most insensitive gift ever...



  • manymuses
    manymuses Posts: 162 Member
    My brother gave me a poster (which I didn’t want) in the box from a skateboard (which I really did want – he took the box from a neighbor boy, knowing I wanted it). That was pretty insensitive, but yea, I think I he was 12, so I forgive him!! LOL!

    My husband gives fantastic gifts, has great taste and NEVER forgets a Holiday, especially Valentines Day… yup, you guessed it, he didn’t get me ANYTHING our first Valentines Day, he had that “it’s a stupid made up Holiday that doesn’t mean anything” attitude. I thought I handled it pretty well, but I tell you to this day (25 years later) he makes a point of sitting down ANY young man in a relationship and explaining the importance of Valentines Day, including long (and in my opinion exaggerated) examples of the consequences!!! :blushing:

    Please have him email my husband. Stat.
  • My 20th birthday my now ex gave me a porno and lingerie...who's birthday did he think it was??? I was so mad at his selfish idea of a gift that I went straight to the dumpster of our appt complex and threw it away.
  • a_dawn
    a_dawn Posts: 47

    i guess it beats my very FIRST mother's day when HE slept in until 1pm, didn't buy me a card, no gift, no breakfast, no nothing. He needs help. How is he alive?
    [/quote] (Ok, that was a quote from someone, but for some reason its not showing that)

    Anyway, my husband and I have been married for almost 11 yrs and have 4 kids together. The first few mother's day, when I'd get upset cuz he didn't get me a gift OR card, his response, "You're not MY mother". Seriously!?!
  • xxx29
    xxx29 Posts: 60 Member
    When I was a young teen, having Christmas with all of my family... I have three very competitive brothers and being cool was Very important.

    So anyway I get this big present to open in front of everyone and apparently the gift tags got switched around because when I opened it and pulled it out of the box in front of everyone, it was a lacy, frilly pink nightgown - intended for my grandma.

    A Christmas Story, all over again!
  • essbe
    essbe Posts: 65 Member
    My MIL gave me a toothbrush for christmas three years in a row.
  • mykismitty
    mykismitty Posts: 23 Member
    I have been on my weight loss journey since March 2010 and this last Valentines day I was nearing my 50 lb goal. My loving husband bought me a huge box of my favorite chocolates. To top it of he left it on the counter in the kitchen so I would find it as soon as I went to get a drink when I finished my workout! Oh well it's the thought that counts!
  • kelika71
    kelika71 Posts: 778 Member
    I am a girly-girl...I don't get into cars, tools or any of that. I, especially, detest tools. If I need to put a nail in the wall, I can turn a shoe over and bang it into the wall. I know a screwdriver and the other, I call a "criss-cross" screwdriver. Don't know what it's called...don't care to know, either. Hubby gets mad at me for it but funny thing is, EVERYONE knows the tool I mean when I say it!

    For 2009 Christmas, it was already a crappy holiday because I'd lost my mother that Spring but I assumed (never do that with a man) he could've tried to make an effort to try to make it a better holiday than it was going to be. I got: a tool kit, some headlight thingy that you can wear on your head to free up your hands, an industrial looking space heater... other oddball crap.

    My youngest brother was living here and we both just looked at each other. He later told me he didn't know whether to laugh or feel sorry for me. I told him I didn't either!
  • heather0416
    heather0416 Posts: 118 Member
    These are too funny!
  • unsuspectingfish
    unsuspectingfish Posts: 1,176 Member
    I haven't even gotten birthday cards from my brothers or parents for the past five years, and I only tend to get a phone call from one of my brothers (though I do often get texts from the other two). Yet I get them each a card every year AND text them AND post on Facebook AND I do my best to call. :/
  • musica814
    musica814 Posts: 301 Member
    One of my worst birthdays was last August. My husband and I had been married for two months, so I figured it would be a bit special (for his birthday a month before we were married, I threw him a surprise party at bdubs (his fave) invited all his friends, and he got stone cold drunk. I didn't mind since it was his 22nd and he didn't drink for his 21st.) Anyway, my bday rolled around and he wasn't able to get the day off from work. He hadn't requested the time off soon enough so it didn't get approved. I was pretty disappointed, but I told him it was ok as long as we could do something special together after work. I emphasized several times that I just wanted to spend time with him and I would be happy. I don't really have any friends where we're currently living, he's the social one. I had asked for an ice cream cake though. So he gets home from work that night, and I can hear him signing a card on the kitchen downstairs. He brings it upstairs to me, along with a box of chocolates from walmart. He apologized cause he didn't have a lot of money to spend on anything else...that was ok, until I went downstairs and looked in the freezer and saw the HUGE ice cream sheet cake that he'd spent $25 on. When I asked him why it was so big, he said so that we could have enough for all of our friends!! I was like "uhhh they're not my friends!! I only wanted to spend tonight with you!" He was really dumbfounded that I was so upset, and said that we didn't have to invite them over if I didn't want to. I spent the next hour or so crying my eyes out because I couldn't understand how he could be SO clueless!
  • xxx29
    xxx29 Posts: 60 Member

    Ok, BEST gift I ever gave was for Christmas, 1990. I had been searching for it for six months, and finally found it in the trash of a flea market...and had to beg the proprietor to take 5 cents for it.

    I sent it to my sister in an envelope, unwrapped, with no note. It arrived broken. When she got it, she called me up, and we've been best friends every since. We hadn't spoken for 10 years.

    What was the gift?!

