writtenINthestars Posts: 1,933 Member
    My MIL gave me a magazine for Christmas one year. A magazine. Not a subscription, just a magazine. Another year, she gave me 3 forks.

    Oh my god that made me laugh out loud. Good grief.

    I can't recall the most insensitive gift ever....(though I'm sure upon more thought I'll remember one)...

    But I remember getting a bathroom a soap dish and toothbrush holder....I 8?! lol

    Still in my closet at my parents house.