    Well, there's a long story that goes with it..Here's a picture of one very much like it. (Too bad eBay wasn't around wouldn't have taken me 6 months to find one!)

    As to why it was the BEST gift ever, my sister and I grew up on the site of a Cheyenne village. We were always finding arrowheads and other artifacts.

    We found a little doll, about an inch tall, made out of a solid, non-glossy white hard stuff. We fought over it. And we lost it. Weeks or months later, we would find it again, in a completely different part of the farm. We would fight over it, and eventually lose it again. This happened many times as we were growing up. Eventually, it was lost, and I forgot about it.

    For me, it was just a kinda neat little thing that I didn't want my sister to think SHE owned, just 'cause she was the biggest! But I found out after that Christmas that she thought it was carved out of bone, and because it kept turning up in different places, she thought it was magic.

    We had a falling out in our early twenties, and didn't speak for 10 years or more. But one year, someone dear to me gave me a little porcelain figure that reminded me of that doll, and I got it in my head that I wanted to find one, and that I wanted to give it to my sister.

    I guess, to me, that symbolized giving up all the jealousy I had felt to her, letting her be who she was, and letting me be who I am. Who knows what it meant to her!

    She was right, after all--in the end, it did turn out to be magic.
  • rfcollins33
    rfcollins33 Posts: 630
    I'm surprised I haven't seen more like mine, right before I started losing weight (about 3 months before), my husband gave me a workout video game for my birthday. Not even wrapped, just handed it to me like, "Here ya go honey!"
    And, he's not even an *kitten*, don't know what he was thinking. When I tell his friends, they ask him how he could be so stupid. He doesn't have an answer. lol
  • *snicker* douche're funny.

    For our 10 year anniversary, TEN YEARS, I got....nothing. We had just bought our first home, and we in the process of moving. I just happened to mention I would love a charm bracelet for my anniversary. He looks at me and says, I bought you a house, that's your gift. Um, ok, pretty sure WE bought the house and it was our 10 year! I don't mean to sound materialistic I swear, but really??? "I bought you a house"?!?!?

    Never fear - you're not alone. My darling used that one too. He bought me a car a few months ago and said that was my mother's day, anniversary, and possibly birthday present. He would have to see about Christmas. He was serious. Today is our anniversary. I'm going home to a drunk guy and a card. Woot!
  • Sh1tsRainbows
    Sh1tsRainbows Posts: 1,227 Member
    When I was 22 my boyfriend's mom gave me $20 for my birthday. Doesn't sound bad right? It included a note saying that the money was to be spent on condoms so I wouldn't "complicate his life anymore than you already have."

    OMG!!!!!!!! I hope you dumped his a**!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • heather0416
    heather0416 Posts: 118 Member
    One Valentines day, my boyfriend ( now EX husband ) set me up a plate of food for Valentines dinner. As I sat down to eat with him, I realized his mom made it. ( we were living with her at the time ) so while we are eating the Valentines dinner his mom made... he pulls out a ring.. while still sitting across the table from me, and asks me to marry him... doesn't even get up out of his chair. Then I find out weeks later that his mom bought my ring! When we got married years later, she didn't even come to our wedding. Nice.
  • Mkmassey3
    Mkmassey3 Posts: 214 Member
    I am only half way through this thread and I am not getting anything accomplished, so I have to bump this for later. Way too funny not to finish. Off to get a few things done before the kids get home from school. Thanks for the laughs!:laugh:
  • ChristinaMarie85
    ChristinaMarie85 Posts: 142 Member
    After going through several years of infertility, etc., I was finally looking forward to my first Mother's day as a mom. Well, the day came, and there was nothing from my "Happy Mother's Day," no card, etc. When I asked about it, he said, "You're not my mom." Fortunately, he eventuallylearned that it's appropriate to be grateful to the woman who is the mother of your children on Mother's Day!! (Whew!!)

    OMG my husband did/said the same thing to me EVERY year for 6 years! My daughter is 7 now and I got my first MD gift from him this year w/o having to have this argument AGAIN. LOL
  • sanddollar
    sanddollar Posts: 192 Member
    After going through several years of infertility, etc., I was finally looking forward to my first Mother's day as a mom. Well, the day came, and there was nothing from my "Happy Mother's Day," no card, etc. When I asked about it, he said, "You're not my mom." Fortunately, he eventuallylearned that it's appropriate to be grateful to the woman who is the mother of your children on Mother's Day!! (Whew!!)

    OMG my husband did/said the same thing to me EVERY year for 6 years! My daughter is 7 now and I got my first MD gift from him this year w/o having to have this argument AGAIN. LOL

    Yep! Just remind him ahead of time next year so he doesn't have a relapse.
  • sisterlilbunny
    sisterlilbunny Posts: 686 Member
    Bumping so I don't lose this thread again!
  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    I had been with my bf for three years and he kept saying he got me this diamond pendant that I had been dreaming about that year! During Christmas time, when we'd be at the mall, he'd say, "Oooh there's your pendant!" when we'd pass jewelry stores.

    Christmas came....and.....he gave me his gift!

    I freakin VACUUM!


    I pouted and he said, "Oh, probably should have really bought the pendant, huh?" Uh.....WTF?!?!

    I wouldn't have minded the vacuum (as I loooove new house stuff) if he hadn't built up the pendant for months.

    We ended our relationship a couple months later (not because of this but other issues) and the vacuum broke 4 months later. LOL.

    The next Christmas, my GRAMMA bought me the pendant :love: Which makes it very special to me now.